On May 28 2011 02:47 sleigh bells wrote:
If some post this factually wrong was posted against any tournament but GSL, mods would've removed it by now. BS.
If the GSL doesn't want to highlight mediocre Koreans, why should they help out mediocre foreigners? When the NASL tried to go out of its way to exclude Koreans but xeris got caught? When the NASL was about how MUCH artificial limitation of koreans there should be? GSL hopefully will accommodate tip top dedicated foreigners like naniwa, maybe even some favoritism, but in now way should they accommodate the mediocre players that have said they don't want to go to Korea, like Tyler. Good news is that people like kas and thorzain have seemed to get a good amount of Korean fans from the TSL.
Fucking XERIS of all people...
If some post this factually wrong was posted against any tournament but GSL, mods would've removed it by now. BS.
If the GSL doesn't want to highlight mediocre Koreans, why should they help out mediocre foreigners? When the NASL tried to go out of its way to exclude Koreans but xeris got caught? When the NASL was about how MUCH artificial limitation of koreans there should be? GSL hopefully will accommodate tip top dedicated foreigners like naniwa, maybe even some favoritism, but in now way should they accommodate the mediocre players that have said they don't want to go to Korea, like Tyler. Good news is that people like kas and thorzain have seemed to get a good amount of Korean fans from the TSL.
Fucking XERIS of all people...
He'll do anything to make his team appear to be the premiere team of the world. It's rather disgusting. The ironic part is that I like Sen and to a lesser extent TT1 quite a bit, but thanks to Xeris' actions I've just dismissed that team and organization as a whole. It's a caustic cancer on this community.