Started Visual Overhaul Phase 1: completed - rewrite all the css with sass, basic simplification of classes and scripts. Phase 2: started - reposition elements, redefine the color pallet, total simplification of classes and scripts. Phase 3: outstanding - new icons, images, and banners
Fixed forms to submit all the fields.
Finished up HDWT. Don't have a winner yet, but I'll check it out tonight and add that in. Added imagery for HDWT as well.
This week is going to be super slow in terms of updates (aside from adding vods and winners to the existing tournaments) because I'm getting pretty slammed at work. Have no fear though, there's a lot going on behind the scenes.
Site updated with that.
Thanks. <3
Update Player pages now have win/loss records, also broken down by race.
Example: MVP
What changes would you like to see in these stats? Would you like to be able to filter the stats by a time frame, or tournament? Let me know.
Minor updates Fixed all the broken names for players Implemented a way to find broken player names reliably These in turn have corrected errors in the stats of a few players.
Moderate update: Groups now display the average score of all the matches in the heading. For example, in SlayerS Vs. MVP, we now see it has an average score of 3.7.
This way, you can kind of get an idea of how good the matches within the group (hidden by the spoiler tags) are. The current problem is that one or two bad games can really bring down an excellent group: Again with the SlayerS vs MVP from GSL TL3. Amazing set, totally worth watching, but averages out at 3.7. :/
Looks good, guess I need to start watching more of the Team leagues.
For the player database, are you manually keeping track of those wins & loses, or do you have something that updates for you? I would personally focus more on the tournaments, but the player stats is interesting....
This is how the player stuff works.
When I'm adding a new tournament, into one database I enter the players real names, user names, and race. If the person (real name) doesn't already exist in the database, an entry for that person is automatically created.
So now we have all the 'Users' in one table, which relates to the 'Players' in another. Then we go in and add each match, filling out info such as: Player 1, player 2, winner, etc. Those first 3 fields, look up the 'User', which is how we get their race.
When we look at a player page, for example MC, we look up the 'player' of that 'user'. Then we find all the 'users' that are related to that 'player'. [single user] => [player] => [all users]
Still with me? Now we search our table of matches for all instances of player1 or player2 having any of those user names (that wasn't cancelled). Each time they win a match, we add 1 to their match count against that race, and one to their win count. against that race. Each time their opponent won a match, we add+1 to their total match count against that race. That way we don't count matches that haven't been played yet, or a winner hasn't been reported yet.
From there it's just simple math: wins / (total games - wins)
Now that I think about it, I probably could have just said, "I have a script that does it for me". The point is, it's all done behind the scenes and calculated on the fly every time you load the page. That keeps the number of fields in the tables down, and keeps all the logic behind calculating and displaying this information in one area.

Now that I'm recording player stats, it seems to me that I should add as many tournaments as possible, even if I can't find all (or any) of the vods. I mean, if you look at TLO's record, it's really really sad: 3 and 6? He's a better player than that, he's just under represented because I mostly have Korean tournaments. Maybe with this 3 day weekend coming up, I'll be able to add in a ton of stuff.
On May 27 2011 10:30 Koibu0 wrote:Now that I think about it, I probably could have just said, "I have a script that does it for me". The point is, it's all done behind the scenes and calculated on the fly every time you load the page. That keeps the number of fields in the tables down, and keeps all the logic behind calculating and displaying this information in one area.  Now that I'm recording player stats, it seems to me that I should add as many tournaments as possible, even if I can't find all (or any) of the vods. I mean, if you look at TLO's record, it's really really sad: 3 and 6? He's a better player than that, he's just under represented because I mostly have Korean tournaments. Maybe with this 3 day weekend coming up, I'll be able to add in a ton of stuff.
Great, I like Black boxes as well. Just making sure you're cutting down on the stuff you have to add manually.
If you are keeping track of players, you might want to eventually add a search for them as well. But yes, I like the idea of adding more tournaments. :D
Hahaha, funny you should mention that. Update Added a search function for players.
You can search by real name and user name. As things progress, it will become more sophisticated, but I'd wanted to get the bare bones functionality out right now.
[edit] Put a search bar on the home page as well
This needs more exposure! It's so neat and would save so much time if only more people knew about it.
This weekend, I'm going to add in as many tournaments as I can.
Which ones should get priority!?
On May 28 2011 06:59 Koibu0 wrote: This weekend, I'm going to add in as many tournaments as I can.
Which ones should get priority!? I'd say anything upcoming under the Big Tournament Tracker
Definitely some of the IPL Qualifers, or the EG Masters.
On another note, I think you may have gotten the schedule for the Ro64 GSL Super Tournament on May 28th. Here are the matches that were correct for the day:
Added GSL Team League 1 GSL Season 5 Up and Down GSL Season 4 Code A GSL Season 4 Up and Down [GSL 2011 is now complete]
Added EG Master's Cup Series 5 (up to current week)
The format of this is very different, so it doesn't look as smooth on the page Also, there are lots of missing vods on the the EG page, so I'm missing many vods too.
Because of the odd formating, it's a pain in the ass to add more matches for this tournament, so I might not be as on top of the updates with this as I am with other tournaments.
Added Dreamhack Winter 2010 Added Dream Hack invitational 2011