MLG everything feedback - Page 13
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Sweden13 Posts
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United States139 Posts
reviewing. analyzing of key moments. talking to the players, pre-recorded or otherwise talking to some of the more well adjusted fans, perhaps insights into some of the OTHER sc2 activities going on. For example the TLO signings at the Sony Ericsson booth where he was more popular than the Halo folks (as he discusses in his TL interview with hotbid) \Do you know how epic a recap vid would have been before Huk/IdrA II? not just with the Halluc, but with some of the series they played in DC? also, I really have to support everyone who said your break planning was poor. Idra/TLO and TLO/incontrol play.. 3 of the biggest names in the esport in the county (and if it were not for one game, all three GSL Code S participants) and you cut to a 45 minute shot of the crowd and we have to get updates through twitter? Bring back Husky. he;s shown how well he can play with Wheat and Day 9 in the TSL, use him to bolster the team, and use more of a rotation system to get the casters breaks, rather than costing us, the fans, the chance to see these Titans Clash. | ||
1488 Posts
4. Replays inbetween matches. Instead of downtime fast forward through a non televised game, giving a quick recap of a game the stream missed. If anyone knows anything about proleague, in long downtimes they sometimes feel it with a "quick recap" where they quickly skip through the last game's replay and go over some things. Simply quickly load up those replays inbetween games and if there is a downtime for whatever reason, go over said replay quickly or a good game that wasnt shown. The solution I would use is have a second tier shout-cast team, maybe some lesser known casters, on a secondary stream just jumping into any game (set) that they are able to find. You can cut to these games anytime you have down-time on the main stream. 1. Put two extra computers on the main stage and have the next players prepare on them. Of course not have a total of 4 (or even 6) on the main stage is just amateurism. It seems like MLG is trying to reinvent the wheel, do it their way, and ignore what is common practice in a SC tournament. My advice here: It's better to "steal" a good concept, then to invent a bad one. To end on a positive note.. I liked the Map-Pool. | ||
Sweden1673 Posts
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Canada132 Posts
"LAWLS WE HAVE CHAIRS THIS YEAR" Is a joke. MLG stop being a joke. OH YA. "lets watch replays and commericals for 12 hrs in a row!" is not how a tournamnet is supposed to be run. | ||
Sweden150 Posts
I love SC2 E-sports and try to watch all the high level matches and tournaments. MLG is a joke compared even to small stuff like HD World Tournament. At least you can watch it. Another thing is that MLG website is impossible to navigate on. Its 2011 and I cant find brackets, games (replays/vods) or any info at all come on! Never again for me! My fate now lies with NASL. | ||
England514 Posts
Wheat/day9/JP should of been giving a huge bag of money because they had to work at least 5 times more than they should of :d Lets just hope NASL can hit the nail on the head because again the Starcraft community seems yet again very underwhelmed by MLG. | ||
Belgium14 Posts
it was painful to stay awake and have no content.. JP even had to read the teamliquid twitter to know what incontrol was doing vs TLO... this is so ridiculus just have 2-3 pcs that observe matches and change to them when there is downtime or sth.. what about 5k prize money?? it's not enough. Overall (MLG+BlizznoLan+DallasInternet) this was the biggest SC2 fail yet. | ||
China888 Posts
You show no games. Every single MLG has been this way and it's the reason why I will never buy a HQ pass. There are games going on continously throughout the entire weekend yet what we get to see is 1 series, followed by 10minutes of commercials (understandable, you need to give your sponsors some exposure of course) and then at least 30 minutes of absolutely nothing. I don't really care how you do it, get at least one more observer into a second series that you can cut to when the first one ends or get a few additional "lesser" casters and let us choose between multiple streams or have more computers set up on the mainstage so that 2 guys can warm up while the previous match is cast. Just do ANYTHING to let us do what we tune into your stream for: Watch some games. | ||
Spain17854 Posts
For a huge tournament with a lot of publicity and a worldwide reputation the prize pool is ridiculously small. Now if instead all that money saved on prizes went into the production value, I would understand, but the setup was amateuristic. Extended series with pool games counting in the knockout stage is really really stupid. Having double elimination makes for a rather boring finals (2 BoX instead of 1), but having an extended series in the final makes it even worse. If you want this to be an event spectators are excited to watch (and pay for the HQ stream), at least make sure the interesting matches are shown and the finals are exciting! | ||
Canada339 Posts
On April 05 2011 13:46 Slin wrote: I'm aware that I might be in a minority here but I thought I'd say it anyway. I really dislke DJWheat as a caster. His game knowledge is very low and he often talks about stuff not shown to the viewer as if it is being shown to the viewer. I'm not a big fan of wheat as a caster either. His voice is too weasely, his laugh unbearable and as you said his in-game knowledge not any deeper than that of a Husky or HD. Though not my fave, Husky is more engaging to listen to than wheat. I prefer wheat on shows like weapons of choice. | ||
United States2082 Posts
Trying taking someone who is skeptical of enjoying SC to this kind of debacle and they will be completely bored out of their mind. MLG Dallas was BAD for SC2, that's how awful it was. You don't try to run a show if you aren't even going to run a fucking show. Literally almost nothing happened on the main stage the second day, and on the days it was working, no smooth transitions, no explanation for technical difficulty, no semblance of an attempt to stick to the schedule, just sit around and wait all day hoping a game might pop up on the screen. Complete waste of time and money. Think of all the ads and product whoring of a NBA event and take away the actual event, just a weekend of product whoring and games on tiny screens. | ||
United States2856 Posts
1. Put two extra computers on the main stage and have the next players prepare on them. If you guys watch good tournaments like GSL they have the next set of players set up their equipment ahead of time and ready to go to keep games flowing faster. Example: Naniwa vs Kiwakaki delayed by mouse problems solution: extra set of computers on main stage and next match's player(s) can get their settings correct well ahead of time. Please, please do this. | ||
Sweden2685 Posts
Sundance DiGiovanni I'm taking suggestions from folks who were in Dallas or tried to watch online for our Cbus event. Plase email me thanks | ||
148 Posts
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Sweden2685 Posts
On April 09 2011 00:45 Brandus wrote: Where are the VODs??? Wouldn't have been hard to chop up a stream into VOD-sized chunks if they planned ahead. GOM has theirs up in hours. | ||
Sweden10 Posts
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United States1458 Posts
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2082 Posts
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England6749 Posts
get day9 to talk more in depth with the winner, we want to hear their opinions. similarly to this id love to see if you could get a few players in to guest cast 1 game each. i think everyone loved incontrol coming up to talk a bit while nothing was going on, but having a few players sit with day9 and cast a match, obviously one they are familiar with, would make a nice change. not wanting to hate on the casters you have, they are fine, but variety is nice, and it would be unreasonable to ask for you to have like 10 casters on staff now correct me if im wrong, but it seemed like sc2 blew away everything else at mlg in terms of popularity. then you still try and force the mlg talking heads, and that farouq(?) guy on us. now i have nothing against them personally, but 1, they dont fit starcraft and 2, they made no effort in the offseason to get to know about the games. these people are on full time contracts for you (correct me if im wrong with that) but they seem to be taking the offseason as a 3 month holiday. with all these claims of you doing a better job with sc2, why are so many of your staff, who will be talking about multiple games, not getting familiar with their work material, kinda childish. even if they do get some sc2 knowledge their presentation style is the american football of halo, compared to the tennis or golf that is sc2, so they either need to understand their change of audience when they are on for starcraft 2, or you need sc2 specific staff for things like the stage work and pro circuit stream | ||
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