Sorry guys, the team has been busy lately writing finals. All of the scoring problems should be fixed, if your team is not adding up properly please let us know and we will look into it.
There was some confusion about how walkover wins were going to be scored, we have sorted this out now. Walkover wins are scored as 2 map wins (6 points) and a walkover loss is 0 points.
Can I ask why the first place person's team hasn't been removed? It has a salary cap of 4150... so obviously he is winning.
+ Show Spoiler [NASL Season 1 Week 3 Leaderboard] +Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Killem 151 8 3 2 Sen Ace 2 yoshipackers 149 13 4 1 IdrA 3 sambo400isRippin 148 8 2 3 1 Ace 4 Come at me bro 146 11 3 3 1 5 Winner's Island 145 10 3 3 Sen 6 Requiem 145 6 1 4 1 IdrA 7 youtube.com/stormkiller* 145 6 3 3 1 BoxeR 8 scooby gang 144 5 4 2 Ace WhiteRa 9 The Knicks 142 8 2 3 1 Ace 10 Visors Cheesers 141 5 3 2 2 MorroW 11 ROFL 141 12 6 2 12 Clickclack 141 4 2 3 2 Ace 13 BTS 140 13 5 1 1 14 Prime Statistics. 140 9 2 3 2 15 Pizza Cats 140 6 3 3 1 Sen 16 Hypertension 139 13 4 3 17 Esu's Team 138 9 1 2 2 Sen 18 Marty's Dog's Glorious* 138 6 2 3 Sen IdrA 19 U jelly 138 7 2 2 2 Zenio 20 Wargizmo's rising stars 137 14 5 2 * truncatedPoints cost by salary levels Salary Players Total Points Minerals per points 500 1 -4 -0 400 1 10 40 350 1 12 29 300 2 26 23 250 9 89 25 200 8 65 25 150 9 38 36 100 6 37 16 50 14 81 9 8350 51 354 24 Cost is calculated as players times minerals divided by total points and is useful to compare efficiencies between different salary levels.
well i went the wrong road with recruiting big names in this. it's all about VOLUME, not quality.
On May 03 2011 09:58 Kazeyonoma wrote: well i went the wrong road with recruiting big names in this. it's all about VOLUME, not quality.
Wait until the playoffs. Each playoff win is worth 5 points (instead of 3). And there is a 12 point bonus for finishing in the top 2 in each division.
Are the playoffs BO3 or BO5? Winning a playoff match could be worth 15 points.
We're currently experiencing some server issues that are preventing the update scripts from running properly, we're working as best we can to get this rectified.
+ Show Spoiler [Week 4 Leaderboard] +NASL Season 1 Week 4 Leaderboard Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Come at me bro 187 11 3 3 1 2 yoshipackers 186 13 4 1 IdrA 3 Winner's Island 181 10 3 3 Sen 4 Killem 178 8 3 2 Sen Ace 5 sambo400isRippin 176 8 2 3 1 Ace 6 youtube.com/stormkiller* 176 6 3 3 1 BoxeR 7 MindControlled 174 6 2 2 1 Morrow Sen 8 Marty's Dog's Glorious* 173 6 2 3 Sen IdrA 9 Visors Cheesers 173 5 3 2 2 MorroW 10 Pizza Cats 173 6 3 3 1 Sen 11 Prime Statistics. 173 9 2 3 2 12 scooby gang 173 5 4 2 Ace WhiteRa 13 The Knicks 169 8 2 3 1 Ace 14 Bla 168 5 2 2 1 Morrow WhiteRa 15 ROFL 168 12 6 2 16 Lolz 167 12 4 2 1 17 Copper league allstars 167 5 3 3 1 IdrA 18 Esu's Team 166 9 1 2 2 Sen 19 Team LikeAGlove 165 7 2 3 Sen Zenio 20 Requiem 165 6 1 4 1 IdrA Points cost by salary levels Salary Players Total Points Minerals per points 500 1 2 250 400 1 16 25 350 1 12 29 300 2 37 16 250 9 119 19 200 8 77 21 150 9 45 30 100 6 38 16 50 14 102 7 overall 8350 51 448 19
Agh, Kawaiirice is killing my points.
the points are wrong for a lot of player's again...
My team is Insanitoids, which says I have 146 points but...
Idra - 23 /23 = perfect Ensnare - 9 / 11 = overstated by 2 points Brat_ok 17 / 17 = perfect Squirtle - 22 / 3 = 19 points missing select - 23 / 23 = perfect kiwikaki - 17 / 17 = perfect naniwa - 19 / 12 = 7 points missing hasuobs - 14 / 14 = perfect sheth - 21 / 21 = perfect dde - 11 / 5 = 6 points missing
ST_Squirtle should have 22 points, but only has 3 for Fantasy NASL... thats a HUGE discrepancy.
According to the NASL website, I should have 176 points. Please fix
Here're my worksheet of of the Fantasy Scores for NASL, with projected score based on my NASL Prospectus: Divisional Projections. This worksheet updates automatically on every day of Divisional play.
I also added functionality so that you can use it to find what your actual (and projected) fantasy score is. Just pick an unoccupied column and fill in (anything) in each player's row from your fantasy team.
Reminder of scoring rules:
- 3 points for map win and -1 point for map lose.
- Special w/o rule: +6 for free win (two maps) and +0 for forfeit.
+ Show Spoiler [FantasyNASL - Week 5 Scores] +Div Player Salary Actual Projected
4 MC 500 7 20 2 July 400 21 21 3 Nada 350 15 16 2 White-Ra 300 26 27 5 IdrA 300 24 50 1 Moon 250 24 24 4 Ace 250 24 41 5 Sen 250 24 26 2 SjoW 250 22 28 5 Boxer 250 22 28 4 Ret 250 20 27 5 Zenio 250 16 23 1 MorroW 250 14 26 1 Rainbow 250 0 6 1 Fenix 200 23 27 3 Squirtle 200 20 24 1 TLO 200 16 23 2 TT1 200 16 18 4 Brat_OK 200 15 19 2 Ensnare 200 9 10 5 Tyler 200 9 11 3 Moonglade 200 4 6 4 SeleCT 150 24 30 1 KiWiKaKi 150 17 28 2 iNcontroL 150 11 11 2 CrunCher 150 9 9 2 qxc 150 5 5 3 Haypro 150 4 7 4 Goody 150 3 5 5 Drewbie 150 0 5 1 Grubby 150 -1 8 5 Socke 100 23 39 3 Naniwa 100 19 49 5 Cloud 100 5 19 4 Machine 100 3 6 4 Stalife 100 3 6 5 Painuser 100 2 4 3 Strelok 50 27 45 1 Sheth 50 21 27 4 Hasuobs 50 20 27 3 Slush 50 14 15 2 DarKFoRcE 50 12 17 3 Axslav 50 11 12 3 dde 50 8 13 2 MoMaN 50 7 14 4 Catz 50 7 9 1 ViBE 50 6 9 3 Kawaiirice 50 4 7 5 Mana 50 1 5 1 Artosis 50 -10 -5
Corrections needed:
Player Actual score Listed score Record
Axslav 11 10 6 wins 7 loses dde 8 10 5 wins 7 loses (the nasl page missed a lost to moonglade) Grubby -1 -4 3 wins 10 loses IdrA 24 23 9 wins 3 loses HayprO 4 6 4 wins 8 loses Kawaiirice 4 6 4 wins 8 loses Moonglade 4 -2 4 wins 8 loses (the nasl page missed a win against dde) Nada 15 16 7 wins 6 loses qxc 1 -1 3 wins 10 loses (2 of the loses are from w/o, so doesn't count for fantasy pts) SelecT 24 25 9 wins 3 loses SjoW 16 10 7 wins 5 loses Slush 14 16 7 wins 7 loses Squirtle 20 8 8 wins 4 loses Strelok 27 22 10 wins 3 loses (2 free wins vs NaNiwa still counts for fantasy pts) TLO 16 17 7 wins 5 loses White-Ra 22 20 8 wins 4 loses (2 of the loses are from w/o, so doesn't count for fantasy pts)
+ Show Spoiler [Week 1 Leaderboard] +NASL Season 1 Week 1 Leaderboard Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Wargizmo's rising stars 59 14 5 2 2 yoshipackers 57 13 4 1 IdrA 3 IU <3 54 12 6 IdrA 4 (S)upply my (D)emand, brah. 53 14 6 1 5 Keep On Ticking 53 14 6 1 6 Test Team Please Ignore 53 14 5 Boxer 7 TXYZ 51 14 5 2 8 Leporello 50 12 2 2 2 9 U jelly 48 7 2 2 2 Zenio 10 Winner's Island 48 10 3 3 Sen 11 The Lowest of the Low 47 14 5 2 12 BTS 47 13 5 1 1 13 Rawr 46 14 6 1 14 Trav warriors 46 14 6 1 15 Lolz 46 12 4 2 1 16 What 46 14 6 1 17 Project Wonderful 46 5 3 2 2 Sen 18 ROFL 46 12 6 2 19 Carl 46 14 6 1 20 Forever Supply Blocked 45 6 1 2 IdrA July
Points cost by salary levels Salary Players Points Cost Record 500 1 0 n/a w/o 400 1 6 67 1 win 350 1 5 70 1 win 300 2 3 200 1 win & 1 lose 250 9 28 80 6 wins & 3 loses 200 8 21 76 4 wins & 4 loses 150 9 11 123 3 wins & 6 loses 100 6 13 46 2 wins & 4 loses 50 14 35 20 7 wins & 6 loses overall 8350 51 122 68 25 wins & 25 loses Cost is calculated as players times minerals divided by total points and is useful to compare efficiencies between different salary levels. + Show Spoiler [Week 2 Leaderboard] +On April 26 2011 07:19 Primadog wrote:NASL Season 1 Week 2 Leaderboard Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Wargizmo's rising stars 94 14 5 2 2 BTS 94 13 5 1 1 3 Leporello 94 12 2 2 2 4 Hypertension 93 13 4 3 5 CHOO CH** 91 wtf 4150 salarycap wtf 6 Lolz 90 12 4 2 1 7 yoshipackers 90 13 4 1 IdrA 8 ROFL 90 12 6 2 9 The Lowest of the Low 89 14 5 2 10 Winner's Island 88 10 3 3 Sen 11 SteaLth TeaM 87 wtf 3750 salarycap wtf 12 TXYZ 87 14 5 2 13 sambo400isRippin 86 8 2 3 1 Ace 14 Tytani z netwarsów 86 14 1 3 Morrow 15 PE(H) =** 86 11 5 3 16 Come at me bro 86 11 3 3 1 17 Trav warriors 85 14 6 1 18 Carl 85 14 6 1 19 Rawr 85 14 6 1 20 What 85 14 6 1
+ Show Spoiler [Week 3 Leaderboard] +On May 03 2011 09:55 Primadog wrote:NASL Season 1 Week 3 Leaderboard Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Killem 151 8 3 2 Sen Ace 2 yoshipackers 149 13 4 1 IdrA 3 sambo400isRippin 148 8 2 3 1 Ace 4 Come at me bro 146 11 3 3 1 5 Winner's Island 145 10 3 3 Sen 6 Requiem 145 6 1 4 1 IdrA 7 youtube.com/stormkiller* 145 6 3 3 1 BoxeR 8 scooby gang 144 5 4 2 Ace WhiteRa 9 The Knicks 142 8 2 3 1 Ace 10 Visors Cheesers 141 5 3 2 2 MorroW 11 ROFL 141 12 6 2 12 Clickclack 141 4 2 3 2 Ace 13 BTS 140 13 5 1 1 14 Prime Statistics. 140 9 2 3 2 15 Pizza Cats 140 6 3 3 1 Sen 16 Hypertension 139 13 4 3 17 Esu's Team 138 9 1 2 2 Sen 18 Marty's Dog's Glorious* 138 6 2 3 Sen IdrA 19 U jelly 138 7 2 2 2 Zenio 20 Wargizmo's rising stars 137 14 5 2 * truncatedPoints cost by salary levels Salary Players Total Points Minerals per points 500 1 -4 -0 400 1 10 40 350 1 12 29 300 2 26 23 250 9 89 25 200 8 65 25 150 9 38 36 100 6 37 16 50 14 81 9 overall 8350 51 354 24 Cost is calculated as players times minerals divided by total points and is useful to compare efficiencies between different salary levels. + Show Spoiler [Week 4 Leaderboard] +Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Come at me bro 187 11 3 3 1 2 yoshipackers 186 13 4 1 IdrA 3 Winner's Island 181 10 3 3 Sen 4 Killem 178 8 3 2 Sen Ace 5 sambo400isRippin 176 8 2 3 1 Ace 6 youtube.com/stormkiller* 176 6 3 3 1 BoxeR 7 MindControlled 174 6 2 2 1 Morrow Sen 8 Marty's Dog's Glorious* 173 6 2 3 Sen IdrA 9 Visors Cheesers 173 5 3 2 2 MorroW 10 Pizza Cats 173 6 3 3 1 Sen 11 Prime Statistics. 173 9 2 3 2 12 scooby gang 173 5 4 2 Ace WhiteRa 13 The Knicks 169 8 2 3 1 Ace 14 Bla 168 5 2 2 1 Morrow WhiteRa 15 ROFL 168 12 6 2 16 Lolz 167 12 4 2 1 17 Copper league allstars 167 5 3 3 1 IdrA 18 Esu's Team 166 9 1 2 2 Sen 19 Team LikeAGlove 165 7 2 3 Sen Zenio 20 Requiem 165 6 1 4 1 IdrA Points cost by salary levels Salary Players Total Points Minerals per points 500 1 2 250 400 1 16 25 350 1 12 29 300 2 37 16 250 9 119 19 200 8 77 21 150 9 45 30 100 6 38 16 50 14 102 7 overall 8350 51 448 19
NASL Season 1 Week 5 Leaderboard Rank Team Points 50 100 150 200 Others 1 Winner's Island 237 10 3 3 Sen 2 Come at me bro 228 11 3 3 1 3 Marty's Dog's Glorious* 226 6 2 3 Sen IdrA 4 Prime Statistics. 226 9 2 3 2 5 yoshipackers 226 13 4 1 IdrA 6 Killem 224 8 3 2 Sen Ace 7 Lolz 219 12 4 2 1 8 Team LikeAGlove 219 7 2 3 Sen Zenio 9 sambo400isRippin 218 8 2 3 1 Ace 10 Esu's Team 217 9 1 2 2 Sen 11 Bla 216 5 2 2 1 Morrow WhiteRa 12 *youtube.com/storm* 216 6 3 3 1 BoxeR 13 Pizza Cats 214 6 3 3 1 Sen 14 ROFL 214 12 6 2 15 Leporello 213 12 2 2 2 16 Tampa Freeman 212 5 3 3 Sen Zenio 17 scooby gang 212 5 4 2 Ace WhiteRa 18 MindControlled 210 6 2 2 1 Morrow Sen 19 Hypertension 210 13 4 3 20 Wargizmo's rising stars 210 14 5 2
Salary efficiency by salary levels Salary Players TotalPt Min/Pt ProjectedPt Projected Effiency 500 1 7 71 20 25 400 1 21 19 33 12 350 1 15 23 16 22 300 2 46 13 97 6 250 9 160 14 236 10 200 8 114 14 153 10 150 9 68 20 103 13 100 6 51 12 142 4 50 13 128 5 232 3 overall 8300 50 610 14 1,032 8 *open winner is not counted at the moment
United States23455 Posts
I am not regretting taking MC off my team. However, I am regretting adding QXC and KawaiiRice. They are really underperforming.
wow, not much going on here just realized I'm placed 4th, woooo ![](/mirror/smilies/smile.gif)
My general strategy was to get rather many cheap players than too expensive. In addition most points are made in the group stage, so I avoided expensive players from divison 5 and preferred easier divisions. With unknown latency issues after TSL I avoided most koreans.
Team recap after groups + playoffs: (cost/points/finals)
MorroW 250/48/yes: Picked him because of an easy group. Great in the playoffs vs Nada!
Ensnare 200/12/no: Maybe my worst pick. Thought he was undervalued, as he was Code S and even Code A/B Koreans did own foreign tournaments. Also oGs has a good connection to NA server.
Squirtle 200/50/yes: Another cheap korean. He did well in IEM and so he did in NASL.
SeleCT 150/55/yes: Top foreigner terran. Was a must buy for this price. Some easy wins in his group.
KiWiKaKi 150/33/no: Same as for Select. Seems to be struggling lately. Did ok for his price.
NaNiwa 100/39/no: Maybe the most undervalued player as he maybe best foreigner at all. He could have been qualified if he showed up vs Strelok and beat him or beat Darkforce as expected.
Socke 100/16/no: Cheap, but with difficult group. He managed to get to the playoffs, but investment wasn't really worth it.
Cloud 100/10/no: Similar to Socke. I should have been even more careful with players from division 5.
HasuObs 50/36/yes: Easy value for 50 bucks. That was clear before.
Strelok 50/57/yes: Same as for Hasu. Some EU players seemed to be underrated.
Sheth 50/48/yes: As was this US player. No clue why so cheap. Such an easy group.
Axslav 50/20/no: Thought he would be able to get some wins to justify his price.
DarKFoRcE 50/33/yes: Same as for Axslav. Really surprised he did qualify though.
I rather should have gotten more cheap players (Mana/Moman) and not Ensnare or Div5 players like Socke/Cloud. But with 7 players in the finals I still may have a winning chance.
Haven't visited the site for months and accidentally went there and noticed I was 4th lol.
Finished 7th overall with 527 points.
Sadly noone seems to care anymore though. :D
=( I was once in the Top20, end up falling out to #117. Back to the drawing boards.
Lol, never thought I'd win this :D Well atleast I get a free HD NASL pass for the next season!
Season 2 of Fantasy NASL is now open for registration.
The roster is not final, but these are all the players that have qualified... once a official roster is released we will update our roster.
If you finished in the top 5 you should have got an email from us for your season pass... be sure to check.
So, I came in second place. I was in first place for most of the season, but Puma's amazing run hurt me in the end.