Okay, so here's my take on the Amulet thing, I'm not versed in the much lauded "Archon Toilet" but did want to try it at some point. I'll do my best not to sound like I'm complaining. I for one love Templar, and I want to use them in my compositions more often. Discouraging players even further from building Templar, in my mind, stymies mid to late game strategy potential. I think most players are tired of using Colossus on a consistent basis and would like more avenues to explore, by removing the amulet upgrade it encourages players to be less diverse. I'd be more happy to see a large nerf to Colossus and a buff to HTs. To me, when it comes down to, a balance change like this isn't worth it. I don't care how well balanced this game could be, if it diminishes the creative nature of strategy and encourages a more sterile, uniform, play style, then the balance change isn't worth it. I want the game to be fun first and foremost, and this change certainly lessens that aspect for me as a player.
On February 26 2011 11:21 lizzuma wrote: A lot of you seem to be forgetting that these changes are not final.
I can't see them keeping Kaydarin Amulet out of the game. It's pretty ridiculous against bio, but then again, I don't really feel like bio should be played all game long against Protoss. Most of the time, against a top tier player you're eventually going to fail.
I don't think the bunker change is necessary. The first nerf was enough. It's already pretty hard to get them up against 4 gate/6 gate timing attacks and now you'll need to be prepared 5 seconds faster.
And let's face it, Archon/storm toilet was COMPLETELY broken. KiwiKaki demonstrated that to us perfectly against some zerg (can't remember who) on Metal. Glad to see the change there.
Re Amulet: Exactly. You read this thread and get the impression that barracks are the only buildings T have. Just to spell it out: most of the time you're going to see templar, Protoss has teched through warpgates->robo->robobay->twilight->archives. That's two full techtrees. If you're still on pure barracks with some vikings peppered in at that point, you have no one to blame but yourself.
If there is some kind of stalemate situation going on at that point, where you have a huge bio army that you can't use because P is too strong defensively - that is something that would warrant fixing. Either by adjusting T strategies to not commit too heavily to a 2base bio attack vs defensive Protoss, or by Blizzard messing with some timings. The Khaydarin removal just seems like a really weak way to fix a problem that is, essentially, with the Terran players.
About the other two changes, agree. Bunker's ability to be used offensively should be affected, not defensively. They were fine as defense. Besides, a build time increase won't change much, except for slightly raising the possibility of taking out marines before the bunker is finished. Like we needed more incentive to go 4gate.
- Khaydarin Amulet upgrade (+25 starting energy) has been removed. - An alert has been added when MULEs expire. - An alert has been added when the Chrono Boost buff expires. - An alert has been added when the Spawn Larva buff expires.
On February 26 2011 11:37 eNtitY~ wrote: I'm not liking the Khaydarin Amulet removal and Viking flower removal... Not being able to stack units seems lame.
Staking is still their. You just cant do it with patrol.
On February 26 2011 11:36 Dommk wrote: As awesome as Archon Toilet is, I can see why they nerfed it. When you have a mothership out, it is actually pretty difficult to engage it, especially if there are some archons there, one good Vortex and it is lights out with almost no loss for the Protoss, it sucks that the Mothership is gonna suck after the nerf, but it feels like a Hero unit, it either has abilities that can completely change a battle and you need one, or it is mediocre and serves no real purpose
If you let your opponent get that much gas and spend it like that, you deserve to lose.
Eh, it if the game goes on long enough with 4+ bases, you can easily spare 400/400 for the mothership. Most likely you will already have Templar tech (DT or HT), so grabbing a few Archons isn't a stretch.
Besides, I don't have so much an issue with nerfing out the archon toilet. The much bigger issue is letting your opponents get a free hit on you.
I don't get the viking flower removal lol. Did anyone complain about it? It was a cool little thing, with its uses at least in TvT, that could be pwned by a thor or something.
I like the BC speed buff, wonder if it makes them viable again.
On February 26 2011 11:38 ch33psh33p wrote: Why are we ignoring the two MEGA NERFS to zerg?
Brood Lord up to 450/350
Overseer at 150/100
hm given that the broodlord change is "Old broodlord cost + corrupter cost" and Overseer is "Old Overseer + Overlord" and adding in that it isn't mentioned in the change log, I'd bet money on "its a bug"
On February 26 2011 11:39 axellerate wrote: These need to be reverted right now.
- Khaydarin Amulet upgrade (+25 starting energy) has been removed. - An alert has been added when MULEs expire. - An alert has been added when the Chrono Boost buff expires. - An alert has been added when the Spawn Larva buff expires.
The alerts are removing skill from the game.
Protoss players will never again make HT's...
Not really. Most people don;t constantly make workers and theirs an alert for that.
On February 26 2011 11:36 justinsroy wrote: Hi, im justinsroy, and im a race switcher
I really hope they change some of this stuff, HT with no energy upgrade..? Really?
"Hi Jroy!!"
Alot of Protoss' are spoiled. In BW they didn't have this Upgrade and storm was still scary. And dont argue damage. Units in BW didn't clump up as much.
It did more damage and had a much, much bigger AOE, if you landed two good storms then it was devastating, not to mention DT's and Templars were made from the same building AND units had shitty AI so running out of the Storm wasn't as easy as it is now