FXOpen e-Sports Six months ago, when Starcraft 2 hype was building and the game evolving into the e-Sport it is today, FXOpen saw a level of passion, commitment and professionalism exhibited by Starcraft players that they hadn’t seen in any other game. Inspired by these hallmarks of Starcraft, plans were put in motion to do everything within our power to help e-Sports grow into the very best it could be.
While most of this work has recently been conducted behind closed doors, we are finally ready to announce the latest FXOpen branch “FXOpen e-Sports”. FXOpen e-Sports duties include not only the tournaments, such as the latest FXOpen Invitational and planned larger future events, but our proudest achievement - the formation of a brand new Starcraft 2 Squad! Without further ado, we present the FXOpen e-Sports team.
Team FXOpen e-Sports Starcraft 2 Team - These players will represent the face of the FXOpen brand at all major LAN and online events.
Karl “FXOpTiKzErO” Angeles – Hailing out of Canada, optikzero made his Starcraft intentions clear from the start as he toppled Tyler to reach the finals of the BattleDex TL Open #3. Despite falling 2-3 in the finals there was obvious potential here as he followed this up with a victory in CraftCup #14. FXOpen e-Sports seeks to nurture this talent choosing optikzero as one of their first pickups, so this may be a name you hear more of in the future!
Shawn “FXOSheth” Simon – Also known by Brood War veterans as “ChOseN”, Sheth has been around since beta and is always considered a dangerous player when he appears in a tournament bracket. Known as an innovative macro Zerg player, this US-based fan-favourite has enjoyed success in CraftCup and GosuCoaching events. After finding renewed drive to be the best fans can expect Sheth to make a triumphant return to the competitive tournament scene in SC2 flying the FXOpen flag.
Andrew ” FXOmOOnGLaDe” Pender – Credited as not only the best WarCraft III talent Australia has produced but also arguably the best player coming out of the SEA Battle.net server, mOOnGLaDe is internationally renowned as a strong all-round zerg player. Aside from taking his place among the elite WC3 and SC2 players from Down Under, mOOnGLaDe also featured at #1 on the Dawn of War ladder so it’s obvious he has a formidable RTS mind. Having proven himself in nearly every SEA tournament to date and even international events such as the CG PanPacific Championship, mOOnGLaDe will seek to take his game further and prove he is a force not only inside Australia, but internationally.
Phil “FXOFilthy” Edwards – Representing Australia in both Brood War and WarCraft 3 Filthy brings a streak of unpredictability to the FXOpen team. With creative, aggressive and entertaining builds Filthy used to be one of the most formidable Random players on the SEA server and was the only player to challenge mOOnGLaDe in tournament finals. Now that he has switched to Terran and can practice more effectively in a team environment his creativity could prove a real asset to the team.
FXOpen Team Management – The FXOpen management team is there to provide our amazing players with whatever they need to compete at the highest level online and on LAN.
Josh “FXOpenBoss” Dentrinos – The main motivating force behind FXOpen e-Sports, Josh is the director of FXOpen Australia. Josh not only brings the sponsorship to the team but is an avid Starcraft fan and brings his vision to the team, making many of the Starcraft related decisions.
Daniel “Unstable” Siddel – Probably the most well-known streamer and commentator coming out of the SEA server, Unstable has been covering nearly every event from this part of the world and is well regarded among many fans and other commentators. While his workload is impressive, he is also always looking to improve his skill as a player and casting prowess. His extensive experience interacting with high level players makes him the perfect choice for team management.
FXOpen Events Management Team – Our events management team will be responsible for running all FXOpen e-Sports events.
Brendan “deL” Ferguson – Sometimes referred to as deLrage for his intolerance of stupidity, deL is a vital part of the events management team. Running multiple online tournaments smoothly, such as the Pan-Pacifics, he has proven his worth. deL will be in charge of running all FXOpens’ major events and contributing creatively to the expansion of the Starcraft 2 scene.
Marc “frequency” Onofrio – Frequency loves e-Sports. From Quake Live to DotA frequency’s articles on all things e-Sports have appeared on team sites such as MYM and even in gaming magazines in Australia. Having been a part of many of these scenes for some time frequency brings experience and knowledge to the team and is invaluable in organising and running events.
FXOpen is very proud to announce this team as it has been a long time in the making and we look forward to supporting our players to compete at the highest levels of Starcraft!
Stay tuned for the FXOpen Path of Ascension Invitational, we are sure there are going to be some great games!
Aotearoa39261 Posts
Wow. Solid management team and solid lineup. Lots of potential here! All the best
I enjoyed watching the tournament tonight. Good luck with the new team!
Always love seeing new teams pop up. Hope you guys can go to like MLG and GSL, and (insert big internationl SC2 tournament), I'd love to see you. I'm really looking forward to this team. GL GL!
I'm always open to more teams who take the game seriously. I'm glad to see you show you already have a strong understanding of what a good team is comprised of.
gl hf FXOpen!
nice! awesome to have more teams pop up
FXOpen as in the stock exchange brokers?
Very awesome! Glad to see Fx pick up some very good players :D
Very excited to see more of you guys in the future. Welcome to SC2
USA29055 Posts
Sheth leaving ROOT is big news here imo
On December 11 2010 13:18 UniversalSnip wrote: FXOpen as in the stock exchange brokers?
Forex to be exact. I think it's a great step forward for e-sports having sponsors unrelated to computers / gaming involved in bringing new tournaments and teams. Hopefully FXOpen managers see more client sign-ups attributed to SC2 and can continue to increase the prize pool and open more slots for tournaments.
On December 11 2010 13:21 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Sheth leaving ROOT is big news here imo agreed, quite surprised :O
On December 11 2010 13:21 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Sheth leaving ROOT is big news here imo
Agreed. I knew the thought had crossed his mind, but did not think he would pull the trigger just yet.... BIG NEWS imo
51332 Posts
Sponsored by forex?? lol awesome!
I read that sheth was in here, and completely thought i misread. I'm quite surprised sheth would leave root to join a brand new (?) team. After looking at the player line up you cant blame him though,
Just seems pretty sad to me when people have to buy talent off of other teams. At least teams like Lazarus have some respect T.T
Looks like a good team, best of luck to you guys.
On December 11 2010 13:38 skYfiVe wrote: Just seems pretty sad to me when people have to buy talent off of other teams. At least teams like Lazarus have some respect T.T I find it sadder when there's only a few really strong teams and the rest have to live off the scraps. Unless that team nurtured and grew those players into the top level players they are today, of course. Another strong team is always a bonus to the scene!