On September 30 2010 11:31 Supamang wrote:
Whys there so much hate between these pros? Pretty obvious isnt it?
Its like professional sports. Athletes there become as good as they are by literally striving to be the best. Unfortunately, many of them can't do that while not, at the same time, actually believing theyre better than other players. Even if their record doesnt show it, they still believe it. Idra can only show respect to Morrow if he beats him. Morrow beats Idra, Idra goes into classic haterage. TT1, i didnt know hes a pro (not too familiar with the professional gamer scene), but it made sense given all his self-satisfied "im better than all you shitty posters in this 35 page shitty thread" attitude. Jealous of all the attention and praise Morrows getting? Trying to emulate Idra's "any attention is good attention" principle? Grow up man.
People see an athlete/pro give props to a good teammate or opponent who outperformed them and think, "wow, this guy is a really respectful and respectable guy!" Wait a sec, thats how people should act isnt it? But I guess were all so used to "pros" being assholes so suddenly being a normal, decent human being is something incredible when describing a pro.
People like Idra and TT1 need to be brought down to earth. Idra, Morrow says he plays 0-2 hours a day, and does things that are actually productive during the other parts of the day, such as going to school. And he still beat you in a tournament final. Wanna blame it on imbalance? Just goes to show how insignificant your life's work is, seeing how the rules of your profession are dictated by the whims of some "development team" located in Irvine, CA. You are not someone who is above showing people respect. Stop being an asshole. And as for TT1...who are the hell are you?
So now you basically just judging Idra of what he enjoys to do with his time by deeming it less "productive". Do you know what Idra has done for the SC Community and foreign gaming? And Morrow said that in a specific case, on average he will practice more then 2 hours a day when he finishes school.
Also TT1 is an established protoss player, if you havn't even heard of him shows how much attention you pay to the SC2 pro scene.