Why wouldnt you patch aggressively if you knew you were going to be upending the balance in 18 months anyway?
Fruitseller (Cool) may change his race in GSL #2 - Page 48
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United States4101 Posts
Why wouldnt you patch aggressively if you knew you were going to be upending the balance in 18 months anyway? | ||
Australia2181 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:34 Seam wrote: Now we just have to wait 2 more months to have another very very very slight buff! sadly no patch will fix my issues with the game other than a complete rework of the entire game. which i also dont think will happen. even after expansions i think the diversity of the races will still suffer. | ||
United States146 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:29 Dionyseus wrote: Going lair before queen means you'll have a lot less larva and thus a weaker economy, you wouldn't be able to survive any terran or protoss aggression. It cost 50 minerals and 1 larva to make lings (which most people use to defend early game). It cost 150 minerals and 1 larva to make a spine crawler -- which you can reposition at any point in the game -- which becomes much better when the lair pops, due to overlord creep. I think it's possible to early lair, but any kind of early, quasi-all-in rush is probably going to crush you. That's not exactly new, though.. | ||
Italy600 Posts
They did nerf reapers and siege tanks already, if you look back at beta when protoss was OP they nerfed protoss 14 times in a row, i guess there will be 10+ patches nerfing terran now. So i can go back to playing protoss finally \o/ | ||
United States2554 Posts
We're well aware of the concerns on balance, if we're not in direct contact with pro players we keep a careful eye on what they say and do. I know balance changes are planned, I've heard of some specific changes for the next patch. I can't talk about them yet. Soon. And another strike against "Blizzard balances for low level play". I think people in general need to be far less antagonist in relation to balance. In many issues, the consumer on the company are never going to be on the same side, specifically, how much content do we get. So its natural we'll be antagonist towards blizzard when they decide to cut features, and thats productive. But on other issues, the consumer and the company really aren't on opposing sides, like how design functionality or balance, so acting so antagonistic about it is just counterproductive :/. sadly no patch will fix my issues with the game other than a complete rework of the entire game. which i also dont think will happen. even after expansions i think the diversity of the races will still suffer. Look I know you probably think your really special, but providing a little bit of evidence or support for your statements generally helps those who are less intelligent to better understand your enlightenment. | ||
Canada38 Posts
On September 24 2010 02:32 On_Slaught wrote: This game is turning into WC3 where Undead isn't viable at all for making a competitive living ![]() The patch blizzard just released isn't bad per se, but should of come out over a month ago when they announced it. Blizzard hates "bad guys", and "Main character" always op. (undead, others) and (zerg, terran) is the best example. . | ||
476 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:33 Zeroes wrote: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/627980736?page=3#55 Blizz has responded to a poster concerning balance and pro players thats 'good' news. but they just had the '1.1' patch which is supposed to address balance. if they were aware of balance concerns they would have addressed it in 1.1. unless they just magically discovered them after 1.1, lol. Its not like these issues havent been around since early beta/release. hate to say it but it seems like they just balance around what people are complaining about instead of being ontop of the balance themselves. when enough people complain, when pros finally complain, they finally say hmmm maybe we should look into it a bit. They really have no connection with their own game and its community. Pretty disappointing. | ||
United States270 Posts
I'm a 1300+ diamond zerg and as of yesterday decided to take a break from the game. I'm glad I'm not the only player THAT frustrated with zerg. Props to FantaPrime, Cool and Zenio for really showcasing that zerg do need help. Despite many of you saying that the game is early and things are "unexplored", yet you guys fail to see the blatantly obvious imbalances that make playing zerg at a competitive level near impossible. [insert bronze level player telling zerg to use nydus worms, captain picard facepalm]. | ||
is awesome32269 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:37 xephon wrote: . Blizzard hates "bad guys", and "Main character" always op. (undead, others) and (zerg, terran) is the best example. . LOL. k. | ||
United States2068 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:33 Zeroes wrote: GOOD NEWS EVERYONE http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/627980736?page=3#55 Blizz has responded to a poster saying that they are talking to pro players and have balance changes Glad to see Blizzard responding so quickly to Cool's concerns about the zerg race, I just hope they decide to try something sooner rather than later, and by sooner I mean in terms of a few weeks rather than a few months. With GSL 2 starting next month there's not a lot of time left. | ||
Canada602 Posts
We're well aware of the concerns on balance, if we're not in direct contact with pro players we keep a careful eye on what they say and do. I know balance changes are planned, I've heard of some specific changes for the next patch. I can't talk about them yet. Soon. LOL | ||
Australia2181 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:37 Half wrote: Look I know you probably think your really special, but providing a little bit of evidence or support for your statements generally helps those who are less intelligent to better understand your enlightenment. my post beforehand? as im currently the maker of a starcraft 1 remake mod i've spent alot of time comparing numbers between starcraft 1 and 2. | ||
Canada3668 Posts
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United States1059 Posts
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1360 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:42 teamsolid wrote: There isn't a single top Z out there that doesn't bitch about how bad Z is... Cool, Check, Zenio, July, Idra, Dimaga, etc, etc. I hope some of them actually switch to Terran so they can get the wins that they truly deserve, at least until Blizzard makes some real changes. I don't believe Slush has ever mentioned it. | ||
Germany5638 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:32 figq wrote: No, don't worry, I agree that the game could be balanced with small incremental tweaks to achieve winning balance. But winning balance isn't everything. Blizzard also (rightfully) keeps track of tech balance. For example (just an example), a race can be exactly as powerful as the rest, but only through one unit, so everybody uses it, and the rest of the tech becomes just some luxury for being fancy. like the roach in beta. as someone pointed out the problem is less the win% balance (even tho its still there) but also the "power" balance during the game. in bw power shifted back and forth several times over the game and in the end it settled in a balanced endgame. timings,tactics and executiong decided the games. in sc2 Z is in survival mode the whole game. Z gameplay is mostly "i somehow need to get a 2nd/3rd/4th base,get to hive,defend possible harrass/tech and survive in some way. then i can start fighting back!". the dynamics are gone. this is bad design and i dobut it will be fixed by some small number tweaks. win% balance? yes. gameplay/power balance? not without bigger changes that we wont see before hots. add theshitty maps,limited choices,weak early game,tons of easy but powerful strats XvZ and that z is harder to play overall and you have the current situation . | ||
United States2554 Posts
I strongly feel that zerg has the highest skill cap with the amount of attention it requires and on top of that comes the minor and major imbalances that makes playing zerg that much harder. I'm a 1300+ diamond zerg and as of yesterday decided to take a break from the game. I'm glad I'm not the only player THAT frustrated with zerg. Props to FantaPrime, Cool and Zenio for really showcasing that zerg do need help. Despite many of you saying that the game is early and things are "unexplored", yet you guys fail to see the blatantly obvious imbalances that make playing zerg at a competitive level near impossible. [insert bronze level player telling zerg to use nydus worms, captain picard facepalm]. Personally, in some respects, I think its the opposite. I don't mean to say "Zerg is the easiest race", but as in many respects, zerg isn't designed to scale adequately with skill. Zerg is a little bit too reactive. They need opportunities to control the matchup midgame and even early game. Not enough ways for players to "express" there skill. In SC1, the TvZ matchup was defined by Muta harrass. That was a very high-skill activity, and how well the individual performed would really alter the rest of the game. In SC2, you don't really have similar opportunity to be "skilled". Being skilled with Zerg in SC2 is too much about "Not dieing", rather then actively doing something "skillful". | ||
Germany123 Posts
We all know that those Fake notes got some interesting changes. | ||
Canada3668 Posts
On September 24 2010 09:43 MythicalMage wrote: I don't believe Slush has ever mentioned it. He just hasn't been interviewed about it. If he did, I'm pretty sure he would. He's also at least a step down in skill from those Z's. | ||
Australia219 Posts
Have you seen Cool try other strategies? I'm pretty sure he is trying every possible thing he can think of, I know I would be. You can see some of his joke replays where he queen/creep pushes the protoss only to get owned by a ramp, and where he masses infestors and Maka owns him with mass ravens. I play protoss mainly but I also feel zergs are a pretty joke race, it pretty much gets slapped around by the other two races at discretion. When i play a random game and random zerg, I usually just feel like going 6pool, rather then playing a proper macro game whereby you're relying on your opponent to make mistakes and not punish your overplays. | ||
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