On September 15 2010 05:54 oesis wrote: I read before that creep spread by looking for the next empty space and putting creep there. This is why putting multiple creep tumors down increases creep spread speed because they individually find an empty place to put down creep. Anyways I figured out a way you could use this to spread creep faster, or more specifically further. I don't play Zerg and I didn't know about this part of the creep mechanics (except that more tumors = faster creep regeneration).
Creep regenerates faster with more creep-regenerating sources? Awesome! Grab a group of 2-3 Overlords and generate creep next to a spawning tumor, on creep-free ground into the direction you want to place your next tumor. The creep will now spread blazing fast. I just tested it with a group of 3 Overlords. The creep pretty much reaches its maximum radius from the tumor once its cooldown is finished, ready to turbo-spread the next tumor.
Why isn't this used more on Pro level? I have seen some fancy tricks of TLO with Overlords, a Queen and Tumors in a game on Delta Quadrant, but that's it. I have never seen Pros abusing a group of Overlords to "pimp" their tumors.
Or you could make 2 creep tumors beside each other. It makes creep spread faster, but u do waste more queen energy.
Jeez its so simple now you look at it, thank you for bringing that to our attention im definatly going to try to incorporate this more.
On September 15 2010 08:28 AcePioneer wrote: Or you could make 2 creep tumors beside each other. It makes creep spread faster, but u do waste more queen energy.
This is about maxmising creep spread from a single tumour or group not 'just make more'.
Neato. You should make an identical thread so the idea spreads faster.
On September 15 2010 08:28 AcePioneer wrote: Or you could make 2 creep tumors beside each other. It makes creep spread faster, but u do waste more queen energy. Creep tumors spread into every direction (thus slowing down the advancement) and cost energy.
Overlords must be built anyway and you can spread the creep specifically into the direction you want to go. Don't nail me on the numbers, but it's roughly two times as fast to spread tumors into the direction you want with decent Overlord support.
Why is hasn't been utilized by Pros so far is a mystery for me, especially considering it isn't very micro-intensive to do so.
wow, this is really smart! good job!!!
Amazing thread. It's always refreshing to see good threads in the SC2 section
Keep it up!
Actually theres a video and a creep tumor does spread to higher and lower terrain if you drop some there with an overlord for only a second.
On September 15 2010 07:36 Lokian wrote: Doesn't this decrease the surface area by placing the tumors next to un-spreadable terrain? Yes. Which is precisely why it spreads faster. You don't need surface area if you just want a highway.
so intuitive, but just one of those things that you never think about.
and facepalm when you do. thanks dude, this is a great find!
I guess this is kind of useful, but two tumors seem to be about 80% of maximum efficiency anyway (on completely open ground, probably 90-10% on somewhat restricted areas), 3 being about 90-100%
Usually zergs tend to get 3 queens for 2 hatcheries anyway (or am I mistaken?), so that makes for 2 creep tumors quite fast.
Anyway, still interesting to know, and can definitely be helpful in some situations.
Wow, will try this out for sure!
I've seen sen doing this a lot. he builds 3 creep tumors next to each other and they spread the creep really freaking fast. seems to work really well. it's like perfectly timed out in a way that when the 3 tumors are finished and can pop out another tumor, the previous creep has spread completely.
I wanted to bump this thread because I realized a second implication of the creep mechanic the other day (after realizing the first independently, of course).
High ground cliffs edges are IDEAL for creep tumor placement. Why?
- Vision/concealment benefits (you can see over the cliff edges without ground units being able to see the tumor/creep spread. - Faster spreading (splitting it in half means it's only got ONE direction to go in: away from the existing creep) - Spillover
Now, the important part is the last part I noticed the other day. Eventually, while following the high ground cliff's edge, you reach the ramp. When you reach the ramp, the creep will spread down the ramp and ALL THE WAY BACK WITHIN RANGE OF YOUR EXISTING TUMORS. I can't take screen shots at the moment, but it's cool that you basically DOUBLE the length of your creep highway in no time.
Maps that I can think of offhand where this might be useful? - Jungle basin (they'll expect creep at your expansion, but then you move past the rocks and up to the high-ground third and it'll piggy-back all the way back along the other tumors when you get to the ramp. ... actually, I'm only going to list Jungle basin 'cause it seems to me that that's the only map that would really make it useful (in 1 player anyway, I discovered this on a free-for all, and it was useless because... well, pretty much anything you do in free for all is useless what a lame game type).
You can cause spillover at lair with an overlord as well. Just spit 1 square of creep on the low ground within the tumor's range and the tumor will begin spreading creep at the lowground. I tend to do this a lot on maps like metalopolis and LT.
I think your heart is in the right spot except that Zerg need to be spread out to get effective DPS. What good does faster creep do you if you have to run your Hydras and Roaches single file into whatever OP build* the Terran is using?
*No longer valid, maybe, since Blizz neutered Reapers (which were actually interesting). Still valid, maybe, since Blizz refuses to acknowledge that Mules are ridiculously OP
This is fantastic and makes a lot of sense. Good find! You can actually fill out the old tumors later too with an overlord. Spread creep to one of the ridges above or below the tumor, and pretty much all the rest will fill up on its own with some time..
Overall, I think using an overlord+tumor would be better than spreading along the edges, but this is less APM intensive and especially useful in the early game when your creep hasn't spread very far yet.
Huh, interesting. I didn't know about that, but it sort of makes sense.
very nice find, didn't know about this, but i don't know exactly how useful this will be, the problem is while the creep spreads faster, you get less overall creep for each tumor, this seems nice for some situational maps in which you could connect your expansions together with a thin layer of creep near a cliff but post lair you definitely want an overlord to spew creep in front of each tumor to get the most efficient spread
As interesting as this is, I'm not sure that it's very advantageous because:
1) It means your forces have to walk along cliffs to take advantage from the creep. This is less an issue if your creeping on the high ground side, but quite an issue if creeping on the low ground side. It seems like just opening yourself up for cliff abuse.
2) Having 1 overlord vomiting ahead of your creep tumors negates the need for this technique entirely.