Geoff's impression of TotalBiscuit and that other guy just killed me. I was dying laughing for about five minutes. Awesome show last night. Oh also the Klazart Evolution Complete vid was so freaking hilarious. Can't believe JP's never seen it lol. Keep up the good work guys. Love your show.
On February 23 2011 23:10 JinNJuice wrote: Geoff's impression of TotalBiscuit and that other guy just killed me. I was dying laughing for about five minutes.
Hahahaha jeeesus i just couldnt hold back anymore. That shit was so funny :D :D
Just finished listening to the SotG and hearing idra talk about hydra's and it reminded me of my post that I made on the forums (no use to make it here).
I am a zerg player in the plat league (atm) and I play a lot w/ diamond/master players. The problem I am having is I want my HYDRA back, get rid of the pittily tier 2 unit that has 80 health and 2 food and dies to everything, Koreans call the hydralisk the hydraloss.... it is useless against Terran and only useful vs Protoss until they get out colossi (which they do every game they don't 4wg you) thus you have approximately 2 minutes to enjoy your high dps glass canons (which you can't) before they are savagely destroyed by 9 range, 30 damage (+4/upgrade) that attacks in an arc.
The roach is a terrible replacement for the hydra, first the range is still crap (it was 3 >.>) it costs 2 food and the dps is equal to a marine before stim (marines benefit from upgrades more too). Against T the only reason to go roach is if he is going thor or hellion and if he is going hellion you should get spines instead, if he is going thor he is going to have marine/tank with him that will lose like 5 food to a full army of roaches.... Hydralisks are extremely slow off creep and lost their speed bonus, I thought the creep was supposed to be an advantage, not a limitation . Both T and P can go for early air games (namely T) that are extremely hard to stop unless you just start mass producing queens (and even then). On top of the roach being horrible, it is extremely ineficient too; If you spot a delayed 4wg coming and you want to handle with roaches because he is zealot heavy you have to continously produce roaches and can't drone while the opponent CAN power and still get an army to smash yours. On top of this both T and P have a midgame unit that is a powerhouse, for T it's tanks, for P it's colossi.
Here's my proposal>
Move hydra to tier 1 Move roach to tier 2 change food count on hydra to 1 change food count on roach to 3 change cost on hydra to 75/25 change cost on roach to 150/75 change hydra damage to 7 change hydra speed to 2.4 add upgrade speed on hydra +.6 remove "Light" from hydra reduce on creep bonus to 1.3 change roach armor to 4 change roach damage to 12 w/ +6 to light change roach attack speed to 1.7 change rapid regeneration to 3hp/sec above ground and 7hp/sec burrowed change tunneling claws to 12hp/sec underground
This would effectively make hydras a tier 1 unit (reduce weakness to air) that is weak to mmm but has uses vs mech and Protoss and isn't a complete waste against general terran builds. Would make roaches effective mid game units that are expensive in both food and money while still bringing something to the game. Obvously this would need testing (ofc) but it is so frustrating that zergs range is horrible, their dps is horrible and the food costs are the same as P for the units that you would use >.> Zerglings are the iconic unit that has stayed at .5 food but this unit has been nerfed so hard it is difficult to compare it as well.
On February 23 2011 22:40 RationalGaze wrote: Geoff sounds like he's been practicing his TotalBiscuit impression, it's actually pretty good now. He used to sound Australian before (especially since he would say "G'day mate" which English people do not say.)
On February 23 2011 23:40 ixi.genocide wrote: Just finished listening to the SotG and hearing idra talk about hydra's and it reminded me of my post that I made on the forums (no use to make it here).
I am a zerg player in the plat league (atm) and I play a lot w/ diamond/master players. The problem I am having is I want my HYDRA back, get rid of the pittily tier 2 unit that has 80 health and 2 food and dies to everything, Koreans call the hydralisk the hydraloss.... it is useless against Terran and only useful vs Protoss until they get out colossi (which they do every game they don't 4wg you) thus you have approximately 2 minutes to enjoy your high dps glass canons (which you can't) before they are savagely destroyed by 9 range, 30 damage (+4/upgrade) that attacks in an arc.
The roach is a terrible replacement for the hydra, first the range is still crap (it was 3 >.>) it costs 2 food and the dps is equal to a marine before stim (marines benefit from upgrades more too). Against T the only reason to go roach is if he is going thor or hellion and if he is going hellion you should get spines instead, if he is going thor he is going to have marine/tank with him that will lose like 5 food to a full army of roaches.... Hydralisks are extremely slow off creep and lost their speed bonus, I thought the creep was supposed to be an advantage, not a limitation . Both T and P can go for early air games (namely T) that are extremely hard to stop unless you just start mass producing queens (and even then). On top of the roach being horrible, it is extremely ineficient too; If you spot a delayed 4wg coming and you want to handle with roaches because he is zealot heavy you have to continously produce roaches and can't drone while the opponent CAN power and still get an army to smash yours. On top of this both T and P have a midgame unit that is a powerhouse, for T it's tanks, for P it's colossi.
Here's my proposal>
Move hydra to tier 1 Move roach to tier 2 change food count on hydra to 1 change food count on roach to 3 change cost on hydra to 75/25 change cost on roach to 150/75 change hydra damage to 7 change hydra speed to 2.4 add upgrade speed on hydra +.6 remove "Light" from hydra reduce on creep bonus to 1.3 change roach armor to 4 change roach damage to 12 w/ +6 to light change roach attack speed to 1.7 change rapid regeneration to 3hp/sec above ground and 7hp/sec burrowed change tunneling claws to 12hp/sec underground
This would effectively make hydras a tier 1 unit (reduce weakness to air) that is weak to mmm but has uses vs mech and Protoss and isn't a complete waste against general terran builds. Would make roaches effective mid game units that are expensive in both food and money while still bringing something to the game. Obvously this would need testing (ofc) but it is so frustrating that zergs range is horrible, their dps is horrible and the food costs are the same as P for the units that you would use >.> Zerglings are the iconic unit that has stayed at .5 food but this unit has been nerfed so hard it is difficult to compare it as well.
I'd say that is way too many changes. If they only cost 1 food you know how easy it would be to never tech at all and mass hydra over and over, with all those changes they would rock. It would be the only thing a Zerg would make.
I'm thinking maybe instead of light armor, make them medium, like in SC1. It would help, so they don't get owned so fast. They already have a super fast fire rate, so DPS is very high. I just think if they survived a little longer, it wouldn't hurt other races so much and help Zerg just a little.
On February 24 2011 00:07 Piski wrote: Roach armor to 4? 3 armor roaches would have 7 armor like ultralisks? Come one :f Be realistic at least.
lol, woops. meant to put 3 not 4 >.> ___________________
hydra dps would be 8.4 if you reduce the damage to 7
This change would put the hydra in line with the bw hydra and would not be efficient versus terran in late game. it would be a central unit in zvp though. also saying that they wouldn't tech up is kind of silly because that is exactly what both t and p do....
Thought it was a bit unprofessional of incontrol to be trashing Haypro on the podcast last night, as he has done with other players in the past. I've also heard some pretty sexist jokes. He sure is touting the high standards of professionalism that NASL will uphold...
On February 24 2011 00:41 Doodsmack wrote: Thought it was a bit unprofessional of incontrol to be trashing Haypro on the podcast last night, as he has done with other players in the past. I've also heard some pretty sexist jokes. He sure is touting the high standards of professionalism that NASL will uphold...
Yeah, but the part about Haypro is true, he is shy and everything.
On February 24 2011 00:41 Doodsmack wrote: Thought it was a bit unprofessional of incontrol to be trashing Haypro on the podcast last night, as he has done with other players in the past. I've also heard some pretty sexist jokes. He sure is touting the high standards of professionalism that NASL will uphold...
He didn't trash haypro at all. This thread is amazing.
Didn't understand InControls reaction when JP asked about where the money came from. InControl acted like if it was a retarded question when he could've just said "The sponsors will be announced later".
On February 24 2011 00:55 superjoppe wrote: Didn't understand InControls reaction when JP asked about where the money came from. InControl acted like if it was a retarded question when he could've just said "The sponsors will be announced later".
The feeling that I got was that they were irritated at the question because it was the most common question when it shouldn't have been.
incontrol's trash talk and the subsequent awkward transitions are half the reason SotG is so awesome. It's probably just going to get better when they start streaming webcams too; we get to see all the and
I just want to say thanks, InControl. You have said so much of the right things. If Idras Comments would stand there uncommented, everybody would think they are true.
On February 24 2011 00:41 Doodsmack wrote: Thought it was a bit unprofessional of incontrol to be trashing Haypro on the podcast last night, as he has done with other players in the past. I've also heard some pretty sexist jokes. He sure is touting the high standards of professionalism that NASL will uphold...
How is it trashing Haypro, when he is in fact a guy who tends to keep to himself.