On February 13 2012 07:38 s4life wrote: Funny JP has the gall to criticize Rotterdam for being a caster when he himself is a total failure as a play-by-play and analytic caster.. At least Rotterdam knows his stuff.
What made you think JP was criticizing Rotterdam? All I can think of is JP being fake jealous that Rotterdam gets to kiss girls for no reason in that video or something
He said in his most condescending tone, "...uh... How did he get that job?????"
And you interpret it the way you did..? haha that's just idiotic.
Surely Incontrol thought so too as he went and defended Rotterdam immediately.
Rofl at this discussion he was obviously talking about kissing girls. His comment had nothing to do with his casting which should be obvious to anyone with a brain.
Thanks for the EU trial, I love when US shows air in the afternoon so I can catch them live. Qxc with the essays as always, he and CatZ make a funny duo .
On February 13 2012 08:04 Santiago4ever wrote: Thanks for a SOTG on europe-time. Really enjoyed it. Though I do think I enjoy the SOTG:s that Artosis can take part in. Go with whatever timeslot works best for you guys, we can always catch it the day after since you upload it so quickly. <3
NO! Totally unacceptable! I want to eat my cake and have it too!
Since you are usually very diligent in getting the VOD up by the next day, I don't hate the idea of going back to the old timeslot. BUT, it would be awesome if you could cater to the EU audience, as watching live definetely is more fun. Just make sure the VOD gets up asap, so that we can put off time the day after an episode has been. With my schedule, watching a 2 hour VOD actually need some planning in order for it to fit in.
On February 13 2012 07:17 mTwTT1 wrote: rofl incontrol on the cpm thing, fuckin hilarious
that being said his analysis on the phoenix buff was pretty shitty tho, catz was actually right, ur not supposed to look at it from a unit vs unit perspective when it comes to the phoenix buff because the main goal of mutas is to gain map control while holding the p on 2bases, the range upg is too heavy of an investment off of 2bases because by the time u get it z would be sitting on 4 bases while p would be sitting on 2bases with no tech and zerg could just tech switch out of mutas whenever they want, the protoss would then be in a situation where he has a shitload of phoenixs + gate units vs a 3-4base z who tech switched into something that would roll that type of composition(like roach hydra or w/e)
thats y i think the range upg should be on the cyber core instead, protoss needs a hard counter to mutas like we did in sc1(corsairs) because a GOOD zerg knows how to exploit mutas to the maximum
I guess there aren't any good zergs in GSL considering throughout Code A and Code S this season PvZ has gone like 10-3(series) in favor of Protoss. Many of those games had the zerg going mutas.
I don't really care about day anymore. The recent IPL and NASL/NASTL stuff has been quite boring (sorry, team leagues should just be for fun) so it could be on any night and I'd watch it.
Monday is KoT, Tuesday is ItG and Wednesday is Lo3. If it's any of those nights I just ask that it's after them and not at the same time.
On February 13 2012 07:17 mTwTT1 wrote: rofl incontrol on the cpm thing, fuckin hilarious
that being said his analysis on the phoenix buff was pretty shitty tho, catz was actually right, ur not supposed to look at it from a unit vs unit perspective when it comes to the phoenix buff because the main goal of mutas is to gain map control while holding the p on 2bases, the range upg is too heavy of an investment off of 2bases because by the time u get it z would be sitting on 4 bases while p would be sitting on 2bases with no tech and zerg could just tech switch out of mutas whenever they want, the protoss would then be in a situation where he has a shitload of phoenixs + gate units vs a 3-4base z who tech switched into something that would roll that type of composition(like roach hydra or w/e)
thats y i think the range upg should be on the cyber core instead, protoss needs a hard counter to mutas like we did in sc1(corsairs) because a GOOD zerg knows how to exploit mutas to the maximum
I guess there aren't any good zergs in GSL considering throughout Code A and Code S this season PvZ has gone like 10-3(series) in favor of Protoss. Many of those games had the zerg going mutas.
Well as idra has commented himself and from what I have seen is protoss players at least the korean ones are dealing with mutalisks very effectively now.
I only play on that server and they are doing very well at defending and dealing with it now. So I honestly think the phoenix buff is uneccsary anyway as protoss players are already figuring it out and dealing with it very well.
On February 13 2012 07:38 s4life wrote: Funny JP has the gall to criticize Rotterdam for being a caster when he himself is a total failure as a play-by-play and analytic caster.. At least Rotterdam knows his stuff.
What made you think JP was criticizing Rotterdam? All I can think of is JP being fake jealous that Rotterdam gets to kiss girls for no reason in that video or something
He said in his most condescending tone, "...uh... How did he get that job?????"
And you interpret it the way you did..? haha that's just idiotic.
Surely Incontrol thought so too as he went and defended Rotterdam immediately.
He said Rotterdam was a "slick guy". You completely misunderstood everything they said.
He said "slick caster", not "guy"
He was talking about getting the job of having girls kiss him.... and he said hes so slick, cus hes such an attractive slick nerd. He was complementing him....
He didnt say slick guy or slick caster he said slick customer stop making such a big deal out of such a non issue its fucking pathetic.
Thanks to jp and the guys for going through with the show today and having it at an eu friendly time.
I really like the guest today. I dont know if they can be regulars or not, but I would really love it if each race had at least one representative. I think it added a lot to the show today compared to the normal ones. This show they could throw to QXC about some cool terran match. Talk about all the ZVZ with Catz etc.
On February 13 2012 07:17 mTwTT1 wrote: rofl incontrol on the cpm thing, fuckin hilarious
that being said his analysis on the phoenix buff was pretty shitty tho, catz was actually right, ur not supposed to look at it from a unit vs unit perspective when it comes to the phoenix buff because the main goal of mutas is to gain map control while holding the p on 2bases, the range upg is too heavy of an investment off of 2bases because by the time u get it z would be sitting on 4 bases while p would be sitting on 2bases with no tech and zerg could just tech switch out of mutas whenever they want, the protoss would then be in a situation where he has a shitload of phoenixs + gate units vs a 3-4base z who tech switched into something that would roll that type of composition(like roach hydra or w/e)
thats y i think the range upg should be on the cyber core instead, protoss needs a hard counter to mutas like we did in sc1(corsairs) because a GOOD zerg knows how to exploit mutas to the maximum
I guess there aren't any good zergs in GSL considering throughout Code A and Code S this season PvZ has gone like 10-3(series) in favor of Protoss. Many of those games had the zerg going mutas.
Well as idra has commented himself and from what I have seen is protoss players at least the korean ones are dealing with mutalisks very effectively now.
I only play on that server and they are doing very well at defending and dealing with it now. So I honestly think the phoenix buff is uneccsary anyway as protoss players are already figuring it out and dealing with it very well.
The whole change is worthless, the investment is so far off course from a solid ground army, that a Toss player is pigeon holing themselves down a path that will put them behind.
On February 13 2012 07:45 Noocta wrote: Maps are so stupidly protoss favored right now. No map should allow to defend your nat with a few sentry and a ramp only. They can get all the tech and production facilities so fast. And upgrades too. :/
Without easily defensible ramps, Protoss just straight up dies to any timings from Terran or Zerg when attempting to play a macro game.
And with them, protoss just play so greedy that terran/zerg ( but mainly terran ) can't hope to play a macrogame against them.
Easily defensible ramps has nothing to do with the problems Terran or Zerg have vs Protoss in the mid-lategame.
At the moment, past the early game, it is mostly Protoss which has problems busting Terran ramps, especially with Bunkers. Can you imagine MC or Puzzle's Warp Gate or Immortal busts without easily defensible ramps? Early game, Protoss would straight up die without ramps. Midgame, Protoss busts would be ridiculous vs Terran without ramps.
would like to see qxc on more, too. really nice to have good racial representation imo. wouldn't mind rocking some day9, tlo, qxc, geoffincontrolrobinson activity