On September 21 2011 17:19 aendi wrote: come on doko, we europeans make fun of americans all the time...
plus, they were really obviously trolling; if you can't see that you need more internet time
We never do it publicly on tv shows, Incontrol is an idol for many of us and to see him make fun of my country (continent) really hurts me as a fan, because I actually do love this guy and I support him, but he doesn't really make it easy for me when he talks so much crap about europe.
I don't see why they would do that, it is obviously racist and yes they might have been just trolling, but for me personally it's really offensive because I don't ever hate on americans or make fun of them, so I really don't see where all this hate is coming from, sure there might be some retards who make fun of america, but Incontrol you should know better, you have a shit ton of fans in europe, don't give us a hard time supporting you by making fun of us, it's just not fair because we never did anything to you to deserve this.
You don't have to agree with this opinion, but at least respect it.
"-and let's be honest america gives the rest of the world enough reasons to make fun of them"
If you ask me, this is much worse than any joke that INcontrol might say.
If you're a true fan of INcontrol's, then you should be used to his style of humor and not take everything (even if it is targeted somewhat at you) as serious. I've heard him making fun of Demuslim plenty and obviously they aren't at each others throats. Maybe don't take things so seriously?
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
On September 21 2011 17:32 iNcontroL wrote: doko I am trying to understand your post but unfortunately I don't read Egyptian. Please type in a non EU language based text so I can respond!
See doko, atleast he's trying to put in an effort.
Unfortunately I missed the episode, so I'll have to catch up later, but based on people comments on what was commented about... I definitely agree that the GSL needs to spread things out more. A bunch of us were saying it back when the GSL first started and time is only proving that idea right. I suspect because GOMTV is the only show in Korea, they feel obligated to keep up the momentum on their own, but that actually would prevent a new tournament from even starting up.
But drama is created through anticipation and anticipation can only be had through time. We simply need more time. That to me is why MLG and TSL works (except that MLG are still weekend tournmaments) and why NASL doesn't so much. There just needs to be more time to let tensions rise inbetween.
"I have learned I can not always be the jokester or jack ass kinda guy I typically am. People don't know me personally. They don't know my relationships. They don't know what I do outside of that very moment. So I have had to work on being more of a representation of both what I value and WHO I represent."
So i guess you are still learning by making mistakes.
On September 21 2011 17:30 JustPassingBy wrote: oh nice, the new episode is up! going to check it out immediatiely. hoping to find a comment of artosis on that sixjax thing and major going to korea!
i believe it was announced on SOTG wasnt it? the whole major thing
i stayed up till 4 am to watch it and then fell asleep so i got to watch the intro (twicen -_-) and then saw the MLG bits but missed the rest
On September 21 2011 17:32 iNcontroL wrote: doko I am trying to understand your post but unfortunately I don't read Egyptian. Please type in a non EU language based text so I can respond!
It might not be Egyptian, but it could be a little bit too sensitiv? Making fun about other nations characteristics isnt racism in any way. And also europeans are making fun about other nations characteristics. There are other ways to proof your racism. But definitely not in making fun and trolling.
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
imo with comedy/humour saying its ok to make fun of this but not ok to make fun of that is worse then any joke. Your now saying for some reason this group is above being made fun of when everyone else has to deal with it and suck it up.
edit: also making fun of a entier continent isnt racist...its biggoted
This times 1000. The current GSL opening is a satellite. A satellite! Who the hell cares?!
Give us the players. Give us the storyline. Make one up and phrase it as a question, if you have to. For the current GSL, there are a couple to run with:
1. Can Terran domination be stopped? 2. With P being so weak right now, can the Legend of the Fall apply to SC2? 3. Can MVP win another title? 4. Can the MVP/Nestea/MC trifecta be broken, or are they the TLBS of our time? 5. Will the foreigners do well in Code A?
Etc etc etc. Give SOMETHING. There are 32 storylines in Code S. Pick one and sell it! And if you can't do that, at least let me know who's playing. I watch nearly every GSL game. I should be able to list all 32 players in Code S because the openings remind me.
for how much we make fun of americans saying they're dumb and stupidly proud, i sure never met an american that took so much offense for their stereotyping.
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
imo with comedy/humour saying its ok to make fun of this but not ok to make fun of that is worse then any joke. Your now saying for some reason this group is above being made fun of when everyone else has to deal with it and suck it up.
No, read my post again.
I said it's NEVER ok to make racist jokes, be it about americans, asians, africans, europeans, etc.. it's all wrong and offensive.
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
imo with comedy/humour saying its ok to make fun of this but not ok to make fun of that is worse then any joke. Your now saying for some reason this group is above being made fun of when everyone else has to deal with it and suck it up.
No, read my post again.
I said it's NEVER ok to make racist jokes, be it about americans, asians, africans, europeans, etc.. it's all wrong and offensive.
Your opinion is that it's not ok to make fun of americans, asians or europeans. Many other disagree and you only need to watch a english panel show for a couple of minutes to realize they constantly say stuff that's over the line and it's not a big deal.
On September 21 2011 17:19 aendi wrote: come on doko, we europeans make fun of americans all the time...
plus, they were really obviously trolling; if you can't see that you need more internet time
We never do it publicly on tv shows, Incontrol is an idol for many of us and to see him make fun of my country (continent) really hurts me as a fan, because I actually do love this guy and I support him, but he doesn't really make it easy for me when he talks so much crap about europe.
I don't see why they would do that, it is obviously racist and yes they might have been just trolling, but for me personally it's really offensive because I don't ever hate on americans or make fun of them, so I really don't see where all this hate is coming from, sure there might be some retards who make fun of america, but Incontrol you should know better, you have a shit ton of fans in europe, don't give us a hard time supporting you by making fun of us, it's just not fair because we never did anything to you to deserve this.
You don't have to agree with this opinion, but at least respect it.
I'm slightly jealous of the fact that you interpret something like tonight's show as being 'hated on.' Hate is a big word. I wish I could say that one of the most upsetting experiences of my life was when I chose to listen to an internet show about Starcraft 2.
High School must have been a magical time for you, sir.
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
imo with comedy/humour saying its ok to make fun of this but not ok to make fun of that is worse then any joke. Your now saying for some reason this group is above being made fun of when everyone else has to deal with it and suck it up.
No, read my post again.
I said it's NEVER ok to make racist jokes, be it about americans, asians, africans, europeans, etc.. it's all wrong and offensive.
On September 21 2011 17:27 suejak wrote: Why the hell are you a fan of iNc if staple iNc humour upsets you so much?
Oh please, if I make jokes about black people (which I don't) everyone would certainly be upset because you are crossing a line when you do that and other people (like myself) are getting upset when people make jokes about europeans or americans.
I always get upset when people make racist jokes because I find them wrong and disgusting and Incontrol isn't this kind of person, he's better than this and I actually believe in him as a player and person.
Like I said, there is humor and there is humor that crosses a line, imo he crossed a line, you can have your own opinion on this, but making fun of an entire continent is wrong and racist, this isn't even debatable, it's just if you want to accept it or not and I personally don't.
Dude, take the wooden stick out of your behind loosen up - people must think that Austrians have no sense of humor at all
If he made fun of the whole human "race" would you also consider this "racist", even though nobody else is left to call this "discriminatory"?
On September 21 2011 17:08 doko100 wrote: I just watched the VOD and I have to say that I'm really disappointed in Incontrol. Seriously man, you know pretty damn well that europeans are better than americans, you know that the european ladder is harder than the american ladder and just because some randoms were complaining because you didn't know some mediocre europeans you are now making jokes at the expense of an entire continent and it's population?
Sure, this might seem funny to you and other americans, but if you really think most of us don't take offense in that, breaking news, we do.
You get a big fuck you for that, you should be glad europeans don't make web shows where they make fun of americans all night (unlike you do -and let's be honest america gives the rest of the world enough reasons to make fun of them), I really don't think you realize how counter-productive stuff like this. We want to help and support eachother in the foreign scene, all you do is spread hate, show some respec and grow up.
really? you're Austrian and have Germans tell you you're being too sensitive about some sarcastic humor? really?