Server: US Server Team Name: visionaryGaming Leader/Managers TL ID: ODieN, DavasiaN B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: vGODieN.949 - vGdave.343 General Team League Level: Masters (1,000+) Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg, Terran, Protoss Goals of team: Competitive to compete in Clan Wars, Tournaments, MLG, etc. Other: We're an up and coming team in the NA scene have competed in MLG, multiple online tournaments, and more! No badmanner users; please respect all players and team mates. Feel free to apply at: www.visionaryGaming.com (goto forums > recruitment) and fill out the necessary information. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please note: If you have an UPDATE for an already existing post - please note that when you publish the new details here. We have far too many doubles, triples, etc, because people do not specify what it is they want (update Vs. new post) so please make that distinction. Thank you
Server: US Server Team Name: PlusMinus Leader/Managers TL ID: hatuey B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: hatuey.449 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg Goals of team: Clan Wars / Leagues / Lan Tournaments / Casual Other: All are WELCOME! We have a SC2 channel and mIRC you can contact any of us at. We are currently open recruiting, but we will have a set 6-8 A team players that I will join leagues with. Everyone else can hang out in the channel and play custom games/ladder/chat. We are all friendly in our channel. Channel: PlusMinus mIRC: irc.gamesurge.net #plusminus
Can I please UPDATE my post, we recently had a domain switch.
Server: US, EU Servers Team Name: eXe Recruitment Manager's TL ID: greedyFarmer B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: greedyFarmer.142 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Large clan with varying skill levels and attitudes (multiple teams in the clan). All are catered for. We aim to help those who want to improve to improve, and those who just want to play, to play. We have multiple in house tournaments and external clan wars as well Other: Clan site is here http://clan-exe.enjin.com/home and we have more info on battle.net http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2151660370#1 PM me if you have any questions about the clan, if not then register on the site and all will be made more clear
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Fusion Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: NoMicroWin B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: LaGTTNoMi.368 General Team League Level: Masters 1k+ Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg, Random Goals of team: Very competitive team in the NJ/NY area. Planning to join leagues and possibly even start a team house!! Other: Requirements, contact info, etc. (please keep to UNDER 3 sentences) 1k+ Masters would be nice, you can contact me in game or on skype at xbassroxoutloudx, and email ihowells9393@yahoo.com
Server: US Server Team Name: =ADK= (A Different Kind) Leader/Managers TL ID: Soysauce5 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: LetsHXCDance.874 General Team League Level: Diamond, Masters, or GM, even some Plat Race(s) you are looking for: Open for all Goals of team: Competitive and Casual, qualification for Competitive Roster Other: =ADK= is recruiting for any players right now, we ask that to be considered into the =ADK= S][C roster you go register at ADKgamers.com and apply for the clan, from that point there will be a thread to post in, and a decision shortly after. Contact AOBLXIX or LetsHXCDance on =ADK= for further questions
Server: EU Sever Team Name: Eternal Flame Leader/Managers TL ID: UnLiquidNecros B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EFǂNecros.456 General Team League Level: Below Master but all welcome Race(s) you are looking for: Every Goals of team: Fun/Tournaments/Clan Tournaments Other: No requirements, all levels accepted. Brand new clan so we're just getting started. Say hi on forum: http://eternalflame.infodiscussion.net/
This is update for the Decerto recruitment Server: US Server Team Name: Decerto Leader/Managers TL ID: hippopotamus.449 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: hippopotamus.449 General Team League Level: Master-Grandmaster Race(s) you are looking for: All races High masters and above Goals of team: Competitive Other: Recruiting for Team Decerto Organization and We are looking for skilled GM and High masters to join our Sponsored and up and coming team. There is absolutely no BM. Our site is team-decerto.net and we hang out in channel decerto. :D There are tryouts for masters.
Team analyticGAMING recruiting!
Recruiter: datptran.527
Server: US Server
Team Name: analyticGAMING [aG]
Leader and B.NET identifier: iDea.418
General Team League Level : Bronze to Master
How many members do we have? As of now we have approximately 80+ members. By the end of summer we expect the organization to have at least 200+ (so we hope).
Race(s) you are looking for: All races but we are a bit low on the terrans
Goals of team: Casual and/or Competitive (check the site for upcoming events)
Other: Recruiting players for analyticGAMING for either competitive or just casual play. We at aG offer mentoring of any races and occasionally have practices at a specific time (5.30 PT) and dates (Sunday and Thursday).Come by our channel on Starcraft 2 at analyticGAMING.
WEBSITE: To sign up, just head here @ http://analyticgaming.org/home.html
P.S. ; Don't forget to mention you got recruited by me, datptran. Thank-you!
Server: US Server Team Name: Team OpTiK Leader/Managers TL ID: Dalton Northrup [Manager - Akabane101] NuBrGNi [Team Leader] B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: OpTiKAkabane.449 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Looking for ALL races! Goals of team: Competitive - Creating Team OpTiK tournaments and heading on to MLG's Other: Simply go to www.teamoptik.com create an account, go to our recruitment forum and give us your Starcraft 2 name and character code and give us a time you'd be free to play and we'll have some of our players compete with you to see how you are. If we like what we see, Welcome to the team!
![[image loading]](http://i54.tinypic.com/2dhe8g3.jpg)
Clan BM, Clan Bad Manner
Server: US Server
Leader/Managers TL ID: brian2sk8t, slumdog
B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Reavus.275 General Team League Level: Diamond/Masters
Race(s) you are looking for: Any
Goals of team: We're both a casual and competitive team looking to participate in future tournaments, and arrange clan wars.
Other: Requirements are diamond level player, any race, confident in own play, and confident in ability to defeat masters level and above players.
http://sc2clanbm.tk/ http://clanbm.forumotion.com/
Server: EU Server Team Name: YAO Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: GoonFFS, MetricYAO B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Goon.704, Metric.847 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg Goals of team: Competitive environment, good players, friendly people. Other: Must be masters and confident of doing well vs high masters. join channel YAO Gaming and ask - or PM me. http://gamersportal.com/clans/yaogaming
!!!!IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! I will be away for the next two months, as a result I will not be able to update this. I spoke to Hot Bid about transferring this thread to someone else so they can control and update it regularly while I am away. If you are interested in doing so, please PM me and I will have Hot Bid transfer control of the thread to you. Thank you.
Server: NA Server Team Name: NYC Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: jdsarge B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: jdsarge.987 General Team League Level: Diamond/Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: Competitive environment, practice partners, friendly people. Other: Head to Channel nycgaming anywhere from 6pm to 2am est Monday - Friday for discussion and games! My email is grd182@gmail.com if you have any other questions. Let's get some competition going!
update** Server: US Server Team Name: zero Limits - zL Leader/Managers Gary 'Redemption' Krohn B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zLRedemption.720 MSN: redemption.919@live.com Email: redemption@ptgl.us General Team League Level: Master League to Grandmasters ^^ (willing to talk w/ diamonders) Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg, NEED ZERG (but we'll talk w/ anyone)
Goals of team: We are aiming to become a competitive gaming team that can play with the big boys! We also want to keep a very good attitude and grow as friends We have gone #-1 in wars as of lately... accepted/playing in... APL / Skynet Invitational Team League / PTGL
Other: Requirements: must be willing to grow as a player/person. Wont tolerate BM. Looking for mature gamers who want to grow as a team,and contribute to the success of themselves as well as others. any questions PM me here, or stop by the website www.ptgl.us/team we idle in channel 24/7 --- Team zL @ USA Server
other: We will accept anyone to be a part of the team and community, but league roster is master+ or some form of tryout! Thanks! --- www.ptgl.us/team -----
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: Team sLeeT http://teamsleet.enjin.com/ Leader/Managers TL ID: sLeeT.BuDo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BuDo.508 General Team League Level: Diamond - Master Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive 1v1 Team, Map Making Community, Casual Gamers Other: Competitive looks for mostly masters yet Map makers, 1v1ers and average players can all join. Fairly new and fresh clan, updated daily. Inclusive community (you won't be ignored or lost in a sea of other players). sleetbudo@gmail.com
Channel: Op sLeeT on BnetUS
Server: NA Sever Team Name: sPs Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: OriginalPredator B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: sPsPredator.873 General Team League Level: High Master->GM Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss, Zerg if GM Goals of team: Competitive Other: Must be dedicated and willing to mass practice games with teammates. Please be 1600+ master or GM for tryout. Channel sPs.
Hello, my friend players Hydra posted here for VPGamers, and I would like to request some changes to the post if I could. I am no longer a member of VP and Hydra no longer plays StarCraft 2, so I would like to know if the Original Poster of this thread could change the recruitment post so that it reads to go to channel "VPGamers" on battle.net and request for a recruitment officer. Please, PM me if you need any more information.
Thanks in advance!