Update on Team Revoki
Server: US Server Team Name: Revoki (Team Revoki) Leader/Managers TL ID: RevChiCaNeRy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: RevChiCaNeRy.420 General Team League Level: Master/GM Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss Goals of team: Competitive/Pro Other: We are looking for high-tiered master leaguers (at least 3,800 points from Season 1 OR Top 300 from Season 2). Tryouts are required. Our team is sponsored and we expect active players. There are four divisions on the team, S, A, B, and C, due to its size (over 35 players). You will be placed into a division after tryouts if you qualify for the team, and you can be promoted or demoted as well. To receive a tryout, please submit an application at http://www.teamrevoki.com/ (Apply Tab), contact RevChiCaNeRy in game, in channel Revoki, or by email: revokigaming@gmail.com. Site: http://www.teamrevoki.com/ and http://revoki.com/team/ Sc2ranking List: http://sc2ranks.com/c/3285/team-revoki-ladder-rankings/
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name:Synth Gamers Leader/Managers TL ID: CHOdan B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: CHOdan.478 General Team League Level: platinum Race(s) you are looking for:bronze-masters Goals of team: casual Other: require skype you can submit an application at http://synth.freeforums.org/index.php
Please change Gentlemens Gaming Association's entry to say:
Race(s) you are looking for: Any.
Server: NA Server Team Name: Clan epik Leader/Managers TL ID: krap.sky B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: epikSoulKey.728 General Team League Level: Platinum and up Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive and Casual, Help out plats and diamonds to achieve masters (practices will be scheduled) and for the masters to play in competitive gaming. clan wars, etc. Other: website: apply at clan-epik.forumotion.com Looking for players who are active and willing to practice,
NOTE: I will be gone all this coming week, so if the thread is not updated - it is because I am away.
Server: NA Server Team Name: Vision Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: DivineSC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Divine.759/NGriftStalkr.206 General Team League: Bronze-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Looking for mainly casual players, people that like to have fun, and just all around enjoy the game. We play a lot of team games just to screw around, and maybe drop a nuke or two on a vortex. We also play 1v1's but mainly at a casual level. Appreciate everyone to have a mic, we are working on getting a Vent server, but for now we will probably use something else, either Skype or Raidcall. Message Divine.759 or NGriftStalkr.206 for more info. Or join the "VisionGaming" Chat channel in game.
Team Name: Notorious Gaming Leader/Managers: NGriftStalker.206 General Team League Level: Bronze - Platinum Race(s) you are looking for: Terran Goals of team: Competitive and Casual / Looking for Plat. and below to establish a new team that will work towards Master goals together. Will work together on a daily basis, will have a chat server up for discussion, pickup games, place to meet. All skill levels welcome, just be willing to learn and be cool with each other. Will eventually enter major competitive tournaments. Other: New team, anyone willing to have fun and learn welcome. Mic helpful. Contact: RaidCall Server: NotoriousGaming In-Game: NGriftStalker.206
This clan has broken up, contact me in game if you dont believe im riftStalkr. Please remove from list.
Server: US Server Team Name: Nine Leader/Managers: DBNK/Yellow B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DBNK.986 General Team League Level: Gold+ Solo players. Looking to sign MONEY CONTRACTS in the start of next year. Only serious players only, with dedication to go far. Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals: To become more well-known in the Starcraft community. Have greater success with the help of a very dedicated team. Stay at a level of professionalism, with momentum to grow in the future. Other: All Nine.SC2 roster members are indeed asked to sign a contract with Nine in/of starting year of 2012. We could like to compensate our players with wages, travel expenses, exposer, etc.
Site: team-nine.net How to apply: PM DBNK on the forums, or on battle.net. Preferred and more quicker method is using the forums.
Thanks for reading. Last edit: 2010-08-05 15:39:20
Server: US Server Team Name: Nyquist Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: Savagebeavers B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: nYqSherlok.435 General Team League Level: Master, Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Terran and Protoss Goals of team: To maintain first and foremost a community based team, but also have our A team compete in clan wars. Other: If you are in lower leagues, we will consider you if your active, and striving to improve your gameplay. Head over to http://www.nyquistgaming.com/ and go to the recruitment thread.
Edit: there is a previous nyquist gaming post, but that person has left our team, and we have started over
On April 19 2011 04:57 hunansux wrote: Server: NA Server Team Name: World Dominance Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: Hunansux B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: wDHunan.700 General Team League Level: Silver-Plat Race(s) you are looking for: Any and all! Goals of team: Competitive and casual! We enjoy all the facets of SC2! Other: We're part of a multi-game community with a newish SC2 Division. We're looking for active players to join our community. We regularly host tournaments! Check us out at wdgaming.net!!!!
Looking in to this clan. Looks like a great community
Server: US Server Team Name: Victus Leader/Managers TL ID: zaner132 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Yossarian.194 General Team League Level: Master/Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All races. Goals of team: Competitive, Practice, and lots of fun Other: Find us at www.TeamVictus.com . We recently changed our name from "Clan Chobo", so don't get confused. We have plenty of Diamond league members now, but we are specifically looking for Masters-level players now. We are becoming very competitive.
Server: NA Server Team Name: team-eQ (subject to change) Leader/Managers TL ID: `ChroMaTe_ B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: cLvChroMe.383 OR Obeast.175 General Team League Level: Plat-Masters. Race(s) you are looking for: Any, but less Protoss than anything. Goals of team: Semi-competitive. Other: Team has NOT been officially launched. This is for tryouts. To join the team please contact one of the two people on BNET, and do a tryout game with them. For further details, PM on BNET or PM me here on TeamLiquid. Website: http://team-eq.co.cc
Server: NA Server Team Name: Vision Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: DivineSC B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: vGDivine.602/NGriftStalkr.206 General Team League: Bronze-Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Casual/Competitive Looking for people that like to have fun, and just all around enjoy the game. We play a lot of team games just to screw around, and maybe drop a nuke or two on a vortex. We also play 1v1's but mainly at a casual level. Will be looking for clans to do clan matches against just for fun. Appreciate everyone to have a mic, we are working on getting a Vent server, but for now we will probably use something else, either Skype or Raidcall. Message vGDivine.602 or NGriftStalkr.206 for more info. Or join the "VisionGaming" Chat channel in game.
Please update, changed some names and CC's
Everything should be up to date as of now, I apologize once again for being away the past week.
Server: US Server Team Name: Mechanical Gamers Leader/Managers: gookyboy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: MGCharger.517 MGDanny.547 General Team League Level: High masters- Grandmasters players Race(s) you are looking for: All races Goals of team: Competitive, Winning high level team competitions Other: We are looking for commited players. We are recruiting to our B-team as well but only if you show your willing to play as hard as possible and try your best to prove MG's is a no joke team.
Update Server: US Server Team Name: Team SC (StyleCraft) Leader/Managers TL ID: SCFlavor B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SCFlavor.385 General Team League Level: GM/Top 400 Race(s) you are looking for: All 3 Races (Looking Especially for Protoss atm) Goals of team: Be competitive in the SC2 scene. Achieve good results in future leagues and tournaments. Get recognition and respect as a top clan in NA. Other: Requirements are top 400 masters - GM level. Our channel is StyleCraft, join for tryout or practice games. We are currently in 4 team leagues: SCL, APL BATL, and EPTL. Check our forums out @ StylesCraft.com and our roster @http://sc2ranks.com/c/6787/stylecraft/.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Place2be Leader/Managers TL ID: kaOz1985 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: kaOz.752, Corann.698 General Team League Level: Diamond - Master Race(s) you are looking for: Terrans prefered Goals of team: Competitive gaming ( waiting list on SC2CL, ESL Clanwarladder ranked #44 and started on Stammkneipe-KotH Clanleauge) Other: Hi, we are place2be and we are from mostly from Germany but we have no problems with english speaking players as long as they own a mic and headset. You can also contact us by joining the channel "p2b" on bnet eu. Our homepage is www.myp2b.de.
Server: EU Server Team Name: uG-Esport (uGm) [b]Leader/Managers TL ID[/b]: emger, Hashmeister B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: uGmHashMsTr.722 General Team League Level: Plat-Diamond (though we have some silver too) Race(s) you are looking for: All 3 Races (Looking Especially for Zerg atm) Goals of team: Be competitive in SC2 (We play at SC2Cl, Stammkneipe and a lot of Clanwars) & achieving good results in future leagues and tournaments. Other: Requirements: - German language - Preferred: Plat+ Players (pref. Zerg), although you can swing by too if you are in a lower league - min. age = 17years - Teamspeak 3 Client
Homepage: http://www.ug-esport.de/
TeamSpeak3: ug-esport:1337
Server: NA Server Team Name: NeO Leader/Managers TL ID: xFlyingrussia B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: XDaNTON.291 General Team League Level: High Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Zerg, Protoss, and Random Goals of team: Competitive team that is willing to be active, play hard, and enjoy the game. Also we clan war often so being active is extremely important! Other: Channel: NeO)