Server: US Server Team Name: Team Precision (www.team-precision.net) Leader/Managers TL ID: HiaTa B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HiaTa.538 General Team League Level: Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: Currently looking for all races Goals of team: Having a competitive environment where everyone can improve and learn. Other: We're a group that has been playing games together since 2005, although we were mainly an FPS team we're now opening an RTS division and plan on being active in online tournies / in house tournaments. The only requirements are you must be active, over fifteen, have a desire to learn, and no attitude.
Please add HiaTa.538 to get more information, or register on our website (www.team-precision.net) and fill out an application there. (Or PM me here)
Remove Regret from EU/Masters, we've disbanded
Server: NA Server Team Name: Natural Reaction (NR) Leader/Managers TL ID: CarelessPride B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BorderHopper 368 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Forming a Starcraft2 team where we can practice with each other instead of ladder all day long. Competitive and Casual section will be created. Message me for other details Other: We will be hosting friendly clan wars and tournaments as well to create a more entertaining gaming life
Server: EU Team Name: TREX Leader/Managers TL ID: Slyce / Akill B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Slyce.605 General Team League Level: Diamond / Master Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive 1v1 Other: Must be UK resident + Have a microphone.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Syntax Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: beAwsm B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: beAwsm.415 General Team League Level: Top25 Platinum-Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Terran, Protoss(,Zerg) Goals of team: Competitive / Improving SC2 Skills Other: English/German Language Skills appreciated ; 16 + Age; Mic/Headset (TeamSpeak)
For applications visit www.syntaxgaming.net
Server: US Server Team Name: nG Leader/Managers TL ID: BMnex (Catroa), BMhatch(Minkus) B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BMnex.772 ( I'm manager not player so not mid-master) General Team League Level: Master ( ~400-900 points ) Race(s) you are looking for: All races Goals of team: Competitive, Clan Wars, and practice Other: Friendly, pretty active and stride for improvement Recruitment is closed at this time
Server: NA server Team Name: oBLPo (BrawnsLeaqueProse) Leader/Manger: oBLPoZim B.Net.ID: oBLPoZim.889 General Team League: Gold-Plat Races: Zerg, and or Toss Goals: Strictly 4v4 premade clan/team, we'll expand into other teamgames as we go, but for now 4v4 is the entire goal Other: We want everyone who joins to use the overlord picture (10 random wins) as the clan portriat, so that when we play together we unit, if intrested send email to Blp.Clan@rocketmail.com
Teams/Clan Info Server: US Server Team Name: bT Blunt Trauma Leader/Managers TL ID: probe... B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: bTdankiness.230 General Team League Level: Talent in all leagues Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive / Casual / Fun Other: http://www.clanbt.us
Looking for players who have interest in expanding their Starcraft skills. We play a lot getting a lot of practice and just love the game check us out in chanel : clan bT
Server: EU Server Team Name: Clan Revolution Leader/Managers TL ID: lovely, kage B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: lovely.448 General Team League Level: Diamond Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: To help each member become a better player Other: http://www.clan-revolution.net
update** Server: US Server Team Name: zero Limits - zL Leader/Managers Gary 'Redemption' Krohn B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: zLRedemption.720 MSN: redemption.919@live.com Email: redemption@ptgl.us General Team League Level: Master League to Grandmasters ^^ (willing to talk w/ diamonders) Race(s) you are looking for: Zerg, NEED ZERG (but we'll talk w/ anyone)
Goals of team: We are aiming to become a competitive gaming team that can play with the big boys! We also want to keep a very good attitude and grow as friends We have gone 2-1 in wars as of lately... and are entered into 2-3 leagues atm once they start!
Other: Requirements: must be willing to grow as a player/person. Wont tolerate BM. Looking for mature gamers who want to grow as a team,and contribute to the success of themselves as well as others. any questions PM me here, or stop by the website www.ptgl.us/team we idle in channel 24/7 --- Team zL @ USA Server
other: We will accept anyone to be a part of the team and community, but league roster is master+ or some form of tryout! Thanks! --- www.ptgl.us/team -----
Hi Please open Seal Cub Clubbing Club for recruitment again. In US Masters.
Also please modify Other: We're a group of friendly gamers who participate in various clan wars weekly and practice together a fair bit. The goal of our team is mainly to have some competitive fun and if you're looking to improve your play in a relaxed team then feel free to try out!
Server: US Server Team Name: Gifted Leader/Manager's Name: Gifted.TempO B.Net ID.Identifier: TempO.113 General Team League Level: Any Race(s): Any Goals: Casual gaming with a focus on community and helping each other's skill level increase; maybe competitive soon, but we'll see. Other: Gifted is a small branch-off of a clan by the same name from GunZ the Duel (of which I have inherited leadership). We have existed in GunZ since its release in 2002. We strive to create a community of friends in real life as well as in the virtual world. After all, personality is far greater in social value than ability.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Warrior Nation Leader/Managers TL ID: TheEvilOne B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SentinelX.232, Revtek.500, Maz.816, TheEvilOne.153 General Team League Level: Bronze-Platinum Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: We are a group of casual gamers with organised Game Nights, clan tournaments/leagues and clan wars. Other: We are looking for new members on the EU server. If you are interested in joining please go to our website at www.warriornation.net/Forum or contact one of the members above.
Server: US Server Team Name: Team GG (Good Guys) Leader/Managers TL ID: GGRage B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GGRage.362 General Team League Level: Masters+ Races: All races are welcome. Goals of team: Pro scene. Other: Please visit our website @ team-gg.com to apply for our Pro Team and A Team. Official NA region chat channel: Team GG
Server: NA Server Team Name: iLuvYouSike (ilys) Leader/Managers TL ID: CarelessPride B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: BorderHopper 368 General Team League Level: plat+ Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Forming a Starcraft2 team where we can practice with each other instead of ladder all day long. Competitive and Casual section will be created. Message me for other details Other: We will be hosting friendly clan wars and tournaments as well to create a more entertaining gaming life
Server: NA Server Team Name: eXile Gaming Leader/Managers TL ID: eXZebrA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: OGCeltiC.115 and SeDuCeMuCh.403 General Team League Level: All Race(s) you are looking for: All Goals of team: Competitive and Casual, we will train together and if we can get a decent squad we may play in a few clan leagues. Other: I am a member of the great team OGaming but this is a clan not a team, this is for fun, mostly casual gaming and hanging out. We may get a competitive team in the near future for CW's and stuff but for now this is just a casual clan, if you are in a team you can also join this clan.
Server: NA Server Team Name: team-eQ (subject to change) Leader/Managers TL ID: `ChroMaTe_ B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: cLvChroMe.383 OR Obeast.175 General Team League Level: Plat-Masters. Race(s) you are looking for: Any, but less Protoss than anything. Goals of team: Semi-competitive. Other: Team has NOT been officially launched. This is for tryouts. To join the team please contact one of the two people on BNET, and do a tryout game with them. For further details, PM on BNET or PM me here on TeamLiquid. Website: http://team-eq.co.cc
Can you edit our clan to say this:
Server: US Server Team Name: Fallacy (fLc) Leader/Managers TL ID: SkaPunk/NoXiOuS36th B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: WarDamnSka.359 General Team League Level: Masters Race(s) you are looking for: Mainly P or Z, MID TO HIGH masters. We need COMMITTED members to work and practice FREQUENTLY. Quitters need not apply. Goals of team: Competitive for our masters, but we play casually too. Other: We are 35+ member clan, with a 6-7 member A team. We want you to be part of our A team. We require our masters to be on often, and to participate in tournaments, in-house tournaments, clan wars, and practice. Our channel is team fLc. We use skype often, so get a mic.
Server: EU Server Team Name: Playing with Fire(PwF) Leader/Managers TL ID: Cedrik B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Cedrik.348 General Team League Level: Diamond - Master Race(s) you are looking for: Terran/Protoss(Mainly protoss) Goals of team: Aiming to be better players and joining the ranks of Masters. Currently some casual CW as well. Other: We only accept Swedish players. You can find anything you need to know about this clan on this link: http://playingwithfire.egetforum.se/information-f17.html
Server: NA Server Team Name: team-eQ (subject to change) Leader/Managers TL ID: `ChroMaTe_ B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: cLvChroMe.383 OR Obeast.175 General Team League Level: Plat-Masters. Race(s) you are looking for: Any, but less Protoss than anything. Goals of team: Semi-competitive. Other: Team has NOT been officially launched. This is for tryouts. To join the team please contact one of the two people on BNET, and do a tryout game with them. For further details, PM on BNET or PM me here on TeamLiquid. Website: http://team-eq.co.cc