On July 13 2010 05:00 peckham33 wrote: it's not against thread rules and i don't think it's against blizz rules eather. PM sent, thanks in advance. that was 45 mins ago. i'm pretty sure someone pm'd before you.
Hey all, I've been reading the forums for a long time and trying my best to prepare for launch from the forum, day9 and VODs, but would be extremely grateful to anybody who would throw me an extra beta key. Thank you all, <3 TL community!
I'm a long time lurker looking for a key. I played BW with my friends, however they've moved on to SC2 beta and HoN(meh)... I'd love to be able to play with them again. Anywho, any help would be very appreciated
Yay, been looking for a key since beta started. I am a member of SC@Mapster and found a thread of somone giving keys(He had a ton). He was legit and pmed me a key. Must have been a mess up though because the key had already been used. Pretty pissed after that and would apperciate a key SOOOO much.
Thanks guys.
Had a friend of mine from here (Thegilaboy) bring me into the Starcraft universe recently and now I'm hooked. I happen to play on his beta account during our lunch breaks but it would be cool to actually play against him. Just asking for a key, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much.
Hi guys, I'm just now joining the TL community and thought why not start with giving something to it!
I have a beta key I received from pre-ordering (already got in through blizz's beta opt-in thingy), however I am not sure if this key will work for US/asia, but I believe I heard that the keys are universal.
Sooo first one to PM me gets it!
EDIT - Sorry for those wanting one, but I have given mine away now, I hope everyone who PM'd gets one another way though!
Tadaa, here is one of my invitation keys. Have fun!
+ Show Spoiler +88X2HV-F8EK-XYJRXN-RY4F-CW6ZXM
If you want to, PM me your ID and I will add you to my list ... have fun!
woooo got it thank you so much!
Thank you so much Zajjmon, I will use this opportunity wisely and most graciously, I thank you again, you have made me a very happy person. (Thanks again)
Man, missed both of those barely. I'm never going to get one. Ugh. Anyone willing to PM me one, I'd be on basically nonstop till it's down again if anyone wants a practice partner.
I know this is just adding a plea to the gigantic list, but I would greatly appreciate it.
Lol yay I'd appreciate if somone pm'd me one. I was watching vods and checked back on the thread to see somone had already taken Nyxxos xD.
On July 13 2010 07:13 Dub wrote: Man, missed both of those barely. I'm never going to get one. Ugh. Anyone willing to PM me one, I'd be on basically nonstop till it's down again if anyone wants a practice partner.
I know this is just adding a plea to the gigantic list, but I would greatly appreciate it.
keep trying man, i persisted and eventually got one, and its worth it. Just keep holding out in hope, and remember, always F5.
WTB Beta Key!! =) preordered a few days ago and Gstop said they are out.... =(
Entaro Adun Team Liquid Community!
Just a semi-competitive SC2 gamer and TL follower (just finished reading SC2 Liquipedia) looking for a beta key for my younger brother. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who has an extra key and is willing to PM it to me. Thanks in advance! P:
I've watched so many replays and it would be nice to try out a little of the game before it comes out retail. I'll probably get my faced smashed in, but isn't that part of the learning experience? Haha thanks for the help
I need a key to represent my country in the StarCraft 2 WC 2010 turney announced elsewhere in the forums.
Pretty please with sugar on top :D
//Regards the slyth
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
Hey, I'd like a sc2 beta key if anyone has a spare and they're not gonna use.
I guess I dont deserve one more than the next guy, but I'd really like one. A friend of mine have been kind enough to let me play on his account, but the problem is, he is changing password all the time and I hate to ask him for his new password as I know he hates when people know it.
I'm not a super good player either, been in the gold league for some games and got demoted into silver, was ranked 2 on the silver last night. But I love the game and it's so much fun and I'd love to be able to play alittle more before it gets out, so I wont get my ass totally kicked the 27th of July.
Thanks for reading /Maystomp
Aspiring competitive player So far have only been playing a couple times on a friend's account I'm also looking for a practice partner, so if you're looking to get good/improve I'll totally play with you I'm a Zerg player with an APM of 150+ and got my friends account to Diamond during preliminary matches Hope you check me out