Austin10831 Posts
This topic will be a utility for players with beta keys to distribute them to those without. It's understandable that those who haven't had a chance to play the beta yet are getting anxious, but we simply can't have the forums being inundated with topics where people just ask to be given a key.
Before you can post in this thread, you need to read the TL.net 10 Commandments as well as the rules for this specific thread, below.
1) One post in this thread per person, with the exception being if you need multiple posts to give multiple keys. We don't want this to turn into a giant spam fest while everyone F5's the thread. I know this might seem more boring than posting cat pictures or memes, but it's to avoid confusion and clutter, making the thread better for everyone.
2) No posts that don't involve either asking for a beta key, giving a beta key, or saying thanks to the person you got your key from. Any random garbage posts will get you a temp ban, don't test it.
3) Trying to pass of fake beta keys as some kind of joke will get you banned, and probably permanently. It's not funny, don't do it.
4) If you want to hold some sort of mini-contest for your key, do so in your own blog, but make sure you put some good effort into it. Don't just say "First one to PM me good porn gets a beta key!" or something. If you're in doubt as to whether you should do this, you probably shouldn't.
To review: Multiple unnecessary posts - that's a paddlin'. Off topic posts - that's a paddlin'. Bad contests - that's a paddlin'. Fake beta keys - Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.
Ok that's it! Play nicely dudes and dudettes.
NOTE: It's up to the discretion of the giver to decide whether to post the key in the thread or PM it to a certain person. Ideally, it would be better to PM them so that our registered users get them, but it's your choice. (This means make your post stand out! Tell everyone why you should get a key)
Thanks to Johnny B
I'm pretty new here mostly just lurk and play Fantasy Proleague, just looking to play some beta before the game actually comes out.
i made countless of funny pics didn´t i ?
![[image loading]](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3802/beggar.jpg) If you pick me for sending a beta key, i would highly appreciate this 
Status: No Key Yet. , allowed to play on friends account for while, so don't prioritize me guys
I would love to get a key, so stoked to play^^
Help the female SC2 community to grow! 
I would really like a beta key it would make me so happy
I would love to be able to play the beta, if anyone can spare a key. Ive been browsing these forums for a few months now in anticipation for sc2 (as well as getting back into sc1).
I really need a beta key, please.
Thanks in advance
yeah i'd like to play beta before the game actually comes out too  i love how many single digit posters are in this thread :")
I haven't been here very long, and all I ever do is lurk, but: Holy crap I would give e-love for anyone that gives me a key.
E-love being both electronic and eternal.
if you give me a beta key im not going to kill myself saving a human life never been easier now it only needs a single ctrl+c and ctrl+v combination with a valid beta key to my PM
if you do than you can consider yourself as a savior thankyoux100000000
Long time lurker who would appreciate a beta key invite! <3
I pre-ordered too late and was unfortunate enough not to receive a key.
I'd love it if someone could spare me a key.
Thanks in advance -Derek
I really really need a beta key now
![[image loading]](http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1092/signjk.jpg) MY DREAMS CAME TRUE AND I NOW HAVE OVER 30 GAMES PLAYED ZOMG!
Long time lurker, new time poster really. I understand that chances are slim and that there are so many ppl who deserve it just as much as i. But im throwing my name in the hat in the hope that someone has some spare. Many thanks 
EDIT: Will make a small charity donation for one to a charity of your choice :p
EDIT2: Still no love for me (
Guys, I'm more than two months trying to get a key. Since this has happened, I can not eat, can not sleep. Seriously. I need even if it is 2 min online, just to quench my curiosity how is the multiplayer: (I'm crying. My life is shit. I hope StarCraft for over 12 years. I need to test it
Edit: No need anymore, thanks 
ill take one please, thanks
As above - I'd love a key as well, since I am having a little computer smash-up next week and starting it off with giving my friend a key would surely be awesome, so we could play together.
Gentlemen, I'd very much appreciate receiving a beta key for the US servers so I can play some 2v2s with a friend of mine (laugh all you want, 2v2 is awesome!) Thanks alot
i would like to ask one, winter here in Brazil (i live on a south state) and it's indoor starcraft2 time!
Wont make a big post, I am one of those idiots that F5'ed the last thread and tryied every fake Key. Well, you known the story.
Btw, i want a beta US key.
I, too, pre-bought this game from gamestop after ( June) they stopped giving out key's. I guess the real reason I'd like a key is so I don't get stomped on release day by all my friends who are currently in beta getting experience.
I've been obsessing over the game since beta began, but have not had the opportunity to obtain a key. I plan to be a serious player and will definitely contribute more towards this website when possible. I live in the US; a beta key will be very much appreciated and I will make sure to repay the kind person in whichever way I can. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Got one
I am sorry to break the rules, but I have to say the amount of people who made new accounts here just to beg for the key is astounding. This topic should be locked and this nonsense must end now.
Looking for an EU beta key to help me fail some exams Any help appreciated
Lol look at how many fewer keys are being posted now that fake keys = ban :/ Anyway I've got nothing to add to the rest so hopefully i'll get lucky TY!
I am looking for a single beta key, hoping to have a very good friend of mine who used to play MMO's with me try out SC2 before release. She currently plays LoL and I think that she'd find SC2 fun, but I don't want to have her throw 60 dollars at the game if she's never tried it before.
If I can't get a beta key before release then oh well, thanks to everyone for helping out.
Edit: I'm fairly shocked how many people are making brand new accounts for a key, makes me wonder if people are trying to get into the US Client or something.
Add me to the list for a key! Just recently started paying attention to SC 2, I loved the first one in my teens but generally got destroyed online I was amazed at the graphics at first, and then overwhelmed with commentaries and forums. Thanks!
Would like a key as well!
Thanks to all distributing to those in need.
Been lurking for a good while now, decided to finally make an account.
If anyone could spare an EU beta key, I'd be incredibly grateful, although I unfortunately don't have anything to offer in return.
Won't try a sob story, I don't like it when people do them on TV so I won't do it here. Thanks in advance to anyone out there who has a beta key spare.
Would like a key too
Life time supply of cookies and cake if u give me one <3
I need a key so that I can maintain my position as the best starcraft player among my friends!
Hello, my 10 year old sister got sick 2 days ago, and now i have to stay home doing nothing all the time time, watching out so she doesnt blow the house up while my parents are gone. So PLZ do me and favor and let me have a Beta key so time passes faster .
yours Otso
I need a key so I can give it to one of the other guys
Need a beta key cause my friend share a key with me and wen he plays i cannot, and that makes me QQ. Thanks in advance
sorry for being a 1-post but I've watched this forum for a long time but still I have no beta keys so I'm playing with AI or custom games 
request for 1 beta key
I need a Beta key for my RL friend. I have access to the beta, love the game and love the community. The problem is I've hit a learning curve and need a practice partner, more than that, I want to play with my best friend of more than 10 years. We have checked brick and mortar stores around our city, but no one is offering the beta key with preorder deal. Please help!
Edit: Does anyone know where we could purchase one even? PM me if you do. I'll edit when/if I am lucky enough to find one
I think this key is unused. I gave it to a friend, but I don't think he ever registered it. If he did use it - I'm sorry; I didn't mean to mislead you.
+ Show Spoiler +BW74ZV-KHJM-VNT8KG-9XG9-4MWD8M
After only listening to podcasts only about SC2 for the last three weeks. I'm barely hanging in there. A beta key would help hold me over till the 27! Shout out to day[9] and State of the Game for their podcasts!
A beta key would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
I would like a beta key plz. Its not for me but for a buddy who never got a key. Thanks
Been waiting for a key since phase 1 started. if anyone can pm me one I'd really appreciate it.
Obviously I want a beta key, being new to RTS's in general, but to everyone else here: + Show Spoiler + Just relaaaaax. Pretend that there is no beta, and that the game will just open on the 27th. You'll be able to play all you want, and best of all, you're guaranteed to be able to.
No lotteries, no contests, no draws, no begging, no pleading, no haggling, and certainly no spamming F5.
It'll probably be best for you to try and forget that Starcraft 2 even exists in the meantime--as hard as that sounds. Try to even cut yourself off of watching SC2 replays. You'll save yourself tons of anxiety, and you'll enjoy the game more when it comes out.
BTW: Thanks for trying to help the unfortunates, 789. I didn't even bother to try, but considering that no one posted a thanks it looks to be a dud. Good attempt though :D
Three days berofe birthday... I really want a beta key as a gift. Thank you.
I have an extra beta key from an “Invite a Friend” email I received a while back. Too make it a bit more challenging, I replaced one of the letters with an asterisk. Guess the correct letter and play the Beta… Good Luck!
+ Show Spoiler +NCYZPR-GME8-V6MG*V-9EFV-M8HZCV
I would love to try starcraft 2 so i can take a key if u got any spare
T... As in, "too late"
Edit: I don't know who got the key, but thanks for the kindness, SonrenitY...
I would appreciate it if someone gives me a key. I'm in Colombia so I couldn't pre-order. Thanks again.
could use a key aswell if anyone has a spare one thanks in advanced
If anyone has a spare key, I'd be really grateful. :3
A friend of mine got a beta key and I would like to try it too. I would be very grateful if I received a key. Thanks
Greetings TLers! I'll admit, i'm new to the starcraft scene, but i've been steeping myself in day9tv and HDstarcraft for the past month and i'm eager to actually be able to play the game. Give a noob a chance? I'm Canadian, so I would need a US key, if that matters. Thanks in advance.
In need of EU key. I've been filling my brother's head with epic tales of baneling bombs and broodlords and now he wants in on the action. Help my family stay close!
Good evening!
Thanks for offering this thread and for your many cool replays. I'd love a key as well; my excuse is: I am a musician who currently has to play for the enjoyment of HORSES. It's awful! A SC2 beta at home would keep my mind off contemplating creative ways of animal cruelty.
hello all, i gott a EU-key over.
the rules are simpel. a account here on tl and the first to respond on my post and are from europe. so if you see one post you dont need to respond if it dosent say any different.
Edit: trullis was the winner. ^^
better luck next time. And gl hf in StarCraft 2. ^^
On July 10 2010 07:34 ikkari wrote: hello all, i gott a EU-key over.
the rules are simpel. a account here on tl and the first to respond on my post and are from europe. so if you see one post you dont need to respond if it dosent say any different.
would like it!
On July 10 2010 07:34 ikkari wrote: hello all, i gott a EU-key over.
the rules are simpel. a account here on tl and the first to respond on my post and are from europe. so if you see one post you dont need to respond if it dosent say any different.
Me too PLUS I'm from europe! Germany!
im from germany, purchased and waiting for 2 month now . plz roll of dice?
I do not have a beta key and would like to play some SC2. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read or donate a key.
long time listener first time caller!
I would appreciate a beta key so much! My little and brother and I have been sharing the same beta key profile on one computer and it would be so nice to be separate entities!
Let me know. I'll trade you a drawing or something. My mom thinks I'm pretty good. Har har.
Would be awsome if any1 would be able to gimme a cd-keyhavent been able to play SC2 if u dont count computer hacks! :/
I am posting 2 beta keys here BUT
I can not promise that both of them are unused, these are keys I sent to my friends in phase one, and they never played. But I dont know if they registered them. 
Please PM me if you used any of them so I can remove them from post
1st key taken by Jaysc 2nd key used
I need a beta key, only a few weeks left until sc2 release..
I would gladly take one if someones giving away. Thank you very much
Been reading this site for ages, made an acc for this. I dont have an actuall key to give away, i usually play on EU servers but i made an US account with a spare key I had. I dont use it so i will give it away for one of you guys to use until the end of beta. I'll keep reading this post trough the day and give it to one of you.
hello, please PM me if you have spare key i can have. i am experianced with starcraft ans live in the US.
i cant tell you enough man.. lol i been waitin like a fiend sittin here for 2 months.. i purchased the game earlier and found out.. no key. lol.
anyways... yeh you are the coolest person ever if you help me out.
How aboot helping a Canadian oot? Been glued too team liquid for some time now. Always watching replays hopefully soon I can post some of my own. A PM would be great if anyone has an extra 
Long time lurker, although I guess there won't be any in SC2 (ba-dum tish).
I was waiting to get my new computer when they stopped the pre-order promotion...if anyone can hook me up I will be eternally grateful.
well ive been sittin here all day hoping for a key... and now i have to go :\ the best thing that could ever happen to me would be to come home a to a PM with a beta key init .
Would be epicly cool of someone to donate a beta key, you can be guaranteed I will make full use of it.
PM me if possible, Thanks.
Sucks that this is my first post here, but it certainly won't be my last.
I'll spare you all the sob story, and just say I'd like a key if you got one!
I'm still new to RTS games, but I'd like to get into the SC2 beta to give it a try. Also, my friend keeps telling me to try to get a beta key because he's hoping to play with me.
I pre-ordered my SC2 and I was told that they ran out of beta keys - -. Hence, I need one or two 'cos my brother is without one as well.. Thank you kind soul(s).
I would like a beta key to challenge a forumer from my country that said that Starcraft2 is harder to play than Starcraft:BW.
Bosnia-Herzegovina439 Posts
PM me if you have one to spare. It's for my brother. Thanks.
I would absolutely love a beta key. I feel pretty lucky right now so hopefully my wish comes true. My computer was absolutely horrible when the other wave of the beta was going on so I didn't opt in at the time. But now I can play decently and because I didn't opt in earlier, that means one extra person got to play the beta this entire time. You should give back. Thanks a ton!
Hi there Here's two Keys, I don't want to PM anyone in case they might have already been given a key so I guess this goes to the people who pick it up
+ Show Spoiler +V2NE68-2PEV-RBXXEW-NMYN-GJFEEW + Show Spoiler +Z4P24Y-62XW-ZHMM89-WD2B-ZDPCWC GL&HF
United Arab Emirates245 Posts
The thought of having some of you who I might hand a key to, to turn into a 4pooling or proxy gating scum holds me back.
Thanks, Ncage.
On July 10 2010 09:14 XothermeK wrote: The thought of having some of you who I might hand a key to, to turn into a 4pooling or proxy gating scum holds me back.
lol xD
I've following the beta since its very beginning,watched a hell alot ofs VODs but I didn't have the oportunity to play the game with anyone besides the AI, what sucks. And besides that Brazil lost in a shameful way in the world cup. Only a Beta key can cheer me up!
I'd like to test how the game runs on my laptop before buying .
If you got an extra key, pm me. I do plan to use the key extensively and provide beta feedback to blizzard.
On July 10 2010 09:13 Ncage wrote: Hi there Here's two Keys, I don't want to PM anyone in case they might have already been given a key so I guess this goes to the people who pick it up
I dont think there is much danger of that happening.
On July 10 2010 09:53 Ghier wrote:Show nested quote +On July 10 2010 09:13 Ncage wrote: Hi there Here's two Keys, I don't want to PM anyone in case they might have already been given a key so I guess this goes to the people who pick it up I dont think there is much danger of that happening.
Yeh ill update my request as soon as i get one and i think everyone else would too
Looking for a US key to play with friends.
Much Thanks.
I really wish to have a beta key, all my friends call me crazy for wanting to play sc2, me beeing a girl, but I'll show them .... when I get a key, THX
Been lurking TL for a few months now and I've only been able to watch YT games (mainly watching HD and Husky) :[. I would love a key if anyone has a spare, so that I can get some games in with some mates within the next few weeks :D. Thanks in advance!
Hi guys, If somebody can send me a little key, you will make me sooo happy actually, i pray for a key Thanks ! PM me
well i guess the chances of getting a key are now slim to none... I preordered and didnt even get one 
if anyone has spare i would LOVE you forever
I preordered the day they stopped giving pre-orders and I am sad, for I had an account that was shared( not MY account ) and someone changed the password. 
If anyone could help me out, please PM me.
Thank you
haha this thread is super desperate. including me. im just gonna go back to playing greentea
HA EU Servers are up 
To celebrate this, I'll give out my last beta Key.
The other one I PMed to Manebol , out of sympathy 
this one is for some really fast guy (or gal): + Show Spoiler +EJD2YM-THXF-T7Z647-M9VT-N92Y8X
Now I'm going to play a Game before I drop into bed...
Thank you Freeborn! I love you forever. To everyone else, good luck, see you on battle.net
why was i not f5ing just then// goddamnit
Would love to get a beta key. Didn't get in on the beta key for pre-ordering in time, and now watching sc2 videos is driving me nuts!
Give me a Key please it's just a torture
Would be nice if I got a beta key
I'd love a beta-key if anyone has a spare, I'm finally off from school and it would be cool to touch that shiny new game for the first time =)
f5ving for nothin..
welkir I actually ahve one but I'm n ot sure I can let u use it :S the problem is I played on US while server was down with a friend cd key I had left... now EU is up so I don't need the account anymore but I created it and I'm afraid something could go wrong if I shared it! If nothing could go wrong I'd be glad to give it to you
i'll happily take it and give it back if its an inconvenience, jensylyn\
if u choose to give your key , PM please, f5ving is boring, and it's hard to miss one for a sec
2 times for today, can't believe it
hey guys if I were to give it out it would be to someone on us server because that's where it belongs and will play without lag... it's a US accounbt after all - not just a key :-) preferably someone who really wanted/needed one... problem is I think everyone who is really into the game got one already :D!
On July 10 2010 11:20 Jenslyn87 wrote: hey guys if I were to give it out it would be to someone on us server because that's where it belongs :-) preferably someone who really wanted/needed one... problem is I think everyone who is really into the game got one already :D! That's not true, I still haven't gotten one yet : (
I need a US account :o I've been wanting to play with my friends forever but never got a key
i really need it, watch replays all nights long, you know what i mean..
i'm on US
my post count can be low but i'm really following the beta trought it very begning.
Cool guys I guess I can give it out if I just change contact info so you can't see my real address and everything? Can someone unbiased (unbiased because I'm giving it to someone on the American server since it's a US account) from Europe tell me if there's a risk...
Also you'd have to be fine with the account... I'm in gold league right now with a decent score so you'd have to be fine with that
begging wont help just wait a few more days tha game is close to be out
Fine with it
I'm fine with gold league if you choose to give it to me. At this point im not very picky lol
lol yeah we are all enraged dogs
Pick a number between 1 and 100. One post each, closest gets it.
ok let's have fun guys :D just a sec ill pick a number stay tuned
hehe Barney had it right if I'm not mistaken. Players from Malaysia do play on US servers, right?
yes, most malaysia players play in us servers
114 if the last two numbers are sepperate calculated else its 186
As in the example it's not with seperated numbers! Grats Barney sorry to everyone else... I may have one more US account tomorrow from a friend :-)
way to go BarneyEX! totally jealous
Thanks guys, hope you guys get a key soon.
10 + 5 + 14 + 19 + 12 + 25 + 14 + 87 = 186
Oh shit I got a little ahead of myself... sorry I honestly didn't see that this thread was one post per person only and very strict in this regard, should've read the introduction. Sorry mods hope you will let this one slide I was just so excited to give a key away. I'll be sure to look in OP next time please no ban :-(
Hey I have a european account with the beta I'm willing to trade for a US account with the beta. I got the european account from someone I know, but I'd much rather have a us account so I can play with more friends and not lag the eu servers. Sounds kind of odd but if anyone in europe has a us account for whatever reason and is up for a trade pm me. Or if you just have a key or a spare us account in general you can pm me too :D
if somebody have an european key or account, tell me please ! i wait for too long
My friend wanted the account I used throughout phase one back so I'm keyless now =(. Anyone lovely and generous, I'd love you forever if you PMed me a key. Thanks & ignore the first post-ness, I've tended to talk in stream chats rather than on the TL forums, being keyless has finally made me register.
Edit: Got one - NZ pride yeah!
Please someone I really need a Beta Key thx
someone please send to me a BetaKey Thx
i think nobody will give a key, they prefer to play.. logic
Pedroamf@gmail.com plz send beta key!
Anyone have an extra beta key? I've pre-ordered the game too late to get in on the free keys and now that phase 2 is out I feel left out 
edit: Thank you rage was very kind of you.
On July 10 2010 13:04 kekeque wrote:Anyone have an extra beta key? I've pre-ordered the game too late to get in on the free keys and now that phase 2 is out I feel left out 
check your pm
Since a few of my friends started playing beta again when phase 2 started, I've been trying to find a key so that I can play with them with no luck as of yet. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could hook me up with a key so I can get in on the action. I'm itchin' to play with them. If anyone is willing to share a key with me the Prime Minister would be quite thankful
If anyone's still has an invite left, I'd appreciate it if somebody could spare me one.
I'd be absolutely overjoyed if someone could spare me a beta key. My cousin and I used to play Brood War together all the time, but I got a beta key and he didn't. Having one to give him would be great.
Hi guys, If somebody can send me a little key, you will make me sooo happy actually, i pray for a key Thanks ! PM me
need a key for these last days of sc2beta :[ pm please
I'm korean and doesn't have a beta key because gamestop is awesome.
Would be greatful to get one, thanks in advance
Would love to get a beta key . Gamestop stopped giving them out while I was in Costa Rica .
I would be very greatful and would love you forever!
I will make snickerdoodles for a beta key. Thank you please drive through.
I need a key :o thank you i will pray for you if you give me one <3
Does anybody have a spare key by any chance? I didn't have any luck during phase 1 and was hoping that I'd be more lucky during phase 2, but alas, here I am asking for a key while my friends are already enjoing the game. I'd be very grateful forever if you send me a key, so that i could catch up with my fellas
Hi all. I am hoping i can get a key for the beta. die hard sc broodwar fan here but am dying to try sc2 after watching tons of day {9| and HDstarcraft videos. Thanks in advance!!!!!
If there is a spare key out there, I'd love one. I will have Kirby himself give you cookies! (>'-' )>( : : )
Long time member here looking to get a peek at SC2 before the actual thing comes out. As of yet have not even seen the new game in action so if anyone has any extra keys out there I would really appreciate one. Thanks!
Edit: Thanks RainbowLollipop!
I could use a key also (for my brother).
Thank you by advance
On July 10 2010 05:33 Cresselia91 wrote:I would love to get a key, so stoked to play^^ Help the female SC2 community to grow!  TY ^ did she jsut say female?
beta key for two: my bro and I we went to pre-order and get one today, but none of the places I went to was giving them anymore. Brood War has been insanely good to my bro and I ever since it came out, and we've bonded hundreds if not thousands of hours playing together. It means alot, thx.
Need a key for my brother, we live in Africa and we can't pre-order  thanks in advance.
i would love love love love love to get a beta key that would be so sweet. thank you so much if this is possible. would like it to be eu but honestly any thing will do
I got 2 of my coworkers hardcore into SC2 after showing them some Day[9] Daily's. They even bought Battle Chest to practice and preordered SC2, but was too late to get a beta key. It would be crazy awesome if someone out there could give one or both of them the gift of beta for me. Thanks!
I would love a beta key.
I currently have been playing beta, but my roommate does not have a key. We have been playing broodwar since it came out and I would love to be able to play sc2 with him. Once or week or so we still play broodwar games since he doesn't have a beta key. If someone can spare him a beta key, it would be awesome! There are times when he has to sit back and observe me playing sc2 or I have to sit and watch him play and it sucks that we can't play together. If someone helps me, that would be great!
My friend really want's to get into sc2 but has no key.
save him TL
Gah more keys handed out overnight, going to work now and gonna miss them all
man it's impossible to get those ones posted in the thread....sucks not bein able to play with my friends
Anyone have an extra key or know where i can get one? any help would be much appreciated!
I would also love to have an extra key, this would mean a lot for me, thank you very much.
I would love to get EU beta key, I didn`t play yet , thanks very much
hey all, i dont have a spare key, but a second EU account i'm willing to share. the 7th pm in my inbox will win. gl
edit: well it seems not too many want to play on the EU server ... and cause of that, try sending more pms. i dont want to watch the inbox all day long :p
edit2: there we go, 'neel' won
I would certainly love to get one as well
Hi fellow sc2-lovers! I'm on Mac and I think that Blizzard would appreciate some valuable Mac-input before the beta shuts down!
Please make me happy!
Will someone please give me a beta key? I've watched a lot of VODs on TL and it looks so awesome that i don't wanna miss out on all the action anymore 
EDIT: got a betakey! Thnx
Hello TL i was wondering if you could give me a key for my wife, i hadn't ask before because she was going through the first SC and BW and now she is getting pretty good at SC 2 practicing couple hours with YABOT while i am at work and stuff like that and i want to be able to face to face her as well as play 2v2 if anyone has a key that can spare for her that would be awesome
If someone had a spare key I could have that would be awesome! Getting so excited watching Day[9], HD and all these cool matches
i'll do anything to get a beta key, please! i've been trying for a couple weeks to get a beta key, but i can't find anyone with an extra, so i'm left out from all the fun!!
Hey, I am player from Europe ( Czech republic ) and I would highly appreciate if someone could give me an european beta key or just borrow me an account for a little while, im really tired of playing againts ai :X, also I can be your practice partner if you want
I have a friend who's a massive SC fan but can't get hold of a copy of the real game when it comes out, so he desperately wants a go on the beta before it closes
Well I'm more a desperation for a beta key = / plzz send me the key tocac_18@hotmail.com
I'm a long time Starcraft fan and I'm just dying to have a peek on new one. If you could spare a single key, I would be mighty grateful. Pretty please!
Fellow Team Liquidors, Starcrafters, Beta Key holders, LEND ME YOUR EARS!
Don't want to go on too long, but basically I rejected invites for the beta when it was phase 1 as it was in the middle of my exams, but now I'm regretting that so hopefully someone will be generous enough to give me a go! beta key in a pm would make my day.
Thanks in advance, honourable men
could use a key for my brother, would appreciate it.
I would be so grateful for a beta key. Have nothing to offer in return except thanks
If anyone has an extra key I would be happy to take it and give it to my friend so we can throw down some 2v2. Thanks.
Hi guys, If somebody can send me a little key, you will make me sooo happy actually, i pray for a key Thanks ! PM me
Hey guys I would really like a beta key, been trying to get one ever since phase one came out. I would really like to play with my friend in some 2v2s and just play some awesome SC2 games with all of you. I will be eternally grateful. E-mail me at Keebs7@gmail.com
I almost never beg, but I exhausted all of my contacts and even ebay failed me I need 3 beta keys for friends I am more then willing to donate a reasonable amount of money for them.
Seems pointless being one of the first people to post in the thread now >.< lol
Edit: wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii happy!! TY s0Lstice !!
I was originally going to ask for a beta key for my friend, but it looks like there are still a shitload of people who still don't have beta keys for themselves... And then another shitload of people hearing that TL might have spare beta keys and rushing to make an account to ask for one 
Too bad I missed out on the 500+ posts giveaway
If some kind soul would send a beta key for my brother my way I'd appreciate it.
On July 11 2010 01:53 synapse wrote:Too bad I missed out on the 500+ posts giveaway  Ditto.
If someone chooses to pick a shy forum stalker, likes my cute signature/comment/whatever, or just misclicks to pm me...
i'm in need of a beta key as well
Hey TL, I'd be incredibly grateful if someone were to send me a beta key. I've been a forum lurker for over two years now, using the site to actually get me to an appropriate skill level. I'm still not that good, but hey, can't ask for too much. And besides, can't get better if I can't play the game!
I've been visiting TL since the Beta started and just lurking to get information as I could. I'm a sad noob and would love a beta key.
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
If anyone wants to trade a US account (mine) for a EU key or account, please send me a PM. I like warcraft3 too.
A friend needs a beta key unfortunately i gave all my keys away to my cousins with the invite a friend beta key. So im in need for a key, (not desperate yet) If you have a spare PM me please Thanks in Advanced EDIT Recieved one
(slightly off topic) welcome to all you guys who made accounts only to post on this tread!!
No keys for me / available from me, but I just wanted to thank Brood for creating this thread. I understand how anxious everyone must be who STILL hasn't got a chance to play SC2B whatsoever, but as the OP said it was really getting absurd how many threads there were about keys. So once again thanks to Brood!
Hi guys and gals! I have been a lurker for some time now but have decided to umm..unburrow...today to toss my name into the ole beta key thread!! Got myself a new computer all nice and set up for SC2 and now I am dying to play some SC2!! Save this beautiful computer from World of Warcraft please!!!!!
I want one, please.
Okay guys I'm willing to give one my key to you, just write here fast, and I'll PM you as soon as possible.
damn wish I was fast my friend needs a key
Hey just wanted to post and say I would LOVE a beta key, I've been following the streams and husky/HD youtube videos since the release of beta, been hoping for an opt-in invite through my BNet account but no luck there, been playing starcraft for a long time now and first game that ever got me into e-sports, I love so many things about StarCraft II in comparison.
PLUS me and my girlfriend have had such a long time apart from each other... I've missed her face for 4 years now and only a BETA KEY could reunite us so quickly! Do it for the sake of love itself... isn't she a doll?
On July 11 2010 04:31 pnegri wrote: fast
Fast enough? Enjoy!
United States1865 Posts
Hi guys. I really am currently trying for a beta key to make an account on Europe. I gave the one extra one I had away, probably foolishly, and now its coming back to bite me.
I do LR threads, made the programer card game, write MSL news for TL, and do the Hwaseung House comics. I can guarantee any knowledge earned from practicing with this beta key will come back in a TL contribution.
Anyone wants any work done in Adobe Flash + ActionScript 3.0 for a beta key ?
may i please have a beta key? and thank you for whoever replies!
Odds aren't looking so good anymore...
I'll trade a google voice invite for a beta key/account
Watching streams is fun but for a guy who has played SC since it came out I am almost being tortured without the presence of SC2. I can't pre-order because I'm doing an internship right now and the money goes to housing and such so on the 16 of August I can buy the game when I come back home. I need something to do out here in the middle of no where so help me out!!! Thanks...
Also, if any keys go out I think they shouldn't just go to some random person that joins TL to get something for free. Even if I didn't get a key as long as they don't go to random people who don't give a damn about this community.
LOL. So many first time posters/lurkers looking for keys. I may have a spare key, but I have to do a mad search for it.
Hi guys, I would love to get a spare key if anyone has one. I'm already in SC2-mania (I played 69 games the day phase 2 started), and I'm hunting for a key for my good friend so he can join me. Starcraft's always better with someone you really know on your team, y'know; too bad Blizzard never sent me a friend-invite key. Anyway, I've tried calling and messaging every person I know to no avail, so this is kind of my last hope..thanks!
Please guys someone can give a beta key.
I´ll thank ou 4 ever :hs
I know its little late but done with college and would love for anyone to spare a key 
Seeing Sc2 commentaries by Husky, HD and Gunrun brings back memories of brood wars. SC2 is soo nice looking, i would love to get into the beta!! Please send me a key =D
I heard that Asia server does not require a beta key
They claimed that all battle.net account created before July gets beta access. That's why so many people waiting for it :D
On July 11 2010 09:31 siman wrote: I heard that Asia server does not require a beta key
They claimed that all battle.net account created before July gets beta access. That's why so many people waiting for it :D Just checked mine that a made a while ago and no luck
On July 11 2010 09:31 siman wrote: I heard that Asia server does not require a beta key
They claimed that all battle.net account created before July gets beta access. That's why so many people waiting for it :D
tell us if you get it working. still got my hopes up
On July 11 2010 09:31 siman wrote: I heard that Asia server does not require a beta key
They claimed that all battle.net account created before July gets beta access. That's why so many people waiting for it :D
It's only if you created an account during 6/11 through 6/30
I think it might be only koreans, but eh
Hey guys I've been trying to get a beta key since it came out, been signed up, refreshing posts for people giving them out, begging etc. I would really appreciate it if someone would give me a beta key so I could start playing so I wouldn't be that terrible when it comes out =) Thanks
Hi I watch a lot of streams and everyone is having fun and I feel like I`m missing out. If anyone can get me a beta key I`d be really happy thanks.
If someone want's a key, let me know. I have an extra account and email that the beta is already on. It's unused. Send me a PM. This is no joke fyi...
i think i've got to late...
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
Heyo! Been looking for a key for a while to enjoy the beta and haven't had much luck. If anyone has a key lying around during these last few days feel free to PM it to me pwease!! Thanks.
I have been looking around since the beginning of the beta for a key so i would be so greatful if anyone sent me one.
I know there's only a couple weeks til the game actually comes out, but gosh I'm tired of waiting and would love to get my hands on a key. I would appreciate it so much, and even though there is only a limited time left I would make the best of it.
Thank you to whoever the potential maker-of-my-day person you may be.
P.S. I'm a Terran player, but I plan on playing random for while (during beta) just to try all 3 races out.
If anyone has a beta key avaible, please send me a pm Thanks in advance
I would really like to have a beta key plz, PM me plz. Help me grow the Starcraft community!!
One hungry finnish player here waiting for the key! Thanks in advance.
I would really like a beta key, its killing me not being able to play with my friends, great thanks to anyone that gives me one =D
Hey, I would like akey
email is: tdirago1991@gmail.com
I'm actually already in the beta but none of my friends have keys, so if anyone wants to give one to me I'll pass it on.
Wouldn't mind an extra key for a irl buddy of mine, I personally have one though. marcus.smith87@gmail.com
I need a key so I can open an account on the Asian b.net... I have one on US and one on EU that I'll let someone borrow in exchange for a key!
No more preorder beta keys? :<
need a beta key been watching streams for months, bored. if i get a beta key i will make some good contribution to TL ;D
If anyone has a beta key to give away PM me on this website please.
Anyone got a key left before the servers go down on the 19th?
Well i rly didnt want to post here but my friends beta key ( which been used from like 10 guys ) isnt valid for some reasons anymore and my friends start playing this aion thing so they wont be getting the game it seems t.t
so im out of beta and im fed up beating the dark tea ai everyday for like 20 times ... a cd key for couple of hours a day would be great to test my builds ( i can always join them to aion but id rather wouldnt)
Hi, if anyone could spare a beta key I would appreciate it. I used to play sc:bw back in the Philippines competitively ever since it came out until I migrated here in the US back in 03'. Now that SC2 is finally coming out I'm thinking about playing again. I wanted to get a feel of it especially that there has been some patches already for the beta. I cannot promise that I can contribute a lot for the SC2 community since I'm not gonna be able to play it hardcore like back in the days due to work and wifey aggro but I can say that I can help usher SC2 to the point where it can be on par with SC:BW in terms of game balance. Whoever is the kind person who will give me a beta key, I thank you in advance~
I know it's a long shot, but I've got some friends who have been doing the beta and it's absolute hell listening to them rock some custom maps so this is me hoping I can get a key to mess around until it goes live.
j.a.wllmsn@gmail.com is the email, and thanks much =]
if anyone has a spare i would appreciate a key :D.
Hey, all. If anyone could spare an extra US beta key for my little bro it would be much appreciated.
need a beta key for my brother pls! gamestop stopped giving them away!!
Hey not sure if anyone still has beta keys to give away, but I'd really like to try the beta and get some multiplayer experience before the actual game comes out and see how I'm ranked to get a feel of how I am compared to other people. Cheers.
I couldn't figure out what I should do for a first post. I suppose this will have to do. I could use a key. Never played RTS before, and I'd be forever grateful if someone here would pop my RTS cherry. 2 weeks of practice would mean a great deal to me.
I hope it isn't too late for a key. I recently bought new PC parts (approx $900 machine) for SCII and Diablo III when it comes out. I mainly want a key to get used to hot keys, way points, abilities, etc before the game comes out. Until I get a key I guess I'll be stuck watching videos and having my irl friends tell me what I'm missing out on.
New to the forums, but not to the site. Hope I'm not too late to the party for the beta keys. I would love it if there was any still out there and if I was PMed one. Thank you to anyone who does!
My mate wants a key. Plz to be giving one and I would be greatful. PM this forumz. thx.
Senior c#/c/objective-c and web developer will contribute dev hours in exchange for beta key. Negotiable - pm
As you can see I am a pretty huge Blizzard fan
![[image loading]](http://666kb.com/i/bkuytjpv3ww30z26v.jpg) And I also preordered SC 2 on Amazon(proof). Unfortunately it was too late to get a Beta Key. If you have a spare key please PM me or send it to the Email in the pics.
EDIT: I HAVE A KEY. Thank you very much Deyster. I'll PM you in a jiffy.
plzzz[/b] if anyone has an extra key could they plz send me one just trying to play a little before the game comes out
Hello TL.net. Longtime Brood War player here, been too busy with school to pre-order on time and really get involved in the beta until now. I'm hoping for a key, but honestly I am just happy this game is happening..... But still I would love to get some beta in.
Hey TL.net I'm hoping someone can throw me a beta key, been watching tons of streams from Totalbiscuit and Day9 and been loving it, can hardly sit still waiting for the actual game to come out! Also my mate is in the beta and I'd really like to play with him. Thanks!
Hey everybody! Really hoping someone can be generous enough to spare me with a beta key Big time Starcraft fan aswell as Blizzard fan, got all of their games so far and planning to keep it that way, been watching Totalbiscuit streams and loving every moment of the games. Thanks in advance to anyone that can spare a beta key
I do not want a beta key. Please stop offering me your beta keys. I prefer to wait for the retail release. Thanks anyway!
Hello there, starcraft fan here. I just slaved away half my day installing the beta in WINE under linux... and I don't even have a beta key.
So, if you have a key to spare it would be most appreciated if you sent it my way, and I would be forever (well close enough anyway) grateful. Thanks.
I'd really appreciate a beta key if anyone has got one to spare. My brother is thinking about starting with Starcraft 2 but he wants to try it out first and do a couple of practice games against me.
If anyone has a spare key they dont need it would be most appreciated- i havent been able to get in either of the phases and i own coppys of diablo 2 and the expansion- i even have a Wow account, and im a huge blizz fan- if anyone can help me it would be much appreciated, i hope to play the game before rlease so i can see if it runs on my computer otherwise i peobs wont be able to buy the game.
thanks in advance.
I would very appreciate a key for my mate 
I hope this isn't against this threads rules but, instead of a key, would anyone like a US account? if anyone pms me you can have the account
it's not against thread rules and i don't think it's against blizz rules eather. PM sent, thanks in advance.
On July 13 2010 05:00 peckham33 wrote: it's not against thread rules and i don't think it's against blizz rules eather. PM sent, thanks in advance. that was 45 mins ago. i'm pretty sure someone pm'd before you.
Hey all, I've been reading the forums for a long time and trying my best to prepare for launch from the forum, day9 and VODs, but would be extremely grateful to anybody who would throw me an extra beta key. Thank you all, <3 TL community!
I'm a long time lurker looking for a key. I played BW with my friends, however they've moved on to SC2 beta and HoN(meh)... I'd love to be able to play with them again. Anywho, any help would be very appreciated
Yay, been looking for a key since beta started. I am a member of SC@Mapster and found a thread of somone giving keys(He had a ton). He was legit and pmed me a key. Must have been a mess up though because the key had already been used. Pretty pissed after that and would apperciate a key SOOOO much.
Thanks guys.
Had a friend of mine from here (Thegilaboy) bring me into the Starcraft universe recently and now I'm hooked. I happen to play on his beta account during our lunch breaks but it would be cool to actually play against him. Just asking for a key, it would be much appreciated.
Thanks so much.
Hi guys, I'm just now joining the TL community and thought why not start with giving something to it!
I have a beta key I received from pre-ordering (already got in through blizz's beta opt-in thingy), however I am not sure if this key will work for US/asia, but I believe I heard that the keys are universal.
Sooo first one to PM me gets it!
EDIT - Sorry for those wanting one, but I have given mine away now, I hope everyone who PM'd gets one another way though!
Tadaa, here is one of my invitation keys. Have fun!
+ Show Spoiler +88X2HV-F8EK-XYJRXN-RY4F-CW6ZXM
If you want to, PM me your ID and I will add you to my list ... have fun!
woooo got it thank you so much!
Thank you so much Zajjmon, I will use this opportunity wisely and most graciously, I thank you again, you have made me a very happy person. (Thanks again)
Man, missed both of those barely. I'm never going to get one. Ugh. Anyone willing to PM me one, I'd be on basically nonstop till it's down again if anyone wants a practice partner.
I know this is just adding a plea to the gigantic list, but I would greatly appreciate it.
Lol yay I'd appreciate if somone pm'd me one. I was watching vods and checked back on the thread to see somone had already taken Nyxxos xD.
On July 13 2010 07:13 Dub wrote: Man, missed both of those barely. I'm never going to get one. Ugh. Anyone willing to PM me one, I'd be on basically nonstop till it's down again if anyone wants a practice partner.
I know this is just adding a plea to the gigantic list, but I would greatly appreciate it.
keep trying man, i persisted and eventually got one, and its worth it. Just keep holding out in hope, and remember, always F5.
WTB Beta Key!! =) preordered a few days ago and Gstop said they are out.... =(
Entaro Adun Team Liquid Community!
Just a semi-competitive SC2 gamer and TL follower (just finished reading SC2 Liquipedia) looking for a beta key for my younger brother. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who has an extra key and is willing to PM it to me. Thanks in advance! P:
I've watched so many replays and it would be nice to try out a little of the game before it comes out retail. I'll probably get my faced smashed in, but isn't that part of the learning experience? Haha thanks for the help
I need a key to represent my country in the StarCraft 2 WC 2010 turney announced elsewhere in the forums.
Pretty please with sugar on top :D
//Regards the slyth
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
Hey, I'd like a sc2 beta key if anyone has a spare and they're not gonna use.
I guess I dont deserve one more than the next guy, but I'd really like one. A friend of mine have been kind enough to let me play on his account, but the problem is, he is changing password all the time and I hate to ask him for his new password as I know he hates when people know it.
I'm not a super good player either, been in the gold league for some games and got demoted into silver, was ranked 2 on the silver last night. But I love the game and it's so much fun and I'd love to be able to play alittle more before it gets out, so I wont get my ass totally kicked the 27th of July.
Thanks for reading /Maystomp
Aspiring competitive player So far have only been playing a couple times on a friend's account I'm also looking for a practice partner, so if you're looking to get good/improve I'll totally play with you I'm a Zerg player with an APM of 150+ and got my friends account to Diamond during preliminary matches Hope you check me out
If anyone has a spare key I would greatly appreciate it, I need to test how the game runs on my aging system (my GFX card is suitable by my CPU may not be sufficient) before I consider buying it.
I'm not a great starcraft player but I would like to jump into the action and have some fun.
If anybody has a beta key, I'd like to have it in exchange for usage of an EU or US account. I need to make an asian account.
Welp I preordered too late , if anyone has a spare key it would be greatly appreciated.
Please mods go easy on this as it isn't intended to be malicious, nor fake.
A while back I gave this key to a friend and he told me he would use it. He's been really busy with work and school and hasn't talked to me much lately. Anyway, I'm not sure if he ever used the key or not. My senses tell me he didn't however, so I'm posting the key. Hopefully it works and helps someone out!
Key in spoiler: + Show Spoiler +R8GBCH-8VC9-W9DZFF-9TG2-6TB8RE
Nope, didn't work Dugrok, unless someone else claimed it before I tried.
he must have started to account but not used it.
I have an extra copy of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2 Episode 1 (gift on steam) in exchange for a beta key.
pm me if interested.
Good sirs! I pray you, spare me your beta keys and I will tell the world of <insert nick here>'s generosity for decades to come!
There is little I would not do for a beta key right now.
In making my account (finally... I've lurked the TL forums/streams since I started religiously watching Day9, though never actually made my own account xD), I accidentally listed my birthday as January 15th, 2010. Until I cleared my cache, TL thought that an almost 6 month old child was attempting to make an account - and would not bring up the fields for making a new account.
After convincing them I'm older than 5 months (ie: clearing my browser cache) here I am - on my knees, begging for an account.
About me:
I'm a recent college graduate who happens to be roughly 80 bagillion dollars in debt. I've taken up a career in the human services field, working with homeless children with cognitive deficiencies. This field does not pay very well, so I shall be 80 bagillion dollars in student-loan debt for some time. Thanks to these financial issues, I was not even contemplating pre-ordering SC2 yet when they were offering keys. I have it preordered now, but totally missed the key offer.
If anyone could PM me a key, I would be so incredibly gracious. I am unsure how I could repay anyone, but I could sure try. I have skills with photoshop/illustrator (photographer for the college I attended for four years), photography, and the recommending of beer. I cannot even begin to state how gracious I would be, though don't really expect this to work... as it's pretty late for people to have extra keys.
If anyone knows of other methods of obtaining keys - please PM me! I'm desperate!!
Hey guys,
College student at Northwestern University. I would really like a beta key because my friends who don't even play Starcraft have CD keys...I watch all the new SC2 videos but I'm still so confused about what's going on...I've been a huge Starcraft fan since I got into it in 2008 (early, I know).
Relevant skills: Proofreading, knowledge of U.S. college application process.
Well, thanks for reading!
P.S. I'm a Bisu fan. Hahahaha, out of the slump he comes!
Hello there!
If anyone has a beta key, and would be willing to give it to me, I would be forever grateful. I'm a dedicated gamer in his early 20s, looking to make the transition to SC2. I played CS 1.6 competitively in CAL for years. I think SC2 is really going to be "the" game for esports.
If you have an extra, feel free to PM me.
I pre-ordered SC2 yesterday but apparently the offer to join the beta through that has ended . So I implore you, will thou gift to me a glorious beta key?!
I've been playing with the AI for about a week before patch 16 took it away from me. 
How hard is it to get a beta key? I've been aching to try the game online. 
If there is a way for me to get a key at all send me a PM. thank you <3
I have a real life friend who really enjoys SC and missed the gamestop preorder. I'd appreciate if you could send me a beta key for him (I already have one). Thanks.
Edit: This is my 100th post too, hopefully that means something, lol.
I would greatly appreciate a beta key to be able to gauge whether or not this PC will run it smoothly since a demo probably won't be a possibility, I've tried to get in the beta over the entire summer to no luck.
This will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Got a taste of SC2 via a friend a month ago and I have been trying to aquire my own key since. Played the original SC mucho back in the day and have been waiting what seems like forever now for SC2. Would just like to practice my macro/micro as much as possible pre-launch and get a better feel for the game, have been watching replays like crazy and can't get Husky's voice out of my head haha. Anyway, any key will be much appreciated and if not no big deal, thanks.
Hey, im itching to play some starcraft 2 beta, a key would be great! thanks in advance
EDIT: still need one, July 13th, 11:05 PM PST
I have 2 keys to give away. PM me a SC:BW haiku and I'll pick my two favorites and send out the two keys by 10 pm EST later today.
Good luck!...and don't post your poem in the thread :D
Edit: 10 entries so far, all very good. No finer collection of people than on TL : )
I would like a beta key, reason being, it's freaking SC2.
You will in turn receive my undying gratitude. Awesome deal, do it.
Hey dudes and dudettes! Longtime lurker here. Would love a beta key as i'm dying to get into the sc2 community! Eternal gratitude will be forthcoming. :-D
Dunno who out of the replies has a key so far, so if you pm me with a good reason i should give you a key then i will, other than that, first come first serve.
Edit: Sorry been given out now.
hello all just joined today i am requesting a sc2 beta key if anyone has one to spare thank you will edit my post if i receive one
The same here, never got a beta key despite entering pretty much every competition for one that i could including taking a 2 week ban in the TL beta roulette, if anyone has one extra id appreciate it if they could pm me one.
Edit: Got mine now thanks to udderchaos!!!
Id love a beta key so I can play on the EU servers please!
Id love a beta key so I can play on the EU servers please!
I would love a beta key, I live in El Salvador and Blizzard practically ignored my country in the raffle for beta keys, I am a big starcraft fan and I feel I am lagging behind everyone else who gets to play in the beta, its a bit late, but I would still appreciate some beta time...
Looking for a beta key for EU server, if anyone has a spare let me know!
Would very much enjoy a US server beta key! Thanks.
A beta key for the US servers would be awesome.
A US beta key would absolutely make my day, help a brother out!
Hey a beta key for the US would be great starcraft 2 looks fun
looking for a beta key for NA servers help would be appreciated
If anyone has an extra Beta key, it would be greatly appreciated (been with any SC for to long lol)
I haven't given my "invite a friend" key out yet. PM me.
Edit: it's gone.. thanks guys
I would like a beta to be able to play with my friend...
Thank you to anyone who can provide!
Edit post if someone gave...
I would love the chance to be able to get on to play with my friends
NA Servers would be great :D
Any help would be appreciated greatly
please i need a beta key anyone plz and thank you U.S. Server i was a former warcraft 3 player and is new to starcraft It would be most apreciate for a key from anyone
Yo guys, I would like to trade a US account for a Asia servers account
I know I'm a bit late to the game, but if anyone happened to have a beta key laying about I would be incredibly grateful for the opportunity to try my hand.
My friend wants a key but can't get his lazy ass to post so I'll do it for him 
He will love you forever.
Pre-ordered May 18th, was told they stopped giving out keys on the 17th. Would like to at least play one game before the beta ends. If anyone can get me a key I'd very much appreciate it!
Haha, not sure if i will actually be able to play SC II when it comes out, so if anyone has an extra key I'll give my firstborn to you.
AxeX1606 the same exact thing happened to me too  request for Beta key, would much appreciate it too!
NEED a Starcraft Key Plz .. i will suck yo D$#@
Hi. My brother really wants a beta key, hope he gets one
if anyone could give me a key, I will really apreciate it! thanks
I am willing to name my first born after you for a beta key!!!
My wife is currently pregnant and is willing to do so as well!
anyone interested PM me?
just got one from Acly Thank you very very much!!
I need a key, maybe i could try the beta before getting the game
I'd like a key to try out the game, haha..especially want to check out the lag before I buy it. Would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, guys, I desperately need a beta key! Watching VODs and not being able to play hurts so baaaad!!! :D I'll love you forever if you give me a key! Cheers
On July 13 2010 18:57 s0Lstice wrote: I have 2 keys to give away. PM me a SC:BW haiku and I'll pick my two favorites and send out the two keys by 10 pm EST later today.
Good luck!...and don't post your poem in the thread :D
Edit: 10 entries so far, all very good. No finer collection of people than on TL : )
Contest done!
Here are all the entries I received:
Congrats to jonbobcar and Attaque!
Congratulations to jonbobcar and Attaque, I sent the Katrina, 3 Kingdoms and idrA ones Enjoyed reading all of them
Grats guys 
Edit: Lol my haiku isn't in there?
Aw man, I really wanted a beta key. But I have to say that lurker one was really good.
Willing to trade a ffxiv beta account if anyones interested?
![[image loading]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v162/SanChristopher/icanhazbetakey.jpg)
Ahhh, watching procasts, fancasts, and day 9 daily's have really got me stoked for this game, and to try my hand at the competitive scene. I know it is close to release and I have the darn thing pre-ordered, but I can't just seem to sit still. Har.
If anyone could help me out with a beta key, bluh, words fail me. I'd love it, and you, and everything. : ]
French community is with you ! I need a beta key for my love of Starcraft and your Website ! If you haven't got key, i will wait the 27th and watching all your replay and forums See you in game Babstafaride
My brother has forumfobia and wants a key badly. And I want him to have a key so I can beat his ass.
Hi, I used to play DOTA with a few TL members here. My friend, OneBlueAugust (also a TL DOTA and current SC2 beta player), desperately wants me to start practicing SC2 before it comes out so I dont noob it up too badly upon release. And I also want to play the shit out of the beta :D So, anyone have a key they can spare feel free to PM here. Thanks!
Hey guys!
I watched a lot of starcraft 2 replays recently and only heard good about the game. I'm a passionate strategy game player and would really like to join in the beta for the last few days to have a look at the game 
If anyone has still a key left, I would be very glad if you can send it to me via PM 
Hello folks, here's looking at you gorgeous people with spare beta keys. I'm unemployed and waiting for my visa to be approved in a foreign country (Belgium). In my spare time I've been watching SC2 commentaries on youtube. A lot of 'em.
The beta ends soon; I don't have the money to buy the game, but you shouldn't think of only me. You'll be preventing countless posts on youtube from someone who thinks they know but has no idea how tough it is to 'just have better micro,' or 'go 15 gate zealot/high-templar like white-ra.' So if you like, PM me a key or send it to my e-mail (same account name, @gmail.com)
Here's some fan-fiction to convince you why I need a key (=if I don't have one I might use my time to write more): Rahzel lacked access to the templar archives. No fancy interceptor had brought him up to the battlecruisers orbiting beyond planet atmosphere. There were no warp gates that would dematerialize any protoss without an official code from the war council. Rahzel had not gone to battle, instead he was one of many evacuated like a herd of Kakaru to the homelands of his shadowy kin. On a planet full of such dark, strange places he had taken to the zealous practice of martial combat in the capital city's only garden, if such a ponderous overgrowth of foreign foliage could be called a 'garden.' It was here that Rahzel became aware of the dark templars after-dark habits, of cold, cloaked hands groping at his young body while he trained relentlessly. They would leave him alone when he asked, though he had emerged twice from post-combat meditation to find his hair braided and delicate, lacy fronds woven into the dark locks. If only, he kept thinking, if only I had been given a code of my own...
My Australian friends are urging me to get beta before release so I can play with them for a few weeks. I preordered at gamestop, but I think they stopped giving out keys. If anyone has a spare they don't need and are feeling generous, please hit me up!
I love Starcraft, but I can't for the life of me get a beta key 
this is how I feel:
![[image loading]](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1266/1399792366_14751c6b19.jpg)
No sob story here. If anyone has a spare and doesn't mind giving it to me, it'd be greatly appreciated.
There's a lot of first posters here... I follow SC and TL like forever, I just don't post much, you can see that in my profile. Now everyone have a betakey but me T_T If someone can help, please let me know =)
edit: 500th post \o/
![[image loading]](http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af25/yayaeliza/stracraft.jpg)
I would be grateful if any person could spare me one! Please send it to me via PM. Thanks, loves.
On July 15 2010 07:44 FullFrayDog wrote: I would be grateful if any person could spare me one! Please send it to me via PM. Thanks, loves.
someone get her a key goddamit >_<
I'll trade you a key for that piece of notebook paper.
I want to get a beta key for a friend of mine who played SC1 a lot in the past, so we can play together.
If anyone has a spare key it'd be much appreciated. =)
Yea I totally believe that girl wants the beta key. Im sure her boyfriend didnt put her up to it or anything. Im surprised people are going to such lengths to play beta for 5 days (less than actually).
On July 15 2010 07:44 FullFrayDog wrote:![[image loading]](http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af25/yayaeliza/stracraft.jpg) I would be grateful if any person could spare me one! Please send it to me via PM. Thanks, loves. Eliza
if i had a key i would give it to you for effort even though i doubt your female, I smell photo shop or thats your girlfriend (in which case props)
sent her a key, it better be worth it
On July 15 2010 08:50 jamesr12 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 07:44 FullFrayDog wrote:![[image loading]](http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af25/yayaeliza/stracraft.jpg) I would be grateful if any person could spare me one! Please send it to me via PM. Thanks, loves. Eliza if i had a key i would give it to you for effort even though i doubt your female, I smell photo shop or thats your girlfriend (in which case props) +1 for gf on behalf of bf - who do you think is holding the camera?
On July 15 2010 07:48 Lemonwalrus wrote: I'll trade you a key for that piece of notebook paper.
LOLOLOL Hilarious can't stop laughing.
![[image loading]](http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/6306/montrealnewyork.jpg)
Well if that can earn a beta key, this must be worth something too haha.
+ Show Spoiler +On July 15 2010 09:00 KingMike wrote:![[image loading]](http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/6306/montrealnewyork.jpg) Well if that can earn a beta key, this must be worth something too haha.
This reminds me of a Simpsons episode for some reason...
How in the love of god can it be worth it if you didn't score ?
Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm willing to wait two more weeks, but if anyone can spare I key I promise I'll rename my cat after you. If you're familiar with the customs of the ancient egyptians, you'll realize that there is no higher honor than that.
Also, here's a funny picture I made:
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/w4Mhr.jpg)
I would highly appreciate a beta key, so I can finally see starcraft 2 for myself.
I'm normally a FPS player, but about a month ago a friend introduced me to the joys of RTS games and Starcraft. I pre-ordered the game from Amazon hoping to get a beta key, but unfortunately they were all out.
If anyone has an extra key I would be forever grateful. :D
Oldschooler starcraft 1 here.. Would really love to get a beta key :D
Hey dudes,
Anyone up for exchanging keys?
I would love to try the Asian or American servers....giving my EU key in exchange,
PM me if interested.
Thanks all!
On July 15 2010 10:35 Jugan wrote:I got this out of the depths of my email... no idea I had these. I honestly don't know if they work or not, and I'm terribly sorry if they in fact do not work. But if they do, grats. Oh and to make it semi-luck, some are empty + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +NPT9J2-PJRH-84HRR7-4HVR-MKH2JZ + Show Spoiler +2WYYEP-P9VV-KWPZX6-2CFN-TJGG9T + Show Spoiler +edit: US server I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!
Just posing the question to those more in the know
Is Blizzard giving out any more Beta keys after the release of Phase 2? I am desperate to play the Beta but only recently have built a new comp and had regular access to the internet.
Could anyone fill me in pls? And of course if anyone has a spare Beta Key that would be amazing. In love with Brood War, but the look and feel of S2 Beta (from Vods and Youtube) is incredible and I am sooo keen!
Hey I am just getting into Starcraft. Been a warcraft player for who knows how long. I have been watching all the tournaments/streams/and a lot of Day 9 and really wanna get in on this beta and finally join the greatness that starcraft 2 looks to be.
Not that i'll ever get one, but could someone direct me to the page that you would input the beta key?
Edit: Thanks to everyone who responded.
i would like a key pm me
D: i need a key for the last week of the beta
Could use a key for a friend.
I would like a key as well
I'd love to get a beta key please. A lot of my friends in my dorm have keys and it sucks to just watch their games.
2nd time in TL Fantasy - #547 WOOT !! bought the TL t-shirt all i need now is a SC 2 beta key
On July 15 2010 10:39 1chibann wrote:Show nested quote +On July 15 2010 10:35 Jugan wrote:I got this out of the depths of my email... no idea I had these. I honestly don't know if they work or not, and I'm terribly sorry if they in fact do not work. But if they do, grats. Oh and to make it semi-luck, some are empty + Show Spoiler +NPT9J2-PJRH-84HRR7-4HVR-MKH2JZ + Show Spoiler +2WYYEP-P9VV-KWPZX6-2CFN-TJGG9T edit: US server I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!
If those two worked I'm going to go play in traffic. Gharf. WTB Beta Key $0.
Hey guys, I'd like a key too. I've been following pro starcraft since the GOMtv Star Invitational... the first GOM event cast by Tasteless. I used to play on money maps in 2000ish as a kid when I got the battle chest. Since then I've picked up the game again and now I'm trying to get to D on iCCup. Still have a long way to go. I'd love to try out SC2!
beta key please thanks =)
first two guys(girls?;o) that pm me gets their sc2 europe keys... enjoy
edit: none left! stop pm me! Have fun SchumyGR and ZCfos~DangerBoy
edit 2: ok ppl second wave :D
2 more keys! now will consider ppl only with at least 30 posts!
oh and yea... still euro beta GOGOGO
edit 3: one more left. only ppl with at least 30 post go!
edit 4: none left Have fun Alpina and SixSongs
In need of a beta key pleaseeeeeee
thanks in advance :D
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
Seriously, what is the point of this topic?
We ask for a beta keys to be sent via pm and ppl post it here on the topic or make random events (e.g.:"the 2 first to pm me get a key"), there is no point asking for keys then!
Posting keys here only increases the random format, one must be on the right place in the right time to get a key.Extremely random and lucky based.
Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd?
On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd?
u dont know if someone already got his key or not
On July 16 2010 00:27 SadKingBilly wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd? u dont know if someone already got his key or not Who knows if the one getting keys posted in this topic dont have one already?
On July 16 2010 00:28 Strs wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 00:27 SadKingBilly wrote:On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd? u dont know if someone already got his key or not Who knows if the one getting the keys posted in this topic dont have one already?
well look at that from this point... would u lurk this topic if u would have a key already?
On July 16 2010 00:29 SadKingBilly wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 00:28 Strs wrote:On July 16 2010 00:27 SadKingBilly wrote:On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd? u dont know if someone already got his key or not Who knows if the one getting the keys posted in this topic dont have one already? well look at that from this point... would u lurk this topic if u would have a key already?
Would you post in this topic if you have one already? In fact, yes! People normaly grab keys for their friends, bros/sis etc...
I dont care if it is been given for ppl that already have keys, i just dont want the random bases increases.
Thanks SadKingBilly for key
I have to agree with Strs on the heavily random/luck based nature of it. I guess thats how life is. I think its a nice gesture that you're giving to the community in the first place though. In the end its your keys and its entirely up to you what to do with them.
On July 16 2010 00:32 Strs wrote: I dont care if it is been given for ppl that already have keys, i just dont want the random bases increases.
Well i waited for nearly hour to pick winners, but yea. I wouldnt call it random, more like luck. Thou its better to give them out fast than let them die since beta is over soon dont u think?
Pm me a key. Much appreciated if I get one. So uh yay. Key meeeee.
Im justing point out the obvious. There is no point in keeping this topic, since nobody will give keys for those asking for it.
My 2 cent: Create a topic for beta keys posting only.
Is there a diference between random and lucky? Those who got the keys were completely random, they can be a someone that googled "SC2 Beta key" and vou la!
Either of these might be free. I gave them away to irl friends but I don't know whether they all registered yet. Pls let me know if either one was still free.
On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously, what is the point of this topic?
We ask for a beta keys to be sent via pm and ppl post it here on the topic or make random events (e.g.:"the 2 first to pm me get a key"), there is no point asking for keys then!
Posting keys here only increases the random format, one must be on the right place in the right time to get a key.Extremely random and lucky based.
Seriously guys, we have 23 pages of people asking for keys, besides you just post it here why not try to pick one on the crownd?
You are not in a demanding position. I'm not gonna crawl trough twenty pages.
On July 16 2010 01:10 Navane wrote: JDMZWC-JN79-YB2GKW-7PWK-CVFMGR NXHEBW-M6XY-T2T8VD-ZB6P-PVX9T6
Either of these might be free. I gave them away to irl friends but I don't know whether they all registered yet. Pls let me know if either one was still free.
both claimed =[
On July 16 2010 01:11 Navane wrote: You are not in a demanding position. I'm not gonna crawl trough twenty pages.
Demanding? Wtf?
On July 16 2010 00:08 Strs wrote: Seriously, what is the point of this topic?
Just to make it clear, im just trying to understand the utility of this topic.
Btw, tried ur keys, dont known if i was too slow but they were already claimed.
Appearantly one was free, but claimed now obviously.
On July 16 2010 01:10 Navane wrote: JDMZWC-JN79-YB2GKW-7PWK-CVFMGR NXHEBW-M6XY-T2T8VD-ZB6P-PVX9T6
Either of these might be free. I gave them away to irl friends but I don't know whether they all registered yet. Pls let me know if either one was still free.
Thank you for the key.
I will be very greatful to whoever can lend me a beta key as i try my very best to help other too in these forums.
I would really appreciate a beta key if anyone can PM me one.
Highly unlikely there's anyone still handing out keys, but if there is, I'd be eternally grateful :D
I've preordered the game after the beta key offer ended so I just really want to get into it before the release so I don't noob out in the first few days. So a beta key would be greatly appreciated ^^. Watching things like Day9 and HDstarcraft have really got me pumped up for it! :D
Hello, I was wandering if anyone has a beta key left altough a lot of people have posted in here and the chance is very small... If you do have a beta key to spare, I would be more than thankful if you would give it to me, so that I can enjoy the last days of beta playing insteed of watching reps/streams... Cheers, check mate!
Any beta keys still up for grabs? If so I would appreciate one...thanks and see you in game
i'd really appreciate a beta key if anyone gave me one, thanks
THANK YOU FullFrayDog! :D
I'm going crazy f5ing this thread, watching other people get keys
All my friends seem to have the beta, I went to a starcraft LAN and I had to play BW with another guy because we were the only two without beta keys =(
I've been a blizzard geek all my life, so please if anyone still has an extra key, I want to be able to say "I was in the SC2 beta"
EDIT: Thank you SO MUCH to Czarek199410 I owe you one =]
So I guess the way to win this thread is to look really sad. O_O ! ! This is a very sad lonely face, you should take pity on him and send him a beta key. :p
Well I wasn't going to post because I thought it might be useless, but it seems like at least some people are getting success so I thought I'd try.
If anyone has a spare beta key then I'd love to get in on it before it ends. I've been obsessively watching games on youtube and following day9's daily... and yea... haven't been this excited about a game since BW!
Thanks in advance.
I would gladly take one if someones giving away. Thank you very much
Hi everyone. This is only my first post but I've been lurking around these forums for the past few weeks. I would really appreciate it if anyone had an extra beta key to spare.
When I was a lot younger, I played brood war casually, but now I want to get a head start on sc2 so i can get "good' at this game as well as figure out a race to play. I've been watching a lot of replays and streams and have been reading up strats for the past month or so. Really can't wait to play. I have pre-ordered a collector's edition, but sadly after they stopped giving out beta keys. If anyone could spare an extra key for the last few days I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Last ditch effort to get a key before beta closes :D
The only real reason I offer is because im from New Zealand - come chill with me in wellington anyone that plays sc here 
+ Show Spoiler +
Hm not that many good excuses... My gaming group has 4 shared accounts divided among 10 of us, I hope I can get another to share among us. Thanks in advance.
I would sell kittens for a key. Watching casts and commentary isn't enough. A key would make me a happy man.
im up for a key, been searching for one since the beta started, :/
Oh Please, I need one to be able to play with my friend....
User was warned for this post
if anyone could PM me a key, I will really apreciate it! thanks
Just finished my exams and am now on my break and I'm so looking forward to SC2. Anyone willing to spare me a key so that I can play with my friends during my break =[
Dear TL,
Please save me from LoL.
i would like a beta key too
I know I probably shouldn't but what the hell, ill post a 3rd time as my posts move back and people in front of me get a key ^^. I'm really excited for the beta to be finished so I can play but would LOVE to be able to begin earlier and so i can enjoy playing the last few days of the beta with friends.
From England with love <3
The best thing about the beta is for people to have the ability to play games and such. I don't Have this ability (Which makes me a sad panda indeed). I am a zerg player at heart but I don't hate Everyone else for their choice in Either protoss or Terran.
Good things come to people that wait and I have waited patiently. I even tried to stay away from this Awkward thread about people begging others for keys and was saying to myself I'll hit the gym, To My dismay I quickly realized that 24 hour fitness only takes up 2 hours of my time and I still have Evenings that are really depressing (because I don't have beta).
As for finishing up this post I will simply ask you to read the first letter of all of the lines and simply say You lost "It"
I hope this wasn't the 80th time this type of posting has been done in here.
+ Show Spoiler +
im looking for a beta key too been playing ai for the whole beta..if anyone could give me I will really apreciate it! thnx
ah man. if anyone out there is generous to give me a beta key (cause I really really really want to play in asian server) I would really appreciate it!! :DD
Hello, if anyone could give me a key. I will really apreciate it. Please PM me a key
Hey, I personally cant afford the game, but I do understand how awesome it really is. I would like a beta key to be able to play until the end of the beta to enjoy the awesomeness of this truly brilliant game.
Hi guys, i've been trying to get a beta key for quite some time now. So far no good. If anyone could PM a key i'd be grateful. Can't wait till it comes out.
Looking for a beta key please, would be much appreciated
I understand that beta round two is almost over, but would really, really (x10) appreciate anybody who has a spare key that will otherwise go to waste. One love!
Hi, Im looking for a key, still havent played beta, and only few days left so would like to try. thx.
Why hello there. If there is someone nice enough to give me a key I will love you long time. Theres a smiley face to clear the deal.
Please I need a key to raise my kids. Joking, I really need a key, already bought the game but can't wait until 27th =/
Too anxious
I was wondering if someone have an extra beta key to share could you send it to me ? I'd really appreciate it! Been trying forever to get a key to play this great game
Trinidad/Tobago1177 Posts
I'm sure that there's only one person in my entire country that has a BETA key. I've been wanting to play SC2 for a while now. Can someone please mail me a beta key. Thanks
I just moved to Tulsa, OK and the only person I know here is my boss. I don't have much time for SC2 while I study for the bar, but if someone had a key and wouldn't mind letting me hop onto theirs for a day or two to play some games and pass some time I'd be eternally grateful. Until then, it'll just be me, this six pack of beer, and a tall tall tall stack of books...
I have another extra beta key to give away. Only less than 2 weeks away from the game coming out and I'm willing to give away this extra key , i just found. PM me, no joke, and post on here for the winner. I will be back to check the pm in 30 mins. Once its given away, post on here stating you got it, please thank you very much. Fyi - this is for reals...
44R4YE-DZKM-WP48DR-DPJG-KFFRCF - Goodluck to whoever gets it...take it easy...
Wow. I got it. Thanks man. Thanks a million.
rofl finally got one via my opt-in
hope someone can make use of it for the final weekend
Can someone please spare a beta key? I feel really left out.
On July 17 2010 12:45 Skillet-Master wrote: rofl finally got one via my opt-in
hope someone can make use of it for the final weekend
appreciate it
Would really appreciate a key :D
Love watching the commentaries and look forward to giving it ago in beta or when it finally comes out.
If anyone has any beta key left, I'd like to have it, even if only to experience the game for just one day
Too slow
Pretty slow
Do anyone got a extra key? Would be so nice to play some now 
Begging in a begging thread. Anyone willing to offer a key?
Please please please PM if you have a spare key and wants to get an obsessed brood war player into the SC2 world
Anyone got a spare key, I'll give this a chance, been waiting for too long.
Beta key prz. no sobs here, just gimme NOMNOMNOM.
Would Love if anyone would spare a key! WILL GIVE BABIES
Thanks :D
I'd love a beta key to have a chance to try this out before the release.
6 days since my post and still no PM~ Oh well... I Guess I just gotta wait for the 27th. Still hoping to get a PM tho,too bad I can't lurk here to copy paste beta lolz!
Happy beta to whomever get's it
This one was from the friend invite ones they sent out, so I suggest you PM me if you get it, then I'll let you know my identifier to add me on SC2. Only if you're paranoid of bliz shutting you down because you aren't actually my friend.
Anyone still got extra keys to spare please pm me
Anybody has a key for my friend, got to get him addicted too !!
Thanx in advance!
someone pm me a key please. I live in Asia but only have a US account so I want to test the latency in Asia before buying the game.
Please PM me a beta key. I really want to give it a try before beta ends.
Thanks in advance
I have a friend who missed the whole preorder train is looking to play with me these last days. A key would be greatly appreciated : )
I would like to get a key for the last 2 days of beta before I get the game PM me the key.
Was on the first pages and still no key, even if there are only a 1-2 days left. Hopefully EU will stay on longer or the whole beta gets extend, cause of the bugs and dropouts that needs to be fixed.
PM me a key .... PLZ! <3
anyone got a spare key?
i signed up for the beta early on but never got one...
Unused key for last day of beta:
Good luck, and have fun!
Awesome, got the key! Thanks Kinmaul
I'd like to bring my friend into the world of StarCraft, but he doens't want to buy it before trying it a few hours. So if someone has a spare key for him, that'd be nice...Pm me if you feel generous today :D
Can I Please get a BETA-KEY so i can practice before the real game comes out. Ive never tried the game, i just want to get a feel for it before its released! PLEASE PLEASE. -Fellow Starcraft Lover
May I please have a beta key for the last day of play. I will be forever grateful -Thanks ahead of time <3 the community
Why have people kept keys doing nothing and give them away only for the last day of the beta? :S I've donated 5 keys to my friends and clanmates.
7EGX6H-8KG4-X4CCZ6-PX27-HG9EJ6 BVJ6DZ-F2NJ-TVBTNV-YGRN-7C62X6 Both unused for the US Server only. Sorry for the late replay but didn't realize that i had these.
Hey ALl
This is kind of a longshot.. but anyone who has a key laying around they wouldn't mind sharing for the last day of the beta would be very appreciated
Sigh, I guess I can stop refreshing this thread. Beta's down kids.
I sell my beta key 200 dollar
WHY IS THIS THREAD STILL HERE!! beta keys are useless so just close this thread.