On April 16 2010 08:05 Chronopolis wrote:
I saw this entry somewhere on another website, don't know if it's the same person. To the OP, i'm just saying double check or something, since the entry is identical.
Show nested quote +
On April 14 2010 02:33 Percucio wrote:
zerg Pestilisk
Description: Pestilisks eerily resemble aging Zerglings. They are longer than your typical Zergling, being about one and a half Zergling bodies each. They lack wings, only having rotting stumps. They tend to have black rotting flesh with holes oozing team colored liquids. The other significant changes between the Pestilisk and Zergling include a vastly malformed mouth. A Pestilisk usually has a large head with a wide gaping mouth, lined with vicious curved teeth. The acidic purple spores accumulate here and drip from its mouth.
When it attacks it attacks with its large mouth swiping side to side and its extra limbs lunging forward. Each attack spurts a small purple splash onto its target, adding a toxic spore. When under creep synapse the Pestilisk oozes purple sludge from the holes in its body and sends fat drops of purple sludge flying away from its body in an average sized radius. The Pestilisk’s symbiosis ability puts a team colored fungal growth on the body of its target.
For visual reference it is a longer, more dog-like zergling with a gaping mouth. The mouth resembles that of a Japanese giant salamander.
Zerg Armor Defeating Early Tier Caster
gass: 50
build time: 17
Morphed From: Zergling
Requires: Pestilent Spawning Pool
Pestilent Spawning Pool: Morphs from the standard spawning pool. Has identical looks except it changes the liquid in the pool to be team colored.
50 minerals 50 gas 180 build time.
Unit Statistics:
50 Health
200 Energy
Armor: 0 (+1)
Movement: Normal
Modifiers: Light - Biological
Corrosive Claws
Targets: Ground
Damage: 5 (+1)
Range: Melee
Attack Speed: Fast
Bonus: None
Corrosion Glands:
For every attack a Pestilisk delivers on an enemy, that enemy unit gains one toxic spore. Toxic spores force the enemy unit to attack at 5% slower speed per spore and to take one additional damage per spore from every attack. Enemy units and buildings can have up to nine toxic spores at one time. Each spore wears off after 15 seconds and each attack by a Pestilisk renews the spores’ duration.
Duration: 15 seconds per spore
Cooldown: None
Creep Synapse
When a Pestilisk dies on creep, it explodes in a small shower of purple acid, spreading up to three toxic spores onto each nearby ground enemy.
For just 75 energy, the Pestilisk can spread its corrosive spores in the form of a parasitic growth. Each Parasitic growth replaces the targetable health of the unit it is attached to with its own health of 15. Any damage done to the parasitic growth does not spill over to the unit it is attached to, but the health on the attached parasitic growth does not regenerate and multiple parasites can not be stacked on the same unit. Special abilities bypass the parasitic growth in effect and damage (Including tactical nukes) and splash damage still applies to the unit.
Energy: 75
Duration: 150 Seconds
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Range: 7
Corrosive Spore Glands: This upgrades causes every Pestilisk to deliver three toxic spores on initial hits against enemies with no spores at the time of the attack.
Researched At: Pestilent Spawning Pool
100 100 110
Strong Against: Ground Units
Weak Against: Air Units, Splash Damage
General Role: An excellent choice to weaken high health Protoss units, healing Terran units, and high armor Zerg units such as roaches. Pestilisks do an excellent job of softening up ranged units in order to allow melee types to do more damage for longer. As an added bonus, Pestilisks naturally benefit from Zergling movement speed and attack speed upgrades, and when combined with their health boosting ability, Pestilisks can really help Zerglings do even more melee damage.
Pestilisks open up an early game caster option for the Zerg, requiring only a pestilent spawning pool, which morphs from a regular spawning pool for only 50/50/180 (Minerals/Gas/Build Time). In addition to spicing up unit diversity, this also makes up for the harsh lack of casters in the Zerg army.
Use Concept: The Pestilisk can help defeat hard Terran wall ins by padding Banelings with extra health for Baneling wall breaks. It can also help keep early contains going with Symbiosis and the Pestilisks themselves help quickly take down high health Marauders. Late game it can even help reduce the effect of healing on MM balls so that your ranged units can do enough damage to reduce their numbers.
Against Protoss, Pestilisks help bolster Zergling strength to even the odds against powerful Zealots. Even against Colossi, Symbiosis can prevent Zerglings from melting in one deft blast. Even in general the extra damage the spores provide can help turn the tide of battle against high health Protoss forces. The Pestilisk can also do wonders to diversify Zerg vs. Zerg battles with Pestilisks being particularly good against Roaches.
+ Show Spoiler +
zerg Pestilisk
Description: Pestilisks eerily resemble aging Zerglings. They are longer than your typical Zergling, being about one and a half Zergling bodies each. They lack wings, only having rotting stumps. They tend to have black rotting flesh with holes oozing team colored liquids. The other significant changes between the Pestilisk and Zergling include a vastly malformed mouth. A Pestilisk usually has a large head with a wide gaping mouth, lined with vicious curved teeth. The acidic purple spores accumulate here and drip from its mouth.
When it attacks it attacks with its large mouth swiping side to side and its extra limbs lunging forward. Each attack spurts a small purple splash onto its target, adding a toxic spore. When under creep synapse the Pestilisk oozes purple sludge from the holes in its body and sends fat drops of purple sludge flying away from its body in an average sized radius. The Pestilisk’s symbiosis ability puts a team colored fungal growth on the body of its target.
For visual reference it is a longer, more dog-like zergling with a gaping mouth. The mouth resembles that of a Japanese giant salamander.
Zerg Armor Defeating Early Tier Caster
gass: 50
build time: 17
Morphed From: Zergling
Requires: Pestilent Spawning Pool
Pestilent Spawning Pool: Morphs from the standard spawning pool. Has identical looks except it changes the liquid in the pool to be team colored.
50 minerals 50 gas 180 build time.
Unit Statistics:
50 Health
200 Energy
Armor: 0 (+1)
Movement: Normal
Modifiers: Light - Biological
Corrosive Claws
Targets: Ground
Damage: 5 (+1)
Range: Melee
Attack Speed: Fast
Bonus: None
Corrosion Glands:
For every attack a Pestilisk delivers on an enemy, that enemy unit gains one toxic spore. Toxic spores force the enemy unit to attack at 5% slower speed per spore and to take one additional damage per spore from every attack. Enemy units and buildings can have up to nine toxic spores at one time. Each spore wears off after 15 seconds and each attack by a Pestilisk renews the spores’ duration.
Duration: 15 seconds per spore
Cooldown: None
Creep Synapse
When a Pestilisk dies on creep, it explodes in a small shower of purple acid, spreading up to three toxic spores onto each nearby ground enemy.
For just 75 energy, the Pestilisk can spread its corrosive spores in the form of a parasitic growth. Each Parasitic growth replaces the targetable health of the unit it is attached to with its own health of 15. Any damage done to the parasitic growth does not spill over to the unit it is attached to, but the health on the attached parasitic growth does not regenerate and multiple parasites can not be stacked on the same unit. Special abilities bypass the parasitic growth in effect and damage (Including tactical nukes) and splash damage still applies to the unit.
Energy: 75
Duration: 150 Seconds
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Range: 7
Corrosive Spore Glands: This upgrades causes every Pestilisk to deliver three toxic spores on initial hits against enemies with no spores at the time of the attack.
Researched At: Pestilent Spawning Pool
100 100 110
Strong Against: Ground Units
Weak Against: Air Units, Splash Damage
General Role: An excellent choice to weaken high health Protoss units, healing Terran units, and high armor Zerg units such as roaches. Pestilisks do an excellent job of softening up ranged units in order to allow melee types to do more damage for longer. As an added bonus, Pestilisks naturally benefit from Zergling movement speed and attack speed upgrades, and when combined with their health boosting ability, Pestilisks can really help Zerglings do even more melee damage.
Pestilisks open up an early game caster option for the Zerg, requiring only a pestilent spawning pool, which morphs from a regular spawning pool for only 50/50/180 (Minerals/Gas/Build Time). In addition to spicing up unit diversity, this also makes up for the harsh lack of casters in the Zerg army.
Use Concept: The Pestilisk can help defeat hard Terran wall ins by padding Banelings with extra health for Baneling wall breaks. It can also help keep early contains going with Symbiosis and the Pestilisks themselves help quickly take down high health Marauders. Late game it can even help reduce the effect of healing on MM balls so that your ranged units can do enough damage to reduce their numbers.
Against Protoss, Pestilisks help bolster Zergling strength to even the odds against powerful Zealots. Even against Colossi, Symbiosis can prevent Zerglings from melting in one deft blast. Even in general the extra damage the spores provide can help turn the tide of battle against high health Protoss forces. The Pestilisk can also do wonders to diversify Zerg vs. Zerg battles with Pestilisks being particularly good against Roaches.
+ Show Spoiler +
Initial Pestilisks were found after the forces of the Confederacy of Man destroyed Zerg infestations that had ravaged nearby settlements. The Pestilisks were then found when the settlements were rebuilt after significant time had elapsed. It was thought that these feeble creatures were simply the product of starved Zerglings, as they were indeed rare. Still, the Pestilisks may in fact have been the product of genetic experimentation from Zerglings, in order to create beings that could survive these barren conditions. Current Pestilisks have progressed away from feeble stragglers and have most recently been found amplifying remote Zerg ground forces to horrific effect.
Pestilisks have most likely developed from contact with human strains. They are most likely evolved from the highly similar Zergling warrior strain. It is unknown if they morph directly from a Zergling, as Guardian strains might do so from Mutalisk strains. Pestilisks seem to contain the absorbed genes of Earth native species such as dogs and rats. In particular it seems the genes have been twisted to allow Pestilisks to survive extreme malnourishment.
The most interesting Pestilisk trait is its large gaping mouth. Its head is actually crescent shaped due to its large mouth. A Pestilisk’s mouth tends to have a multitude of curved canines lined up in several unbalanced rows. The most liquid form of its body’s acid typically drips from the mouth, quite possibly denoting that it is produced in the mouth or head of the Pestilisk as a liquid, and becomes viscous and sludge-like with addition of parasitic spores.
The Pestilisk has a body much like a Zergling, except it typically is noticeably longer. Its carapace seems more like the rotting flesh of a dog or rat, rather than the thick insect-like carapace found on Zerglings. The tail of the Pestilisk remains proportionately the same as a Zergling’s tail, a trait Pestilisk legs and Zergling legs share.
The Pestilisk lacks insect like wings which some Zerg strains have evolved. Pestilisks tend to simply have stumps instead of wings, perhaps showing that the Pestilisk has only recently evolved. Pestilisks often ooze the acid contained inside their body through huge visible pores in their body.
Its bodily systems are so volatile that it frequently hosts parasitic spores which thrive in a viscous, corrosive, and acidic substance that is found in Pestilisks. This substance has been recorded to weaken our armor systems, leaving troops and buildings vulnerable to damage. It seems this substance also reacts explosively with creep, following the failure of buffer systems that normally prevent this occurrence in live Pestilisks.
The parasitic spores it hosts seems to require a significant growth time between life stages and require the acidic substance mentioned before in early life. Its second stage seems to be similar to most fungi, or lichen even. We’ve found this fungal parasite using the external carapace of fellow Zerg as homes to grow, as well as on other substances. The fungal growth its second stage creates is remarkably tough, able to withstand multiple gauss rifle projectile hits. The final stage of the parasite is unknown; it likely culminates in the expulsion of numerous spores which begin the cycle again
Pestilisks have most likely developed from contact with human strains. They are most likely evolved from the highly similar Zergling warrior strain. It is unknown if they morph directly from a Zergling, as Guardian strains might do so from Mutalisk strains. Pestilisks seem to contain the absorbed genes of Earth native species such as dogs and rats. In particular it seems the genes have been twisted to allow Pestilisks to survive extreme malnourishment.
The most interesting Pestilisk trait is its large gaping mouth. Its head is actually crescent shaped due to its large mouth. A Pestilisk’s mouth tends to have a multitude of curved canines lined up in several unbalanced rows. The most liquid form of its body’s acid typically drips from the mouth, quite possibly denoting that it is produced in the mouth or head of the Pestilisk as a liquid, and becomes viscous and sludge-like with addition of parasitic spores.
The Pestilisk has a body much like a Zergling, except it typically is noticeably longer. Its carapace seems more like the rotting flesh of a dog or rat, rather than the thick insect-like carapace found on Zerglings. The tail of the Pestilisk remains proportionately the same as a Zergling’s tail, a trait Pestilisk legs and Zergling legs share.
The Pestilisk lacks insect like wings which some Zerg strains have evolved. Pestilisks tend to simply have stumps instead of wings, perhaps showing that the Pestilisk has only recently evolved. Pestilisks often ooze the acid contained inside their body through huge visible pores in their body.
Its bodily systems are so volatile that it frequently hosts parasitic spores which thrive in a viscous, corrosive, and acidic substance that is found in Pestilisks. This substance has been recorded to weaken our armor systems, leaving troops and buildings vulnerable to damage. It seems this substance also reacts explosively with creep, following the failure of buffer systems that normally prevent this occurrence in live Pestilisks.
The parasitic spores it hosts seems to require a significant growth time between life stages and require the acidic substance mentioned before in early life. Its second stage seems to be similar to most fungi, or lichen even. We’ve found this fungal parasite using the external carapace of fellow Zerg as homes to grow, as well as on other substances. The fungal growth its second stage creates is remarkably tough, able to withstand multiple gauss rifle projectile hits. The final stage of the parasite is unknown; it likely culminates in the expulsion of numerous spores which begin the cycle again
I saw this entry somewhere on another website, don't know if it's the same person. To the OP, i'm just saying double check or something, since the entry is identical.
Probably here: http://vilegaming.com/page/510
Which is funny, because I submitted a unit, and then I read the link, and I dunno if it was osmosis, because I don't remember specifics but my unit I just submitted had similar ability to one listed.