Lets do this!
Terran Merchant
- Built from Orbital Command - 100 HP, 1 armor - No attack - Build time: 20 seconds - Movement speed: fast - Costs: 100 minerals - Upgrade from command center: Trading (Cost 100, upgrade time 30 seconds): allows SCV to take 100 minerals one orbital command to any other command center to gain 150 gas. - SCVs need to take 20 seconds in between each command center / orbital command (Prevents building command centers next to each other to try to abuse this excessively - MAX 3 Merchants
This encourages Terrans to build defenses between command centers. Also netting 150 gas can encourage some creative gas intensive terran builds. Also, other races may be encouraged to snipe this unit to mess with Terran builds.
To replace the Baneling: Wraithling - Flying
Tech Requirement: Wraithling Perch - 100 Minerals, 50 Gas, 60 Seconds, Requires Spawning Pool.
Cost: 25 Minerals. 25 Gas. .5 Supply. 25 Seconds to Morph. Built from larva Built in 2's
Health: 25 Hitpoints, 0 Armor(+1 per upgrade). Modifiers: Biological, Light. Movement Speed: Fast, when the unit is within range of 2 of it's target it goes into a suicide dive.
Range: .5 .5 Splash
Damage: Ground/Air Kamikaze 30(+2 per upgrade). (+9 vs Light). Attack Speed: Very Fast.
Ability Infusion Requires Lair, Tech at Wraithling Perch 150 Min, 150 gas. The Wraithling crashes into a large enemy (Siege Tank/Immortal or larger) infusing it self with said unit and causing no damage. Provides vision around unit, can be killed with detector.
Unit Description: Evolved from the scourge, they have sacrificed their high damage for a jet burst to rapid close in on their enemy. They are able to dive into both ground and air units now. They evolved to prevent earlier air raid, while still having use against the power ground units of Protoss and Terran. They also give zerg an additional way to scout against that pesky terran wall.
New Zerg unit: Swarmer -replaces roach -requires Roach warren(rename to Swarm warren obviously) -cost: 150 minerals/150 gas/2 supply -fast move speed, 1 armor
spawns as 4 separate units (like how a zergling spawns as 2 zerglings for 1 supply) ranged attack against ground only
The 4 separate swarmers are linked together. As each one dies, the remaining ones get it's strength. They would begin with only about 60HP and 8 damage, but the last one would have a whopping 240 HP and 32 damage. It would also give zerg armies the unique ability to become stronger as the battle progressed, feeding on their fallen units. Also, I really don't like the roach and I wish it would go.
upgrade to allow it to spawn as 5 swarmers
edit: I don't want anyone here to know my email so how else can this be accepted? update: name changed from zerg templar to zerglar!
No need to post your email here
On April 14 2010 18:10 Random69 wrote:Show nested quote +edit: I don't want anyone here to know my email so how else can this be accepted? update: name changed from zerg templar to zerglar! No need to post your email here 
generaly if you send an email you have the person see your email adress
Zerg Creeper Evolves from Hydralisk
Unit Description: A mutated strain of the Lurker, the Creeper is heavily armored and attacks while burrowed. While the Lurker was suited for destroying groups of light infantry, the Creeper's attack is designed to take down larger, stronger single units.
Tech Requirement: Hydralisk Den Requires Creeper Research (Researched at Hydra Den, Requires Lair) Costs 100/100, 50s
Cost: 100 Minerals. 75 Gas. 3 Supply (Total once morphed from Hydra) 25 Seconds to Morph
Health: 170 Hitpoints, 2 Armor Modifiers: Biological, Armored Movement Speed: Normal
Damage: (Must attack while burrowed) 45 (+3 per upg) (+15 vs Armored) (+2 per upg) Attack Speed: Slow
Abilities: Burrow: Does not require research to be able to burrow. Dust Cloud (passive): Requires research at Hydralisk Den, costs 200/200 and requires Hive While burrowed, the Creeper generates a dust cloud of radius 1.5 which prevents range damage dealt to any unit in the dust. Basically a Dark Swarm while burrowed.
When I first saw the tech tree of the Zerg I was somewhat disappointed. Both the terran and the protoss have 2 units that can ignore jumps in elevation (ie the reapers, vikings, stalkers w/ blink and the colossus) fortunately the Pterolisk aims to change this
Requirements Lair and Pterolisk Roost
cost 125 minerals 100 gas 2 supply
Stats ground biological light Hit points 150 Armor 0 Movement speed normal on ground and fast while in air Attack type melee (range melee on ground and air) Attack speed fast while on ground slow while in the air Attack can only target ground while on ground or air while in air Attack damage 8+2 on biological x 2 attacks
special abilities
The Pterolisk spawns as a ground unit and it's basic role is a mid game ground melee unit. However the Pterolisk can quickly jump into the air and turn into a flying unit. This makes the Pterolisk faster but its attack speed much slower, allowing it to quickly get into enemy bases for harass but not be a power house air unit. The Pterolisk can land at any time and can do so much faster than the Viking
upgrades 200 minerals and 200 gas requires hive Pterolisks air attack speed is upgraded to normal this upgrade acts to give the Pterolisk a boost at the endgame as a protector of broodlords burrow (of course)
Terran Rhino
Rhino is technically a bunker which can move at slow speed but infantry cannot shoot from it. It has high HP and armor but no attack besides it’s special abilities. It’s role is to soak up damage and be an obstacle for an engaging enemy. Can be used to block ramps and in numbers to block (or at least narrow) chokes. It is equipped with ^-shaped “horn” at front to move enemies away from it’s way (allows to get it into the midst of enemy army for Sound blast spell). Ramming ability is useful for engaging a well-defended location by dealing damage to static defenses, soaking damage and carrying infantry in full hp to the heat of battle. Sound blast spell is useful vs. bionic-heavy armies, but should be used carefully not to harm friendly infantry (is a good support spell for tech-heavy army).
It adds some micro as you would want your Rhinos always in front of the army. The enemy should also micro his massive units and siege tanks to avoid being hit.
Blizzard has already some kind of model for it (attached to mail). http://www.starcraft2.com/screenshot.xml?s=118 But in my role it should be changed: a ^-shaped horn should be at the front (for pushing enemy units from it’s way) and some massive dynamic (for Sound Blast spell) should be at the top.
Costs: Minerals: 150 Gas: 75 Build time: 40 Produced at: Factory (no tech add-on required) Statistics: Health: 300 Energy: 200 Attack: no standard attack Armor: 2 (+1) Speed: Slow (the speed of a Thor) Other: Armored - Mechanical - Ground
Special abilities:
Ramming mode Targets: Any structure, tanks in siege mode, thors and colossi. Damage: 150 (target is 3-sec notfunctional) Energy: 50 Range: melee Description: You must select a target not closer than 7 matrix away. After that the Rhino enters the ramming mode. First it powers up for 3 seconds, than engages at a 20% movement speed bonus in a direct line (but bypassing natural obstacles). You lose control of the unit until it hits target, the pursued unit is killed or the Rhino is itself destroyed. Any friendly or enemy units not from the list above gets pushed off the way with no damage. If thor or colossi or enemy structure gets in the way it sustains damage and Rhino stops. If the tank in siege mode unsieges while the Rhino is in ramming mode it takes only 50 damage. You can shift-add an unload all infantry command if the ramming mode is a success. Sound Blast Targets: all biological units in 2.5-matrix area around Rhino (including air and friendly) Damage: 0, units effected by the spell get 4-sec stunned. Energy: 125 (research not required) Description: Visually it looks like a slightly visible wave coming from Rhino in all directions. Rhino can unload it’s infantry unaffected by the spell right after casting it. Unload cargo No comment
Upgrades: Benefits from +2 cargo space upgrade
I decided to post my idea so that everyone can see it.
Terran Mechanized Combat Engineer Stats + Show Spoiler + 100 minerals 50 gas 35 second build time (same as marine) 60 HP
Type: Light mechanical No attack movement speed: fast (near hellion) Built from: factory Requires engineering bay.
Abilities: Build laser wire hub: 100 minerals 150 HP 20 seconds Research cost: 100 minerals 100 gas 40 seconds at engineering bay. The unit will build a structure which can be linked together to produce a barrier impenetrable to ground units until the hub is destroyed (melee units can attack the hubs) two laser wire hubs can be connected if they are within 3 supply depot lengths of each other. Each hub can be linked to up to 2 others meaning 2 hubs can span a 3 depot wide gap, but 3 hubs can span a 6 depot wide gap. The laser wire does not do any damage. Laser wire does benefits from building armor upgrades. The neosteel frames upgrade increases armor by 2. Smoke screen: 75 energy Shoots a canister (similar to the vulture’s canister) a short distance that quickly, one or two seconds, blocks line of sight for a short time, around 15 seconds. Only detectors or scans can see through the smoke to allow attacking. This will cover both buildings and ground units, but will not affect the visibility of air units. Build bridge: 250 minerals 600 hp (each side, not shared hp) 40 seconds The unit will start building a structure, jump across a valley or down a cliff (but not up) ,carrying 2 wires across, to build another structure on the other side trailing and will then slowly cross the bridge laying the road deck. The longest bridges go the same distance as the stalkers blink. If either side is destroyed the bridge will fail and any units on the bridge will fall. If they fall onto a lower ground level they will sustain heavy damage (50 maybe), but if they fall onto a part of the map that does not have a ground (deep valley or space) the units will be destroyed. The bridge is not auto targeted by any unit to make it easier for the enemy to exploit it if you don’t watch it. All units will be able to fit across the bridge, but it is thin enough for a single force field to block. The bridge provides no vision and will not give a warning if attacked. (After all who works in the bridge to tell you what’s happening?) The bridge benefits from building armor upgrades.
The Idea: + Show Spoiler + Terran is thought of as the slow race and this unit will help emphasize the importance for a Terran player trying to take ground. The laser wire will stop all ground unit advances until the hubs have been breached, while the siege tanks tear the enemy to pieces. The smoke screen will provide time for the slow Terran ball to make it to where they need to go, and will encourage building more turrets on the front lines so Terran doesn’t have to use scans to continue the attack. The bridge provides a quick but somewhat risky way to move your slow units around the map (think of what this could do for desert oasis) a little more quickly and build slowly enough (and from both sides) that it is going to be hard to use offensively. Some of the more useful abilities cost minerals which will make the choice between scanning late game, or mulling a harder choice (in most streams I’ve watched when the game goes long they have excess minerals). It will look like the cobra (pre beta unit), without guns.
Lore + Show Spoiler + With casualties mounting, Terran politicians decided that the vulture wasn’t effective enough to continue fielding. Terran commanders that were initially angry that the vulture production had stopped complained that they now couldn’t properly prevent enemy movement into their tank lines. To solve this problem the politicians did exactly what you think they would do, began a multi-million dollar project to replace a vehicle that they just took out of service. After many years of R&D and millions of dollars in funding the Mechanized Combat Engineer was born. These little saviors were greeted with open arms. The infrastructure that they brought to the battle field, and the protective smoke screens have been instrumental in the Terran campaigns so far.
On April 14 2010 18:36 Marradron wrote:Show nested quote +On April 14 2010 18:10 Random69 wrote:edit: I don't want anyone here to know my email so how else can this be accepted? update: name changed from zerg templar to zerglar! No need to post your email here  generaly if you send an email you have the person see your email adress For me its always so.... ya. I'm not posting it here of course but I still don't want ANYONE on TL to know about it...
edit: O and, are you the only judge or are there going to be 3 judges(would be more official looking)?
Nice contest idea, plenty of room for creativity.
Terran unit: Skybreaker Air, Armored, Mechanical, Massive
Built from Starport with Tech-Lab addon, requires Armory and Fusion Core
Cost: 350 Minerals, 300 Vespene, 6 Supply; Build Time: 100 500 Health, 2 Armor (+1 for each level of Ship Plating upgraded), 250 Max energy Weapon: Breaker Missiles - Damage 7 (+2), 6 Missiles per volley, 8 volleys per 'attack', +3 (+1) vs Armored bonus, ATA only NOTE: Can fire at multiple targets but if a unit is right clicked, the entire 'attack' will be focused on that unit (if able)
Ability: Cyclone Cannons - 150 Energy - The Skybreaker holds position and primes it's Cyclone Cannons. After 10 seconds, the cannons fire, dealing 25 damage (x10 attacks) in a radius around the Skybreaker. The Skybreaker cannot attack or move during the entire duration of the strike.
Sort of an ATA gunship with ground-owning capabilities. Weaker than the Battlecruiser in terms of health and armor, but has a more powerful ATA attack and the Cyclone Cannon ability.
Edits: Clarified requirements and weapon
Terran Chuck Norris :
Cost 1000 minerals / 1000 gas range - infinite b/c chuck norris can stretch arms across entire map damage - infinite because there is no scale at which chuck norris attacks Armor - Chuck norris armor ( walker texas ranger ) Ability - Ability to scare grizzly bears / or any enemy away example : (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2XUgE6g7XU )
Wretchalisk (Zerg Support Infantry)
Cost: 100 Minerals 200 Gas 40 Seconds Morphs from Roaches
Stats: 100 Health 1 Base Armor (+1 per upgrade) 1.6 Speed off creep (2.5 upgraded) 2.2 Speed on creep (3 upgraded) Bionic - Light No Attack 200 Max Energy 2 Population WRETCHALISK CANNOT NATURALLY REGENERATE ENERGY
Prerequisites: Baneling Nest Roach Warren Lair
Unlocks Wretch Aspect (From Roach Warren)(200/200)
Abilities: Baneling Launch- Fires a Ground to Air projectile dealing 150 (+75 Armored) to a single air unit.
- 75 Energy
- Range of 6
- Autocast Available
- Armor Calculations apply
- Ranged Weapons upgrade does not apply
- Cooldown of 1.5
Baneling Launch- Fires a Ground to Ground projectile dealing 25 (+ 25 Structure) splash damage over a small radius.
- 25 Energy
- Range of 9
- Autocast Available
- Armor Calculations apply
- Ranged Weapons upgrade does not apply
- Cooldown of 1.5
Consume- Consumes a friendly baneling, restoring 50 energy to the Wretchalisk.
- No Energy Cost
- No Cooldown
- Is not Smartcasted
- Zerg Carapace
- Pandemic Spout (100/100)- Speed of projectiles double
- Contagion Joints (150/150)- Wrethalisk speed increases (Both on & off creep)
- Calamitious Stomach (100/100)- Adds 25 starting energy
Purpose: The Wrethalisk serves as a very good anti-dropship unit, as it will one-hit all dropships (use autocast for ease). It also servers as a possible midgame transition unit into a more varied tech build, making ultralisks much more viable. The Wrethalisk is meant to be very strong in combination with zerglings rather than mutalisks, roaches, or hydralisks. Also, people complaining about the blandness of zerg macro should be satisfied with the consume mechanic.
Lore: Through the Hive Minds of the new generation, the Defiler and lurker genetic codes were mysteriously corrupted. Because the new generation lost such a powerful unit in their arsenal, they were forced to find suitable replacements to absorb into their gene pool. On Shakuras, the zerg had salvaged a seemingly useless piece of genetic code, but found that when they mutated it along with the genes of their roaches, the roaches would swell up, and their mouths would greatly increase in size. This allowed the new roach mutations to ingest whole units, and spit them back out, though they seldom survived the impact.
Has a winner been chosen for this contest yet?
On April 16 2010 00:19 Ursad0n wrote: Has a winner been chosen for this contest yet?
I believe there is one more day to enter, and then the winner will be announced Friday.
Fallen Ghost
Description: Lore - After observing the success and results of her own transformation as well as the power and utility of Lieutenant Duran in the Brood War, Zerg Queen Kerrigan has taken to infesting and training Terran Ghosts as an elite special operations wing of the Zerg army. These Fallen Ghosts have been able to evolve their latent psionic abilities further than was possible as members of the Terran forces, but at the sacrifice of their humanity and ability to use many of the Terran technological advancements.
Practical - The role of the Fallen Ghost in the Zerg army is a midgame spellcaster-type unit which takes a decidedly different role than the Infestor by being a harassing unit that can be used separately from your main army. When used effectively, the Fallen Ghost should spice up the Zerg midgame by offering alternatives to the primary Zerg goal of macroing up a large army. The Zerg could instead harass with the Fallen Ghost or create a unique army composition by mixing in a few of them. By giving more options to a Zerg player, matches such as ZvZ should be more interesting to watch and play. The Fallen Ghost would also be an exciting unit to micro and has effectiveness that hinges upon the skill of the player. The relatively high cost and amount of micro required to use the unit would allow for balancing within the current game.
Requirements: Incarceration Catacomb (100m/100g) (can be built after Lair) Cost: 100 minerals; 200 gas; 3 supply
Health: 80 Armor: 0+1 Energy: 225 (start with 75+50 with upgrade)
Range: 6 Damage: 10+1 (+10+1 light)
Armor: Light, Biological, Psionic
Abilities: Spore Shot [75 energy] - Biological structures have become intertwined with the Fallen Ghost's rifle, allowing him fire special spores at enemy units. These spores are highly volatile, but require their host to fall in battle to feed off their energy and dissipate quickly otherwise. If an enemy unit dies within 2 seconds after being targeted by a spore shot, they explode in a similar fashion to the baneling, dealing 30 damage to nearby units. Psionic Snipe [100 energy] - Using his evolved psionic prowess, the Fallen Ghost is able to envelope his sniper shot with psionic energies that rip through units nearby the bullet's path. Deals 25 damage to all units in a thin line from the ghost to target point 8 range from the ghost. Burrow [0 energy] - The Fallen Ghost has lost his personal cloaking ability, but gains the ability to burrow and move underground with his newly evolved zerg claws and carapace.
Upgrades: From Incarceration Catacomb: Psionic Snipe (100m/150g) - Allows the Fallen Ghost to use the Psionic Snipe ability. Transcendent Evolution (100m/150g) - Give the Fallen Ghost 50 more additional starting energy, for a total of 125. Dorsal Grooves (100m/100g) - Allows the Fallen Ghost to move underground at normal speed, as opposed to very slow speed. From Lair: Burrow (100m/100g) - Common Zerg upgrade, will allow the Fallen Ghost to burrow.
Infested Panda Bear Guy:
Cost: 200 minerals 150 gas Hive Tech No attack
Energy: 125 (+75 with Infested Bear Semen upgrade)
Abilities: Summon Sc-orgy: Summons 6 scourge with 25 hp, they do 100 damage air to air. Lifetime of 10 seconds Costs 75 energy
Static defense carrier: Calls forth a infested carrier that has all the same properties as a normal carrier, but is attached to the ground with creep. Costs 100 energy
Doom stride: Walks towards an enemy unit and explodes, dealing damage equal to the number of Day[9] Daily's available. Has a range equal to the highest amount of viewers that day[9] has achieved divided by 1000. Costs 125 energy
Un-infest: Turns Infested Panda Bear Guy back into neutral ursadon. Player can no longer control this unit, but the enemy will not attack it unless it is specifically targeted. Can be turned back into Infested Panda Bear Guy with an infestor.
Race: Protoss
Unit: Judicator
Class: Aerial Support Frigate
Cost: 150 Minerals 200 Gas
Hit points: 50 Shields: 200
Range: N/A
Damage: N/A
Armor: Light/Psionic
Energy (Initial/Max): 50/250
===== Abilities (Initial) =====
Shield Transfer (Active) Energy Cost: -None- / Range: 3 / cooldown: 5 seconds Directly transfers up to 100 shields from the Judicator to the targeted unit over 5 seconds.
===== Abilities (Researched) =====
Dampening Field (Active) Cost: 200 Minerals / 200 Gas Energy Cost: 50 / Range: 7 / Cooldown: 30 seconds Fires a psionic grapple that attaches to a target enemy air unit. When the grapple attaches the Judicator, the targeted air unit, and up to 3 additional air units within a short distance of the target (range 1) are all immobilized for 5 seconds.
Morphogenic Crystals (Passive) Cost: 150 Minerals / 150 Gas Judicators with full energy will regenerate shields at double the normal rate.
This has been emailed as requested by the OP. I just posted it here for an entertaining read. =]
Zerg Arachnid
Morph from zergling: 50 minerals
25 HP
Attacks deal 5 Dmg, fast attack rate
Extremely fast spider unit that can cliff-walk like the reaper and colossus, but has very little hp and low damage. Very useful scouting unit
On April 14 2010 04:08 love1another wrote:Smile MonsterRace: Universal. Role: (Emotional) Support ConceptSmile monster is a flying, invincible, untargetable unit buildable from the Nexus/Hatchery/CC in parallel with gatherers/queens. This unit has 0 build time (and can be built in parallel with other units) and like the mothership cannot be massed. Its role on the battlefield is to bring a smile to the face of the player who controls it. With powerful abilities like "Happy Aura," "Heart Flare," and "Reassurance" the player who controls the smile monster can approach battles with confidence and the warmth of companionship rather than with fear or insecurity. Statistics Modifiers: Invincible, flying, immune to spells/abilities. Health: 10 Armor: 0 Energy: 200 Abilities Happy Aura: Passive The powerful Happy Aura ability gives the happiness status to all units within a 5-cell radius. Happiness status has no effect on hp/energy/status of units in range but causes a smiley-face icon to appear above each of the units' icons. Additionally, the avatar at the bottom of the screen, if a unit with the happiness status is selected, will be smiling. Heart Flare: 50 Energy per cast, target ground. The game-changing heart flare ability launches a flare into the sky above the chosen location and explodes into a translucent heart-shaped splash on the screen that lasts 10 seconds. This ability is particularly useful in the early game for players with high APM and nothing else to spend all those actions on. Shimmering heart-shaped splashes will also lend to the competitive aspect of S][C by making the first minute of the game far more interesting than it has been in the past. ![[image loading]](http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/7697/ymbh.jpg) The heart flare ability in action. Reassurance: 25 Energy per cast The Reassurance ability causes the Smile Monster to emit a random reassuring sound byte, ranging from a stirring verse from "Don't Worry Be Happy" to a reminder that the player who controls smile monster is a great person and should fill his/her life with hugs and happiness. This ability is essential in tense late-game situations where victory seems out of reach or anytime throughout the game as a hard counter to opponents' bad manner and insults. lol, wow...and i thought the zerg dweller unit entry was funny...