On April 14 2010 03:36 DeA wrote: Zerg Maiden
Dethroned by the Queen and driven into exile by the swarm, the Maiden was once to be the mother of all Zerg creations. Ashamed, she chose to live the remainder of her life underground, seeking revenge through the pain and death of all living things.
Once spawned from the Maiden Burrow, she can only be seen for a brief moment before hiding underground. The only ways a Maiden can be properly viewed is with the use of a Phoenix’s Levitation Beam or when she tunnels her way through adjacent cliffs.
Unit Stats:
Tech Tree: Hive, Maiden Burrow (150 Minerals, 150 Gas) Cost: 150 Minerals, 300 Gas Supply: 3 Build Time: 50
Hit Points: 150 Energy: 200 Damage: None Armor: 1 Movement: Slow (underground only) Modifiers: Armored – Biological – Psionic
a) Hollow Point – 50 mana With her claws, the Maiden creates an underground trap that buries all units passing over it within a 1.5 grid radius (Massive units are immune, traps can be detected)
b) Impale – 100 mana (requires research at the Maiden Burrow) Using her back spines, the Maiden inflicts 15 damage (+30 to Biological) and stuns all biological units in a line above for 3 seconds.
c) Devour – 150 mana (requires research at the Maiden Burrow) The Maiden rises from below, devouring anything above her within a 4-grid radius.
I also thought about the Maiden not being able to move within range of a Hatchery, since the Queen lives nearby, which would fit the whole “exile” theme, but that might be a bit hard to implement and remember while playing. And by adjacent cliffs I mean the cliffs that a Colossus or Reaper can’t climb.
I like this one the best so far. Could be very fun
Smile Monster Race: Universal. Role: (Emotional) Support
Concept Smile monster is a flying, invincible, untargetable unit buildable from the Nexus/Hatchery/CC in parallel with gatherers/queens. This unit has 0 build time (and can be built in parallel with other units) and like the mothership cannot be massed. Its role on the battlefield is to bring a smile to the face of the player who controls it. With powerful abilities like "Happy Aura," "Heart Flare," and "Reassurance" the player who controls the smile monster can approach battles with confidence and the warmth of companionship rather than with fear or insecurity.
Statistics Modifiers: Invincible, flying, immune to spells/abilities. Health: 10 Armor: 0 Energy: 200
Abilities Happy Aura: Passive The powerful Happy Aura ability gives the happiness status to all units within a 5-cell radius. Happiness status has no effect on hp/energy/status of units in range but causes a smiley-face icon to appear above each of the units' icons. Additionally, the avatar at the bottom of the screen, if a unit with the happiness status is selected, will be smiling.
Heart Flare: 50 Energy per cast, target ground. The game-changing heart flare ability launches a flare into the sky above the chosen location and explodes into a translucent heart-shaped splash on the screen that lasts 10 seconds. This ability is particularly useful in the early game for players with high APM and nothing else to spend all those actions on. Shimmering heart-shaped splashes will also lend to the competitive aspect of S][C by making the first minute of the game far more interesting than it has been in the past.
![[image loading]](http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/7697/ymbh.jpg) The heart flare ability in action.
Reassurance: 25 Energy per cast The Reassurance ability causes the Smile Monster to emit a random reassuring sound byte, ranging from a stirring verse from "Don't Worry Be Happy" to a reminder that the player who controls smile monster is a great person and should fill his/her life with hugs and happiness. This ability is essential in tense late-game situations where victory seems out of reach or anytime throughout the game as a hard counter to opponents' bad manner and insults.
I would like that the Infestor's infested terran ability goes back to making sense an be as follows: Infested Terran structure produces infested marines for a while. Infested protoss structure produces my proposal for new unit: Infested Zealot ![[image loading]](http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5928/protosszealotportrait.jpg) Hit Points: 120 Shields: 60 Damage: 8 (+1) (x3) special abilities: Triple attack in a short burst. Has infinite charge, but charge drains it's life by 1hp/second ignoring armor and shields.
Zerg :
Tech Required : Lair, termite nest. *Queens are morphed into termites for 50/250.
Stats : 150 hp, 2 armor, speed 1.5x that of queen, supply 3, build time 30, build time of termite nest 45. Beginning energy 50, max energy 200, 250 with upgrade from termite nest.
Ablities : 1. Consume the land - [energy proportional to land consumed] the termite consumes a medium sized area of creep, buildings that have had the creep under them consumed lose health over time, consumed creep does not regenerate. 2. Dark Swarm(name will be different but have not thought of one yet)[100] - Covers an area with a cloud that prevents the opponent from targeting units underneath the swarm. 3. Feed[150] - Coats enemy units with a scented substance which enrages overlords to a fury, allowing them to consume the enemy units with a jellyfish-like attack and lots of zerg-like-alien feeding sounds. Upgrades for overlord feeding abilities can be done in the termite nest if you have hive tech, increasing their hp and the time it takes to consume enemies.
Cost: Morph Zealot + High Templar
Twice as large as Zealot with a faint psionic aura and warp blades at double length.
Range: 1 (Front three hex units)
Damage: 20 (Normal Speed)
Life: 120 Shield 180 Life
Armor: Armored (1)
Move speed: Normal
Energy: 150
Ability: Psionic Blast: Allows the Avatar to deal 90 damage to a single target unit with a range of 6. Cost is 90 energy.
Unit is a total badass and he knows it.
Skyzergling Race: Z (duh!) Role: (Low cost air control)
![[image loading]](http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/1645/blueskylings.jpg)
Skyzerglings are little zerglings that learn how to fly from mutalisks. They are the only air units in the game that do meelee atacks.
Health :45 Damage: 5 Amor: 0 Cost: 0 mineral + 3 lessons from his "Sensei".
Requieriments Spawning Pool Spire (At least one mutalisk out) Metabolic Boost (Zergling Speed)
Lore: Speed Zerglings always wondered why they have wings if they cannot fly...One day they asked a Mutalisk if it can teach them how to fly and it gladly accepted. Then it became a very popular custom for the zerg race to have Zerglings being taught the art of flying by a veteran Muta (that little lings politely call "Sensei").
About the unit In game:
To get Skyzerglings just make sure you meet the requierimets above. Now have a Mutalisk + zerglings (max 12) in a control group and move them to a open space in the map. Let the lessons begin. Keep watching the lessons from time to time and you will hopefully see they lings hopping higher and higher until they can finally fly.
About the attack:
Skyzerglings still do the same damage with their claws(5) but sometimes they hit with a body slam when they fall fast like this:
![[image loading]](http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/17/halcon.jpg)
This deals 10 Dmg but does 5 dmg to itself. They hit both Ground and Air.
Burrowing: Contrary to popular belief, Skyzerglings can burrow! Just hit the burrow hotkey and they will fall right from where they are and burrow underground. Sadly, some of them may die when they impact with the surface.
Morphing: Skyzerglings can morph into Skybanelings.
![[image loading]](http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1411/greenskybane.jpg)
Cost: 25 mineral 25 gas.
Same as banelings but from the sky! (Air to Air Only) Dmg: 110
Burrow: Sadly Skybanelings cant burrow.. they will explode if you let them.. so please be careful.
Zerg Body Snatcher
Description: Like the old mutalisk had two upgrade paths to a guardian or devourer, the Zergling now has two upgrade paths. One is to the familiar Baneling, the other is to the Zerg Body Snatcher. When a Body Snatcher attacks a unit, instead of attacking at melee or ranged, the Body Snatcher instead latches onto the enemy unit. While latched on the Body Snatcher can still be targeted and focus fired down, but will do continual damage similar to a normal zergling melee attack. However if a unit dies while under attack by a bodysnatcher, it instead becomes an infested version of that unit with the same attacks and special abilities, but the health of the Body Snatcher.
Cost: 25 Minerals 25 Gas
Hit points: 30
Range: 0 (see ability)
Damage: 5 (+5 Biological)
Armor: Light - Biological
Ability: The standard attack of the Body Snatcher latches it onto an enemy unit. While attacked the Body Snatcher can still be attacked, but it will slowly damage the attached unit. If the enemy unit died while the Body Snatcher is still attached, the enemy unit becomes an infested version of itself, with the same attack, damage and special abilities, but with the Body Snatcher's hit points.
Nydus Worm Peristalsis (Upgraded at Nydus Canal)
Cost: 200 Minerals 200 Gas
80 Seconds Research Time
Range: Anywhere on allied creep
Effect: Any units killed on the creep that leave debris/corpses can be consumed by mini nydus worms and converted into extra sustenance for buildings which heals x amount per second within 12 range of corpses consumed (left the amount out as it would need heavy tweaking to be useful yet not op). This is intended as a defensive upgrade to help the longevity of both defensive structures as well as hives/tech structures being focused fired etc.
Armor: N/A not targetable. If anything, cloaked and only targetable while salvaging corpses.
In the light of recent events, a lot of BroodWar players have had their playing styles subjected to criticism and rumours and investigations by KeSPA, the Korean Police and the mass media, among others. A disproportionate quantity of these players are rumoured to be Zerg.
Therefore to formalise and facilitate these newly uncovered playing styles in SC2, I propose Blizzard introduces a new unit. This will keep any future occurrences of this sort of thing within the confines of the game itself, so that accusations of cheating and matchfixing outwith the game will become a thing of the past.
I am proud to present: Zerg: The Even Corruptor
![[image loading]](http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8991/evencorruptor.jpg) An Even Corruptor using the 'Kickback' ability on a nearby High Templar
Tech Required: Greater Spire, 'Become Even Corruptor' upgrade researched at Greater Spire, Unit evolves from a Corruptor.
Type: Bio, Flying HP: 200 Energy: 200 Armour: 0 (Armoured)
Kickback: Transfers 1000 minerals from friendly stores to the opposing team
Fix Stats: When fired at a friendly unit, surreptitiously reduces the hitpoints of all units of that type by 33%.
Career Suicide: The Even Corruptor runs off to the enemy base and squeals, killing itself and revealing the position of all other friendly Corruptor and Even Corruptor units on the map.
Shock Revelation: Merges with a friendly queen unit to produce a Drama Queen. All other units do nothing but press F5 for 10 minutes just in case they miss a breaking news story.
^LMAO at the above entry^ Zerg
To replace the Roach: Eviscelisk (pronounced: ee-VISS-uh-lisk).
Tech Requirement: Eviscelisk Burrow - 150 Minerals, 50 Gas, 55 Seconds, Requires Spawning Pool.
Cost: 75 Minerals. 100 Gas. 4 Supply. 40 Seconds to Morph.
Health: 160 Hitpoints, 1 Armor, 100 Energy. Modifiers: Biological, Armored. Movement Speed: Normal. Burrow Speed: Slow (takes 3 seconds to Burrow).
Range: 3.
Damage: 16. Attack Speed: Normal.
Abilities/Upgrades: Missile Attacks Upgrade: +2 Damage per upgrade. Ground Carapace Upgrade: +1 Armor per upgrade. Eviscerating Claws: 150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 110 Seconds, Requires Lair. - Allows the Eviscelisk to attack while burrowed at a range of 6. - Targets one unit. - Burrowed Eviscelisks leave dorsal Claws exposed, which betrays their whereabouts, but cannot be attacked while burrowed without detection. Glial Reconstitution: 200 Minerals, 200 Gas, 170 Seconds, Requires Lair. - Attack speed increased to Fast. Organic Carapace: 150 Minerals, 150 Gas, 110 Seconds, Requires Hive. - Uses 5 energy per second to recover at 15 Hitpoints per second. - When drained of Energy, recovers Hitpoints at a normal rate. - Only at full health will Energy begin to regenerate, although at a slightly faster rate than usual (Same rate as Protoss shields). - Increases to Hitpoint regeneration rate and Energy regeneration rate only occur when the Eviscelisk is Burrowed.
Unit Description: Though the Roach proved to be an invaluable addition to the Swarm for its survivability and its defensive and offensive capabilities, its effectiveness diminished as enemy forces began to deploy stronger weaponry specially designed to crack even the toughest Roach's carapace. Thus the Roach was forced to undergo an evolution to further enhance its survivability and further improve its effectiveness in battle. The result was a new strain of oversized Roach that had developed abnormally large dorsal claws and an increased penchant for survival through an improved rate of regeneration. Though its increase in size also increased its metabolic rate, requiring additional control and energy to maintain the creature, its larger dorsal claws and modified Glial tissue greatly enhanced the Roach's offensive capabilities, securing it an essential role in both supporting Zerg armies and defending fledgling Zerg bases. Indeed, this was a new creature by its own right; a far cry from the far scrawnier Roach. This was the evolution of a new breed of Zerg beast. This was the birth of the Eviscelisk.
Heres my new unit:
The zerglar!
Requires: -zerg that has mind-controlled a high or dark templar. -HT/DT must be morphed with a zerg ling to make THE GREAT... The AWESOME... THE ZERGLAR! -costs: 75/150 resources all together(50+25 for 1 ling) 2supply in total(ling's doesn't count) -morph time: 18seconds( 1 second more than an archon) Stats: HP:40 shields:60 energy:250 armor:0(+1)gets upgrade from evolution chamber shield upgrade:0(+1) gets upgrade from enemy's upgrades researched allowing you to punish your opponent for upgrading shields by making them realize you know exactly what they have and they are upgrading your own unit. movement: fast
Modifiers: Biological - Psionic - Light
Armaments: Claws Damage: 5 (+1) Range: Melee Speed: Fast Targets: GroundAbilities:
Psionic Storm (T)
Creates a storm of psionic energy that lasts 4 seconds, causing up to 80 damage to all units in the target area. Ability can only be used once every 3 seconds. Requires: Psionic Storm Stats: 80 damage Energy: 75 Duration: 4 sec Cooldown: 3 sec Range: 6
Feedback (F)
Purges all energy from the target. Deals 1 damage per point of energy. Energy: 50
Burrow (W)
Enables the Zerglar to burrow underground, rendering it invisible and unable to attack. Requires: Burrow
Pictures from: SCII armory edit: I don't want anyone here to know my email so how else can this be accepted? update: name changed from zerg templar to zerglar!
The Pandalisk:
The latest addition to the Zerg swarm, the Pandalisk, is an extremely aggressive and hardy foe. Capable of consuming 9-14kg of bamboo a day and possessing the ability to launch Banelings four too five feet in front of them, they are a formidable opponent and extreme care should be taken while engaging them.
![[image loading]](http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/428/pandalisk.jpg)
-Built at the Corrupted Wildlife Conservation, available at tier 3
-95-160 day build time.
-Loses health when it's not on creep.
-The death of a Pandalisk will result in the guilty party having to pay massive sums of money to the Chinese government.
-Costs 75 minerals and 25 gas.
-Only 256 Pandalisks may be in play. Ever.
Modifiers: Armored, Massive, Endangered
Attack: 13 damage, attack speed: sloooooow
Armor: 1
Health: 175
Tech Requirement: Lair Hyralisk Den Grappler Researched (in den)
Produced by: Larva
Cost: 125 Minerals 75 Gas 2 Supply
Range: Melee
Damage: 10 + 10 vs Mechanical.
Armor: 1 Armor Biological Armored
Energy: 100
Abilities: Grapple 50 energy: Targetted "spell." Target unit within 6yard range is grappled by the Grappler's tentacle, immobilizing the target for 0.1 seconds. After the grapple is completed, the Grappler will appear behind the target (opposite side the spell was cast from), preventing withdrawal. If more than one Grappler grapples a single target, they will surround that target, pushing aside enemy and friendly units if necessary to do so. (cannot be targetted on airborne units) Colossus may not walk over the Grappler.
Intended Purpose: The Grappler is meant to isolate important enemy units while their army withdrawals. Multiple Grapplers could be used to "drill" an opponent's army and gain access to blocked terrain. I think the Grappler would be ideal for dealing with Colossus, Thors and other expensive mechanical units without being particularly strong against large numbers of low-tier units.
I sent mine in via email, and a second email with my TL handle. Sorry for the double email, but was so wrapped up in the unit development that I forgot the essentials!
GL to everyone
Race: Terran
Name: Chuck Norris
Cost: 250 Minerals
Food: 2
Range: Unable to target air.
Damage: 30 (Chin First upgrade: Increases attack by 15 but reduces hp by 10 by removing his chin and adding another fist of lesser strength then his original fist.)
Armor: Ripped
Energy: 0
Ability: Takes your head off with a standing jump kick.
hope i win.
![[image loading]](http://mascot.crystalxp.net/png/banana-boy-worm-from-worms-2992.png)
Parasitic Cerebrate
Cost: 200 Minerals 200 Gas Food: 2
Attack: No Attack
Health/Armor 90 Health (-1 health per second when without a host) Light (+1/upgrade)
Energy 200
Movement speed Slow (crawl)
Abilities 1. Neural Attachment 2. Psionic Enrage 3. Strength of the Brood
The Parasitic Cerebrate is the first form of The Swarm's mighty cerebrates. In its fledgling state, it requires ample attention to maintain its own survival. On its own, the cerebrate (like a worm) crawls about with no attack capability. It may choose a host amongst The Swarm's mighty warriors to carry it and protect it while it grows. Once a Parasitic Cerebrate chooses its host, it bonds and becomes one with the beast. From there it begins its practice over controlling the mighty broods. Only by killing the host can the parasite be eradicated.
1. Neural Attachment: The Parasitic Cerebrate attaches itself to target Zerg unit. If the host unit dies with the Parasitic Cerebrate still attached, the nestling cerebrate will die. The Cerebrate can detach from its host, but loses 1 health per second until it finds a new one. 2. Psionic Enrage (75 energy): The cerebrate floods its host unit with psionic energy, enraging it to powers never before seen. The unit's attack speed Increases by 100% and movement speed increases by 20%. 3. Strength of the Brood (125 energy): The cerebrate emits a powerful psionic pulse, increasing base damage of all nearby Zerg units by 2 for 20 seconds.
I thought it would be cool if Blizzard implemented cerebrates into Zerg combat somehow, instead of just being characters to talk to in briefing rooms. Hope you like my idea, but good luck to all :D
And yes, the picture is for lols =P
Submitted my entry via email! GL everyone :p and try to be serious, the rainbow pony happy monster was kinda funny, tho. edit: oh shit, above, mine was teh same idea XD. But i like mine better keke
The Spewer
The Spewer is meant to be a unit that replaces the boring old roach with a risky unit that promotes microing zerglings for a nice surround on enemy troops to use the Spewers AOE attack for maximum damage.
The Spewer would have an attack with a very long attack animation consisting of the spewer's head emerging from it's hard carapace to spray acid at an area of ground. The attack would not "follow" enemy units, forcing you to target the ground where you expect your opponent to move his troops OR surround him with zerglings so he has no escape. The Spewers initial acid spray would do something like 10 damage to all the ground units in the area, friendly included, and then damage over time any units still standing where the ground was sprayed. The area sprayed would bubble with disgusting green acid-like bile.
This unique attack would promote awesome micro on the parts of both players, with the enemy trying to snipe your Spewer and you trying to surround the enemy to weaken his forces with an acid spray. Awesome ambushes could be made on your Spewer when it is going through its long vulnerable attack animation. To make give him a little extra power later in the game it would have an upgrade that allows it to move while burrowed, taking one of the only interesting things about the roach and putting it to good use.
Health: 80
Armor: not sure, I think it should be 1, making it a tiny bit harder to snipe for basic units like zealot, marine, zergling and allowing tier 1.5 units like Stalker and Marauder with their bonus vs. armored to more easily snipe it.
Length of attack animation: Definitely more than a second and less than three
Damage: 10-15 immediate damage and then maybe 3-5 damage per second on acid swamped ground (Doesn't Stack)
Area of Effect: In between the size of a Psi-storm and a forcefield.
Movement Speed: Slow enough to be chased down but not too slow as to be a nuisance.
Cost: 100 minerals, 150 gas? I'm not really sure, not enough that you can mass for sure.
Tech Requirements: Replacement of Roach warren, don't care what it's called, Maybe Spewers Spittoon lol
Pictures coming soon!