On February 20 2010 10:06 Chairman Ray wrote: let's say you select two sentries and a zealot
can you activate guardian shield?
if so, do both sentries activate it or only one?
if not, can you activate guardian shield by having two sentries selected?
Yeah, you can activate the shield, and it will only be cast once.
"____ will be revealed" means you will see his units so he can't pylon on the map. It appears when you kill the last CC/Hive/Nexus.
Edit: When you select multiple unit types with different abilities, the most advanced one will be sub-selected to cast spells with, you can cycle through the unit types with tab. So when you get a group with HTs, sentries and zealots you will get HTs first, then sentries, then zealots. Just to clarify.
On February 20 2010 10:15 chao wrote: "____ will be revealed" means you will see his units so he can't pylon on the map. It appears when you kill the last CC/Hive/Nexus.
Wouldn't that be messed up if that player could rebuild his cc/hive/nexus and potentially get back in the game?
Or if the game becomes a micro battle where the only building left on both sides is an extractor or something.
On February 20 2010 10:15 chao wrote: "____ will be revealed" means you will see his units so he can't pylon on the map. It appears when you kill the last CC/Hive/Nexus.
Wouldn't that be messed up if that player could rebuild his cc/hive/nexus and potentially get back in the game?
Or if the game becomes a micro battle where the only building left on both sides is an extractor or something.
it doesnt say it if you have one building, but if you dont even have one building then yeah its pretty sad for you.
It works like this, you lose your last nexus, you get a period of time until you are revealed. The second you start another nexus, the game says "Player will no longer be revealed". So as long as you have a probe and 400 minerals, you can dodge the reveal. Of course then the other player knows you are building a nexus, maybe they will disable that for pro-games.
On February 20 2010 11:24 chao wrote: It works like this, you lose your last nexus, you get a period of time until you are revealed. The second you start another nexus, the game says "Player will no longer be revealed". So as long as you have a probe and 400 minerals, you can dodge the reveal. Of course then the other player knows you are building a nexus, maybe they will disable that for pro-games.
That is lame. That gives an advantage to the player who killed the main building. It shouldnt say the player will be revealed, but after a period of time it should reveal them. This way the person doesnt know if you had a hidden expansion somewhere else on the map. It gives valuable information to the player so that he knows how weak his enemy really is. Now he doesnt have to scout the map to see if he can easily move in with another attack to end the game, or if his opponent has been able to rebuild due to having another income somewhere else on the map that needs to be scouted.
Do you have a rough idea of how many players on there (for the time being at least) were ex-BW players? Or how about TL or other big BW website members? And how about WC3?
Is sniping buildings really that big of an issue atm? The horror stories of terran/toss air units being able to snipe a cc/hatch/nexus in like 15 seconds without even being massed really have me worried
Sniping builds is easy. Not even 15 seconds. like 5 seconds. Void Rays are a bitch as a zerg as you have to invest in antiair. aside from that reapers instakill buildings, and most buildings now seem to be much more fragile than bw.
On February 20 2010 20:55 pachi wrote: Sniping builds is easy. Not even 15 seconds. like 5 seconds. Void Rays are a bitch as a zerg as you have to invest in antiair. aside from that reapers instakill buildings, and most buildings now seem to be much more fragile than bw.
How are reapers instant killing buildings? Is it through sheer numbers and the fact that they can just waltz into your base? Or is it from their mines (if they still have them). I'm curious as to why buildings seem to be more fragile now, could you elaborate a little please?
Was talking to orb and he said a small group of reapers walked into his base and killed his nexus in 5 volleys. Cliff thing helps them a lot, but they do a lot of damage to buildings.
For buildings being fragile, i think its just the pace of the game makes unit numbers high which makes it easy to take out a building or two on your rampaging way.
Corruption... -if used on a tech building, does it not allow upgrades? What if it's used on a tech building that is in progress on an upgrade? does it freeze for the duration of the Corruption ability?
-if used on buildings with secondary abilities (crawlers, any terran ability that can lift), does it stop those buildings from being able to use their secondary abilities?
-if used on a morphing building (i.e. hatch currently morphing into a lair) does it temporarily freeze the morphing?
-can you cast it on buildings currently being built? If so, what does it do?
Thank You for the video!
About Broodlords
~0:59 Does it deal 50 damage with the 1st shot since it shots 2 Broodlings and only 1 later?
On February 20 2010 12:36 pachi wrote: Just played again. Rally points are attack move.
I hope that gets changed after the beta. There is that situation where your opponent is camping your production facilities and having them on attack move can be a pain, especially if your production queues aren't synchronized. The other side of the coin is that you want your produced units to get into action right away if there is a battle.