Original Post and Poll Over at SCL we've been having a debate about the carrier model. Allot of people liked the way the old SC1 model looked. GnaReffotsirk did a quick photoshop about ways to alter the current carrier model to make it look more like the classic model. What do you guys think?
GnaReffotsirk's model__________________Current SC2 model
Poll: Which model do you like better? (Vote): GnaReffotsirk's model (Vote): Current SC2 model
Here is the classic SC1 model (just in case you forgot what it looks like :p) + Show Spoiler +
bigger one looks much better, small one doesn't look like it carries anything.
GnaReffotsirk's model by far. It looks like a cleaner and more advanced version of the SC1 model, but doesn't deviate to the point where it isn't even identifiable as a carrier anymore.
I hope blizzard is reading this!
GnaReffotsirk's model looks like the SC2 model had too much to eat
United States4796 Posts
GR's model is more true to the classic carrier look.
I'd like to see something closer to the original model, but I don't think GnaReffotsirk's model is the one to do it.
On February 01 2010 02:39 Alethios wrote: I'd like to see something closer to the original model, but I don't think GnaReffotsirk's model is the one to do it.
Feel free to make your own proposal.
Both look like a Terran Vulture...
GnaReffotsirk's model is way to bulky, and that is going to be a problem in Starcraft II. Orig SC2 Model fer sure
i like the bigger model, has a more capital ship feel to it
On February 01 2010 02:41 Jlab wrote: GnaReffotsirk's model is way to bulky, and that is going to be a problem in Starcraft II. Orig SC2 Model fer sure
Is it just me or is that a cartoon villain with a mustache and a big nose on the back of the carrier?
On February 01 2010 02:40 lolaloc wrote: Both look like a Terran Vulture...
On February 01 2010 02:36 Zurles wrote: bigger one looks much better, small one doesn't look like it carries anything. Totally agree. The name is "CARRIER" after all...
Like someone said, the first model has a more of a capital sense to it rather then just a raiding ship as it looks like in the original model.
I have to admit I like the SC1 one best. But the new model isn't bad.
ugh. you guys are missing the point. The current model was designed to reflect how the protoss changed from sc1 to sc2. iirc the protoss are in a much more desperate situation now so it would make sense for them to conserve resources, cut costs, etc. etc. and construct "leaner" looking ships. This is taken straight from the official sc2 website:
However, the zerg invasion of the protoss homeworld of Aiur has brought the race to a crossroads: the protoss must embrace change if they are to survive and prevail.
it's too bad the protoss are hella ghetto right now.. not technologically speaking but in terms of resources, and they are an endangered species to boot.
I'm glad the poll question is "Which one do you like better" rather than "Which one is better for sc2"
I think the altered model definitely does look more like SC/BW carriers, however, were they ever visually appealing in the first place? Not really, they looked like fat clunky things, unlike the typical streamline and futuristic look of protoss design.
I believe the results of the poll are because old SC fans are hoping more and more that SC2 is going to be like SCBW. It's not, and I like the changes I'm seeing. I don't want to spend money for the same game.
Well, the original SC2 model was actually the tempest, just recoloured. I think we need a new model. I'm fine with GnaReffotsirk's (good job photoshopping btw) but if Blizzard makes something better, that's good too.