United States41984 Posts
As I'm calming down I'm finding myself less and less upset by this. Some tech guy accidentally daisy chained power adaptors and it fucked up. That's obviously sloppy and they should have tested everything before but it's not really the fault of MBC as a whole. It's a classic example of human error, shit happens. Fortunately the blackout happened after the battle was over. 30 seconds earlier would have been shit. But 3 seconds before it Flash retreated his last control group of mnm from the attack on 7 back to his min only. That leaves JD with 7 and ends the game. You can't blame MBC for the game going to JD because that was Kespa's decision (as is their right) and Kespa's decision was justifiable, even if you disagree with it. You can't blame MBC for the hour of ads because of all the drama backstage. Flash's dad had to be removed by security and KT were threatening to forfeit. They can't start game 4 when Flash might not play.
Yes it was a shit viewing experience for us expecting the best finals ever. But in terms of blame, human error fucked everyone over. I'm not that pissed off with MBC. One anonymous tech guy fucked up and everything else was caused by that.
Canada5565 Posts
On January 23 2010 22:54 KwarK wrote: That's obviously sloppy and they should have tested everything before but it's not really the fault of MBC as a whole.
that's kind of contradictory, if they let 1 tech guy do everything without someone double checking, it's their fault as an organization. say the president of MBCGame had a bunch of people wearing power rangers costumes come on stage halfway through the match for entertainment, you could say, "oh it was the 1 guys decision its not MBC's fault," but in reality MBC is made up of people who represent the organization as a whole, so if they fuck up it's MBC fucking up.
I also disagree with your analysis of game 3 but w.e
Guys, don't hi-jack Day's thread with fan-rage please.
On January 23 2010 22:32 Redhothottie wrote:
i wouldent worry much about the MSL final btw people, i doubt ANYONE is going to take that Bo5 as a serios image of who is the better player <.< (and just imagine the overhypage next time they meet >.< )
It's sad Day9 wont review anygame IMO, first because im sure there is a lot of people who want to see those game again, second because its not about MSL screwing up, its about Jaedong vs Flash ( im excluding Game4, since some people could argue flash was affected by kespa decision. ) Those games were great show of skills and decision.
Either way, I accept Sean decision of not commenting for moral reason, I just wish the powerfailure never happenned, it suck for Flash and it suck for JD to have played so well and being discredited of his victory.
yeah, it's not like any1 would take this bo5 as a serious image of who is the better player. Like 2 rapes, a close loss and an unfinished win in the finals is nothing, probably less than practice games, and s1 heard rumours about s1 knowing someone who heard that Flash beat JD in practice, in totally fair conditions, so Flash is probably better,
On January 24 2010 02:14 Geo.Rion wrote: probably less than practice games, and s1 heard rumours about s1 knowing someone who heard that Flash beat JD in practice, in totally fair conditions, so Flash is probably better,
WTF is this garbage?
On January 24 2010 02:14 Geo.Rion wrote: yeah, it's not like any1 would take this bo5 as a serious image of who is the better player. Like 2 rapes, a close loss and an unfinished win in the finals is nothing, probably less than practice games, and s1 heard rumours about s1 knowing someone who heard that Flash beat JD in practice, in totally fair conditions, so Flash is probably better,
I can't imagine how you have over 2000 posts of this garbage
On January 24 2010 02:14 Geo.Rion wrote: yeah, it's not like any1 would take this bo5 as a serious image of who is the better player. Like 2 rapes, a close loss and an unfinished win in the finals is nothing, probably less than practice games, and s1 heard rumours about s1 knowing someone who heard that Flash beat JD in practice, in totally fair conditions, so Flash is probably better,
lol... wow your post is just... I will just let you think how retarded that post is.
i made an account just to ask this HUGE favor : day, can you please please PLEASE cast the Nate MSL finals T__T that would be super helpful and awesome
I'm actually afraid to post this, because I don't want to Day9 to ignore everything I say from now on, but...
if you eventually calm down about the MSL finals, Day, a lot of your fans would love love love to see you analyze all or any of the games, because: regardless of how the event was managed, incredibly high level Starcraft was being played, and that's what we're all here for, that's why we watch your show. Without going into too much detail, the mind games happening off-screen were electrifying. You could tell just from the opening build orders, and even moreso as they evolved into mid-game plans. It was incredible series play.
p.s. why do some of the on-demand videos say "offline"? can we not watch those anymore? my friend asked me for some good episodes of your show to watch, and I was going to link some of the older ones, but you removed the links :o
I woulda loved a cast of game 2 There were some very tense moments and some critical decisions and mistakes made during that set that could really benefit from some in-depth analysis. + Show Spoiler +Gaurdian positioning and timing and defense, when to give up the mutalisk harass, when to expect and how to defend an elevator attack like that. Seems like a great game for a D9D. I hope he reconsiders  edit: added spoilers just in case.
I'm actually afraid to post this, because I don't want to Day9 to ignore everything I say from now on, but...
if you eventually calm down about the MSL finals, Day, a lot of your fans would love love love to see you analyze all or any of the games, because: regardless of how the event was managed, incredibly high level Starcraft was being played, and that's what we're all here for, that's why we watch your show. Without going into too much detail, the mind games happening off-screen were electrifying. You could tell just from the opening build orders, and even moreso as they evolved into mid-game plans. It was incredible series play. i absolutely agree, day
Geo.Rion's post is sarcastic.
On January 24 2010 11:56 Avidkeystamper wrote: Geo.Rion's post is sarcastic. we know, and JD>>>FLASH in the finals, but noone is saying flash>jd cos theres rumors that he does in practice. wtf -_-''
It's funny how nobody got the sarcasm of a Romanian.
The world as I know it is falling apart.
On January 24 2010 12:30 Valentine wrote: It's funny how nobody got the sarcasm of a Romanian.
The world as I know it is falling apart.
This is what sarcasm looks like, fyi.
Hey Day[9]. Do you plan on doing any more low level replays where you comment on D/D+/C- players and point out what they did wrong? I absolutely loved those casts and as a kinda OK kinda bad player (C- with bad record) watching you be super critical about these players has inspired me to clean up my play and play a lot to get better. I mean, your podcasts are good for that and they give a good outline of how to clean up one's play, but watching those replays give really good examples of applying what you outline in your podcasts and applying them to a specific situation. It's like your podcasts are lectures and the replay analysis is the homework problem. And many people learn by example. While I wasn't watching myself play and watcing myself make errors, watching you point out errors in detail makes me think a lot harder about how I could improve my own play. It makes me want to take what you said about some other player (who may be worse, may be better) and apply a similar mindset to my own games
So with all these Flash vs Jaedong requests, I'm gonna take a step back and request more low level replay analysis. I enjoyed those a lot
Day needs to commentate an epic bo9 series between Machine and Lz. Otherwise, why bother?
Action vs Mind on Tornado would be a nice one to see...