Aotearoa39261 Posts
The introduction of unranked matchmaking is surely a relief to a number of people, and undoubtedly is a positive for HotS. What people might not be aware of is that the unranked matchmaking normally pairs you with a person who is playing ranked ladder. That means your opponent will still win/lose points from the game, but you won't! I also suspect that laddering unranked still changes your MMR, more on that in a bit.
A non issue? Perhaps. But say I want to practice PvT and not PvZ/PvP, so I instantly leave any non-Terran game. My opponents will get points for doing nothing. I actually did this last night, and after losing a lot of games (tons of protoss on the ladder lately) I found that my opponents were noticeably easier. This makes me suspect that my MMR changed as well - if anyone has any resources to calculate that (for HotS) I'd happily test this theory.
EDIT: MMR is unaffected. No matter how much I lose I'm still getting paired with GM players.
Imo, this isn't a major issue facing HotS, at least not big enough to warrant removing it. However, there is a potential for abuse at the highest (and lowest) ends of the ladder and the possibility that some people will play unranked with the intention of leaving the game at the end, regardless of how the game plays out.
It's a valid concern, but I'm sure Blizzard will figure it out. What I think would be even better is this...each account has delegate MMRs for each race. I'm looking forward to off racing on ladder, but I know that once I start getting good with Protoss, I'll want to see where I stand on the ladder with them, without messing up my Zerg MMR.
And for Random players it should keep an MMR for you as random. When the match is over, always have the outcome take effect on random, but also have it affect the MMR of whatever race you are playing as.
I think would be a good system, because then you can feel free to try another race, get matched up against someone of your skill level and not worry about one MMR screwing up your main.
The solution to this is the following:
- 5 placement matches to determine your "rank" (not shown, nor wins or losses)
- Allow players the ability to restart/reset their 5 placement matches [if they want to try a new race, etc.]
*The ability to restart their 5 placement matches has a significant cooldown, several days or even a month
Hopefully unranked will be made that they play other unranked and playing ranked players is only to shorten the already extensive waiting period (if there is one after "expanding search")
how about instead of all this complicated and random shit, we just get the ability to make new accounts?
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On September 19 2012 14:45 Torte de Lini wrote:The solution to this is the following: - 5 placement matches to determine your "rank" (not shown, nor wins or losses)
- Allow players the ability to restart/reset their 5 placement matches [if they want to try a new race, etc.]
*The ability to restart their 5 placement matches has a significant cooldown, several days or even a month
Hopefully unranked will be made that they play other unranked and playing ranked players is only to shorten the already extensive waiting period (if there is one after "expanding search") Its plausible that there is an unranked mmr which is the same as you ranked mmr until unranked games are played. I'd need some tools to calculate this though.
perhaps matching unranked with ranked is only temporary for the beta since the beta has so few people playing.
I'd just like to see what should have been implemented a long time ago, which is separate rankings for each race.
It would be nice to have a few adjustments to unranked, though, such as not matching you against ranked players and not changing your MMR and allowing you to select the race you're going to play against. Hell, might as well let you pick the map while you're at it. I mean, there's no real way to ABUSE unranked play, is there? Why not give people more options?
Also, Plexa, as a follow-up, could you get into high Masters or something with ranked and then deliberately tank your MMR via unranked to see if you can get demoted? Chances are you'd need to play a ranked match to finish the demotion, but if you were able to do this successfully it would be conclusive proof that unranked shifts your MMR. If you weren't able to, it would be very strong evidence that it didn't affect MMR.
I find it interesting that you were trying to practice specific builds when you thought you were playing random non-mmr opponents. What was the point? If in the first game your build crushes a bronze level player and in the second game the build is crushed by a much better player then you, what have you learned? You might as well just practice the timings against an ai.
I think what is really being discussed is the purpose of unranked match finding. Blizzard seems to believe it is to protect players from having an emotional connection to their losses while still providing a fair challenge but some in the community feel it should be a random battle primarily for lols. I don't do this myself but can't you find random people to 1v1 on custom game maps?
Italy12246 Posts
That doesn't make sense, i thought it would just be like custom games are currently, only playing on a random map the matchmaking system starts up for you.
If implemented like you said Plexa, it doesn't make sense. My offraces are completely beyond shit awful compared to my Protoss, so if i want to practice them 1) i don't want it to screw up my main's mmr 2) i can't play people who i would normally face with my main race because i'll just get destroyed.
It's like they think people only care about ladder points, rather than MMR, league placement (i am SO not master with T and Z), and skill level of the opponents.
I think there should be rule to make priority for an unranked player to be paired to another unranked player. If there is no one else, then pair to the next.
Perhaps they could add for unranked matches a matchup selection option.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On September 19 2012 16:41 Acritter wrote: I'd just like to see what should have been implemented a long time ago, which is separate rankings for each race.
It would be nice to have a few adjustments to unranked, though, such as not matching you against ranked players and not changing your MMR and allowing you to select the race you're going to play against. Hell, might as well let you pick the map while you're at it. I mean, there's no real way to ABUSE unranked play, is there? Why not give people more options?
Also, Plexa, as a follow-up, could you get into high Masters or something with ranked and then deliberately tank your MMR via unranked to see if you can get demoted? Chances are you'd need to play a ranked match to finish the demotion, but if you were able to do this successfully it would be conclusive proof that unranked shifts your MMR. If you weren't able to, it would be very strong evidence that it didn't affect MMR. Good point. I'll drop 20~ games or something and see what happens.
So I could get masters by just continually losing in unranked and get matched vs weaker players on my main?
Ladies, this new feature is meant for those not playing ladder, but only custom. They don't care about MMR in the first place. They will however find a even skilled opponent instead of master players 23/7 on current custom games.
On September 19 2012 18:58 Hetz wrote: Ladies, this new feature is meant for those not playing ladder, but only custom. They don't care about MMR in the first place. They will however find a even skilled opponent instead of master players 23/7 on current custom games.
Source? No baseless arguments please.
Also, thanks for the research Plexa I think people are right in that matching with ranked players is a beta-only necessity to avoid insane queueing times, but MMR dropping in unranked matches is a bit worrysome.
Wait I always though unranked gets matched with unranked... What the hell....
It might be that unranked is only matched with unranked in the beta due to low number of players.
There should be a separate MMR for unranked and ranked games. The ranked & unranked matching eachother isn't a problem otherwise.
I think they should remove this feature and just display clearly the "medals" next to nicknames on chats and/or make Master/Diamond/Gold/Silver/Bronze chatrooms so as you can arrange custom games against players globally around your level.
Seriously... Can't players talk to eachother anymore?