On June 23 2013 04:35 mordek wrote: Hope it goes will for you phyre, I swear this is one of the most annoying things ever... the bill really sucked though for PT :\
THis is different than my SI thing, this is pain in my left hip, left glute, shooting pains down both legs, and a LOT of pain in my sacral spine.
previous issue was just a dull throbbing in my right hip, and a general feeling of weakness in my whole posterior chain.
Either help me out with my squat issues or don't reply at all please. With your sustained provocation and belittling.
I recommended you to do Starting Strength, because you could still get linear progression out of it given you're eating enough, and when you're done with that you could try madcow or texas method. But you probably skipped that part (at least you didn't address it and then you claim I didn't try to help you). Neither did you give any real useful information, not your height, weight, time lifting, how often you squat, rep ranges, how much you eat/sleep etc, all we got is "100cm legs bro" and "ATG no bounce bro" without even stating how you measured your legs so that this small piece of information becomes even more useless and then when I tell you my legs are 100cm as well I'm suddenly harassing or belittling you? I guess either you like me or you don't, I'm just being honest in my approach, but some people can't take it when you don't sugarcoat it, they take everything personally (which is the thing I dislike the most about this forum btw, everyone is so easily offended over nothing). No, this is not a secret club of 5 different guys which doesn't let anybody else in. I'm fairly new myself and I still consider myself a beginner. But everybody got a certain opinion and mentality when it comes to lifting and sometimes you simply have arguments, does that mean you should take it personally? I think not. I had arguments with celltech (if people call me 'bad mannered' I guess he's too) and recently steelandmalice (and probably others in the past I already forgot), but that doesn't mean I now have some prejudiced opinion about them or dislike them, I simply do not care. If you can't forward information without getting all emotional and your feelings getting hurt it's simply not my problem. I wish someone would have told me when I started lifting "bro what you're doing is utterly retarded do a proper strength program like A or B" I would have accepted it as soon as I knew he likely knew what he was talking about and not gotten all defensive.
If your question is if you have such a huge biomechanical disadvantage that now you bench more than you squat the answer is we don't know, because we don't have any real information. The only way that would be possible is if you had really long legs, a barrel chest and ridiculously short arms - but your legs are as long as mine for all we know. But what's much more likely is you've simply been neglecting your legs, but since you like working your legs I'd say that was by accident hence why I recommended SS.
And when I previously told you I measured my legs I didn't actually intend to sound arrogant or w/e, you just took it that way. Sometimes people simply need some tough love.
Now that's more helpful Thank you.
Do you think starting strength is still applicable for my stregnth standards, other than the squat:
5x90kg bench press 5x125kg deadlift
I mean I don't think my bench press could rise that quickly anymore, while I could agree that my squat could use a LOT of help. or I could simply squat the 3x5(and try to raise the weight continiously, starting strength style) and stick to my current full body workout plan for the rest of my muscles.
I'm not sure which part of your legs you've measured (not using it as an excuse, don't worry! ) but I checked again: From my heel to the top of my hipbone (the ilium, after some googling) -> 118cm From my heel to my crotch (so basically the inside of my leg) -> 93cm My hip bones are really high up on my torso compared to say my girlfriends, looks funky. (look at the bottom of my post, my <70kg picture shows how high up my hipbones are, nicely)
Monday: 4x5 deadlifts 4x5 bench press 4x5 pull-ups 2-3x12 squats (lower back/hams took a huge beating from deadlifts, so higher reps, less heavy) 3x12 standing calf raises Wednesday: 3x8 barbell rows 3x8 incline bench press 3x8 squats 3x8 overhead press / front raise (depends on shoulder issues) 2x12 behind the neck triceps extension
Friday: 3x12 one arm dumbell row 3x12 lunges / squats ( If the weather's good outside, we do lunges, 12 steps forward, 12 steps back.. if not -> squats) 2x12 dumbell flyes 2x12 upright row 2x 12 biceps curl 3x12 sitting calf raises (A lot of isolation exercises on friday, you could see friday as a bit of a deload day)
I don't add in more sets during the workout because we work out at a homegym with 3 people (Me + girlfriend + buddy), and the in-between times, switching who's up next/changing weights takes up a lot of time already. Monday often takes like 90-120 minutes to complete for example.
I have a lot of prior experience with bodybuilding (worked out from my 17th till 21st, weighed near 100kg on <14% fat), but during that period my squats were also slacking wayyyyy behind, tried splits, UB/LB, full body.. tried putting much more volume on leg compounds but it didn't really help.
During my 21st I had a shoulder injury ( did a behind the neck triceps extension with like 40kg, one of my shoulders lost tension or something and the entire arm got dragged downwards behind my back and I couldnt work out for over a year, hadn't really picked it up anymore afterwards and had dropped down to 68kg even at one point. No motivation to work out -> no motivation to eat enough. I haven't ever been a person with insane appetite) and I only really started going at it again in october last year (I am 24 now). Went from ~72kg I think, to 84kg atm thus far, muscle memory is fun ^_^.
Fun fact: This was me during my <70kg, after the shoulder injury. My lowest point I ever achieved. Look how empty I look, lack of carbs.. :-)! Here you can also see how weirdly high up my hipbones are, it's frightening really haha. + Show Spoiler +
On June 23 2013 04:30 mordek wrote: Whew, now that's out of the way :D Also, lol @ celltech, probably best it was you and not him getting on his case XD
Also Kaluro if you wanna get oly shoes i recommend nerlinger.com; the guy who runs it is really cool and its pretty cheap for adidas.
Too expensive for a poor student like me , thanks though! I'll just try to work on my flexibility so I won't need inclined heels anymore.
I'll make a video of my squat on monday. I gained 12 kg over the past 7-8 months so that's not really the problem. Everything is going up nicely, as is the squat. Only the squat is going up much much slower than my bench press etc.
I have noticed that my upper body tilts forward a bit when going near/below paralel, when I'm not using any height below heels, to raise them ~2cm. working on flexibility now and in the meanwhile im just squatting with height below my heels.
I might be misunderstanding your writing here, but for clarification's sake: Are you raising your heels off the ground in the bottom of the squat?
Sorry no, bad english
I am using a 2cm thick block to put my heels on so that they are in an incline position.
That's fine. It's somewhat like a poor-man's oly shoe, but long-term you should either look into getting oly shoes, or should work on your flexibility so that you don't need the block anymore.
As far as why your squat is suffering, it's not your height. It's that you're too damn skinny for your height. I'm 6'4 and still only ~190 lbs. I know the feeling, I know the problem. My best squat after 2 years of lifting was only 130kg for a triple (olympic style back squat). It was because I was too skinny for my height (only ~175 lbs/80kg at the time). Every time I added 5 lbs to my bodyweight, my squat probably went up 15 or more. There's a reason it's suggested that people like me eat everything they can get their hands on if they're strength training.
Naww, back when I weighed much more, my squat was still really insignificant compared to my bench press. Sorry to everyone for not giving enough info sooner! .
I am gaining weight nicely at the moment and strength is going up extremely nicely for everything except the damn squats. But for now I'll just try to go for 3x5 squats for a while, on monday/wednesday/friday.
And see, 190lbs = 86kg, you're pulling a 3x130kg squat, while I can't even do a 3x90kg squat at around the same weight ;-)!
My foodplan is in check, my progression is in check but i am just convinced that there's something way off with my squatting technique, and has been for years.
I think it's tight hip flexors, since i have had an office job for the past 4-5 years and have been a huge computer fan since i could walk or something. Hyperlordosis and hyperkyfosis ahoy!
My girlfriend has been working out with me for 3 months now and she squats 8x50kg @ 54kg/174cm, I'm going to cry if she surpasses me !
Finally got around to putting the handles in my log, still not finished needs the plate loaders on the ends and I'm going to wrap rope around it to absorb impact. 200lbs, 7 feet long and 12 inch diameter after all was done. It's very well balanced, I'm please with how it turned out, I have another log 6ft long and 10 inch diameter I might do later so my dad and younger brother have something lighter to work on
Managed 2 sets of 4 but it wasn't press day so I didn't want to get to carried away
@donkeys that sounds fun. It's funny, but I really dislike the "WOD" workout style of crossfit in general, but I really get into competitive crossfit training. They are almost two completely different things.
@kaluro i know you didn't ask for advice in this area, but just wanted to make a suggestion: your diet totally lacks fruits and vegetables. these aren't totally necessary if you're just trying to gain strength, become lean and good looking, etc, but it's definitely important for general health (which of course, contributes to your ability to grow stronger).
@kaluro: Don't have time to read thru everything right now cuz I'm packing and leaving for croatia in an hour Looking at your height and bodyweight I'd say you could still do Starting Strength. It usuallys work until you squat about 1.5 times your bodyweight or had to deload twice. But you will put on some fat, as soon as you stop eating at a like 500calorie surplus you will stall immediately. At least that's what it was like for me, in the end I got a little too much bodyfat so I'm currently cutting. But it will get your squat up.
Looking at your workout plan there's certain things I personally don't agree with, and that's the order of your exercises. Out of all the exercises you do squats should always be the first of the day since you don't do any explosive or unilateral movements. And rippetoe only recommens one working set of deadlifts. I'd spend some time redefining that order, SS goes like this squat press deadlift squat bench power cleans/hyperextensions/rows http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/The_Starting_Strength_Novice/Beginner_Programs
Changing the order of the exercise can already do a lot for your squat. I personally do 3x5 on the bench, press, squat, 1x5 on deadlift and 3x8 for the rest (except hypers which I do 3x15-20). When you squat 3 times a week you don't need anything else for quads like leg press or leg extensions imo, I'd still do leg curls and if you like calf raises but I don't do em.
And I wouldn't really do behind the neck stuff unless your shoulders are really healthy. Check out kelly starret on youtube, he def has some stuff for your shoulders that will help you a lot. Anyway gotta go now, good luck.
@steelandmalice Yea I didn't meant to say you started, it was probably me, most of the time it is lol. But that's how it is when you got a twin brother and you quarrel literally every day, I guess you kinda develop a certain way of arguing people get offended by if they aren't used to it. I mean if I got offended by TL I don't think I'd survive everyday life. I don't take anything personally and I don't mean anything personally. Honestely I felt kaluro totally came out of nowhere when he said I was immature and so on, I didn't even realize it, but it gave me a good laugh
On June 23 2013 15:44 ieatkids5 wrote: @kaluro i know you didn't ask for advice in this area, but just wanted to make a suggestion: your diet totally lacks fruits and vegetables. these aren't totally necessary if you're just trying to gain strength, become lean and good looking, etc, but it's definitely important for general health (which of course, contributes to your ability to grow stronger).
Oh haha, I eat at least 300g of vegetables a day and 2 pieces of fruit and 1 multivitamine tab. I forgot to add those in T_T.
I eat 150g of peas with my rice most of the time for example. Thanks for the heads up though \m/
@Decaf: I could try putting squats first, see how that goes. And I go better on 4x5 deadlifts once a week, than 1x5 three times every two weeks , so that one's going to stay. You can also find my foodplan in my previous post ^_~ I eat tons and tons.
On June 23 2013 12:49 steelANDmalice wrote: Finally got around to putting the handles in my log, still not finished needs the plate loaders on the ends and I'm going to wrap rope around it to absorb impact. 200lbs, 7 feet long and 12 inch diameter after all was done. It's very well balanced, I'm please with how it turned out, I have another log 6ft long and 10 inch diameter I might do later so my dad and younger brother have something lighter to work on
Managed 2 sets of 4 but it wasn't press day so I didn't want to get to carried away
How come your stance is slightly split? Do you strict press logs or is that a slight split jerk?
I find split jerking a log is great until it's about my bodyweight, at which point I'm leaning to far back too get the same kind of initial push. I only push jerk or push press them now, never put a foot forward.
Took a step forward cause my heel was under some wood LOL I didn't care about anything I just wanted to press that sucker right away. I find split jerking even just a barbell to be awkward I haven't really had much practice with it
On June 23 2013 04:30 mordek wrote: Whew, now that's out of the way :D Also, lol @ celltech, probably best it was you and not him getting on his case XD
Dude I'm super sweet to everyone. People are just different and we need to all accept eachother instead of flaming on internet boards, god. Also Kaluro if you wanna get oly shoes i recommend nerlinger.com; the guy who runs it is really cool and its pretty cheap for adidas.
On June 23 2013 04:35 mordek wrote: Hope it goes will for you phyre, I swear this is one of the most annoying things ever... the bill really sucked though for PT :\
THis is different than my SI thing, this is pain in my left hip, left glute, shooting pains down both legs, and a LOT of pain in my sacral spine.
previous issue was just a dull throbbing in my right hip, and a general feeling of weakness in my whole posterior chain.
Dude that sucks :\ Hope they get things figured out asap.
@steelANDmalice That is freakin awesome! I lift at a strongman/powerlifting gym, so I'm gonna try a log press on Monday. I'm a good bit smaller and weaker than you though, so hopefully I don't die.
@Benken Log pressing is so much fun and feels more natural then a barbell (atleast to me it does) hope you hit some big numbers today and impress yourself!
Today worked up to a 545 deadlift felt so nice, lighter then last time block pulls from below the knee 500-3-3-3 dimmel deadlifts 275-15-15-15 'focusing on speed here' ab roller 10-10-10
This will be the last time I pull from the floor until probably September and try for 600 by then
Did OHP in the morning, squats after work. I think I like it better splitting it up on Mondays, and will probably do the same next week. I got super pissed I missed a rep on OHP. Just lost focus and got loose and lost it, had plenty of strength left. Oh well. Tomorrow is oly day, yay.
@steelANDmalice I tried the 121lb log we have and it was kinda easy and really fun. Didn't try the 181lb one though, since it was OHP day and I wanted to make sure I crushed that first. Also, it's way bigger in circumference and looks really intimidating, lol. If I get a wild hair I'll give it a go tomorrow morning, I'm good for about 170 strict press, so maybe with lots of leg drive I could get the big log, assuming I can get it in position.
Also, awesome lift, love the hold and nod. Reminds me of Benny Magnusson. So, how come so long until you pull off the ground again?
I seem to respond well to heavy partials, my squat use to be 315 and I was hard core ATG lover then my training partner had me do high box squats for 4 months and helped take my squat from 315 to 500+ in wraps to parallel. In the deadlift I seem to be strong off the floor but weak at the knees so i figure I'll pull high for an honest few months and see where that takes me hopefully it carries over well like my squat did, also has more carry over into strongman considering most deadlift events are rarely below 14"
Bench pressed 1x100kg (2 plates :D) yesterday, first time in 4 years since I hit that number again. It's a good milestone. I also managed to do a 5x122.5kg deadlift, but i can go higher on that, at least that's how it felt. But I am training progressively, don't want to go too hasty on increasing weights.
And of course my miserable 2x5x85kg squat yesterday, but working on it.. x_x!
Also tried doing Grace lmao. I was shooting for 5 c&j every 30 secs to finish it in 3min but that shit is harder than it sounds. I was out of breath by the 10th rep.
Also, in case you guys haven't seen it already, Klokov is uploading like at least 3 videos every day. Pretty sweet.
Snatch: f-in ugly C&J: 95lbs x 5, 135 x 3, 155, 185, 205
Snatch was a mess. I think I need to break it apart and not pull from the floor for a bit. I'll probably do pulls off blocks and overhead squats just to get used to hitting some of the positions tomorrow. California strength progression too, of course. If you guys have any ideas on other things I should try I am open to suggestions.
C&J on the other hand felt great. 205 flew up, and my upper back/shoulders aren't tired, so I think i'm getting more hip pop and less "jump-row" action there. Jerk felt good too, I was having some alignment issues on that that I think I improved on. Honestly though, I'm such a rookie at this that I'll probably find new stuff every session.
No video, b/c I tried to use my iPad mini to record today and ran out of space. I might try to snag my brother's Zi8 camera next time I go to his house.
@donkeys this one's my favorite so far, I've been working backwards through his videos. + Show Spoiler +