Never done that many reps with 315, only missed one rep on the sixth set, rest was good. My back feels so tired, more than my legs, I could feel it on the snatch.
Squat 170 3x5 OHP 135 2,2 - Not sure why my OHP is just declining... I've had more reps at 140 Kroc rows 70 3x10
Tried out the belt on OHP and the effect seemed minimal. I tried it on some bodyweight squats however and I felt like I had an internal spring... kinda crazy how different that felt.
Worked DL and CJ today, aiming for a good sweat and to beat up the old lungs.
Doing solid sets of 5 at 225 245 265 265 265 265 265, following up each set with CJ from the floor in sets of 2 from 65 up to 115. If someone is looking for a 'circuit' that puts a really heavy stress on your ability to breathe and sweat I would suggest doing this combination with just about whatever weight.
By far the hardest part of the jerk is going from front rack to bar in hand. It's hard to tell whether i should be gripping during the (2nd) dip so I can press harder (to dip faster) or should I grip later, around the lockout so I'm not really lifting with my shoulders at all. It's obvious on the clean how to shrug to get yourself under the bar since it requires no re gripping. I figured if I readjust my grip before jerk so that I can apply moderate force on the inside of my knuckles/end of palm then I can push *enough* to get under quickly without having to regrip.
Judging by the abundance of jerk styles on YouTube I guess you just do it a thousand times and figure out what's comfortable. How do you guys rack/regrip on the jerk?
On February 18 2014 05:08 Abraxas514 wrote: Judging by the abundance of jerk styles on YouTube I guess you just do it a thousand times and figure out what's comfortable. How do you guys rack/regrip on the jerk?
Personally, whenever I clean heavy I tend to catch it on my finger tips so I have to pop the bar to retake my grip before the jerk, no extra pop though, just the natural momentum from fully standing up with the bar. I keep the same grip width as for the clean though. Some high level lifters jerk with a full grip, some jerk from the fingertips. As you said just try different things and do what feels better for your body type, flexibility, etc.
Didn't do any jerks since last monday so I decided to do some work today. Squat jerking is fun, but it shows all my muscular imbalances. Really tough to avoid twisting, thought of dimsum lol.
Yesterday was awful after 3 days off and way too much drinking. Barely snatched 110 and cj'd 140. Pretty sure i missed an 80kg snatch too. So slow and weak. Looking sharp 10 days out from the arnold!
On February 20 2014 01:54 decafchicken wrote: Yesterday was awful after 3 days off and way too much drinking. Barely snatched 110 and cj'd 140. Pretty sure i missed an 80kg snatch too. So slow and weak. Looking sharp 10 days out from the arnold!
On February 20 2014 01:54 decafchicken wrote: Yesterday was awful after 3 days off and way too much drinking. Barely snatched 110 and cj'd 140. Pretty sure i missed an 80kg snatch too. So slow and weak. Looking sharp 10 days out from the arnold!
I thought drinking only made you stronger?
Not sleeping doesn't though T_T Got home at like 5am driving back from michigan and had to go to work two hours later.
I called into Jon North's podcast today, I told him my name is Marco but he kept calling me Michael haha. I got jacked UP. I know he's not the best lifter but his whole philosophy and attitude towards life and training are the shit, def my favorite lifter.
Yesterday: Snatch off blocks up to 175 Snatch balance up to 245 - most weight I've ever held in that position, felt like I could've done a bit more
Today: Squat 290 5x7 Press 95 3x10
Lower back feels super tight, taking tomorrow off then last 2 days of smolov!
Squat 3x5 @ 210 today. Felt really good as far as weight, might go for 220 next time instead of just making the 5 lb jump. Need to do some foam rolling on my back and the outside of my hips, and some stretching on my psoas. Couldn't get my balance right unless my right foot was about a centimeter behind my left leg.
Everything else moving up as expected. Two workouts in a row I didn't get all the reps on my bench, but I hit them on the third workout. Weight is holding steady ~196. Everything is going well.
however my blood pressure was FUCKING AWFUL today, loud constant thumping in my head after pretty much any exertion. i even texted a friend to tell him incase i died coz i was fuckin scared, then bailed instead of running
i need to re-try 0 cigarettes (had 10 scattered over last week due to stressful week) i also need to absolutely 0 energy (caffeine) drinks, coz that obviously fucks me over given how bad i was today.
i have doctors next week sometime so i could mention it to him, but what's he gonna say? don't smoke, don't drink energy drinks, don't overdo it, maybe have some "statin" blood thinner pills which aren't gonna stop me having a stroke if i'm due one. (what does high blood pressure mean? it means your arteries are fucked and sooner or later you're going to have a stroke and die. correct me if i'm wrong? i think the only thing i can do is order some fish oil and just accept the fact i'm probably going to have a stroke and die, whether i improve my heart health or not................)
On February 23 2014 03:51 FFGenerations wrote: ohp 55kg 7-7-7 pr pc 75kg 9 reps
however my blood pressure was FUCKING AWFUL today, loud constant thumping in my head after pretty much any exertion. i even texted a friend to tell him incase i died coz i was fuckin scared, then bailed instead of running
i need to re-try 0 cigarettes (had 10 scattered over last week due to stressful week) i also need to absolutely 0 energy (caffeine) drinks, coz that obviously fucks me over given how bad i was today.
i have doctors next week sometime so i could mention it to him, but what's he gonna say? don't smoke, don't drink energy drinks, don't overdo it, maybe have some "statin" blood thinner pills which aren't gonna stop me having a stroke if i'm due one. (what does high blood pressure mean? it means your arteries are fucked and sooner or later you're going to have a stroke and die. correct me if i'm wrong? i think the only thing i can do is order some fish oil and just accept the fact i'm probably going to have a stroke and die, whether i improve my heart health or not................)
I refer to that as being a 'soldier'. If you feel your temples are about to burst you gotta just slow the fuck down. Deload, lift ezmode. Don't let your ego force you to go hard if your physiology is telling you to go medium. Personally, I always try to train 'sustainably' so I can do it every day. I promise you that after two agonizingly easy days you will be ready for 100%.
CJ today 95lbs 115 125 135 145 (pr). I only started learning the CJ early January but already I feel like by improving my technique just a little, I can lift way more. All those years of bodybuilding/powerlifting taught me not to lift something unless I can sustain the push the entire way, but oly is so different, explosive. Puts a huge strain on my wrists, but with some tight wraps and months of training, I'm getting less and less pain in my palms and I'm able to jerk with almost no pain at all (no wrist pain when cleaning, just the jerk).
I promise I'll upload a video of my CJ, but watching you guys lift like medal winners has got me hard at work on my mobility and technique trying to produce the same movement.