I think Ilya's only real competition at 105 will be Aramnau (if he can ever get his act together) and David Bedzhanyan (current CJ world record holder, IF he can get his snatch up). In 2016, Akkaev and Klokov will be too old to really be in the running. So unless some new young guy rises up in 105 (like Aramnau did in 2008), it'll be a battle between those 3.
Another question on my mind is whether China will be able to field any good lifters in the heavyweight classes (85kg+ and up). Lu Yong is done, but it seems like China's stacked 77kg division will have at least one guy moving up (maybe that 17 year old kid that almost clean and power jerked 211kg in nationals). Watching the Chinese National games at 94kg and 105kg... man those divisions are super weak, barely if even outlifting the 77s.
OMG I'm jealous hahhaha that's him alright! I friended you on FB btw.
Yeah I think Ilya would crush 105 pretty hard, and this is about the most opportune time possible with Dolega, Akkaev, and Klokov all getting near retirement age and Aramanau not having his shit together. Even if all of those competitors were still in their prime I have a feeling 105 Ilya would still probably beat them handily.
Just been doing a lot of singles around 80% in snatch/cj for the last few days to get ready for comp. Did 5-6 singles for snatch at 100kg then hit 110 and 120 first try right after. Technique is feeling a lot better, arms more relaxed and getting under the bar.
Only 3 days out from competition till me and dimsum tear it up :D last training day tomorrow
I don't see Ian on the start list but he might still be there. I'm opening 280 and dimsum is opening 200. The start list is up on USA weightlifting page. I lift Friday at 5 PST