[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 76
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States875 Posts
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Ivory Coast6262 Posts
Please for the sake of the children don't pick Blitzcrank into Thresh people, it's just asking to get screwed over in lane and throughout the game. ![]() | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On September 10 2013 14:11 ketchup wrote: If you play Ashe, expect to whiff ults. It's natural, but later in the end game, you can spam it, so don't let the early misses deter you from making plays. gg. It's also much easier to coordinate a good Ashe ult with voice communication. Yeah, but my aim and prediction were crap that game. Out of the ~15 arrows I fired only 3-4 hit. | ||
United States3921 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On September 10 2013 19:59 57 Corvette wrote: Yeah, but my aim and prediction were crap that game. Out of the ~15 arrows I fired only 3-4 hit. My advice is play a bunch of normals and focus on short range (<1 screen away) shots. Also keep in mind your opponents will be much easier to hit if they're moving towards you or staying in approximately the same location. It sounds really obvious, but in practice it can be easy to forget that. For example, an enemy is Sona moving in closer to try to crescendo. If you can smell out when she's going to ult, the path that she will take will likely be a straight line toward you to try to cover the most distance. That's a very predictable path, so it makes it extremely easy to hit her. It's also possible her ADC will pick up on her movement and also move on a predictable path so they can auto you. Once you get used to hitting the short range shots, the longer range ones start to become easier. I do think you need to work on your Ashe ults, especially in lane. I can hit 90%+ of them in lane, fairly easily. Including long range ones, my hit rate is probably 80%ish. Though I'm probably still too conservative with my shots. | ||
United States563 Posts
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United States5765 Posts
On September 11 2013 04:03 XilDarkz wrote: I find that long range shots are far easier than short range shots, so I question that rhetoric. When someone is moving from inner turret mid (wraith ward) to the creep wave mid, they will move very predictably, and you can get an easy shot cross-map. When you spawn, you can land easy shots from the fountain down the barrel. However, in lane, when they can see you? They'll move in erratic ways to avoid you. A jungler rotating from purple-side red to top? Another easy hit from bottom. A jungler coming in to gank you, snaking his way to the lane? Not a chance. The problem with the idea that they move "predictably" is that you don't share complete information with them. They move in a predictable fashion if they have the same information as you; when they don't then you've wasted the best engage in the game for taking a long shot. It's not even rhetoric, the longer the arrow gets to travel the greater likelihood of anything that a person deviates from their path for a huge number of reasons. Further, it's probably merely confirmation bias that you think long range shots are easier. Everybody remembers the awesome 1/2 map shots that set up some awesome kill or save a teamate. But the boring, standard, 1 screen away engage w/ jungle assistance for a free kill or two isn't sexy or exciting - despite it being highly effective and easy to do. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Shooting arrows down mid lane from fountain gives you a better chance of hitting them than one from bot lane. That doesn't make it a high percentage shot by any means. Nor do I think shooting lots of them gives you any particular ability to hit more in the future, it's a crap shoot to a degree. You are entirely discounting the fact that the enemy is almost always engaged with you and your support. If all they had to do was avoid your ultimate, then yes, that would be easy to dodge. You could say that about any skill shot. The point is to abuse the situations where they are moving predictably because they are constantly engaged with you. I gave a very concrete example that occurs extremely frequently. People also get lazy and there are lulls where they present an easy target. I'm not even sure why I'm arguing this, if you think its easy to hit a jungler about 4+ screens away when they're going from purple's red buff to top lane while you sit in bottom lane, I think you're being extremely naive. The angle is piss poor, and the travel time is on the order of seconds, and the arrow may cross several wards, minion waves, or towers depending on exactly where you are. Not to mention their team could ping that the arrow is incoming (or say something in voice chat if its 5s). At any rate, even if long range shots are easier to hit (which I do not agree with), Corvette has problems with relatively short ranged ones, a lot of which I would consider fairly trivial shots to hit. There will always be situations where someone is less than a screen away where plowing them in the face with an enchanted crystal arrow will be useful, so it is something that should be practiced and trying to pick up cues from your opponents that they're wide open to get plowed can be easy to overlook if you haven't played a lot of Ashe. I've supported Corvette Ashe's on one occasion (note: I was equally terrible as a support that game), and I definitely noticed that he was not noticing opportune times to shoot his ult, and then would launch it when I would consider it a poor time to do so (and would often miss). I think that's at least half the problem. Also we were playing against a Cait/Sona combo, so the example I gave was extremely relevant because it might have been something he hasn't considered. | ||
France1934 Posts
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United States2626 Posts
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United States9 Posts
AnxAir - Ingame name AnxAir - Rank and division Gold 5 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) mid, top, (jung, support) - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Orianna, Karthus, Syndra Top: Rumble, Vlad, Zac (Jung: Zac, Nocturne, Nasus Supp: Sona, Janna) | ||
United States875 Posts
I know Fiora is out of the meta but I think she's really good as an assassin. She even has a reset! | ||
United States3921 Posts
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Korea (South)11232 Posts
On September 11 2013 17:56 jaybrundage wrote: I need to learn another tanky top. Malp feels meh. Shen seems strong but banned so much doesn't seem worth. Any suggestions. I already play singed. I just want to add to my pool of top champs. Zac? Trundle? Yorick? | ||
10417 Posts
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United States3359 Posts
On September 11 2013 19:28 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Renekton/Chogath/Aatrox/Gangplank/Jarvan/Irelia/Jax can all go tanky as well But they're all so much more fun when you buy lots of damage on them @_@ ap cho'gath is my wet dream | ||
Sweden1345 Posts
![]() Who won the Sona DC game that Xusic was spectating (but left before it was over) last Sunday? The one with the mega-Morgana terror? Xusic, would you do your biggest fan a favor and click the "Don't show this tips again" on the pop-up thingey in pick/bans? I don't know why it bothers me so much. ![]() | ||
United States5211 Posts
On September 11 2013 19:28 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Renekton/Chogath/Aatrox/Gangplank/Jarvan/Irelia/Jax can all go tanky as well yesssssssssssssss | ||
United States37500 Posts
On September 11 2013 17:56 jaybrundage wrote: I need to learn another tanky top. Malp feels meh. Shen seems strong but banned so much doesn't seem worth. Any suggestions. I already play singed. I just want to add to my pool of top champs. My personal Top pool atm is Renek, Shen, Rumble, Kha'Zix, Malph, Darius. I counterpick with Malph and Shen does get banned a lot. If you want to be "indie", start practicing Irelia and Jax and make use of god tier Trinity atm. Cho is a f'ing beast but he lives and dies by your ability to land all your skill shots. I'm not entirely sold on Aatrox. He's definitely comp dependent and far less flexible than many of the previously mentioned. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
On September 11 2013 20:24 Cuddle wrote: I just want to say thank you to Xusic, crazyhorse and StorrZerg for streaming (and linking the streams here so I can find them ![]() Who won the Sona DC game that Xusic was spectating (but left before it was over) last Sunday? The one with the mega-Morgana terror? Xusic, would you do your biggest fan a favor and click the "Don't show this tips again" on the pop-up thingey in pick/bans? I don't know why it bothers me so much. ![]() The non-Morgana team. Shame, Morgana team woulda 100% won if not for the DC :/ | ||
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