Cya there whenever.
[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 73
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Cya there whenever. | ||
United States3921 Posts
On September 09 2013 03:15 Roffles wrote: Today's channel: Kiss Plz Cya there whenever. Why couldn't we use my Channel name ![]() | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On September 09 2013 03:39 jaybrundage wrote: Why couldn't we use my Channel name ![]() Red card minion killer plz. | ||
Canada31494 Posts
Maybe I'll actually play in one of these. | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
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Canada1349 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts with STorrzerg! | ||
14521 Posts
On September 08 2013 18:21 Dusty wrote: This, I was giving advice to someone amd giving constructive criticism and was met with a response of "how many games of x have you played?" before proceeding to subtly troll me by following me around and fighting over farm. Wow, I hope you reported whoever that was to Neo/whoever was running the inhouses. Behavior like that is what solo queue is about. This is not supposed to happen in any form of inhouses/community games. That's seriously messed up. | ||
Canada6210 Posts
Zac/Irelia Ori/Fiora Hecarim/J4 Caitlyn(me)/Varus Nami/Leona I played horribly this game. I dodged like 1/5? zenith blades in lane and died for pretty much every one of them. NTS - Get E level 2. I know that I used to be able to dodge leona E by Eing myself but I'm exceedingly rusty mechanically and still getting used to my new mouse/monitors (getting used to minor sensitivity differences mainly) Anyways I went something like 0/6 in lane. Plus side is I was still up ~20cs on varus as a small consolation I guess. I was running 4% LS and I couldn't afford to slow down any part of my item build in order to get more which meant that at the end of teamfights I was always at 1/3 or less hp compared to varus at near full with a vamp. Laning. Varus needs to last hit better, not much of another way to put it. If he was a less powerful playmaking support he would've gotten slaughtered in cs. Just practice I guess, and get LS quints. Did well outside of lane though, put out good teamfight damage and was generally the last person standing throughout much of the midgame until both teams got the idea to dive the ad carries. Either build BT -> LW or IE -> zeal -> shiv/PD. IE->LW has two conflicting goals and it showed pretty heavily in a few of the mid-game teamfights where you were half an item or a full item up on me and we still had approximately the same teamfight impact for our teams. Leona - Well played, SV is a questionable choice though, there are better support items for leona. She gets a huge amount of armor/mr from her W so it's best to build flat health/cdr on her. Pretty much any kindlegem item would've been better than a SV that game. Nami - Missing all the bubbles is really really painful. Against leona, E first is actually better since if varus or leona is at half health, they cannot all in. Just E yourself and continuously autoattack them for level 1. It's especially good with caitlyn since it results in what is essentially a 650 range ashe that can autoattack and chase for 4-5 autoattacks. Hecarim - Didn't really watch your play, sorry. Fiora - Alone, diving me isn't too great of an idea since in most cases, you couldn't 100-0 me or if you did, you traded a killspree for it. As the game went on though trading varus for me by having irelia/you diving me was a good idea since I was warmed up and pretty consistently getting just as many kills as varus in teamfights and once I was dead my team just did less damage than your team. Also, dodge the cupcakes. I don't know how fiora plays so I can't say much more. Irelia - Much the same as Fiora. You're a very tanky assassin, if you dive me alone, I can outplay it but 2v1 with fiora leaves me few options if I don't have GA+barrier+flash. | ||
95 Posts
On September 09 2013 10:33 ketchup wrote: Wow, I hope you reported whoever that was to Neo/whoever was running the inhouses. Behavior like that is what solo queue is about. This is not supposed to happen in any form of inhouses/community games. That's seriously messed up. As it turns out, that was a valid question. According to lolking dusty has played lucian 1 time, I have played him 56 times. Not to mention he told me my build was shit, triforce IE, so I looked up his account to see what his lucian build was AND IT WAS THE BUILD I POSTED (¤tpage=57#1129). Which, btw, was posted before the triforce buffs. I have played both builds extensively, and they are both good. this game was a clusterfuck, and it was actually handled through pm's. | ||
Canada6655 Posts
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Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 09 2013 11:01 Lmui wrote: Random TLIH that I started Zac/Irelia Ori/Fiora Hecarim/J4 Caitlyn(me)/Varus Nami/Leona I played horribly this game. I dodged like 1/5? zenith blades in lane and died for pretty much every one of them. NTS - Get E level 2. I know that I used to be able to dodge leona E by Eing myself but I'm exceedingly rusty mechanically and still getting used to my new mouse/monitors (getting used to minor sensitivity differences mainly) Anyways I went something like 0/6 in lane. Plus side is I was still up ~20cs on varus as a small consolation I guess. I was running 4% LS and I couldn't afford to slow down any part of my item build in order to get more which meant that at the end of teamfights I was always at 1/3 or less hp compared to varus at near full with a vamp. Laning. Varus needs to last hit better, not much of another way to put it. If he was a less powerful playmaking support he would've gotten slaughtered in cs. Just practice I guess, and get LS quints. Did well outside of lane though, put out good teamfight damage and was generally the last person standing throughout much of the midgame until both teams got the idea to dive the ad carries. Either build BT -> LW or IE -> zeal -> shiv/PD. IE->LW has two conflicting goals and it showed pretty heavily in a few of the mid-game teamfights where you were half an item or a full item up on me and we still had approximately the same teamfight impact for our teams. Leona - Well played, SV is a questionable choice though, there are better support items for leona. She gets a huge amount of armor/mr from her W so it's best to build flat health/cdr on her. Pretty much any kindlegem item would've been better than a SV that game. Nami - Missing all the bubbles is really really painful. Against leona, E first is actually better since if varus or leona is at half health, they cannot all in. Just E yourself and continuously autoattack them for level 1. It's especially good with caitlyn since it results in what is essentially a 650 range ashe that can autoattack and chase for 4-5 autoattacks. Hecarim - Didn't really watch your play, sorry. Fiora - Alone, diving me isn't too great of an idea since in most cases, you couldn't 100-0 me or if you did, you traded a killspree for it. As the game went on though trading varus for me by having irelia/you diving me was a good idea since I was warmed up and pretty consistently getting just as many kills as varus in teamfights and once I was dead my team just did less damage than your team. Also, dodge the cupcakes. I don't know how fiora plays so I can't say much more. Irelia - Much the same as Fiora. You're a very tanky assassin, if you dive me alone, I can outplay it but 2v1 with fiora leaves me few options if I don't have GA+barrier+flash. I just got the kindle and spectral cowl. I just combined the 500g because why not, extra stats are nice. I didn't have the SV until the last fight when the game was pretty much over. From your play you really just needed to dodge zeniths. I know it's hard to say "just dodge x skillshot" because that's the nature of them, if you dodge them you're good if you don't you're bad. But even if Nami did hit bubbles in lane all they would have prevented was more deaths, they would hardly have netted you kills. You had a good comeback, mostly because my team was reluctant to focus you in team fights, but all the same I had to make sure to sit on your face in fights if we were going to win. Knock that rust off and the match would be quite different, well played. | ||
United States5718 Posts
On September 09 2013 12:28 Shelke14 wrote: HOOK CITY Those hooks were pretty beast, especially the catch on highlander yi. | ||
Ivory Coast6262 Posts
On September 09 2013 12:53 KissBlade wrote: Those hooks were pretty beast, especially the catch on highlander yi. Shelke wishes he was on my level. | ||
14521 Posts
On September 09 2013 12:14 Klonopin wrote: As it turns out, that was a valid question. According to lolking dusty has played lucian 1 time, I have played him 56 times. Not to mention he told me my build was shit, triforce IE, so I looked up his account to see what his lucian build was AND IT WAS THE BUILD I POSTED (¤tpage=57#1129). Which, btw, was posted before the triforce buffs. I have played both builds extensively, and they are both good. this game was a clusterfuck, and it was actually handled through pm's. Maybe I come from a different understanding of what I want from an inhouse/ these games than you do. I would really dislike the idea that someone would troll me during a game, and I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate having something like that done to you either. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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95 Posts
On September 09 2013 13:28 ketchup wrote: Maybe I come from a different understanding of what I want from an inhouse/ these games than you do. I would really dislike the idea that someone would troll me during a game, and I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate having something like that done to you either. edit: . | ||
Canada6655 Posts
On September 09 2013 13:56 57 Corvette wrote: Sorry about the Ashe game I played. Brother doesn't know how to share bandwidth and was at 300+ ping the entire game. Gotta test my ping before dropping into IH games. Do you know how to log into your wireless router? Do that, find out your brothers MAC address and ban it through there while you play LoL then unban it afterwards | ||
Canada1875 Posts
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United States875 Posts
On September 09 2013 14:59 Nemireck wrote: Hey guys, who is our resident Fizz master? Atrioc | ||
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