Starting at 6PM PST (~35 mins from now)
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
10417 Posts
Starting at 6PM PST (~35 mins from now) | ||
United States12704 Posts
Leona Decent trading as Varus/Leona vs. Vayne/Nami. I wasn't sure how ham to go but I think we came out pretty good in most. Had a ridiculous and lucky double kill as Leona under our tower. With an Eve jungle I should have focused more on counter-pinking. I had a few but I could've played to that strength of our team I think and at the least made Vayne play scared. Had a dumb overextension when Noct was 6 and we had no deep wards, that's probably the most glaring error I saw with my novice eyes. | ||
United States2300 Posts
Game 1 [TOP] Xin Zhao (Happify) vs. Vladimir (MastarCyon) [JUNGLE] Evelynn (UpperB) vs. Nocturne (5HATCOMBO) [MID] Ryze (Laughin1) vs. Pantheon (Pooshlmer) [MARKSMAN] Varus (ujustdiedumad) vs. Vayne (Borne) [SUPPORT] Leona (Tiberius77) vs. Nami (NubPancakes) Game 2 [TOP] Renekton (UpperB) vs. Aatrox (Happify) [JUNGLE] Lee Sin (Ayer4) vs. Nunu (Laughin1) [MID] Morgana (5HATCOMBO) vs. Zed (iaeuy) [MARKSMAN] Caitlyn (Borne) vs. Miss Fortune (whatsupchan) [SUPPORT] Lulu (NubPancakes) vs. Sona (MastarCyon) Game 3 [TOP] Malphite (daikas) vs. Nasus (Kjersten) [JUNGLE] Master Yi (whatsupchan) vs. Nautilus (MCMilo) [MID] Morgana (5HATCOMBO) vs. Zed (Ayer4) [MARKSMAN] Varus (Helspeth) vs. Caitlyn (Borne) [SUPPORT] Sona (sylverfyre) vs. Nami (NubPancakes) | ||
United States1001 Posts
Second game, played Cait with Sona vs Trist/Lulu , got a huge advantage from a lvl 2 gank but couldn't sustain it and Trist caught up after a gank. Then TF and Lee camped bottom for us and it was pretty much over. I need to get better mechanically and then at poking. | ||
United States5718 Posts
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Canada9837 Posts
- Ingame name KillaZillaX10A - Rank and division Gold IV/V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC/Mid - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Trist/Varus Orianna/Lux - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division I feel like I'm late on this;; | ||
5061 Posts
- Ingame name SeventhStorm - Rank and division Silver 2 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC: Tristana, Vayne Jung: Sejuani, Jarvan | ||
86 Posts
- Ingame name MasterJooNana - Rank and division Gold V - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC Top - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC: Graves Twitch Top: Jax Irelia? (mostly jax) | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
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United States3241 Posts
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United States3130 Posts
- Ingame name wesleyq - Rank and division D5 | ||
Canada2270 Posts
Edit: Like two hours in advance would be just peachy, for those that only check TL once every hour or so. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 05 2013 20:58 RagequitBM wrote: Would it be possible to post the times a little bit earlier? I keep missing these haha Edit: Like two hours in advance would be just peachy, for those that only check TL once every hour or so. I'd probably just AFK in LiquidPractice and check in on that from time to time. If Neo doesn't set a time, it becomes pretty spontaneous. | ||
United States12704 Posts
On August 05 2013 19:22 Roffles wrote: Definitely think TS is the way to go. Being able to hop in and out of channels really quickly is super beneficial for chatting post-game and discussing what went right/wrong. I agree, being able to all be in one room to set up teams, having one team leave for during the game, then rejoining after was super smooth and efficient. Also, between games you don't have to add a bunch of people on your Skype as the players change. If people interested in inhouses update their TS beforehand, the process is really easy. If you had a high-level spectator they could hop back and forth too for real-time feedback ![]() | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On August 05 2013 21:44 mordek wrote: I agree, being able to all be in one room to set up teams, having one team leave for during the game, then rejoining after was super smooth and efficient. Also, between games you don't have to add a bunch of people on your Skype as the players change. If people interested in inhouses update their TS beforehand, the process is really easy. If you had a high-level spectator they could hop back and forth too for real-time feedback ![]() Don't agree on the real-time feedback. Interrupts the flow of the game as the spec is always 3 minutes behind. Best to leave till after game imo. | ||
United States12704 Posts
On August 05 2013 22:09 Roffles wrote: Don't agree on the real-time feedback. Interrupts the flow of the game as the spec is always 3 minutes behind. Best to leave till after game imo. My bad, for some reason I thought you could set no delay in custom games... not sure why I'm probably wrong! | ||
United States2300 Posts
I wasted a little time in the early game up top trying to either lane gank or countergank after Xin pushed early because the wave got stuck in a position where the enemy ranged minions were in tower range and our ranged minions were not, meaning the wave never reset. I ended up backing after waiting about 45 seconds to a minute, while Nocturne traded first blood for a kill on Ryze in mid lane. After this, Xin continued to push, so I focused all my efforts on the bottom side of the map. Pantheon fell behind Ryze but did a good job hugging tower and making it difficult for me to gank, so I re-focused on snowballing bottom. This plan worked pretty well; it's just so hard to cover all angles against an Eve. I entered lane wherever I saw Leona put down a pink, and we got kills basically every time I came down. Vayne got set behind pretty hard, and we were able to snowball objectives on the bottom side of the map. This game went pretty smoothly, but I find it hard to generalize what works and what doesn't in Eve games because she plays by her own rules. I'll probably not play Eve in in houses anymore so that the learning experience is better. Second game I played Renekton The game kind of broke at level 1 when I stood in a brush that I didn't see the other team drop a ward into, and I escaped with a sliver of health. I got back to lane with a wave at my tower, and was slightly, but not very, behind in exp and even in cs. I came out on top in some early trades and ended up getting the first kill in the lane. I think I stayed in lane a hair too long when Nunu came because, even though I took a large chunk of his health, I didn't have a great chance of killing him without ignite. I should have based earlier. I let Aatrox back in the lane a bit later because, after some trades in which I ended up with a health advantage, I fought his ult without ignite up. I have played against an Aatrox maybe 1 time before, and did not respect how much healing his W+vamp scepter do while his ult is on. This kill was doubly bad because Aatrox takes towers at ridiculous speed, and I lost my tower from basically 100-0 on that one death. The rest of the game went pretty well. I had to juggle stopping the dedicated Aatrox splitpush and grouping to push mid with the team. The fact that Lee was able to put a lot of pressure on the rest of the map showed, because I think we had the edge in 4v4 fights, making it easier for me to commit to killing Aatrox before joining the team to force 5v5s. | ||
United States563 Posts
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United States2515 Posts
- Ingame name lilwisper - Rank and division unranked - PlasticV - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC - Cait , Ashe Jungle - Assassiny: Shaco, Noct Tanky: Nasus, WW, Malph I would like to really learn jungling a lot more especially with assassin types. Tanking has also become fun for me so I hope it's ok to put both types in for jungling. | ||
United States840 Posts
Anyone having issues finding matches should join LiquidPractice. Usually it's a matter of 10 interested people being online at the same time. The trouble with this is no one exactly knows when that will happen. Just check into the chat every now and again (You don't exactly have to stare at it very long.) Or someone could try to work out specific times for when Neo isn't around to do it. | ||
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