New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/b1WLqoS.jpg) Game went smoothly for our team, bad early engage by me, and I kept getting caught by blitz. :'( Pretty sure I'm scarred for life. So scared of flying fists now. Panda said I should have went Chalice first (after sightstone), instead of philo. Probably right, was running oom a few times. Not that it matters too much, I was so poor  Also, wut with non meta pick... Neo plz.
On October 07 2013 14:10 wei2coolman wrote:-snip- Game went smoothly for our team, bad early engage by me, and I kept getting caught by blitz. :'( Pretty sure I'm scarred for life. So scared of flying fists now. Panda said I should have went Chalice first (after sightstone), instead of philo. Probably right, was running oom a few times. Not that it matters too much, I was so poor  Also, wut with non meta pick... Neo plz.
Against blitz you shouldn't ever power chord me unless you're within range from behind creeps, or grab is CD. Having neither is a free grab like 90% of the time the moment i see you going to auto.
I feel like I could've played a bit better though. Maybe a few more grabs towards cait rather than you, although cait's positioning was decidedly better. Needed to keep better track of where you pinked as well. Probably should've gotten a dshield as well to be more aggressive without having to worry about eating a few autos.
I think a lot of that game came down to shyv cleaning up, but not having a large impact otherwise.
From the roofies-blitz-voidstaff game:
I think I got 6items too quickly with boots-2xdorans-guise-negatron-1ward and didn't have enough room for wards. I didn't go back for a good 3-4 minutes because I was able to get a NLR on the back after that. I should've probably helped put wards in the red buff jungle earlier against kass roam. I think next time if that situation ever happens again where the 2 solo lanes don't have slots for wards, we should probably tell you in advance so you can place your own defensive wards.
Also, my comp got fucked by a power surge while i was playing leagues and now it lags like shit for the first 3 minutes of the game...jesus is telling me to stop playing leagues or to get a battery backup.
Tbh. I was too tired to play last game so I didn't really think carefully about where Lee/Kassadin was everytime they disappeared. That and everytime I ulted someone, I could've probably lived if I just played smarter.
The Cass should of went Merc treads instead of Sorc boots. Merc helps vs all the CC we had and is detrimental versus silence whats the point of building a defensive item like Abyssal or any offensive item if you can't cast spells? And going Zhonyas was bad in that situation anyways because if you are silenced you can't use it anyways so how would it help versus Kass who just rifts onto you going something along the lines of Mercs/haunting guise/rylais would have been a better choice and probably should of delayed Zhonyas because that just does not do jack shit versus a kass.
To be fair, I threw that game the hardest because both aura and I came out of lane 7-1, but even though I knew we didn't have ward coverage I kept going ham at all times and getting gangbanged. also I picked up a couple of bad fights with aura's fed lee. Eventually vayne caught up and I couldn't duel any of your damage dealers.
Room name for today? I miss these, i've been yolo Q'ing too hard.
Registration - supernovamaniac
- Silver V
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid/Supp
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Ahri/Orianna Nami/Sona
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On October 07 2013 15:48 imBLIND wrote: From the roofies-blitz-voidstaff game:
I think I got 6items too quickly with boots-2xdorans-guise-negatron-1ward and didn't have enough room for wards. I didn't go back for a good 3-4 minutes because I was able to get a NLR on the back after that. I should've probably helped put wards in the red buff jungle earlier against kass roam. I think next time if that situation ever happens again where the 2 solo lanes don't have slots for wards, we should probably tell you in advance so you can place your own defensive wards.
Also, my comp got fucked by a power surge while i was playing leagues and now it lags like shit for the first 3 minutes of the game...jesus is telling me to stop playing leagues or to get a battery backup. MickeyD's, I was promised a carry. I did not receive one.
On October 08 2013 07:59 Roffles wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2013 15:48 imBLIND wrote: From the roofies-blitz-voidstaff game:
I think I got 6items too quickly with boots-2xdorans-guise-negatron-1ward and didn't have enough room for wards. I didn't go back for a good 3-4 minutes because I was able to get a NLR on the back after that. I should've probably helped put wards in the red buff jungle earlier against kass roam. I think next time if that situation ever happens again where the 2 solo lanes don't have slots for wards, we should probably tell you in advance so you can place your own defensive wards.
Also, my comp got fucked by a power surge while i was playing leagues and now it lags like shit for the first 3 minutes of the game...jesus is telling me to stop playing leagues or to get a battery backup. MickeyD's, I was promised a carry. I did not receive one. Why?
I said I'd try lol i didn't promise anything.
Registration Sermok
Bronze 3
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. Support and jungle
For support I want to improve on nami and zyra and for jungle I want to improve on panth and jarvan.
Neo why you no return my pms ;(
On October 07 2013 14:10 wei2coolman wrote:Game went smoothly for our team, bad early engage by me, and I kept getting caught by blitz. :'( Pretty sure I'm scarred for life. So scared of flying fists now. Panda said I should have went Chalice first (after sightstone), instead of philo. Probably right, was running oom a few times. Not that it matters too much, I was so poor  Also, wut with non meta pick... Neo plz.
I didn't say you should've gone chalice right after sight stone instead of philo. I said that philo is a terrible item on supports since its nerfs, and the way the game has evolved -- unless you get a kill before 4 min, in which case i'd still take lucky pick over it. My standard soma build is sightstone, cdr boots, and chalice when I have the money towards lategame, since you constantly have to go around sweeping wards and following teammates spamming heal. I only go back when my oracle is running out, or I'm absolutely out of wards. Lategame I keep sightstone, 2 slots for greens, 1 for pinks, cdr boots and chalice.
The reson philo is a shitty item is 'cause map control is so important these days that you taking the time to save for shurelya will really hurt your team. Also it's stats are crap and useless. Just buy hp and mana pots instead.
On October 08 2013 11:40 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2013 14:10 wei2coolman wrote:Game went smoothly for our team, bad early engage by me, and I kept getting caught by blitz. :'( Pretty sure I'm scarred for life. So scared of flying fists now. Panda said I should have went Chalice first (after sightstone), instead of philo. Probably right, was running oom a few times. Not that it matters too much, I was so poor  Also, wut with non meta pick... Neo plz. I didn't say you should've gone chalice right after sight stone instead of philo. I said that philo is a terrible item on supports since the nerfs and the way the game has evolved. Unless you get a kill or something and get it before 4 min, in which case is still take lucky pick over it. My standard soma build is sightstone, cdr boots, and chalice when I have the money towards lategame, since you constantly have to go around sweeping wards and following teammates spamming heal. I only go back when my oracle is running out, or I'm absolutely out of wards. Lategame I keep sightstone, 2 slots for greens, 1 for pinks, cdr boots and chalice. The reson philo is a shitty item is 'cause map control is so important these days that you takin the time to save for shurelya will really hurt your team. Also it's stats are crap and useless. Just buy hp and mana pots instead.
Why would you go cdr boots, kage, chalice over mobi boots, philo, kindle gem? The reason philo is more practical than kage's is because the prerequisite pieces are affordable to build while still buying pinks in the early game. Also you're only going to need the mp5 from philo stone in lane more than you'll need the chalice in mid to late game. The kindlegem instead of lucidity allows you to actually complete a shurelya. Mobi boots + homeguard are the most important items for map control.
Your priorities are spot on but your build doesnt really match them. The build you describe seems to fit more with a team that is sieging with inferior poke and or wave clear rather than a team that takes vision control and creates picks.
Also why would you say the stats on shurelia/philo are crap when you're rushing SS for hp, building lucidity for cdr and chalice for mp5...
edit: misread your post a bit... you don't get a single gp10 item as your core unless you get a kill before 4min? wtf
890 for chalice, 1000 for cdr boots 1550 for ruby sighstone = 3440 gold stats: 25 MR - mana regen oscilating between 9 - 14 depending on how much mana you have 15% cdr & 360 HP Now let's assume you keep the philo for 23 min (after purchase) without building it into anything and you have 1400 for shurelya 1550 for ruby sighstone, 1025 for mobi boots = 3975 gold 10 mana regen, 10 hp regen (worthless stat - especially when you have a heal) 10% CDR, & 560 HP. If you value the 200 HP at 528 gold - you're paying the same for 25 less MR 5% less CDR comparable if not less mana regen most of the time (since you will be spamming your spells) and trading it for a bit of mobility (which is really not an issue for most supports since you want to be with your team at all times and not eveyone is gonna build mobos), and a fun speed active. is shurelya active worth the trade off 25 MR and 5% cdr or 616 gold assuming 400 null mantle (24 mr) and 216 for 5% cdr (from 650 for upgrade on lucidity)?
Now, this is assuming the philo will pay for itself in 23 min of being purchased, so you get absolutely no pinks from it. for every pink ward you "get" from philo you have to add 250 seconds or 4min10sec of holding onto your philo.
So that is extra 535 gold you're investing on hp you won't need because as support you know your positioning well enough that you shouldn't be putting yourself in danger. that 535 gold is 7 wards you're not placing early to midgame so that you can finish shurelya. Also either you're getting the philo stone earlier than 7min so that you don't get shurelya at 30 min (by that time the game might be over) so you're delaying your sightstone making it less cost efficient (you're putting less wards from it). so 7 less wards early to mid game, less hp to trade in lane, less wards from your sightstone. You can do the math yourself or tell me that the shurelya active is really worth over 600 gold and the 30 min wait. Quite frankly, it sounds very inefficient.
If you want to discuss this any further PM me. I don't want to derail this thread.
I've been noticing a downturn in the amount of attendees for these inhouses. I think we should start going back to a more stable and regular time slot, say 7pm EST or PST depending on how things plan out.
Yeah, yesterday was the first time I was able to log in. I had no idea what time games were, and there were a max of like 7 people (4 of which were in games). Having a set time would be good.
On October 08 2013 10:47 Sermokala wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Registration Sermok
Bronze 3
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. Support and jungle
For support I want to improve on nami and zyra and for jungle I want to improve on panth and jarvan.
Neo why you no return my pms ;( He's been at worlds.
Kissblade, I agree that we should move back to somewhat regular times. Those of us with a life (gasp) really can't plan around 'well show up whenever and maybe get in a game eventually' and new people trying to join won't have any idea when they should show up if its just 'whenever we get 10 people around' and could easily be put off by showing up at an awkward time.
I would prefer 7PM EST though. 7PM PST is really late for us east coasters.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On October 09 2013 00:22 sylverfyre wrote:Show nested quote +On October 08 2013 10:47 Sermokala wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Registration Sermok
Bronze 3
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. Support and jungle
For support I want to improve on nami and zyra and for jungle I want to improve on panth and jarvan.
Neo why you no return my pms ;( He's been at worlds. Kissblade, I agree that we should move back to somewhat regular times. Those of us with a life (gasp) really can't plan around 'well show up whenever and maybe get in a game eventually' and new people trying to join won't have any idea when they should show up if its just 'whenever we get 10 people around' and could easily be put off by showing up at an awkward time. I would prefer 7PM EST though. 7PM PST is really late for us east coasters. And also really early for west coasters.
Better to start early and have people file in as it's going on than start late.
We had the most people when it was starting at 3 PST, I think numbers started dropping when you guys were starting them at 1-2 PST.
3-4 PST would probably be best for both sides. Now that school is starting, I don't know how packed these IHs will be now.