I have a feeling my normal elo severely tanked over the last 5 days.
First people just randomly did dumb stuff and i lost 70%, now people actually do dumb things by choice and they refuse to just go win for "having fun" aka rambosquad-suiciding with 1-3 people all over the map.
Party hard, still win the game. Somebody help me, lol.
I picked malzahar into kassadin and just kept kass in lane. Only had the opportunity to gank bot one time with the jungler and my team netted one kill from it by killing leona. I didn't feel like kass fell off that hard, even though I kept him in lane all game and prevented him from roaming. He ended up 10-2-9 with a quadrakill near the end in the only teamfight his team won. Felt good that I felt like I counterpicked him.
Meanwhile top won lane even though I thought it'd be more even as darius vs nidalee. I felt like nidalee would have a slight advantage early on with her range advantage, and later on , whenever she got pulled in, REQ, W away, and then get back to zoning darius. Nidalee might be as good a counter to darius as any given her range and ability to get out of melee range of him faster than most other champs so she can get right back to zoning him.
Bot won after the ganks.
So we just started not giving and getting caught 1v5 over and over until we pushed to win. I think malzahar has a bug where he sometimes can't use his ult. I clicked it like 20 times and it was off cd all times but it didn't work. It was on smartcast. Karthus and defile and zhonyas also seems to have a bug. I think defile is invisible sometimes when karthus uses zhonyas.
Champ select, general "omg nunu top? gg" shit and what not. Then I see a Lee opponent, a champ I haven't faced on Nunu yet at top. I'm very wary. Bot gives enough kills for both Vayne and Sona to go Legendary before 10 minutes.
I would just like to say Janna+Jayce's acceleration gate+Shurelias= ZOOOOOOOM
Not to mention you catch them all with zephyr/tornado easy peasy.
Team composition was Janna/Jayce/Karthus/Nautlius/Miss Fortune. We caught them after baron, and it was an unbelievable slaughter. Even with Sivir ult they didn't have a chance of getting away.
On August 30 2012 11:26 obesechicken13 wrote: I picked malzahar into kassadin and just kept kass in lane. Only had the opportunity to gank bot one time with the jungler and my team netted one kill from it by killing leona. I didn't feel like kass fell off that hard, even though I kept him in lane all game and prevented him from roaming. He ended up 10-2-9 with a quadrakill near the end in the only teamfight his team won. Felt good that I felt like I counterpicked him.
Meanwhile top won lane even though I thought it'd be more even as darius vs nidalee. I felt like nidalee would have a slight advantage early on with her range advantage, and later on , whenever she got pulled in, REQ, W away, and then get back to zoning darius. Nidalee might be as good a counter to darius as any given her range and ability to get out of melee range of him faster than most other champs so she can get right back to zoning him.
Bot won after the ganks.
So we just started not giving and getting caught 1v5 over and over until we pushed to win. I think malzahar has a bug where he sometimes can't use his ult. I clicked it like 20 times and it was off cd all times but it didn't work. It was on smartcast. Karthus and defile and zhonyas also seems to have a bug. I think defile is invisible sometimes when karthus uses zhonyas.
isnt kassadin a real hard counter to malzahar? the fact you won lane is pretty sweet!
played wukong v jax today got 162 cs to his 40 and made him ragequit after killing him 5 times and evading every gank with wuju munky majick enemy team forced to surrender despite having an 8-2 jungler and 5-0 bot lane. that's how you carry uncarryable games
On September 01 2012 12:33 gtrsrs wrote: played wukong v jax today got 162 cs to his 40 and made him ragequit after killing him 5 times and evading every gank with wuju munky majick enemy team forced to surrender despite having an 8-2 jungler and 5-0 bot lane. that's how you carry uncarryable games
Holy shit just played the best Sona in my life. Clutch Ults kiting to perfection while barley escaping. My God it feels so good when you make clutch plays and the guy who was flaming you earlier for getting caught twice by Blitz in lane gives you mad props.
On August 30 2012 11:26 obesechicken13 wrote: I picked malzahar into kassadin and just kept kass in lane. Only had the opportunity to gank bot one time with the jungler and my team netted one kill from it by killing leona. I didn't feel like kass fell off that hard, even though I kept him in lane all game and prevented him from roaming. He ended up 10-2-9 with a quadrakill near the end in the only teamfight his team won. Felt good that I felt like I counterpicked him.
Meanwhile top won lane even though I thought it'd be more even as darius vs nidalee. I felt like nidalee would have a slight advantage early on with her range advantage, and later on , whenever she got pulled in, REQ, W away, and then get back to zoning darius. Nidalee might be as good a counter to darius as any given her range and ability to get out of melee range of him faster than most other champs so she can get right back to zoning him.
Bot won after the ganks.
So we just started not giving and getting caught 1v5 over and over until we pushed to win. I think malzahar has a bug where he sometimes can't use his ult. I clicked it like 20 times and it was off cd all times but it didn't work. It was on smartcast. Karthus and defile and zhonyas also seems to have a bug. I think defile is invisible sometimes when karthus uses zhonyas.
isnt kassadin a real hard counter to malzahar? the fact you won lane is pretty sweet!
Huh, I considered anyone who could push the lane like a counter to kass. Thx. Do you just pick champs with burst immunity and pushing power to counter kass? Like morg galio morde. Maybe talon since his damage isn't reduced by kass passive.
Sivir dunks on kassadin NP, but people rarely let you go mid in low elo. And Kennen with maxed W + AD runes is like a guaranteed win. But those are only my low elo experiences.
And on topic, not the greatest play ever, but it was so funny looking that i had to share, we had Jarman, Xin bot, Zyra mid, Alistar jungle and Malphite top. They tried to make an trap to us endgame in that small brush next to wraiths.
On August 30 2012 11:26 obesechicken13 wrote: I picked malzahar into kassadin and just kept kass in lane. Only had the opportunity to gank bot one time with the jungler and my team netted one kill from it by killing leona. I didn't feel like kass fell off that hard, even though I kept him in lane all game and prevented him from roaming. He ended up 10-2-9 with a quadrakill near the end in the only teamfight his team won. Felt good that I felt like I counterpicked him.
Meanwhile top won lane even though I thought it'd be more even as darius vs nidalee. I felt like nidalee would have a slight advantage early on with her range advantage, and later on , whenever she got pulled in, REQ, W away, and then get back to zoning darius. Nidalee might be as good a counter to darius as any given her range and ability to get out of melee range of him faster than most other champs so she can get right back to zoning him.
Bot won after the ganks.
So we just started not giving and getting caught 1v5 over and over until we pushed to win. I think malzahar has a bug where he sometimes can't use his ult. I clicked it like 20 times and it was off cd all times but it didn't work. It was on smartcast. Karthus and defile and zhonyas also seems to have a bug. I think defile is invisible sometimes when karthus uses zhonyas.
isnt kassadin a real hard counter to malzahar? the fact you won lane is pretty sweet!
Huh, I considered anyone who could push the lane like a counter to kass. Thx. Do you just pick champs with burst immunity and pushing power to counter kass? Like morg galio morde. Maybe talon since his damage isn't reduced by kass passive.
Kass doesn't have any problem farming under tower, at all. You can get 100% of cs under tower with his w. If you let him free farm till lvl 7ish he's fine with roaming while losing a bit of cs. He can start pushing back at lvl 8 with blue anyways. Only champs that deny him counter his. Also since watching Scarra stream I realized getting w at level 2 makes kass so much better, no last hitting issues and more importantly the ability to use q on cooldown unless so denied that you can't auto creeps.
I just tower dived into the entire enemy team as Leona and, with a few seconds without support, somehow never got killed. I love having awesome teammates.
While we're griping about the pregame client, I just had a sona with 999+ ping. Was winning top handily but couldn't help bot with my tps. Ults into brush people had left 5 seconds ago, blitz hooks all game.
Should tell people what their ping is like. Why did I write my post in this thread? I'm so confused. It's the weekend. I've been taking naps all day but I'm still tired.
On September 02 2012 07:03 plasmidghost wrote: I just tower dived into the entire enemy team as Leona and, with a few seconds without support, somehow never got killed. I love having awesome teammates.
At first, we had a DC making it a 4v5, and I got in the game late because my computer was being stupid, and my blue got stolen, and our mid got ganked giving first blood which made things look really grim. However, a Taric mid (who failed against Voli mid), an Ali jungle who absolutely failed, and a Talon on bot 1v2ing and managing. All I did was just break the stalemate. And the enemy team began to fall apart, Ali began to assist us, AP Taric is just a failure, Blitz was beggining to get fed up and tried to kill our Ryze on the platform, and Malphite was raging. But this is worth remembering.
Got to play my first ranked game of support Crank... we get ganked at level 2 by Mundo, pull him into the tower and then start a sequence where Mundo, Cait, AND Taric all die to Tris, the tower, and me. Then Tris walks into a trap trying to avoid minion damage and dies.
Finish 3-1-13. Tris was at like 40-50 cs while Cait was at ~8 CS. BF sword and a dorans blade before the Cait has even one item beyond boots.