Singed rapes mundo in lane. He spams /laugh every time he gets a chance. He laughs while people are chasing him, while he's standing in front of the nexus turrets doing nothing, and while they're nexus is about to go down. Hecarim constantly feels the need to go up to top lane when really it would have been best to just leave mundo alone at the inner turret.
Mundo has his W on half the time. I watched the replay and checked if it was really on. Even when he's not near creeps he has it on. He must think it gives him life regen or gold or something. He played really safe.. but he died at least 2 times in lane with a third of singed's cs.
Ezrael was a skilled with his champion. I only wish he had graves' build. He stayed rather safe, didn't feed, and knew who to focus.
Graves was a maniac. He was excellent at winning trades bot lane even though he was behind in gold.
Nunu was our support. Excelllent play all around. He placed pink wards in bot lane so I ganked for him a lot. Very few of his ults made contact but when they did they ensured kills.
Their volibear wasn't bad either. I saw nothing wrong with his play (except he flipped nunu the wrong way once).
Morgana was a good mid. I think she expected an easy lane, but fizz's skillset allowed him to dodge morgana's stuff and get damage on her. Every gank with hecarim resulted in a kill. Morg was good, she didn't pool and stand at the enemy tower, she pooled and went back a few steps.
Fizz was a skilled laner but later on he'd engage and become my new primary target. That's the problem with all squishies. Fizz didn't get any blues all game.
The enemy hecarim was good, but also I think he was the one spam pinging retreat on Mundo all game. I didn't realize this until I watched the replay. He built very squishy but somehow survived a decent amount of time in fights. Tbh, I loved his build, but because he didn't give any blues, I feel like he was a very ragey player. Which is sad, since he was obviously more skilled than anyone else in the game, other than maybe singed.
I was udyr, and I played him because people kept telling me how good he was at counterjungling and how that made up for his poor ganks and late game. Honestly, I'm suspicious of this claim. When I counter jungle, I often die. I went cloth 5 pots and ended up selling the cloth...on my first back. I have to think of a better udyr build :/
I wasn't very efficient at clearing my jungle. I would do 3 stacks phoenix and then switch to tiger (I alternated skilling these two skills), but I wouldn't target a high life target with tiger to let the dot tick away. I went phage first with boots 1, followed by pink wards, wits, swifties because "why not vs team no C"C(they paid off :D), randuins which I only used one time, and was going for a banshees to round out some life and MR.
I felt like my skillset was pretty useless though in teamfights. I'd go bear, and stun everyone I could once, then switch to phoenix or tiger to do some damage. Later on I just liked hitting people as bear, and then hitting someone else as bear because "ezraels' got the dps". Most of my utility came from phage, swifites, and randuins when I used it. I mean I was strong in terms of dps, but I wasn't ranged so I often died because I didn't spend enough on tankiness. My ganks worked, but I got lucky on quite a few. One time I just ran straight through a ward and bot didn't notice because they were focused on nunu. The other times, bot was pushed, and volibear didn't run flash.
I didn't farm much mainly because there were so many gank opportunities.
I made plenty of mistakes (once tower diving fizz, once letting dragon get stolen, not using randuins, and one time baiting my team into taking a warded blue), but none were game changing.
Game summarized: If singed laughs, he's pro.Replay: