Russian Federation1401 Posts
Team-mate Nami flashed on me with a Zilean bomb and got me killed on purpose because I instalocked Mid and she was still mad.
On the next play I bait her into fighting and leave her to die while dancing in the bush. Ah it felt so good. I gave her a friendly after the game.
Won an ARAM where all 5 of us died and a caster minion finished off the nexus which had 15 health while the enemy team and some minions were sitting around... xD
(Think the last batch of minions spawned after the caster's auto had already gone off).
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Well. So far I enjoy my ELO ride on EUNE. I've transferred from EUW to EUNE like 2 weeks ago. I've been Gold IV when I've transferred and I was sitting at 0lp. I was aware that EUNE has probably way more trolls than EUW and the average play level is way lower but so far I've enjoyed like 80% of my games.
I've decided to switch from jungle to supports (jungling got boring for me) and I'm enjoying my ELO ride. Now I'm sitting in Gold I with ~30lp. I think I'm capable of getting into Plat III-IV by the end of preseason.
op.gg says I'm at 1860 ELO and that is higher than my actual league, so that's why I'm getting +20-25lp for a win. I'm trying to stick with Leona/Thresh supports or getting Syndra if I'm playing duo with a guy I've met in one of my games. We're pretty average bot lane, but out of like 8-10 games we haven't lost bot even once and we have some strange kind of a synergy, so that's awesome.
I think I've fallen in love with Leona once again, damn, she's so goddamn good that you can win trades even if you are in uncomfortable position.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Fucking finally I've reached to Plat promos. I hope I can make it, even if it's preseason, I'll repeat it after reset, hopefully.
Also I've decided to switch into ADC position.
brag post inc:
go 21-2-12 on viktor. the zed on the other team who i 1v1'd in lane talks shit the entire game, turns out he is plat (i am high silver, gold mmr). the enemy team honors me and tells me i am the best viktor they have ever seen.
good times.
I made it to Silver IV ^^
went Support Karth, our yasuo jungle and malph top had over 16 deaths end of game. Yasuo fucks up every chance he gets, malph is like 2 towers behind, 200 CS behind enemy fiora, and being terrible. Me + Sivir won our lane hard, and then proceeded to dominate. I went 16 kills / 4 deaths mid-game with a full stack of Mejai's and just fcked them up every teamfight with RoA + Zhonya + E + Ult. Was maxed out before anyone on my team had their 4th item lol....
Proceeded to carry the game with Sivir cuz enemy team didn't know how to react..MR for me? or Armor for the snowballing Sivir? Sivir was 25/10 and I was 18/6 by end of game.
The Malph was Bronze II, Yasuo Silver V. God these kids are so bad..thank god I'm not in Silver or Bronze
This game was a rare example of every lane losing except bot, and bot carrying the game mid-game (usually bot carries late game even if they win their lane) to win the game.
Half complain/half brag
Been a while since I hit the trifecta of toxicity out of a single player. He complained about the enemy in all chat for ganking him (while he wasn't warded and fed), he insulted teamates and was a racist, and then eventually went afk.
We still won the game because I stole dragon twice to make it 5-0 for dragons and he of course stops afking as the game is now 100% clearly going to be won without him. I don't get mad at these things, but they just completely baffle me. His argument is that playing teemo, then vlad, then braum top (agaisnt his malph) somehow titled him. People think "tilt" is an excuse; no, it's a fucking weakness you child. Oh well, J4 domination.
Bearded Elder29903 Posts
Still holding that 100% winrate with Rek'Sai after playing him in 7 games. That got me into Plat IV. So glad.
On December 27 2014 22:53 739 wrote: Still holding that 100% winrate with Rek'Sai after playing him in 7 games. That got me into Plat IV. So glad.
Rek'Sai holds the highest win rate and the highest ban rate. A new champ that has both is going to be nerfed, for sure.
Kat is so OP in solo que that it's fun. Even against CC-loaded teams, I carry with Kat because their Leona / Riven is too busy using up their stuns so I just wait a few seconds and then go HAM on their entire team. The passive is sooooo good. I used to think Kat was a bad champ because good players will just save the CC to interrupt Ult, but most people end using CC in the beginning, and solo que has no team coordination to interrupt it effectively. And because her ult pops so fast, most CC requires some type of channeling or traveling time (udyr = melee range, diana = has to get closer to use E)
I might use Kat to carry myself out of Gold to Plat in S5.
A good kat is OP in lower elo. If you have even a small semblance of a frontline and at least one other threat she takes advantage of disorganization SO hard
Sometimes, the supports just feel like doing the most damage in the game
Leveled a new account with a friend to teach them the game, went 8-2 in my placement matches and placed into Gold 3 after being stuck in Silver 1 on my main for 3 months. Feels good!