NOTICE:KOR and CN servers have been added!!
Realm (NA/EUW/KR/.../etc.)
TL Name - Summoner Name
Not like this:
but like this
Please use this template with all the whitespace between the TL Name and the Summoner Name. It will make my life so much easier. It would make updating this list much easier. Thanks in advance.
Make the white box by doing (code)(/code) except instead of parenthesis use brackets [] and then you can put as many spaces consecutively.
If you aren't on the list and you want to be, just post your summoner name in the thread and I'll add it to the list.
Thank you!
Note: The chat room for TLers in League of Legends is LiquidParty (case sensitive) on all servers.
+ Show Spoiler [NA] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
101toss - G0atsebusters
57 Corvette - Hiicantpk
A Magical Cow - A Magical Cow
Abenson - A Feeding Noob
AbyssArray - Toxicosis / Lucentious
AbyssV3 – Aresas
Acechi - Monchix
Aegeis – Kasaban
Airking990 - NarwhalMonster
AKcommie - Avanik
AKomrade - AKomradE
akuemon - STiHerpes
al0kin - al0kin
Alay - Kaspin
Alethios - Alethios
altair_ - haltazel
Amui - Porouscloud
AngelLock - AngelLock
Anmolsinghmzn2009 - TCPMind
Antedelerium - Antedelerium
Antichaos - Antichaos
Antiochus - Antioch
arb - mGarb
Arc1 - Uttar
ArC_man - arcmandak
Arckan – Mandraix
arnath - arnath
Arragoth - Arragoth
AsianEcksDragon - ObamasAppendix
Asdkmoga – Asdkmoga
AsmodeusXI - DJForeclosure
Astroorion - SkyNanners
Atasu - Atasu
Atheros - Atheros364
aznanimedude - aznanimedude / DroneaL
azndsh - Noda Megumi
Azn_Christian - AznChristian
B1oodNinja - B1oodNinja
BaconSoup - BaconSoup
BahamutIIX - BahamutIIX
BajaBlood - BajaBlood
Banteng - Banteng84
barbsq - BEAR Barbsq
Bardock - Docksito
BarnabeJonez - Remeii
barth - TLbarth
beefhamburger - beefhamburger
belisa - leesher
Beneather - Beneather
Bezelheim - Bezelheim
BlackPaladin - BlackPaladin2
BlasiuS - GyjYa
Blasterion - sKsBlaster
Blatchford - Chinthe
BLinD-RawR - BLinDRawR
Bloodash - Bloodash
BloodyC0bbler - Bloodyc0bbler
BlueInkAlchemist - BlueInkAlchemist
boesthius - steelfacedtailor
bosiddon - dicksuckchan
Boxinacage - RageMexican
br0fivE - MrGitch
BrainAKAdamage - Braindamage Inc
Brambled – Brambled
BraveGhost - BraveGhost
Brees - Brees/inept
briann - An Echo
bro_fenix - broFenix
BrokenLove - BrokenLove
BronzeKnee - BronzeKnee
BrownBear - TurdFergusen / trav3ler
broz0rs - Vinnayyy
bruteMax - bruteMax8
bumatlarge - bumatlarge
Bumblebee - A Heroic Outlaw
Butterednuts - Butterednuts
C0MMANDO - lolcommando
Cadian - Cadian
CadenZa - ZoeColour
Caller - ParkJaeHyuk
CaosDriver - CaosDriver
Caphe - Persona123
carloselcoco - elcoco1
cascades - stoppin
CatharsisUT - FtWorthHorn
Celestial - Weisser Ritter
Chairman Ray - Chairman Ray
checo - Papen
cheezy_android - CheezyAndroid
Chilliman - PsyDynamite
Chilly - ChillyStarcraft
Chrispy - Chrispysc
Choubacca - YowDog2
Clicker - aClicker
climax - climax
CompX - Owatt
Conanthebarbarian - Conanthebarbaric
CosmicAC - CosmicACx
cougar22 - Cromi
Cr4zyH0r5e - pandabeardude
Crate – Ilturalde
Craton - Cratonz
Crazazyasian1337 - hugenoodlebrain / r4paci0us
crbox - crbox
CronoRegen – CronoRegen
Crosst - Crosst
Dark_Chill - Chill77
d(O.o)a - xMMacx
Daenius - DaeniusZ
DanielZKlein - ZenonTheStoic
Daogin - Daogin
Darkchyld - DarkChyld
Darkgeneral - The Dark General
DaRkFrosT - Luck
DarkWaffles - Doucet
DarthThienAn - DarthThienAn
Daxunyrr - Daxunyrr
Daymonki - madinky
Dazer - Coldilocks
DCWasabi - DCWasabi
DeamonMachine - DeamonMachine
deathgod6 - WRaXandSTim
DeathNTaxes - hellsplague
Deluge- - D3lug3
Dencalin - Dencalin
Devilldog - Devill13
Dgiese - dgie004
DivinO - Surgeonprincess
DoctorHelvetica - KingStork
docvoc - docvoc
Dovely - Dovely
DoYouHas - DoYouHas
Drakyal - Demotholis
Drakyn - Dralkyn
dragonblue14 - DgEffort
DragonDefonce - Abine
DragonSharp – DragonSharp
DrBoo - Drb00
Drexxin - Drexxin
drivec - drivec
DrKlingmann - Jarpen
Drock - Drock
DrokkY - DrokkY
Druui - Holologist
Duoma - Adremand
DyEnasTy - tslStrange
dySpHoRia. - deLiCiOusS
eagle - xeaglex7
EchelonTee - Echelon
EchOne - Vysaga
EchoZ - VestigeIU
EcterA - EcterA
Eiii - Eiii
Elqt - Soranova
elt - Cowl
emperorchampion - PurgeXenoS
emucxg - Yi Mou You
Engore - Engore
Enki - Entous
entko - entko-
entocheets - sickdog69
EnrageD - Degarne
eParadox - toEviscerate
EphialtesRONIN - EphialtesRONIN
EpicPleasure - EpicPleasure / TeamLiquidKalden
Ettick - Ettick
Exadra - Exadra
exo6yte - Morzas
Ezkaton - CustardCannon
fadestep - DazzL
FakeSteve[TPR] - TLFakeSteve
Fallen33 - FallenLOL
Falling - Pas5afist
Fawkes - Avyx
fenixdown - Praetor Artanis
FennecTheFox - FennecTheFox
Ferrose - CitruSKnighT
FeversMirrors - Taters / YellerBelly
finalej - finaleJHD
FinestHour - MyNameIsTinaFey
Fionn - ggFrosty
Fisalia - Fisalia
Firesilver - Firesilver
Fizik - Fizik
Flakes - Flakes
Floob – Flewb
Floorz - Floorz
FluffyDragon - EvilGeniusDRagon
Folca - Folca93
FR4CT4L - Fractal
FragtaLe - FragtaLe
FreezingAssassin - FreezingAssassin
Frolossus - Frolossus
Funnelcakes - Funnelcakes
fuzzy_panda - fuzzypandanz
FuzzyLord - Master Fuzzy
G0dly - IntoTheDarkness
GamaniaReHab - EGZergBoong
TLDGarber - Garber
gaizka - papapasha
genryou - genryou
GhandiEAGLE - GhandiEAGLE
Ghen - Ghenxx / Pyyric / TootTootRapeTug
GhoSt[shield] - Prayguu
GiygaS - NOVA Ropesnake
Glacierz - Glacierx
Glasse - Glasse
glzElectromaster - glzElectromaster
Goldenkrnboi – goldenkrnboi
Gozos - Gozos
GrapeApe - nShade
Greatchi - Greatchi
Groovyschlumpf - GrooveAttack
grs - Grookshank
Gruesome - PierceSternum
GTR - KwonYuri
gtsrs - Guitarsaurus
GuitarGuy182 - GuitarGuy182
gulati - gulati
Gumshoe - ragnarocknroll
Guoguo – pooptarts
H - CoordinatorH
Haasts - Haasts
Hoban - h2oHoban
Haemonculus - Rhavanna
Happy Frog - Chilled Chook
HazMat - ShakeDrizzle
HeadDesk - A foot fungus
HeadhunteR - ElAlmirante
heroyi - heroyisunshin
HiTeK532 - ToToLoGY
Hobofuzzard - Hobofuzzard
hp.Shell - Raddmiral
HughMyron - Priamos / HughMyronbrough
iaeuy - iaeuy
ibreakurface - PlainPlane
iCanHasSkittles - ichs
iCCup.Raelcun – iCCupRaelcun
IceHism - IceHism
iGrok - iGrack
ilikeredheads - ilikeredheads
Illusionnist - BeggarTerran
ilovenoodles - NicoReimu
imBLIND - OMnomnomnomn
iMMortaL.797 - LGBomber
infinitestory - infinitestory
Infundibulum - Moth Lite
insidethebox - mChocolate
IntoTheWow - IntoTheWow
intrigue - mercredi
Iplaythings - Musoi
Iri - Iridos
iSCOUT4u - brad3104
isM - ismx
Issorlol - Issorlol
itungle - itungle
-Jacob- - Ratpulse / Gsnow
Jaguro - Jaguro
Jaybrundage – jaybrundage
Jazriel – Jazriel
JBright - Cyblaster
Jcarlsoniv – Soniv
JeanBob - ImaginaryUnit
jeebuzzx - jeebuzzx
Jergen - Jergenwololo
JFe4R - fear4yourlife
Jimqi - Jimqi
JingleHell - JingleHell
Joeeigel - Joeeigel
Johnnywup - Johnnywup
JonsaBoy - JonsaBoy
jpak - JohnRandle
jtbem - Sowelulol
Jtype – Deshi
Judgemathis - mrGiZ
Judochopaction – good
Judytuna – judytuna
Juked - eLMOonCRACK
Juliette - iSleepwithridz
jw6282000 - KorwynKim
Kami - TrainerRedNA
kane]deth[ - KaneDeth
Kaniol - Kaniol
Kakan - Häcklefjällskaka
Kashmir - Kashcat
Kenpachi - CorSaiR ReaveR
Khul Sadukar - Khul Sadukar
KiLL_ORdeR - lntoTheSky
KillerSOS – KillerSOS
Killersting - Zatharian
King[Neikos] - IFFvampa
Kingske - Kingske
kitaman27 - kitaman27
kmillz - kmillz
KO_SharpMind - Parumba
Kolvacs - Kolvacs
Knighthawkbro - Bumbaclaut
ksolo - kdolo
Kurumi - petitboes
Kyhron - Kyhron
kyzers0ze - kyzersoze
L – ChooChooRapeBus / BeepBeepRapeCar
Lancer723 - Lancer723
Landovva - Landovva
LateralusGaming - ReaperGaming
Latrommi - TLatrommi
ldrs - Ldrs
lethal111 - p3n15muncher
lethyl - It Was El Wortho
LightningStrike - Myth Helper101
LiquidCHILE - SaleritoCHILE
liquidspoison - theriddl3r
Loathed - LoathedOne
Logrus - Spikard
lolfish - Cake of Fury
LonelyIslands - Black Deception
Lord Tolkien - Lord Tolkien
Lucas Crowe - LucasCrowe
Lucian - Bellucian
Luepert - Luepert
lurked - lurked
Lunek - Lunek
lungalung - Lung of Lungs
lycaen - lycaen
MadeOfPotato - MadeOfPotato
Maedi - Maedi
Maggost - Maggost
Magnum0pus - Magnum0pus
MagnumXO - MagnumXO
mahkan - mahkan
mardi - kutomba
Maleficus - Maleficus
Malphite - Tranmillitary
Mano - Manoman7
marxgarza - MarxGarza
Mattz12 - MattLychee
Mauldo - Mauldo
Mawderator - Mango1down
Meapak_Ziphh - MeapakZiphh
Medzo - KingMedzo
Meekee - Meekey
mel_ee - Nunbushin
Messi - Suzymessi
Metronome – HyperboLemuR
Micko1 - HWshield
mikku - Cirn9
Mindful - Mindful-gaming
misclick - i got dd
Misder - Misder
mnvr - nvrr
moltenlead - moltenrage
Mogwai - SmashGizmo
mOnion - OnionMeepo
MooMooMugi - MooMooMugi
MoonBear - Aika Kasumi
moopie - FrenziedSheep
mptj - ttnjwk
MrCynical - 2BearsHighFiving
MrDudeMan - MrDudeMan12
MrEnzyme - MrEnzyme
mrflakes - steinfx
mrgerry – SpudBoy
MrMedic - MrMedic
mrRoflpwn - bread280
Mr. Wiggles - MrWiggles7
MusicalPulse - IlbiStarz
Musoi - Musoi
myopia - spiderland
Mystlord - Mystlord
Nagisa - NagisaFurukawa
NailPolish - Aaerox
nanospartan - nanospartan
NapKiN16 - ForGotteNNapKiN
necrosed - necrosed
Nehsb - Nehsb
NemesysTV - NemesysGFX
nennx - nennx
NeoIllusions - NeoIllusions
Neon_Monkey - NeonMonkey
niteblaze - KrnCracker
Niton - Niton
Nobitax - Nobitax19
noFear - Jannall
nohbrows - nohbrows
NoobieOne - Hamer The Nail
noodle - Android Agenda
Nos- - Helspeth
NotSorry - NotSorry
Norway - Svenman87
NSANE.hydra - crazysk8er
Nunger - Nunger
o3.power91 - HeroReaver
oberon - pnaxighn
Odds – Lokan
OfflineWarrior - Sheridun
OmniscientSC2 - AKidNamedOmni
OnceKing - unsurprised
One - yeOngJae
onlywonderboy - onlywonderboy
oOoDarkHeavenoOo - oOoDarkHeavenoOo
O-ops - GankerS BoxeR
OrangeApples - SOSBrigade
-orb- - TwinsenDude
Orestes9 - Emajin
OriginalName - Kanopy
p4NDemik – eniscanter
Pandonetho - Pandonetho
PeRk - PerQk
pibacc - pib yo
ph7 - Forfekte
Phaded - Phadedz
PhiliBiRD - PhiliBiRD
Phrost - phr0st
PhuxPro - Notorion
Phyren - PhyrenAmi
phyvo - Numbat
pinenamu - pinenamu
plasmidghost - ihateoov
Praetorial - Praetorial
Prisoner - Gorgrom
probob - probob22
Propanelol - Própane
prOxi.swAMi - Pooptronickz
Psyonic_Reaver - PsyonicHero
Psyqo – Psyqo
ptrpb - Pete
Purge - Primalshadow
R04R - R04R
r33k - reekhadol
R3demption - R3demption
Rainbow - Abuudabuu
rainfable - Nae
ramblinguy - ramblinguy
randomKo_Orean - randomKorean
rapidtransit247 - RAP1D
rasdasd - rasdasd
Realpenguin - jvpenguin
redFF - redFF
Redlol - Redlol
Retgery - Retgery
Reechani - Reech
ReketSomething - reket
Rho_ - IRhol
Rhombus - Submohr
Rhyick - Rhyick
rice - theycallmex
Riku - Riku
Riotstyle - Tsaikosis
Risen - Spellsnare
Rising_Phoenix - RisingPhoenix
Roflhaxx - Leper Slayer
Rockitblackguy - Rockitblackguy
Ruken - Ruken
Ry0suke - Ry0suke
ryanAnger – AngerAlone
RyanRushia - RyanRUshia
RyuChus - Ansayru
Ryuu314 - Caesor
S[o]ul - FantasyBlade
Sabin010 - TriforceGuy
SaetZero – Bahram
SagaZ - oijdiouc HEHENFO
saltywaffles - saltwaffles
Sad[Panda] - iFightBears
Sandbox - Bromethiuss
SayaSP - FengShuiEngine
SBelmont – Sbelmont
Scamp - Unmay
SCling - Wararchon
sc2ggrise - sc2ggrise
SEA_GenesiS - Cardgames
SeaMoosi - SeaMoosi
SeeDLiNg - SeeDLiNg
Seiuchi - Frost Walrus
Semantics - Connotation
Seppolevne - chaosfortunate
seRapH - Mega Tofu
Sermokala - Whnomad
Seuss - Montegomery
ShaLLoW[baY] - Moh Cheech
Shauni – hitomaru
shawster - shawz
Shikyo - Shayuki
Shinshady - Valdamjong
shizi - Skipstep
Shiragaku – Shiragaku
ShoCkeyy - Shockeyy
Shook - BasedHero
Shredder05 - Shredder05
silencefc - eeSanG
silentzero - silentzero
sinani206 - sinani206
sixduck - sixdux / Ieejaedong
Skyu - Skyx10
Slaughter - AerensianiC
Sodoku - Sod0ku
Sonic114 - RevSonic
Southlight - Utahime
SpaceToaster – SpaceFratStar
Speedbump - sneakyninjaedit
spinesheath - tlspinesheath
SpiritoftheTunA - SpiritoftheTunA
Sqornshellous - Maledicta
sRapers_ValkS - sRaper / Senor Aper
Stache - Stache
StanaCullen - ayanem8
Starswinger - Starswinger
StealthPenguin - stealthp
Steelavocado - IdrAjit
steelcurtain09 - steelcurtain09
Stratus - Stratushigh
Strykemard - Féàr
STS17 - STS17
Sufficiency - Princess Garnet
suicideyear - lntegra
sylverfyre - sylverfyre
Synthesis - Blanket Ninja
Synystyr - Synystyyr
sYz-Adrenaline - imls
Tachkilius - Tachkilius
TacToSs - catx2
takaze - Takaze
tanken - Enkidu
Tehplank – itstehchubchub
Tesla12 - AWgaming
Tiegrr - Tiegrr
ThaZenith - TriGoon
TheDeli - TheDeli
Thegilaboy - Thegilaboy
thekrnkid - IUJesSica
themonkyguy - Dacelo
Thereisnosaurus - Thereisnosaurus
TheToaster - Toastmasterd
TheYango - TheYango
TheTreebeard - TheTreebeard / SG Treebeard
Thurokiir - Thurokiir
ticklishmusic - ticklishmusic
TieN.nS) - Eyedrinker
Tobi9999 - Stxz
TolEranceNA - applepiemayo
Tonight – modestyisdead
tool - 2ol
Tooplark - Rugeater the Lemurtastic
travis - ThyLordship
Treadmill - Ted Mill
tredmasta - tredmasta
Triangle - w4terfall
TrinityKais - AesritalTrinity
TRIXmonkey - TRIXmonkey
Troxior - LUGBURZ
Truez - Scintered
TryHardAtSchool - ImSharp
TwitchBM - x4ph
Two_DoWn - TwoDoWn
TwoToneTerran - HighOnPolPot
Tzeus - LolCatIsLol
unichan - unichan
UniversalSnip - USnip
UnknownReclaimer - Haerna
[UoN]Sentinel - 667 Locust
UpperX – UpperX
Valestrum - Valestrum
valug - plantains
Veil - Vanisir
VelkanKnight - Alume
Vingle - Vingle
VisceraEyes - VisceraEyes81
Virtue – VirtuousRed
Vlanitak - Vlanitak
volcryn - volcryn
Volker93 - Volker93
VonLego - VonLego
Vonthin - Vonthin
vvSiegvv - vvSiegvv
Wala.Revolution - walawalawala
wallawalla__ - wallawallawalla
WaveofShadow - WaveofShadow
Waxangel - Minecake
winglessp - winglessp
Witten - IgnaciousBrown
Whole – WholeGrn
Wildark - wildark
WilDMousE - Barackopala
Woobowiz - Woobowiz
WP.Cajunazn - Cajunazn
xbankx - aceofblade
xDaunt – TheLonePube
Xenocide_Knight - oowgnasTY
Xevious - Xevlol
yazu - ShiroiShi
yenta - yentarO
Yoshi - Yoshi Kirishima
Yuis - yuiikarii
Zanon - Kriza
Zanzabar Haberdasher - Synzig / Lego Starwars
Zasp - Zasp
Zato-1 - Jielhar
zergnewb - MEBzerg12
zer0das - z0r
Zhuu - Zhuuu
Zonel - Zonel
Zooper31 - Zooper31
Zorkmid - Zorkmid
zStrickened - zStrickened
zulu_nation8 - bly08
+ Show Spoiler [EU West] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
[DUF]MethodMan - BERT11
-Hitman- - MesterSlagteren
-Zoda- - Uhryks
arthur - iDei
BioSh0ck - BioSh0ck
DanielZKlein - ZenonTheStoic
dellesh1ruH - dellebabz
Djagulingu - HoBoast
DoXa - aieM
EffectS - EunByuL
Eishi_Ki - Eishiki
emucxg - Yi Mu You
Fade1 - FadeTHUG
Falco252 - Falco252
Fildun - WheelKing
Fnarley - Fnarley
fraugos - fraugos
Fuell - EasySkank
Gandling - Minions Away
guonoo - Guonoo
HaSDe - ib4shmofos
Holykitty - Holykitty
InvaderUK - Cheeseen
iStarKraft - iSKae
Jedclark - Cloudfury
jhNz - jhNz
Joeeigel - Joeeigel
JofesboyAT - AuT sAviOr
Johnranger-123 - ranger420
Joschka29 - A Sixth Trumpet
koreasilver - revlisaerok
KovuTalli - KovuTalli
Lenwe - Ewnel
Liveon - Liveon
Lozzee - Necromi
Lylat - Lylat89
Maxtor - DotAisBetter
Meastro - MeastroV
Microchaton - Microchaton
MoonBear - Usamimi
napo - napoleono/Enigmatic Legend
ODKStevez - Stévez
Oxyjon - Oxyjon
plutonius - killevel
Pandablunt - Pandablunt
Peddel - Peddel942
probob - probob22
Promises - ThatOneFatGuy
Purpose2 - Purpose2
RA - Deepeye
r.Evo - rTU
RenardDesMers - oHRenard
Robellicose - RobwhOrr
rtsAlaran - omgAlaran
Samson1te - Samson1te
Schnake - Alan Shore Huha
Scip - SNO Scipaeus
Shiv. - Deeerpz
sNaCKey - sNaCKey
Soier - xxxDeathKilelrxx
Sponkz - Krillchan
Therealdevil - Therealdevil
TL mossing - lim3
Tristran - Bazzyrick
UdderChaos - UdderChaos
Vertig0 - Vertig0
Vonthin - Vonthin
Wrag - ProWrag
Ziemson - Anmarius
+ Show Spoiler [EU Nordic/East] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
-Hitman- - DealerOfDamage
AcOrP - AcOrP
BluzMan - NyRe
Blyf - Blyf
bokeevboke - feelmyheart
DanielZKlein - ZenonTheStoic
DrKlingmann - Jarpen
Djagulingu - BeeRich
Duvon - Tjingkek
EquilasH - Equilash
FortuneSyn - FortuneSyn
Iplaythings - musoi
LuckyLuke43 - zapsniff
Mindful - Mindful
Mortician - Mortii
mustaju - mustaju
NightWalks - NightWalks
Niklai - MorninCoffee
Phe - EiVi
Plague1503 - Plague1503
RevThirteen - ButtHero
samthesaluki - MVPSaluki
Teliko - Telíko
Twik - Trollgud
+ Show Spoiler [SEA] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
anmolsinghmzn2009 - TCPMind
kyzers0ze - Photon Cannon
OopsOopsBaby - ParkSoYeon
pschiu - Pschiu
Tzeus - Zeus
+ Show Spoiler [KOR] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
Chexx - Chexx
Eishi_Ki - Eishiki
Noblesse - ll Noblesse ll
rkffhk - rkffhk
snowbird - snowbird
+ Show Spoiler [CN] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
winthrop - IllusionToT
+ Show Spoiler [LA North] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
Phoenix[mind] - syntax
+ Show Spoiler [LA South] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
XenOsky- - nR XenOsky
+ Show Spoiler [Brazil] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
+ Show Spoiler [Turkey] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
+ Show Spoiler [Russia] +
TL Name - Summoner Name
+ Show Spoiler [Oceania] +
TL Name - Summoner Name