On December 03 2011 14:01 turdburgler wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 11:29 Hynda wrote:if im supposed to watch all 3 lanes and do my own thing that's your job im trying, but at every glance hes pushing his lane up to their tower. pretty hard to know that he wants a gank when hes pushing a tower, bitching at me, and only talking to me after his "gank" has past. and like i said i was busy ganking bot in the early game where i could actually be of use. im pretty new to the game so im working on map awareness, but it doesnt help when all he says all game is "noob" "piece of shit" etc when i have a decent k/d meh if someone's being an idiot or an asshole while they're calling for ganks I'll just tell them I don't feel like it so too bad. it's not like you're obligated to gank just because they asked, you can do whatever the hell you want, like gank easier lanes or focus on dragon control if you think that would help your team more. you should let the best player on your team dictate your play, not the most vocal player on your team.
1600. guy insta locks malphite. ad top. builds 3 gp 10s and then tiamet. ofc he feeds top around 5kills. rest of my team is zil mid with 0/6 and jungle riven with 0/5. ad is 3/1/1 and im 1/0/2 cuz i try and roam gank when i realize team is useless. been on tilt this whole morning. fuck me
On December 03 2011 14:44 Norada wrote: 1600. guy insta locks malphite. ad top. builds 3 gp 10s and then tiamet. ofc he feeds top around 5kills. rest of my team is zil mid with 0/6 and jungle riven with 0/5. ad is 3/1/1 and im 1/0/2 cuz i try and roam gank when i realize team is useless. been on tilt this whole morning. fuck me
Tilt happens a lot to me. Just stand up, walk around, browse reddit and listen to some relaxing music. Usually takes the tilt right away.
Yea don't do what I did a while back...lost 5 games and the last two took their toll being the 4th and 5th straight loss+having a couple of downright awful human beings in them. Proceed to say "fuck elo" and play champs that while I enjoy playing I am horrible at and ended up losing 5 more games with lots of rage thrown my way.
On December 03 2011 14:42 starfries wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 14:01 turdburgler wrote:On December 03 2011 11:29 Hynda wrote:if im supposed to watch all 3 lanes and do my own thing that's your job im trying, but at every glance hes pushing his lane up to their tower. pretty hard to know that he wants a gank when hes pushing a tower, bitching at me, and only talking to me after his "gank" has past. and like i said i was busy ganking bot in the early game where i could actually be of use. im pretty new to the game so im working on map awareness, but it doesnt help when all he says all game is "noob" "piece of shit" etc when i have a decent k/d meh if someone's being an idiot or an asshole while they're calling for ganks I'll just tell them I don't feel like it so too bad. it's not like you're obligated to gank just because they asked, you can do whatever the hell you want, like gank easier lanes or focus on dragon control if you think that would help your team more. you should let the best player on your team dictate your play, not the most vocal player on your team.
i know. it just stops me from wanting to play at all. i have a thick skin so it doesnt bother me outside the game, it just makes me not want to log on and play when i can play other games instead D:
Unbeliavable team. 1166 elo. Got 300 cs as riven against their nasus' 130 cs. Team fed their trynd 15/4/14. My score was 3/3/1
I accept 1.3k Elo rating. i dont see how ill ever go up in the rankingsssss
I can't understand the mentality of some people in the LoL community where they REFUSE to admit fault and the blame always shifts to others (often times the jungler). I just played a game where I felt so sorry for their jungle
Went against a team that ran Blitz/Shaco top and forced Tryn bot. Tryn gets completely zoned out early game while top lane gives first blood somehow and ends up with crap cs. With 2 lanes dominated, its pretty much an easy win. Enemy team flames their Skarner jungle for feeding, granted he did die a lot but can you blame him? By the end of the game, he still managed with more cs than both Shaco/Blitz combined even with most deaths on the team.
Honestly I don't see how its anywhere close to his fault if he dies every time after suppressing our carry, while 3/5 of his team is completely under farmed. Yet his team mates feel there's a need to all chat claiming he's a useless feeder...
Eh its one of those things that can happen if your a melee character or tank. When your job is to disrupt or be in the thick of things if your team bails on the fight at the last second or is severely underfarmed so they do jack then often its you who die while they escape, leading to a lot of deaths and most people are lazy/stupid and just look at the scoreboard and scream bloody murder about deaths.
1800 lvl ranked game, during picks/bans:
*team leader bans morgana* team4: "no morg no play" team4: "no morg i troll" team4: "ok i will auto eve"
We have a pantheon top. Team4 locks in shyv and says "top with panth". Panth switches to smite to jungle. Shyv switches to smite. Panth switches back to flash/ignite. Shyv does the same. They play chicken for a few minute before both starting with flash/ignite.
Gonna be a good one oman
On December 05 2011 01:58 Haemonculus wrote: 1800 lvl ranked game, during picks/bans:
*team leader bans morgana* team4: "no morg no play" team4: "no morg i troll" team4: "ok i will auto eve"
We have a pantheon top. Team4 locks in shyv and says "top with panth". Panth switches to smite to jungle. Shyv switches to smite. Panth switches back to flash/ignite. Shyv does the same. They play chicken for a few minute before both starting with flash/ignite.
Gonna be a good one oman
This couldn't POSSIBLY be the game you're currently in and...you're playing Pantheon!
Rhav get trolled.
I forgot how hard it is being Soraka when my top feeds the enemy Tryn =(
On December 05 2011 02:10 jcarlsoniv wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2011 01:58 Haemonculus wrote: 1800 lvl ranked game, during picks/bans:
*team leader bans morgana* team4: "no morg no play" team4: "no morg i troll" team4: "ok i will auto eve"
We have a pantheon top. Team4 locks in shyv and says "top with panth". Panth switches to smite to jungle. Shyv switches to smite. Panth switches back to flash/ignite. Shyv does the same. They play chicken for a few minute before both starting with flash/ignite.
Gonna be a good one oman
This couldn't POSSIBLY be the game you're currently in and...you're playing Pantheon! Rhav get trolled. I forgot how hard it is being Soraka when my top feeds the enemy Tryn =( Shyv ended up not trolling and jungled without smite, but pantheon is strong like skyman and so we win npnp yayyy
ELO is retarded
1200 > 1050 > 1330 > 1250
ranked solo queue so dumb
takes like 20 minutes to even start a game to begin with because of all the queue dodge
Just got finished losing a game as Skarner w/ my duo buddy. I told him at the start of the game i wanted to go all try-hard and win a game, since we've lost the last 3. I perfectly execute my route, gank lanes at EVEN THE SLIGHTEST opportunity, only had 2 failed ganks for the first twenty minutes. Got veigar (my duo queue buddy, who is usually -pretty good) 3 kills and 2 assits. Die once saving myself for our riven top after killing someone in a 2v3 situation and our riven still lives. Our bottom lane is doing well, but was pushed for the majority of the gank, only actioin i had there was a 4 man gank (rifven tele'd) to get 3 kills. Got every dragon for the first 35 minutes, then have no idea since anyone can solo it after that point. We get the 1st baron, take down an inhib and are up ~12 kills. Thats when the retardation started. Our trist, who was doing pretty well, had 4 or 5 items at the time, got cocky after getting the double kill at their inhib. She decides to rocket jump ashe who is sitting under their 2 nexus towers. She istantly dies, and with 3 us, myself soraka and riven(veigar had died in the fight instanlty... zzz) <50% hp, we have to back off. They get our inhib and 1 nexus tower.. Next, our veigar gets ashe arrowed b/c he wanted to Q creeps in mid lane, gets jumped on, 3 of us die trying to save him. They get second baron. We rez before they are able to kill any of us nexus towers, but then riven decides that she wants to go back to kill their nexus (had no more turrets at this point). She tp's in, does about 100 damage to the nexus. she then decides to 1v1 the 6 item ashe, gets shit on. We then are able to kill 3, but are unable to end it since we are all <10% hp. The last teamfight breaks out at baron. I initiate onto ashe, ult her. Our riven is nowhere to be seen, think she was chasing amumu (their jungle). Our veigar focuses NASUS for some ungodly reason, and our trist is off 1v1ing annie. Im left to 1v2 ashe/sona because i have no flash (used it to initiate onto ashe) and wont be able to run away. I kill ashe, but veigar got instagibbed by their annie, and their nasus destroyed our riven and i honestly have no idea how trist died. Likely to annie. We get aced. GG
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i just wanted to win a game, and executed it to the best of my ability. then THREE complete full fucking retard moves and we end up losing. Swear to god those people didnt even want to win.
Every game same shit.
If I mid, top feeds, opponent top snowballs, carrys, wins game, we lose. If I bottom or top, mid feeds, see above.
Seriously, this is fucking retarded.
Ofc i am just pissed because I went from 1330 at the start of this weekend down to under 1250 now.
get to 1392 elo, lose like 3 games in a row cuz no one besides me seems to be able to carry
last game me and j4 were the only ones doing anything,w hile our 1-6 vayne spent the entire game btiching about the rest of the team feeding and calling us useless why
i wanna have some fun, pick master yi in blind pick
in game people tell me master yi isn't viable 20 minutes pass
i am 11-0, and have warmog atmas
scoreboard says 11-22
I continue to rape, then enemy team groups up and has rammus and singed on it. Despite my team having 3 APs, rammus and singed both have a combination of thornmail, frozenheart, randuins, sunfire, and ninja tabi.
i keep dying every fight because rammus taunts me and i get raped. I end 11-5, my team blames me for losing because I picked master yi.
i stop playing master yi because it is too frustrating
this game needs silence/cyclone/sheep stick so I can actually control teamfights when I have lousy teammates.
I'm bad, my team mates are bad, enemy team is bad. I'm not having fun any more. I wish there was some "meta" (oooh he used the M-word) at my level. At my level the only thing that matters is how fed your carry is which is in direct correlation to how bad his lane opponent is.
There's no warding, no oracles, no counter jungle (barely any jungle), no thought behind picks, no counter picks, no last hitting/farm, no thought behind masteries/runes or starting items, no avoid pushing lanes to get ganks...nothing. It's just who's cookie cutter build happens to win over the opponent's this game. Hurry to write in chat that you are solo top even though you're last pick, rage feed with revive/tp if you don't get it, that's all there is to it. If you do get your wish, pick Nasus no matter what and get shut down at level 2, end up with 15min 30 cs and rage about how noone ganked top.