On July 13 2015 09:03 krndandaman wrote: can already tell when we're going to lose a game. everyone on team blaming each other before anything even happens rofl
I think I am even better than you in forecasting it. No need to wait for the blames. When the champion selection is filled with talkative teammates. meaning that people start to explain what is the meta at the moment, what is good, how we should distribute the roles, things such as: we need tanks, now its tank meta, don't pick kha zix he is shit, if they don't ban ekko, we gotta take it, shit is op. I know that this is 80% guaranteed loss. Not sure that this applies for all elos, but where I am (middle plat) if you have more than 4-6 lines during the champion selection - you are in the deep waters xD
Pregame lobby: "Go back to hearthstone you scrub kid" "Your mom sucks more than Hitler" "I wish Osama raped your sister"
Yeah, imma dodge that one.
I've had terrible matchmaking luck throughout the weekend. While some of the losses I can blame on me learning new junglers and picking Corki (who doesn't seem to be a good soloq pick), I've had so many games with afks, feeders and generally much outclassed players, salty ADCs who decide to troll because I smited gromp from them, premades with Tahm who insist they will finish the game by a backdoor instead of teamfighting etc. etc. that I didn't enjoy League all that much despite getting to play Kayle
Xin Zhao goes Mobi/Devourer/Botrk INTO wardens mail against Swain/Malphite Olaf goes Hydra first. This game is filled with people that have brain usage impairment
That's two 3v5s in two days. Friggin' hell, Riot, fix the damn EUW. Also Azir walking right over the ward I just set up before Eing onto me, and I never once get vision of him despite noone using a trinket on said ward? The flying fuck is that, another glitch?
Ranked was supposed to be disabled 1h 30m from now, but it's already down. Fuck you Riot I need my dose.
I go 2/0 in lane as Garen, meanwhile the enemy Kalista is 6/0 and our Vayne already ragequit. Whyyyyy
There, Gold IV. Thank you "please mid" Azir who doesn't ward nor play defensively vs Annie+Rammus. Thank you garbage morons who keep hitting Rammus when they aren't taunted and a 300 HP Draven is sitting just in melee range of both. Or who bunch up when Fiora ults Sivir, just to make sure she's gonna die from Hydra splash.
I guess I have to fill a report ticket for the two shitters with 15-9 in ranked and 0 normal wins who bought botted accounts too, in the enemy team.
Bard support trolls and just goes to die again and again. He ends up 0-20, ruining other people fun. What is the problem with you? You should really see a specialist.
Can I just have teammates that itemize properly? Is asking for a Midalee to buy a Morellos against Swain too much to ask for?
if ziggs was removed from the game no one would honestly care or miss him. brainless rat fuck.
like i seriously don't understand why this stupid fucking company can't champion design their way out of a paper bag. this is the same company that has destroyed and olafed champions for less under the guise of "muh counterplay!" and yet sees little to no issue with a champion that is based around endless waveclear and zoning at nearly all points of the game. ziggs counterplay in lane is
a) pray he's retarded b) make some kind of retarded all-in and hope you come out ahead enough to have an item advantage while he nullifies your actual xp/level/lane advantage by pushing you up to tower with infinite waveclear as soon as he walks back into lane with blue buff and his stupid fucking grin c) hope his team is retarded
like whoops my jungler didn't camp my lane from minute 1/i wasn't playing lvl 2 all in cheese in the midlane looks like ziggs has a mana item which means i can look forward to playing fucking dodgeball for the rest of the lane phase.
whoops i tried to get a tower or objective and i don't have a ridiculous siege comp or hard dive engage looks like i get to watch all my minion waves get eradicated by ziggs pressing buttons.
ziggs has always been a total eyesore. when he's meta in the lcs he ruins games by making eveyrthing a braindead stalling 40 minute farmfest with no fights or opportunities to pursue objective play because why bother? he's awful to play against even when you win because he drags out a 30 minute game to a 50 minute one because he can QWER to play tower defense while the rest of his idiot team get to play catchup. he's awful to play with because he's a total fucking farm vacuum and loses the game for you anyway because ziggs mains are all 50 IQ idiots that can't construct a sentence beyond "hurr i clear minion wave" or "wtf jungler no blue buff afk". wow you played ziggs for 500 games and own all his skins congrats on being lobotomized i guess feel free to throw our game because you have no concept of positioning and still manage to facecheck into a bush with 5 members of the enemy team
i felt mildly bad for veigar players because at least they had to make an effort to get stacks to their Q before they brainlessly mashed buttons before getting nerfed. at least assassins had to make an effort to at least run in your general direction to chunk half your health when they were all broken.
dat feel when you get youngbuck on your team and he goes 1/7
I understand that normals aren't a place to try hard but why is it that people feel it's ok to not try at all. To me it's a place to freshen up on things, try new things, or not take it as seriously. I don't think it's a place to just not even try to play the game. What do you guys think?
It has been 5 years and duoq still exists.Fuck this shit riot pls....
Vaynes nowadays... I swear I could score in the triple digits with Vaynespotting every game
win everywhere on map but against azir mid lose game cuz the have azir and he can zone 3 fucking ppl all by himself. its a joke when shit like that is what riot deems good for the game.