Fucktards, all of them. Cait alone under the enemy inhibitor tower as I ping to retreat and say that (homeguard and fed as hell) Kha'Zix and Ezreal have backed. Malzahar trying to go for picks alone and dying for it (fed retarded shit that is Kha'Zix while he's playing an immobile champion, remember?). The last fight started when he straight-up walked into Ryze+Ezreal+Sona and ult'd Ryze without any other spell, died, and gave them the game for free. Morgana died 4+ times going alone in the enemy jungle to ward and getting jumped on. Tell her to ask for cover? Na he ignores us. Udyr going for kills after we kill the inhib and are low against homeguard Ryze and Kha'Zix ready to jump us ('cause Kha'Zix fucking retarded ult makes him impossible to hit with a skillshot from farther than point-blank), so we throw.
Fucking retards. I can't do anything if they don't listen when I spam "5v5 or run away" and "Kha is fed don't go alone". Morons blaming each other when they all suicide and after that even 250+ armour Mundo can't do much against the bullshit that is Kha'Zix.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
TIL: It's a good idea for a level 3 elise to try to CJ a level 5 xin zhao, today I also learnt that 12/2 xin zhaos hurt.
So... surprisingly enough, Tristana vs Jax is the only lane that did well. I had to camp mid to prevent Akali from feeding the Gragas, and she still went 0-3-1 and 30 cs behind when I couldn't be there all the time.
Which leads me to the next point: bot Sivir+Thresh hit 2 after fucking Leona + Ezreal (like really? How the fuck do you not beat them level 1 and thus get wave control?) and Sivir immediatly dies because fuck positioning right? Thresh can't hit a single E on Leona for shame, when Sivir gets jumped on he launches his lantern inside the creep wave for souls. Everytime I come to gank for them one of them dies before I can even complete my ult as Vi. I get destroyed when they jump me from a bush (as I try to ward because Thresh is incompetent), notice Ezreal is 2-1-2 with a BFS+ before 10 minutes. Later Leona solos me because she's the same level as me and 3-2-7. Bot lane ends the lane something like 4-12-5 combined, every kill or assist coming from my ganks or Tristana getting bored and coming to take the damn enemy tower.
There's just no carrying these trashes when they manage to die before I could even reach them after my first buff. And since I'm no good at carrying to begin with...
People should have to pass an ingame test before being allowed on Alistar, had one today who managed to headbutt enemies to safety 4 times and managed to kill 2 of our team by headbutting enemies towards them while they were retreating...
This is exactly why I don't even bother typing in chat anymore.
Fucking pieces of shit. Keep refusing to ward, keep going 1v1, keep trying to dive for kills. Because when they're in their base with homeguard, it's more important to dive trying to kill fucking Renekton or Shaco or Corki with GA than to finish off the fucking nexus turrets, right? And because having a GA on your Zed gives you every right to dive 1v3 then 1v4 right?
Fucking. Little. Pieces. Of shit. Nothing to do with fucking retarded dumbasses like that. And Ziggs' "poke" being broken as fuck with the range+damage+virtually no cd+travel time combo, well, these fucking retards managed to threw our overwhelming lead thrice. Fucking. Learn. To group. Such morons are... fuck. My head hurt. They're so fucking stupid. They aren't even able to fucking learn from their mistakes, they keep doing them over and over again even when you point out what the team did wrong and should focus on. Fucking. Dumbass. Retards.
Next? WW against Karthus. He fed pretty hard, trying to go for BotRK -> swifties, not warding at all against a Lee Sin, and raging at Rengar for "they have better jungler" (yo dumbass, our Rengar got invaded at his red, you didn't move an inch and he almost died).
On May 07 2014 16:45 krndandaman wrote: goodness gracious
postgame lobby the guy on the losing team kept crying about the community and what not. I explained to him that he was actually being somewhat offensive so he should expect others to call him out on it. of course, he gets all butthurt about it and goes all philosophical on me. I promptly knew he was a disturbed dude so I left the lobby.
next thing you know this guy spams friend requests to me. I deny it like 10 times. it stops. an hour later it comes again. what the fuck? this is some creepy ass shit.
If i recall correctly, if instead of denying you just ignore the friend request, you don't get spammed with additional ones.
Northern Ireland22203 Posts
Why the hell isn't there an easy way of viewing someone's profile when you're deciding whether or not to accept their friend request
Got demoted after something like a 1-6 day, owing to: - leavers - dc into suicides - a dumb Lucian playing scared of Leona at level 1 and feeding like mad afterwards when I desperately tried to make us hit 2 first but turns out Ezreal+Leona can push faster than Lucian+Lulu, zzz. - global morons going alone in lanes when the enemy groups as 4-5 and dives mid several times. When 2 of us call for grouping to counter their picks? Still going solo, still feeding. - multiple people flaming a champ select pick and deciding to "troll pick" as a result
And to finish it all a fucking lucky Eve surviving 4 times under 15 HP. First time was a top lane fight he survived with 12 HP, 2-1 for them, gave him 6 before me and that gave him a free kill bot. I caught him at once point, flash, auto with red buff, my following auto is about to complete when I die to Zyra casting a max range Q. 3 of my autos fucking cancelled for no reason against their fed Ezreal too and he lived with 8 HP. So, yeah. When I see people not even playing well but getting away with so much fucking luck, I'm mad.
dear ADCs that get ahead after a 2v2,
please stop getting so greedy and just b. i would greatly appreciate it
the jungler/mid might be on his way to botlane for free kills and i can't support you when 50% health and oom
giving free kills to enemies is bad. so please. just b.
thanks, your support
Canada5941 Posts
So I am trying out Dawngate to escape league for a bit, manage to get to 6:2 record in ranked.
I'm now 6:10. sooooo many bad teammates and AFKs
Was playing against a Ziggs in an ARAM we were pretty much crushing.
Lasted 36 minutes, he had 187 minions killed, 109k champion damage. I don't think I've ever seen anyone break 100k before.
We won (IE Jayce killing you all with w crits hue- did 79k champ damage). Ziggs+Teemo=nearly infinite stall potential with no hard engage though. -_-
this is the magical land of blindpick normals
we are zyra + jinx, the immobile squishy botlane
we bully blitz in-lane a little, blitz is a premade with some other laners
time for a botlane party the entire enemy team is invited!
Enemy jungle visits: 5+ Our jungle visits: 0 Enemy mid visits: 3 Our mid visits: 0 Enemy toplane TP gank? Yes Our toplane: no TP number of opponents with hard CC: 4
that was a painful laning phase
I fucking hate Nida and Ziggs so much.
I don't think you can win vs them in a soloqueue game, unless they are utterly retarded. You just don't have enough coordination to get an engage going. So its just spear spear bomb bomb bomb until ONE hits, then you lose a tower. Repeat and repeat until its game over. Why is this shit still allowed in the game? I ban them every game, but sadly i can only ban every fifth game, and fools still allow them in.
Maybe i should learn to play mid for easy wins.
Also, is it just me, or is support utterly irrelevant nowadays? I used to be able to influence the game, now i can only get my laner slighly fed, which does not matter in the slightest. And i can no longer outward the enemy support because i am limited to shitty three wards.
Ca.. can i post this here?
Well... i... was... the troll... so troll trolled...