I'm never raging, but two days ago i was quite annoyed by my team. I was Lux in mid and 25 minutes into the game i was 5:0 and the total teamstats were 7 to 35.
I play the game since friday, don't even know about the best items and still managed to get almost all the kills of the team.
15 minutes later we were still playing because my team refused to surrender after we lost the first tower in the base and everyone else was 4+ levels behind the opponents. I didn't manage to score a kill after the initial 5 but died 6 times in the team fights due to the difference in level and gold between the teams. Final score was 12 to 50-something.
I start to understand why some people rage in LoL. Why don't people just surrender when the situation is unwinnable?
On August 25 2011 00:41 Morfildur wrote: I'm never raging, but two days ago i was quite annoyed by my team. I was Lux in mid and 25 minutes into the game i was 5:0 and the total teamstats were 7 to 35.
I play the game since friday, don't even know about the best items and still managed to get almost all the kills of the team.
15 minutes later we were still playing because my team refused to surrender after we lost the first tower in the base and everyone else was 4+ levels behind the opponents. I didn't manage to score a kill after the initial 5 but died 6 times in the team fights due to the difference in level and gold between the teams. Final score was 12 to 50-something.
I start to understand why some people rage in LoL. Why don't people just surrender when the situation is unwinnable?
because many ppl dont understand how LoL actually works. Also in your post there is a major problem with your arguments.
New players and or terrible players pay too much attention to the k/d ratios. The thing that you actually focus on is:
1. mapcontrol and turret stats
those are the most important factors and they go hand in hand. If you have an advantage in turrets then you automatically have more mapcontrol and better mapcontrol through wards+pushed lanes+player presence on the map means you have better potential in killing turrets/opponents.
2. total gold
here the kills come into factor cuz they give you gold. however if you focussed on killing your opponents for the whole time while they get every lasthit then you wont even come out ahead in terms of gold. Also if they kill you back after a spree then youll give them alot of gold back. dragons and turrets play a huge role too and most importantly lasthitting/farming.
3. general behaviour
this is rather a sidenote but its something you should focus on while playing to win. Often I can tell by the behaviour of the players who will win/lose the game. Like if someone has a killing spree and starts making shitty calls because he thinks he is the boss now. A huge indicator for a loss is when your team is slightly behind (or not even really behind but has a slightly negative k/d) and starts to kollectively hide in the jungle and farm creeps there. A huge indicator for a win is when your team has a good tank/initiator (might be the jungler) who is at the right time in the right place, or if both your carries have 0-2 deaths and are far ahead in CS.
So dont pay too much attention to the k/d ratios. Its much more important to pay attention the A) the minimap and B) the info table (TAB).
I hate faggot junglers like ww and nunu, and when I tried jungling with them, I somehow managed to fuck up the easiest thing in the world and never got past ghouls :/
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On August 25 2011 03:18 Lorken wrote: I hate faggot junglers like ww and nunu, and when I tried jungling with them, I somehow managed to fuck up the easiest thing in the world and never got past ghouls :/ I played with this jungler the other day who died to wraiths at level 1, and when everyone was saying "lolwutf noob lee sin" he says he alt tab during jungle.
This lee sin was me.... I went to open the air client to check liquidparty and died to wraiths........
^^ ROFL. I have a mate who plays Olaf and 50% of the time he dies on wraiths. He's not a bad player, just dies for some reason.
Last game me and 3 other people on our team started off epic, first 3 kills was for our team, we were ahead on cs and bot tower was almost dying (around 10 min) then the next 12 deaths was our Alistar who said he could solo top and would carry our team(we ganked there all the time to try and help too) Then their mages got meijai's and it was gg but refused to surrender till 40 mins in.
How is this patch downloader so bad? Terrible speeds and takes forever. Currently rocking 10KBps.
Lost 12 ELO to a lux who got outlaned by veigar and had the reaction speed of a snail on barbiturates and an ashe who must have deleted her minimap because she thought map awareness was a tool of the devil. I spent about 15 seconds 1v1ing a warwick in mid lane brush before she noticed his presence and came to help. She also hit about 5% of her Light Bindings and missed all three ults I saw.
On August 26 2011 01:09 Tooplark wrote: reaction speed of a snail on barbiturates ...... she thought map awareness was a tool of the devil I lol'd in the office, people be looking at me now.
I seem to be rather blessed right now with regards to ranked partners. Sure, pretty much everyone is bad, can't farm, and builds stupid items, but most of them are willing to work as a team.
(in this case work as a team means push objectives that I tell them to and build items that I say are good lololol)
Ally disconnects at champ select, gets random Sona with Smite Ghost when we already have Singed Annie Janna. Last pick goes jungle Cho.
Our first pick Singed gives first blood to Jax and feeds all game long, 4/10/6 at the end. Annie has 88 cs after 36 minutes. 5/11/1. Enemy Brand gets ridiculously fed.
Sona and I win bot lane pretty hard, Cho does a good job. What. The. Fuck.
Queue pops for normals I pick ryze and a teammate picks wukong neither of us lock in. Two others on the team decide that we have already lost because ryze and wukong are terrible champions (i guess wukong is kinda meh but I see ryze on high elo streams pretty often); they proceed to pick eve and soraka, both with rally/revive.
Trolls both go 0-6 at top while I end up 3-2 at mid against heimer which I feel pretty good about. Of course at the score screen when I ask everyone to report them I'm the one trolling cause I picked ryze ><
I get a ranked game. I am first pick. Ok so I decide not to ban Orianna cause I will be mid and I know how to deal with her. So they get Orianna and I take Cass, we also have Udyr, Alistar, Jungle Trynd and Cait. Vs Orianna, Blitz, Vayne, Maokai and Nunu
I am beating mid and I also help bot with 2 ganks. So not only am I out csing Orianna I am 3 kills up. Then Trynd decides to do some seriously nasty shit. Dies to Orianna while he is covering my lane. Dunno wtf. Udyr has zero wards top so he gets ganked by an underleveled nunu (cause he got counter jungled by trynd - lol). Proceeds to die and lost top wtf. No dragon ward. But w/e we still got the first one. Then when we should be teamfighting or something - JUST before alistar initiates Trynd runsaway to farm bot (no need really - esp since we mentioned we will fight). We lose 3v5 cause Udyr is top (and I was against the initiate cause I saw this). Udyr proceeds to stay top all game. Not get cs some how. And then he is useless in teamfights (duh), while trynd jumps into 5 of them for no reason.
Then they all turn around and rage at me for not banning Orianna..... She wasn't even the problem
There goes my easy shot at 1900 elo. 5 times I was just one game away from it, 3 times I got 2+ total retards on my team. Probably the other 2 times as well... Then I get matched with even worse allies for multiple games in a row. What the hell has this "only have" dude done to reach 1850 elo? He can't possibly be legit.
I blame 5HIT for not giving me a free win one of those 2 games I got matched against him. Numbers too.
I can duo with you on a low lvl account if you want.
TL never allowed to baron ever again.
On August 26 2011 09:32 BlackPaladin wrote: TL never allowed to baron ever again. ^ Fact. Sorry about today's games guys >:<
But it wasn't funny really. Just kind of....disappointing....... First game: US vs THEM top was garen vs morde mid was akali vs cass bot was cait (me) + ali vs ashe + taric jungle was fiddle vs noct
Laning-wise we all won our lanes np. Got all our towers. I'm pretty fed. Then we win a teamfight in our top jungle. I had 200 hp and was next to top inner turret. No chance to push, but near baron. But I'm low, akali kind of low, and noct still up with ult. We have garen with warmogs only. No atmas yet. So our team has no damage vs baron and the only one with damage (me) is 200 hp. They decide to start baron for no reason in a risky situation cause we have no oracles, no wards, and akali + me are low vs noct. But I stay around and try to heal off wraiths real quick cause they're yelling at me. Moment I go in to help, guess what. Noct goes in and I need to blow exhaust, flash, and net to get away with like 100 hp just as I expected but went against my better judgment, and we get aced like 30 seconds later cause they're all up. Cause we had NO damage vs baron. They get baron too and fuck us up the rest of the game cause morde + cass way too fed.
Second game, all 5 of them were up, and I think it was WreckHavoc or someone who decided to start baron for entirely no reason. I went along cause I figured "hey, TL wouldn't do the same mistake twice right? RIGHT?? Maybe they saw 3 bottom or something?" in my head thinking maybe I missed something. But nopeeee. So the enemy INSTANTLY comes in as 5 and just ace right then and there and essentially win the game from that. Like we could have won teamfights if nobody focused singed like our ww kept doing about 10 times in a row for no reason. But nope, throw game away doing baron for no real reason other than doing it.
There was literally no reason in both cases to do baron - way too risky to in both situations and it wasn't even for an objective it was just....to do it. It was like how low elo once in a while go "oh yeah, lets do dragon" as if they just remembered it existed.
I am level 15 so, I am playing generally with people who have a general idea of how to play. It's still pretty casual though.
Earlier today was playing with a friend, and one of our teammates (can't remember the champion) in the bottom lane had a stick up her ass. >.> The poor Fiddlesticks who was partnered with her died once early on, and she raged and raged at him for being so bad the entire game (he wasn't really). When my friend and I pushed the tower at top, their champions fell back. At this point someone from mid came and helped gank her while Fiddlesticks was buying something or other, and she immediately started bitching at us for not saying top was mia...? Wasn't top who ganked her?
We eventually lost. Her score: 0/14/1 (Mine by comparison was 10/3/6.)
Whole game she only talked in All Chat. Both teams had a good lol over it.
Pisses me off when people are not only an ass to their teammates for not being oober pro, but when they also SUCK WORSE THAN THE REST OF THE TEAM COMBINED. -.-
Still a new player, level 17, but mostly grinded through co-ai games, maybe played 30 or so PvP games? Annoyed that I can't tell when I'm actually playing well or doing poorly. Because I can't always tell if the other team just sucked, my team sucked or if the other team was just better or had a better team composition.
I just played some ranked games on a 1300 smurf.
Holy shit. I'm appalled at how self-righteous, angry, egocentric and stubborn people are down there. Everybody seems to be playing their own delusional version of LoL and screaming at each other how they're wrong and they're bad. I mean, it was kinda funny the first 2 games, but after 6 games I wanted to murder some of those people.
Like, I thought I found some obnoxious people before (high-elo high-ego crowd), but this was on another level.
I'm going to follow my own advice and mute everyone, see how that goes.