Solo Q. I know i shouldn't be a lot higher than my current elo. maybe 100-200 higher on really good days, but it still frustrates me to no end that i can't carry 3-4 pants on head retarded idiots that are so fucking dumb I'm surprised they found the "find match" button.
Then i get that one good team that gives me hope, lanes are back and forth, but we all pull ahead through team work and not bitching like 6 year olds who didn't get their ice cream. To all those other teams, and Mr "solo top or feed, no joke" FUCK YOU I WISH I COULD SET PREFERENCES TO NEVER PLAY ON YOUR TEAM AGAIN.
Special shout out to the oriana that was being positive because she had 60cs on fizz, while he was 14/3/8 and half his kills and assists were on her. And she still continued to 1v1 him, never buy wards and facecheck into jungle jax regularly.
Total Team Deaths: 48 My Deaths: 2 Average Deaths per Team Member: 46/4=11.5 ELO: 1750
no words
Ad carry Teemo, anivia talking only russian in chat. Went as expected. I should have dodged, but didn't want to take the 2 hours wait because i meet too many idiots. (First two dodges were both nontalking firstpick mordes.)
i wish br people would seriously f... off to there own server, rape bot as adc double my op cs mid morde br feeds 8 kills in under 8 mins
Go 8-0 in lane.
Lose game.
Karma for playing Darius.
Played with friends yesterday. They went 0/7/0 and 0/8/0 in the bott lane IN 7 MINUTES. Yes yes yes it's possible.
But its not easy. Did they have teleport? I think its hard without it, unless they start feeding even before creep appear. 1 min/death is hard.
Net gain of elo yesterday: 1. Net loss of elo today: 38. Won't be getting solo q gold this season and it makes me sad that I can't seem to improve.
Fuck you Corki. If you read this, you know i mean you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I never said a single word to you, i told tf to stop flaming, and you decide that going afk as base as a punishment is the best reaction, thus fucking over the rest of the team who never even talked to you. FUCK YOU. Why do i have to hit a brick wall of complete idiots every time i am at 1840?
Edit: I am a calm guy, and still i would punch that whiny emo bitch in the face if i ever meet him. How can one be such a dick to think that this is a reasonable response? I hope he gets banned for this bullcrap, but he probably won't.
Edit 2: I don't think i would stop punching his face, either.
I'm up on a retarded Rengar when I'm Pantheon- even dying the first 2 times to Shy, I'm ahead of him by like 3 levels, 3 kills, and 60 cs. Then he buys bonetooth necklace, gets like 40 AD for like nothing, and suddenly, not only can't I kill him, he destroys me. Meanwhile, the other lanes are doing horrible despite the fact Shyvana won't leave me the eff alone. Like 0-6 Graves and Taric (each), 0-5 for Xerath. Really hate this game sometimes. -.-
Had a frustrating game last night. Was forced to top, which I never play. It's fine though since I can play Singed decently. I'm laning against a Kha'Zix which isn't so bad despite not knowing how to play against him. He can't really do anything to me. That is of course before three of my allies decide to go into their jungle and feed Kha a triple kill. Now I can't do shit to him in lane. Thanks dipshits.
On another note, I feel proud that my qq made it into the QQ Hall of Infamy.
I hate everyone.
Seriously, i think your chances of winning are higher when you are 15/10 then when you are 15/2. When you are 15/2, everyone goes insane. They engage 2v4 all day long, dive like crazy, and that until it is 15/25. Then they begin to realize that the game can still be lost, and flame each other. And then you lose. WHYWHYWHYWHY. I just want to get plat. I got from 1500 to 1840 in 2 day. Now i am between 1840 and 1800 for the last 3 days already. Because after i win a game, i always get people who go full retard. It is so fucking annoying. First you get the idiots who lose the game, and you think it cant get worse. Then you get the idiots who afk because they are too whiny. And then you get the idiots who fucking throw the most won game in history. And you can only watch it slowly go down the drain. And when you NEARLY got the game back, killed off an inhib and ALL inhib turrets, corki suicides for a red buff, free baron for enemy team, loss. GRAGARGHHh.
And it happens EVERY time when you get far ahead early on. Seriously, one would assume that people LEARN, and stop getting cocky when they are ahead, but no. Noone plays save. Noone ever takes free inhibs over trying to dive 3 people under double turrets. Noone is ever not retarded. I hate everyone.
1-24 20min ff gg
buncha tools
fun how I got +1 honorable opponent out of pity
note to self: never queue on weekend mornings. never again.
actually, never queue until the teenagers are off to sleep. 10pm-6am only playable time area.
So AP Yi goes 0/2 in lane, then...
+ Show Spoiler +
Like how does this happen, seriously lol. At first I was mad and now I'm just laughing at how ridiculous this is.
It's fucking baffling how mad people can get and how fast they want to blame everyone else.
I'm sorry, I can't save every single lane from losing horribly as Cho jungle. Yes, I occasionally miss Qs because nearly every member of their team had a jump/flash built in. That wasn't what made their Panth/Ezreal kill lane go legendary, it was the fact that Cait kept thinking "Oh, I can 1v2 Panth and Ezreal no problem", and Eve mid think picking into Swain (also legendary) was a good idea. And overextending as anyone when they have a fed as shit Jax jungle is the smartest thing in the world.
Yes. Blame the Cho for only hitting half his Qs when you let yourself get raped horribly for the entire game by playing stupid.
Heh, picked blitz because our fourth pick wanted blitz support, third pick took Ashe, and complained that Ashe + blitz is crap lane. Well no shit, why pick Ashe then?
Enemy had Graves + Taric, but they were pretty passive so we were doing OK, just farming under tower.
Graves was too aggressive when he EQ:d some minions, so i grabbed him to our turret, he ate a few turret shots, Ashe missed her ult and then graves flashed away with maybe 30% hp and started running away. Ashe flashed in the middle of maybe 3 waves of minions, and taric stunned her there. She died because she got stuck, and just ran there looking stupid while the minions (+ graves maxrange R) took her down. Guess whos fault that was?
Ashe: Fuck you blitz, baited me with that grab. Only idiot grabs against graves + Taric.
It is impossible to get plat. I am convinced of this now. I have been at 1849 twice already. Then i get people who think it is smart to pick kog against mf sona, and i have to find a support that makes that work. Spoiler: there isn't one. Or a gragas disconnecting for the first 5 minutes, and still doing best in the team. Or skarner jungle going 0/6/2 and still blaming others. Or ori mid going 3/8 and still flaming the rest of the team all day long.
wow i just went 11-1-15 in top lane, held my lane opponent to THIRTY cs in a 40 minute game (she was stuck at 4 for 15 minutes, only hit double digits when she went to a different lane ^_^) compared to my 250, and capped it off with a double kill on her + enemy maokai when he came to gank as well as soloing baron and singlehandedly winning us the game. ALL WITHOUT TALKING ANY SHIT TO OUR FEEDING ALLIES OR RUBBING IT IN TOWARDS THE ENEMY TEAM
and i only got +1 teamwork 0 honorable opponent? 0 helpful? riot pls fix
i honestly thought i'd get +5 honorable opponent and +5 helpful/teamwork i'm a bit jimmied right now
On October 15 2012 01:53 gtrsrs wrote: wow i just went 11-1-15 in top lane, held my lane opponent to THIRTY cs in a 40 minute game (she was stuck at 4 for 15 minutes, only hit double digits when she went to a different lane ^_^) compared to my 250, and capped it off with a double kill on her + enemy maokai when he came to gank as well as soloing baron and singlehandedly winning us the game. ALL WITHOUT TALKING ANY SHIT TO OUR FEEDING ALLIES OR RUBBING IT IN TOWARDS THE ENEMY TEAM
and i only got +1 teamwork 0 honorable opponent? 0 helpful? riot pls fix
i honestly thought i'd get +5 honorable opponent and +5 helpful/teamwork i'm a bit jimmied right now
allies mad cuz you made them look like a piece of shit enemies mad cuz you made them look like a piece of shit
no honor for you regardless of your stellar performance
the youth of today has grown with wrong values
I though honor was not supposed to reward playing good, but being a nice guy. You can do all you stated there, and still be a dick to everyone, and thus wouldn't qualify for any honor.