On May 23 2012 02:47 Bambipwnsu wrote: @iCanada you probably got paired up with someone who just hit 30 and got a lucky streak of ranked games. Either that or they are playing intoxicated. My sympathies lol.
Or his AD was one of the hundreds of thousands of players that can only play solo top / mid half decently and suck at everything else.
There is a reason people tend to argue frequently over solo lanes in "lower" ELOs (not that 1500 ELO is low but many people like the ones he was talking about hit it without really belonging there and will fall back down soon) just because they know they horribly suck at jungle but (but would NEVER EVER admit it).
Just had a game, i was lee sin jungle, voli top, lb mid, ashe teemo bot. Voli gets fb and gets fed, to the point that he can 1v2 and even 1v3 enemies. Botlane fails hard, mid is about even. We get baron, everything is ok, but then everyone dies for no reason. After that, they get baron, our voli tries to 1v5 a few times and loses (ofc). I say lets teamfight, and then our teemo goes top and splitpushes. We are forced to 4v5, lose, and they proceed to win. So stupid...
On May 23 2012 03:22 little fancy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 23 2012 02:47 Bambipwnsu wrote: @iCanada you probably got paired up with someone who just hit 30 and got a lucky streak of ranked games. Either that or they are playing intoxicated. My sympathies lol. Or his AD was one of the hundreds of thousands of players that can only play solo top / mid half decently and suck at everything else. There is a reason people tend to argue frequently over solo lanes in "lower" ELOs (not that 1500 ELO is low but many people like the ones he was talking about hit it without really belonging there and will fall back down soon) just because they know they horribly suck at jungle but (but would NEVER EVER admit it).
Yeah, I dunno.
That game pissed me off. No more playing Leona in soloQ.
Also, I'd say 1500 pretty low. I am terrible at this game.. so 1500 can't be that high. I think that approach silly, I just tell everyone before the game starts "I can't play mid for shit, you dont want me there..." and then all is good.
win 8 games in a row, lose 6 games in a row. win 5 games in a row lose 5 games in a row. win 6 games in a row lose 4 games in a row. win 4 games in a row lose 12 games in a row.
i hate how retardedly streaky this game is and i hate even more that i keep playing when i know i'm in the middle of a pre-destined losing streak
I hate this community. I had a higher level friend (member of TL) who would sometimes play normals or dominion with me. Well, we played a dominion and I derped hard as Shen (I heard people lose sometimes). He raged really hard at me, I apologized, we stopped playing. Now if I ever message him to say anything he's a super huge dick in return. Sorry I lost you a dominion game bro, guess that means you'll be a huge prick to me forever.
Also I started Ranked queue today. It's awful.
Got to my highest point of 1426, lose three straight games. First game is because we have a Tristana with 30 CS at 16 minutes, second game my duo buddy d/cs for the whole game when he was supporting a Cait who was winning bot easily, and third game is because I play with the biggest retards in mid and top known to man, I gank top and give Irelia a kill on Yorick, so she decides to stay in lane with 100 hp and dies to Noc then QQs. Then Cassioepia sees Nocturne go to my wraiths whilst I am ganking top again and tries to 'defend my jungle', of course the Brand she is against follows her and she insta-pops.
It just astounds me how retarded some people can be, yeah sure that Trist in the first game was garbage but at least she didn't make the most retarded decisions I have ever seen like the Cassio and the Irelia in my last game. Just sucks that I'm now 1385 and will probably drop further unless I get someone good to duo with.
The last solo Q normal i played was wierd... I was making stupid decisions all the time where i _knew_ it would get me killed but for some reason i did it anyways... and i wasn't the only one. 2 of my teammates complained about the same problem...
Are there new brain-hacks out that make you flash into 1v3s and then cause the next guy to flash into the same situation 2s later?
Game fonts so blurry AHHHHHHHHHHH
Best Fiora gank ever. Use everything in her engage range, even stun the Cho, dodge his rupture... she doesn't move. Then bait you into diving and gives him a double kill. Well played, jungler. I'll ignore you next time, way to lose me the lane with that huge wave lost.
On May 23 2012 14:11 Witten wrote: I hate this community. I had a higher level friend (member of TL) who would sometimes play normals or dominion with me. Well, we played a dominion and I derped hard as Shen (I heard people lose sometimes). He raged really hard at me, I apologized, we stopped playing. Now if I ever message him to say anything he's a super huge dick in return. Sorry I lost you a dominion game bro, guess that means you'll be a huge prick to me forever.
Also I started Ranked queue today. It's awful. I did the same thing to randomkorean except in ranked and without the dickish responses. If ur still out there rk know dat i have <3s for ur jarman PCE
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VOEe0.jpg)
Hard to gain Elo with so many trolls out in recent times. Vast majority of my losses in the last couple weeks have come at the hand of outright trolls and ragers. Last week I had support Fiddle and support Shen in back to back games. They combined for a score of 1-17.
Today I have a truly shit Graves die twice and then AFK in the fountain. He was so bad that he would run away from the enemy AD (MF+Soraka) while shielded at full HP and while Soraka's heal was on CD missing CS and never trading at the right moments. Meanwhile Alistar somehow fed blue to Anivia (we had FB from an invade) followed by trying to tower dive MF/Soraka (who had 100% of summoners up) at level 4 and feeding MF red. Despite all that (including the 4v5) we could've taken Baron after we picked up a 3 for 0 but or retard Vlad decided to go farm mid, which left an Alistar, Janna, and Olaf to do Baron. We FINALLY get it low enough to kill it (vlad never came) and our horrid Alistar misses smite. I even went 4-4 as a support.
Skarner game we were slightly down in kills but up in dragons and either up or even in towers. Retard support tries to initiate 3v4 onto a tank so we ping back. Instead of walking 2 inches to the tower, our mid tries to go in on the 3v4 (everything is full HP with all CDs) and dies, which is followed by 2 more deaths of people walking in 1 by 1 to 4 people. They immediately surrender despite the fact that we still had AT LEAST a 40% chance of winning.
Fucking retards in solo queue. Don't think for one second you'll ever get high enough Elo for this to stop happening. It doesn't.
beginning of game i wonder aloud why no one picks zilean anymore
oh i remember... its because alistar and graves feed a double kill bot at 4 minutes. im like raping ahri mid, she gets donated first blue from enemy and then its better from there for her then our wise jungle singed decides to invade wraiths at level 4 when he was sub 50% health and then got caught by enemy ahri + lee
blues ahri 2-0 zilean
then ahri gets the next blue, singed insists he's behind and takes blue. ganks mid and gets caught by countergank. i ult him and after he res he decides to charge ahri.
blues ahri 4-0 zilean -> im still ahead 15 farm and i kill her for my first blue. yay
meanwhile top lane kennen is now 3 levels behind, at 44 farm (18 minutes) 5 deaths and their wukong is 3-0-2
bot continues a spiral of disaster and they go for dragon and then get caught and get away. alistar decides "2v4 is best way to fight" and then just turns around alone and headbutt pulverzies their ahri before instagib. i go "real ali" and he goes /all "report zilean"... all i have said so far is "real ali"...
lets teamfight! wukong manages to 100-0 graves with his ult, kennen has 25 AP, singed flings their shen
Giant lag spike at the beginning of the game that causes both teams to DC except enemy Jax, who proceeds to take advantage of the fact that we can't use abilities or move right.
"QQ more, get fucking outplayed" "You're winning at a broken game, do you feel better about yourself?" "Go ahead and report me, I own 10% of Riot's shares"
Do these people actually exist? How in the fuck.
Losing at 1400 ELO, people down here I gotta say are pretty fucking bad
I mean really you pick Jungle Fiddle into Jungle Udyr, only to get counterjungled go 0-10 and blame your team?
First pick Leblanc and gets hard countered by Galio
You would think people would have at least some common sense
On May 24 2012 12:38 Craton wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/VOEe0.jpg) Hard to gain Elo with so many trolls out in recent times. Vast majority of my losses in the last couple weeks have come at the hand of outright trolls and ragers. Last week I had support Fiddle and support Shen in back to back games. They combined for a score of 1-17. Today I have a truly shit Graves die twice and then AFK in the fountain. He was so bad that he would run away from the enemy AD (MF+Soraka) while shielded at full HP and while Soraka's heal was on CD missing CS and never trading at the right moments. Meanwhile Alistar somehow fed blue to Anivia (we had FB from an invade) followed by trying to tower dive MF/Soraka (who had 100% of summoners up) at level 4 and feeding MF red. Despite all that (including the 4v5) we could've taken Baron after we picked up a 3 for 0 but or retard Vlad decided to go farm mid, which left an Alistar, Janna, and Olaf to do Baron. We FINALLY get it low enough to kill it (vlad never came) and our horrid Alistar misses smite. I even went 4-4 as a support. Skarner game we were slightly down in kills but up in dragons and either up or even in towers. Retard support tries to initiate 3v4 onto a tank so we ping back. Instead of walking 2 inches to the tower, our mid tries to go in on the 3v4 (everything is full HP with all CDs) and dies, which is followed by 2 more deaths of people walking in 1 by 1 to 4 people. They immediately surrender despite the fact that we still had AT LEAST a 40% chance of winning. Fucking retards in solo queue. Don't think for one second you'll ever get high enough Elo for this to stop happening. It doesn't.
I feel ya bro. Just played a 2v5 ~_~
On May 25 2012 02:38 MooMooMugi wrote: Losing at 1400 ELO, people down here I gotta say are pretty fucking bad
I mean really you pick Jungle Fiddle into Jungle Udyr, only to get counterjungled go 0-10 and blame your team?
First pick Leblanc and gets hard countered by Galio
You would think people would have at least some common sense
I belong there and I can understand your pain.
I had a game this morning, first pick says he'll go mid. Last pick tells him it's a bad idea, he'll get counter pick. Turns out last pick will go top, sees the enemy team pick jax for top and decides to pick rumble -_- Rumble was dead 3 times by the 8th minute mark.
Oh my non-existant God, i sometimes hate playing with colleagues... He: "I want to play Akali" Me: Ok, we have a mid so you go top then
Well, he plays against Teemo, should be possible as akali... but he is 0/6 by the 10 minute mark. From there Teemo snowballs so hard that he quadrakills easily even through my thornmail and we surrender against a then 15/3 Teemo.
He: "You shouldn't place me in a solo lane" Me: "Then you shouldn't play akali, it's her job" He: "Ok, then i play Kennen next game" Me: *facepalm*
Start 0/1, stupid death (jungle riven). Sivir calls me a feeder then proceeds to follow me around jungle to steal my XP and CS. Was still only like lvl 7 at 20 mins. Told other team to report me for AFK (I think she was stealing my XP to make it look like I was afk to the tribunal)
This is why I normally only play with premades.
I can't even COMPREHEND why my last game just happened.
fucking high 1800s, we are trashing the enemy team. Like absolutely no contest. Out of no where, TF and singed start bitching at each other OVER NOTHING. Singed apparently gets butthurt and goes afk after being 5/1 top. Our varus was 7/1, it was the easiest win I've had in a while.
Our jungle sej was bad, but it didn't matter. The three of them were trolling each other to go afk and throw for 0 reason, while me and Varus bot were dumbfounded by the absolute stupidity and selfishness.
So for today - not a single game contained 10 players the whole time. Higher elo solo q is getting extremely frustrating. I feel like I'm playing with 1300s
Korea (South)11232 Posts
today only fucking idiots in my team.
im voli support thanks to me kogmaw gets 3 kills what does he build wits end TT Shaco always tries to backdoor and dies.
7 game in a row that i lose