The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 193
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England4983 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
This is what I come back to after I take a step back from a loss streak yesterday. Uninstall | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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Belgium151 Posts
![]() Some games just can't be won I guess.. My eyes hurt when I look at the CS ![]() | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
HAHAHAHA this time it's ENEMY bot lane and NOT MINE! ![]() Win? Nope. -.- Enemy Fizz is 11/0 before 20 minutes, his freaking fish almost instagibs 3 of us every teamfight since people are too stupid to split up. One time the guy carrying the fish "flashes away" before it triggers - right between two of us that were already retreating -> Fizz triple kill... how BRAINDEAD can a single person be?! GJ 2/13 Ahri, I wonder how you can even stay at bronze after more than 1.5k ranked games when you perform like this?! | ||
United States3216 Posts
Aka heads, get feeders in two lanes. Tails, get 1500's on your team, and the trash who randoms eve, then refuses to dodge, and then talks shit. | ||
France45622 Posts
FP Karthus (into Brand for next enemy pick), 2nd pick Teemo top (into Vlad for next enemy pick). Brb sub-1200 in 20 minutes. | ||
United Kingdom2600 Posts
He was with friends who are competent at the game but sadly he is not. So they are over 1 hour in. My "friend" is on about 6/18/8. They win a teamfight in their base and kill all of the other team. They charge toward the enemy base and my "friend" dies to the enemy tower. WHEN ALL 5 ENEMIES ARE DEAD. They counterpush and melt his team. | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
On May 22 2012 06:20 Alaric wrote: Smiteless tryndamere jungle, champ select afk TF support. They won. Brand fed an Akali, Kog+Taric fed Corki. I'm 1200 Elo now. FP Karthus (into Brand for next enemy pick), 2nd pick Teemo top (into Vlad for next enemy pick). Brb sub-1200 in 20 minutes. In a recent podcast, Dyrus said that Teemo actually counters Vlad because Vlad damages in bursts whereas Teemo's damage is sustained ranged DPS and doesn't relent. I know a lot of sites say Vlad counters Teemo, but given that Dyrus used to play Vlad in a majority of his games, he probably knows what's up :O. | ||
United States10531 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
We were so close to make a comeback. 2v4, enemy on retreat. But team doesn't listen to my 20x back pings. "CORKI U LAST PICK SHUT UP". Yeah, sure - being last pick MUST MEAN that i am bad. FFS listen to me and win the game easily, BUT NO: people e-peen too big don't listen to lower elo players. FUCK YOU! | ||
United States10467 Posts
It's fine the team went 22-4. Morg never left mid so I got to help my team out and be the better player. It was annoying to have to do my best to dodge bindings knowing the kill potential was only on one side and not the other. I get the feeling fast clearing champs like kayle are probably the best counters to morg, but even they risk their lives by extending so far. Morg's a stupid champ. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
*team captain bans cait* he instalocks eve clarity teleport. GG | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
I didn't play all weekend due to having to watch too much starcraft (seriously, watching MLG and PL in germany is hard work). Went into a normal game to warm up, hoping to play my favourite top lane olaf again... well... I pick olaf but like a nice player i don't lock. 2 others immedatly write "top", pick yorick and lee sin and instalock... well, at least the lee sin has the common sense to switch to jungler. Well, i switch to graves, still not locking. Someone else then picks varus and locks. Great. Ok, pulling out my soraka. I see fifth guy picking sona so i think he wants to do support, so i switch to ahri... Sona says "sona mid". I say "sona mid is not very good". He says "sona mid". I switch back to soraka. Game starts... Varus and i do a nice job on bot, mostly assisted by their ammumu sitting in the bush right next to my ward waiting for us to get close. Varus does ok last hits and thanks to the wards we survive 2 ganks without damage. Yorick on top goes 2/0. Suprise: Sona goes 0/5 against Brand. Sona starts to roam, ganks top, says "/all report yorick ks" A while later - Sona now 1/8 - Yorick dies once, is now 3/1. Sona: "/all report yorick feeder" Well, whatever... Varus and i continue to farm, start to damage their tower, get suprised by 5 man gank. I'm forced to flash away and let varus die. He's almost at their tower, no way i could have saved him. I manage to get past our tower but they dive through and catch me. Well, both players on bot being 0/1 at 10 minutes, could be worse. After that it's going downhill and we surrender at 20 with sona being 2/10. | ||
France45622 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
How my gawd.... people so cowardly. What is so hard to understand about just hit the god damned champ Leona is hitting and you win every fight by a land slide? zzz. I just played a Leona/Corki lane against Caitlyn/Taric. Their nocturne comes to gank level two, I manage to get a stun off on Noct under tower, exhaust Cait. Noct dies, but I'm at stupidly low health. I heal bait Ciat under tower, ding 2 and level E use it to teleport to Taric and avoid Caits Nuke while the tower kills Cait and Taric. Like sickest play ever. Corki gets a triple kill, including first blood. Beauty, thats like 1.5k gold advantage right off the bat. We a Leona lane, so I'm expecting the lane to just be a laughable stomp in our favour. Nope, as it turns out Corki has zero balls at all, and doesn't understand how to win lanes. We come back to lane, Corki rocking Zerker greaves, double dorans and a Vamp, I'm on Philo/Boots compared to Tarics Fearie charm, and Caits Boots and four health pots. I catch cait and stun her, instead of going in like anyone who could play the game at an efficient level Corki runs... I get cait down to about 50 HP by myself then die. Like honestly... a five yearold could have won the lane from that point in time. Fast forward to the twenty minute mark corki down 60 CS. Fast forward to end of the 44 minute game Corki has 88 CS and 9.2k Gold compared to Caitlyns 19.9k. I as a support had 11k Gold. How the hell can you be this bad at the game and get to 1500 Elo? Teh fuck man... | ||
Canada698 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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