On July 19 2011 04:42 Mogwai wrote: Turkey and I are both listening to 10 hours of Nyan Cat when we duo queue. I'm 1.5 hours in, he's like 45 minutes in. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
30 seconds into Nyan Cat, I wanted to shoot some puppies. It's not good for your mental state.
Is it weird that I also find myself singin' that shit to myself during the day? Also RiotNyandalee linked this, which didn't help:
On July 19 2011 04:42 Mogwai wrote: Turkey and I are both listening to 10 hours of Nyan Cat when we duo queue. I'm 1.5 hours in, he's like 45 minutes in. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
Just a little bit of criticism on this: Aside from my earlier mini-rant about there being way too many clips like this out there (including mine), I don't really understand what you're going for in this clip?
Is it supposed to be funny or are we supposed to be seeing something cool? Because as far as I can tell, we're just seeing low-elo players being.....low. Nothing particularly remarkable about it aside from bad play on both sides.
My suggestion would be to try and either MAKE your games funny through commentary, trolling, or just screwing around (like the aforementioned Grasshyren + co.) or wait until something remarkable happens in the game that you know other people would like to see.
If your target audience is just you and your friends though, then by all means continue; I know some people do in fact just enjoy uploading stuff for their friends.
I've got a half-dozen videos out there which, in retrospect, never should have uploaded. It's very easy when you're first starting out to fail on quality control. Generally these failed videos didn't have a clear purpose, were only funny/interesting if you were there, required too much context for the funny part to make sense or the "punchline" was such a common occurrence in LoL games as to be wholly unworthy of attention.
The classic principles of comedy apply to your videos as much as anything else. The best jokes are usually concise, and regardless of length are funny, amusing and interesting from start to finish.
On July 19 2011 04:42 Mogwai wrote: Turkey and I are both listening to 10 hours of Nyan Cat when we duo queue. I'm 1.5 hours in, he's like 45 minutes in. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
30 seconds into Nyan Cat, I wanted to shoot some puppies. It's not good for your mental state.
We'll finish our 10 hours then have 10 years of therapy
Rounded up the lads, someone thought smite/fort would be smart - rest agree. Bump into normal games es best #1 huehuehue tryhard crew. Inc counterjungling nunu, CV support bitch Lux, Rumble, etc.
Enemy shittalk (oh it got pretty nasty from them), check. Tryhard wards placed our jungle, check. We try15min baron, check...owait nm, fail. Lvl1 dragon, fail (corki smited a wraith, I die to drag fml). Proceed to win regardless, check.
The mate spamming "SO EASY" was because everytime rumble got a kill he'd type that 3 times exact. Also if you think we're being obnoxious in post game chat, then I'm kinda sad I didn't jot down the precise phrases hurled towards us lmfao.
Also please don't give shit about item builds lul, we didn't give a crap and just built w/e.
Rounded up the lads, someone thought smite/fort would be smart - rest agree. Bump into normal games es best #1 huehuehue tryhard crew. Inc counterjungling nunu, CV support bitch Lux, Rumble, etc.
Enemy shittalk (oh it got pretty nasty from them), check. Tryhard wards placed our jungle, check. We try15min baron, check...owait nm, fail. Lvl1 dragon, fail (corki smited a wraith, I die to drag fml). Proceed to win regardless, check.
The mate spamming "SO EASY" was because everytime rumble got a kill he'd type that 3 times exact. Also if you think we're being obnoxious in post game chat, then I'm kinda sad I didn't jot down the precise phrases hurled towards us lmfao.
Also please don't give shit about item builds lul, we didn't give a crap and just built w/e.
Rounded up the lads, someone thought smite/fort would be smart - rest agree. Bump into normal games es best #1 huehuehue tryhard crew. Inc counterjungling nunu, CV support bitch Lux, Rumble, etc.
Enemy shittalk (oh it got pretty nasty from them), check. Tryhard wards placed our jungle, check. We try15min baron, check...owait nm, fail. Lvl1 dragon, fail (corki smited a wraith, I die to drag fml). Proceed to win regardless, check.
The mate spamming "SO EASY" was because everytime rumble got a kill he'd type that 3 times exact. Also if you think we're being obnoxious in post game chat, then I'm kinda sad I didn't jot down the precise phrases hurled towards us lmfao.
Also please don't give shit about item builds lul, we didn't give a crap and just built w/e.
(I played Brave Leona btw)
mind-boggled @_@
O_O How did the game go, I'm interested More like how the hell did you guys manage to win down that many kills o.o
Well after feeding numerous times in scenarios such as level1 drag, 15min baron, we pretty much lost all our outer towers <17mins. Then they took baron themselves and pushed our inner turrets all the while we died in the jungle trying to farm due to wards, cv and such. Subsequently they realised they couldn't push past our inhib turrets due to fort rotations + (Leona+Corki+Sivir+Alistair) es OP minion killers #1. Everytime they push we'd clear the wave (smite on cannon minions OP). Tried diving us once, but brave tanks are brave and fort op, we got aced but Tower es Numero Uno structure killing 3 of their team in the process.
We continue turtling only to be met with fresh baron buff team. Even with Baron Nashor's favor they couldn't push our towers. After shit-talking so much this made them desperate. Tried to split push all lanes, MF bot, Lux top, Rumble/Xin/NuNu mid siege. We charge Xin & Co -> Kill. Double shurelia charge down mid asap. Derp Brain MF+Lux thinking BD OP continue to attempt to BD. We chuck a Fortify in their faces.