On November 04 2013 22:04 Osmoses wrote:
From the start everyone just agreed that sports meant hard physical work, and that an athlete was a practitioner of said hard work. There is a variance of course, of hard work vs technique/skill between different sports, but personally I'd draw the line where you no longer need strong muscles to compete.
The fact that the term "e-sport" caught on has nothing to do with the activity itself, and the participants are certainly not athletes, in the original sense of the word. And why change the meaning of an old word, making it more obtuse and less meaningful in the process, rather than making up a new one?
I think pro-gaming and pro-gamer does the job just fine.
From the start everyone just agreed that sports meant hard physical work, and that an athlete was a practitioner of said hard work. There is a variance of course, of hard work vs technique/skill between different sports, but personally I'd draw the line where you no longer need strong muscles to compete.
The fact that the term "e-sport" caught on has nothing to do with the activity itself, and the participants are certainly not athletes, in the original sense of the word. And why change the meaning of an old word, making it more obtuse and less meaningful in the process, rather than making up a new one?
I think pro-gaming and pro-gamer does the job just fine.
So what about racecar driving? What about Shooting? What about Archery? Curling, Bowling, Darts, horseback riding, fishing. Some of them are olympic. You need to be in a solid physical shape for most of them but you don't need "strong muscles" to compete.
edit: This is totally off-topic and a stupid discussion anyways.