On September 26 2015 09:55 ZAiNs wrote:
I wanted Dark to take the last spot over anyone else because he stayed in Korea and did excellent in Kespa cups, but you're being really unfair to Hyun. Hyun actually knocked Dark out of SSL in the RO8 of S2, and this tournament he performed really well even taking out Rain, whereas Dark choked vs Leenock. Dear also hasn't done super amazing this year but narrowly lost his spot to a 3-4.
I wanted Dark to take the last spot over anyone else because he stayed in Korea and did excellent in Kespa cups, but you're being really unfair to Hyun. Hyun actually knocked Dark out of SSL in the RO8 of S2, and this tournament he performed really well even taking out Rain, whereas Dark choked vs Leenock. Dear also hasn't done super amazing this year but narrowly lost his spot to a 3-4.
Yes Hyun beat dark in their head to head this year but its absolutely impossible to argue that dark/dear haven't completely outperformed Hyun/Fantasy in WCS events (GSL/SSL). Hyun isn't bad but his performance in the WCS tournaments was mediocre at best, and if you're mediocre at best in the actual WCS performances but still get into the WCS finals because of weekend tournaments the system is flawed. The same can be said for Fantasy for a slightly lesser degree.
This doesn't even take into account the WCS players like Bunny/Mana but people enjoy arguing about their achievements because they're in WCS not SSL/GSL so I'll stick with Dear/Dark