On June 30 2015 19:36 MarianoSC2 wrote: Maru is a GOD against Terran and absolutely amazing against most Protoss if they dont have enough time to prepare. Only Life can beat him I think
Rain and herO made it look easy against him... also Maru is a GOD against terran????
TvT is Marus best matchup by far. He almost always 2:0 every Terran he goes head to head with. Absolute GOD.
Oh, i thought were gonna say Maru is a GOD for Terran
On June 30 2015 19:41 Soularion wrote: I think in general the correct answer to maru's style is just to play defensively with the fairly standard unit composition, and continue to weather the storm while getting zealot (or DT) harass on the back of it. Or, just hit a huge timing.
I don't even think you particularly need to harass. Have cannons and units in each base, play hugely defensive while relying on 5-6 colossi to hold any frontal push. DTs can be a great tool, especially if you have to basetrade.
Yeah, I don't think it's necessary. I just think Maru in particular has shown a good weakness to harass in the past - he's routinely lost mineral lines to baneling runbys, for example, so I think some light DT play could prove to be very, very effective at hitting him in a weak point. Not required, but effective.
On June 30 2015 19:38 Boanerges wrote: Get rekt! Zest 2 levels below Maru!
well isn't that a bit exagerated ?
Overall yeah, in PvT I think it's fair. Zest PvT has always been his weakness, he got around it sometimes but it got exposed numerous times in his career (vs Cure, vs Flash in IEM, not to mention TANTANG...).
On June 30 2015 19:41 Soularion wrote: I think in general the correct answer to maru's style is just to play defensively with the fairly standard unit composition, and continue to weather the storm while getting zealot (or DT) harass on the back of it. Or, just hit a huge timing.
There is no timing, terran just basetrades and wins. You have to survive and turtle like crazy until you have storm/colossus and are secured at every base. Then you attack. If at all possible, counter harass works wonders (but it's barely ever possible)
On June 30 2015 19:41 Soularion wrote: I think in general the correct answer to maru's style is just to play defensively with the fairly standard unit composition, and continue to weather the storm while getting zealot (or DT) harass on the back of it. Or, just hit a huge timing.
I don't even think you particularly need to harass. Have cannons and units in each base, play hugely defensive while relying on 5-6 colossi to hold any frontal push. DTs can be a great tool, especially if you have to basetrade.
Please stop theorycrafting. That doesn't work. You need mobility (phoenixes or blink stalkers), not money wasted on cannons and small pieces of protoss army spread out to die.
On June 30 2015 19:38 Boanerges wrote: Get rekt! Zest 2 levels below Maru!
well isn't that a bit exagerated ?
Overall yeah, in PvT I think it's fair. Zest PvT has always been his weakness, he got around it sometimes but it got exposed numerous times in his career (vs Cure, vs Flash in IEM...).
got 3-0ed by taeja as well. it's why i think that if he somehow fixes that matchup he would be unstoppable. he's a god in PvP (barring his creator kryptonite) and PvZ.
So I went to TLPD to check the record, very surprised that they played so few games against each other, only 9:6 in maps for Life in HoTS and NO games in the WoL Korean database whatsoever?!
On June 30 2015 19:41 Soularion wrote: I think in general the correct answer to maru's style is just to play defensively with the fairly standard unit composition, and continue to weather the storm while getting zealot (or DT) harass on the back of it. Or, just hit a huge timing.
There is no timing, terran just basetrades and wins. You have to survive and turtle like crazy until you have storm/colossus and are secured at every base. Then you attack. If at all possible, counter harass works wonders (but it's barely ever possible)
Can you link me a game where a terran successfully basetraded a top-tier protoss? I mean, the one game where a timing was hit that I watched - herO vs Maru - was incredibly close and only ended up a loss because Maru played beyond godlike. Really, I think all you need is either a strong upgrade timing (herO ended up fighting with 2/2 vs 2/2- if you can get 2/2 while terran is at 1/1 for a significant amount of time, this definitely works) or a storm/colo timing or harass damage. There's options.
On June 30 2015 19:38 Boanerges wrote: Get rekt! Zest 2 levels below Maru!
well isn't that a bit exagerated ?
Overall yeah, in PvT I think it's fair. Zest PvT has always been his weakness, he got around it sometimes but it got exposed numerous times in his career (vs Cure, vs Flash in IEM...).
got 3-0ed by taeja as well. it's why i think that if he somehow fixes that matchup he would be unstoppable. he's a god in PvP (barring his creator kryptonite) and PvZ.
On June 30 2015 19:36 graNite wrote: I dont get why they are so Stalker heavy against someone how has only marauders every game...
What else do you get? If you go zealots, Maru will just drop on your army and make colo pretty useless.
double robo colossus and immortals maybe?
That would mean certain death in early game or gas starved in mid.
Only way to play against Maru is either Rain style = perfect defence or cheese = Parting. Toss have to prepare builds to catch Maru off guard. Use phoenixes to counter drops in early game and then defend well enough to eventually kill him with deathball
To be fair, it's pretty hard to kill Maru with deathball pre-storm. Watch herO vs Maru (SSL) g1 for an example of this.
Yeah thats why I said you need perfect defence to counter drop and Marauder play. Force him to late game, force him to Vikings and kill him with Storm deathball. = Rain style
Or extreme cheese allins when hes unprepared = Parting.
On June 30 2015 19:36 graNite wrote: I dont get why they are so Stalker heavy against someone how has only marauders every game...
If you don't have stalkers, you'd probably get dropped all over Collosi
It's still a mistake IMO. Against that style (no vikings) if you get 0 stalkers, chargelots and cannons in each base and can make some archons, you'll win. It's not easy, but Zest definitely wildly overmade stalkers.
play one game like that and see how hard it is to defend EVERYWHERE in your base. Are you gonna put fking cannons everywhere in your base whie trying to replace charelots, cannons, getting archons AND colossus, on how many bases???????
Cannons don't work man. You cannot warp over cannons but terran can unload over cannons or speed over them. Cannons are just detectors for mines, since observers like to die to splash from sacrificial probe Edit> Also observers cost robo time and gas. Robo is so damn expensive ><
On June 30 2015 19:43 Pandemona wrote: Wait...MARU FKN TAYLOR SWIFT xD
What's wrong with Taylor Swift? I honestly don't know who is she, so... (or soO? :D)