![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/O3C2g2h.jpg)
Rocket Beans TV Archon Cup Series
Quick Facts:
- All matches will be played in the new Archon Mode of the Legacy of the Void Beta
- Three cups
- Four teams per cup
- 750 Euro prizemoney per cup
- Fourth place drops out and will be replaced via community vote
Lineup second Cup:
Team 1: WhiteRa Dimaga Team 2: Bunny Demuslim Team 3: Stephano Targa Team 4: Heromarine Lamboking
Teams for the second community vote:
Team 5: TLO Ret Team 6: Harstem Miniraser Team 7: Patience True
ENG - Basetrade TV - http://www.twitch.tv/basetradetv GER - Rocket Beans TV - http://www.twitch.tv/rocketbeanstv FRA - OGaming - http://www.ogaming.tv/stream/starcraft-2
Sunday, Jun 07 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): First round Archon Cup Sunday, Jun 21 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): Second round Archon Cup Sunday, Jul 12 2:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00): Third round Archon Cup
Rocket Beans TV is a german production company, which operated many years for MTV Germany. They got famous for their show “GameOne” which lasted for 307 episodes before it was discontinued in the beginning of 2015. Thereupon the Rocket Beans decided to host a 24/7 livestream on Twitch, to keep providing content for the german gaming cosmos. The channel just earned the German Webvideo prize!
During one of their shows, called “Straight to Gold”, they have an average of about 15.000 viewers, which shoots them up to the first place in the category Starcraft II on Twitch, every wednesday. The concept of this show is simple: The two hosts from Rocket Beans TV, Budi and Simon, get coached by the former semi-progamer and founder of Bonjwa Niklas “Honor” Behrens. Shortly after the first episodes of “Straight to Gold” got broadcasted, they cought the attention of many people even outside of germany.
After this successful first cooperation between Rocket Beans and Bonjwa, both parties want to increase the popularity of eSports not only in germany, but also international. The Archon Cup Series is the first attempt to do so. With the experience and feedback gained out of the first Cup, Rocket Beans and Bonjwa want to create more and even bigger events.
Liquipedia Link - http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Rocket_Beans_TV_Archon_Cup Official press release - http://rocketbeans.tv/rocket-beans-tv-launches-interactive-e-sports-tournament/ Bonjwa eSports school - http://www.bonjwa.de/
Why not just make it qualifiers, Germans will always win the voting thing. Not to mention only Lambo and Dimaga actually play LotV.
Yeah I have to agree, once you include a German in the vote they will always win. I guarantee 100% that TLO and Ret will win the next vote.
Everything else is perfect Honor, great production, nice casting and and all around entertaining show! Thanks for all the work and I can't wait for sunday!
On June 17 2015 00:50 Musicus wrote: Yeah I have to agree, once you include a German in the vote they will always win. I guarantee 100% that TLO and Ret will win the next vote.
Everything else is perfect Honor, great production, nice casting and and all around entertaining show! Thanks for all the work and I can't wait for sunday!
I think TLO would win the vote anyway 100%, even if the organizers would be from bangladesh or honduras; and having a team that might switch races (Lambo and Heromarine) is quite nice aswell Im totally fine with the voting system, as long as there are not more than 2 teams german =P
So siiiiiiick! The first one was awesome as fuck. Can't wait for this one. Bunny/Demu FIGHTING! You can't stop the Archon Mode train! Choo Choo!
Patience and TRUE replaced Demuslim and Bunny I think we have a winner here .
Although Lambo and Heromarine have a good shot I guess.
Patience and TRUE already in the losers bracket, not bad Dimaga and Slivko!
Damn, Stephano and Targa got destroyed! Sick plays from Lambo and HeroMarine.
I'm glade there's a liquipedia link in the OP, but can someone actually update it ? I have no idea what is happening, neither do the french casters.
Results so far:
Dimaga/Slivko 2:1 Patience/TRUE
Lambo/HeroMarine 2:0 Targa/Stephano
Losers Match: Patience/TRUE 2:1 Targa/Stephano.
Next up is:
Winners Match: Dimaga/Slivko vs Lambo/HeroMarine
Edit: Updated LP, hope it worked .
Patience/True: You lethal my base, I'll lethal your face!
Thanks a lot Muscius. I don't know much about Liquipedia, but your changes are still pending.
Nice to see these showmatches/tourneys
Np, it still shows "Your changes will be displayed to readers once an authorized user accepts them.", but they should show up soon.
I can't believe I just watched a french stream. French! It was silenced, of course, but I still watched it.
Well that was the sickest zvz ever. GG!
Not sure if you read the feedback here Honor, but the downtime between games is just waaaaaaaaaaay too long. The cup stated at 4pm but the first game didn't start until 4:45pm. Now it's been 5 hours for 4 bo3s which is really, really slow.
Still really enjoyable, but getting into the games faster would improve the quality of the cup a lot! I think the viewership would be higher too, since people get bored between games and there is a good chance new viewers will just see you and Mental talking when they tune in .
On June 22 2015 02:45 Pontius Pirate wrote: I can't believe I just watched a french stream. French! It was silenced, of course, but I still watched it. Make sure to take a shower after, get the smell of frogs off you
Congrats TRUE and Patience! Thanks for the cup Honor, Mental and the rest from Rocketbeans and Bonjwa. A bit too much zerg and downtime, but still really fun games .
LP should be up to date now, until the next cup!