State spawns in the top right Select spawns in the bottom left
1:00 Nothing happens.
2:00 Double gas before cybernetics core for state, barracks for TheStC.
3:00 Reactor for TheStC 2 reapers for TheStC
4:00 CC for TheStC Nexus for State as he scouts his third with a stalker.
5:00 Reapers find a zealot in the center and attempt to kill it but a stalker/mothership core stop them. State's natural is still not scouted.
6:00 Reactor is put on the factory. State's nexus finishes and he's getting a robo. TheStC going for a fast third while pushing with marines and 2 reapers with hellions reinforcements.
7:00 3 stalkers defending for State. State gets 2 more gateways and an observer and 2 more gas.
8:00 P 60 T 54 Hallucinated pheonix scouting for State. Starport for TheStC as well as a third barracks.
9:00 P 72 T 64 2 more barracks for TheStC TheStC's third is scouted. State pushes which is seen by two reapers. TheStC backstabs with hellions which kills 12 workers and forces the army to retreat.
10:00 P 72 T 76. State arrives at the 3rd CC which is already lifted and moving to the natural State loses all of his stalkers at TheStC's 3rd.
11:00 P 66 T 83 State retreats. TheStC pushes with 4 medivacs and some widow mines as well as MM.
12:00 P 90 T 109 Units arrive into forcefields. Blink is done but TheStC keeps his units alive with medivacs. Scouting factory is almost killed.
13:00 P 90 T 117 3rd nexus for State beginning as well as 3/3 and a warp prism. TheStC is still camping the area outside State's natural.
14:00 P 103 T 141 TheStC scouts the 3rd of State and State immediately moves out to defend it. Stalkers attack the MM without collosi and have to blink back. The 3rd for State finishes.
15:00 P 121 T 171 Stalkers still monitoring the army of TheStC State hallucinates 2 collosi and attacks the army of TheStC.
16:00 P 114 T 150 The entire army of State dies but DT's force the army to retreat. TheStC moves into the third as state attempts to stem the tide of reinforcements.
17:30 P 100 T 137 The third of State dies and TheStC moves into the natural. Desperation dt's do nothing and are morphing into archons. Reinforcements arrive for TheStC and the natural pretty much dies. Last desperation attempt with pulled probes dies. State GG's. 1-1
★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (2)
★ - Do not see this game no matter what (1)
★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (0)
★★★★ - Highly recommended game (0)
9 total votes
Your vote: Recommend TheStC vs State G2?
(Vote): ★★★★★ - One of the best games this season (Vote): ★★★★ - Highly recommended game (Vote): ★★★ - Good game (Vote): ★★ - Not recommended unless you have nothing better to do (Vote): ★ - Do not see this game no matter what
TheStC spawns in the bottom right State spawns in the bottom left
1:00 Gateway for State and no barracks for TheStC
2:00 CC first for TheStC Cybernetics core on 1 gas for State.
3:00 nothing interesting happens
4:00 Nexus for State
5:00 2 barracks producing marines for TheStC. Mothership core finishes for State Robotics facility/Twilight council for State.
6:00 Bunker finishes at TheStC's natural as he pokes with 6 marines DT tech starting for state.
7:00 TheStC loses all but one of his marines and an scv, seeing almost no units at the natural.
8:00 Stim and +1 attack for TheStC 1 forge for State. Split DTs, the one in the natural dies because of a missile turret but the one in the main does stuff.
9:00 2 scans but 2 DTs still alive. One dies because of a missle turret as the other is picked up.
10:00 6 workers at TheStC's main dead Widow mine drop kill 2 probes.
11:00 MM drop in the main killed little but sees colossus tech. A full medivac dies for TheStC.
They should be abusing the zoom out and new units lost tab just to show off the features in the brand new patch, which should encourage other tournaments to start using those features. (I didn't watch ASUS ROG, not sure if they used either.)