Usual rules apply: No balance whining, caster/player bashing etc. Let's have fun! |
Australia54784 Posts
Australia54784 Posts
Poll: Which Day 1 match are you looking forward to the most?MarineKing vs. jjakji (169) 32% Flash vs. Bly (165) 31% HuK vs. INnoVation (65) 12% Rain vs. Seed (44) 8% Leenock vs. BabyKnight (39) 7% Ret vs. Suppy (19) 4% Sen vs. ViBE (18) 3% PartinG vs. State (8) 2% 527 total votes Your vote: Which Day 1 match are you looking forward to the most? (Vote): MarineKing vs. jjakji (Vote): Flash vs. Bly (Vote): Rain vs. Seed (Vote): Leenock vs. BabyKnight (Vote): PartinG vs. State (Vote): HuK vs. INnoVation (Vote): Ret vs. Suppy (Vote): Sen vs. ViBE
Poll: Who will impress the most on Day 1?Flash (178) 37% MarineKing (66) 14% jjakji (31) 6% INnoVation (31) 6% HuK (27) 6% Leenock (25) 5% Ret (24) 5% BabyKnight (21) 4% Rain (18) 4% Bly (11) 2% PartinG (10) 2% Seed (10) 2% Suppy (10) 2% Sen (9) 2% ViBE (7) 1% State (5) 1% 483 total votes Your vote: Who will impress the most on Day 1? (Vote): Flash (Vote): MarineKing (Vote): Rain (Vote): Leenock (Vote): PartinG (Vote): jjakji (Vote): Seed (Vote): INnoVation (Vote): HuK (Vote): Sen (Vote): Ret (Vote): BabyKnight (Vote): Suppy (Vote): ViBE (Vote): Bly (Vote): State
United States994 Posts
I love your posts
Australia54784 Posts
On March 14 2013 14:53 MLG_Adam wrote:I love your posts  thanks! i love your tournaments :D
so many good matches in round 1, voted for mkp vs jjakji that should be sick.
United States994 Posts
On March 14 2013 14:54 opterown wrote:thanks! i love your tournaments :D
If you ever make it to a MLG, VIP is on me
NOOOOOO dont get home till 5 on Friday ill miss Huk
Are you going to be able to see vods if you don't have the HD pass ?
will there be a restream at a more european friendly time?
also, people seem to underestimate leenock, good
mlg and their fantasy-timezones. allways have to google the time ^^ babyknight fighting!
Looking for Flash to make a splash at the MLG bash and win a bunch of cash.
MKP is going to crush many dreams at this MLG. One way or the other.
I just hope that Flash has had enough time to practice HotS.
Australia54784 Posts
On March 14 2013 15:52 ZenithM wrote: MKP is going to crush many dreams at this MLG. One way or the other. hopefully not ours!
Hype! Looking forward to seeing if anyone manages to pull off a solid upset.
God is playing at 3.30 in the morning?
MKP has a good chance of making the finals. So far I have Mvp vs MKP in the finals...and you know the rest.
Mvp/Flash finals would be amazing!!
This should be a great tournament. so many new build orders to steal ^_^
Sweet! I'll most likely be watching this event with a katzenjammer unfortunately. Why you may ask? Well, it's rather byzantine so forget it. But in other news this event shall redivivus my love for Starcraft! It's going to be epic fellas!