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On December 01 2012 11:53 Laryleprakon wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 11:43 Acchernar wrote:On December 01 2012 11:39 sulit wrote: wow only players left are koreans. Man, we suck lol. Also why such low viewership?
Could be because it's also streamed on the IGN website, so twitch viewers are only part of the total. Well, that and the fact there's up to 8 channels of stuff going on, so any one channel getting massive numbers is less likely. [Edit] Forgot there's an IPL iOS app too now, so a good bit of viewers there too presumably. We are coming to the end of a crazy month of Sc2 as well, it's hard for people to watch all of it every weekend especially with a four day event. I'm sure the finals day will be much higher numbers. Seriously, the amount of tournaments has been insane O_o.
Anyone knows where to find the Songlist of IPL 5? Intro, Map and so on music? Shouldn't it be in the GSL Music list on TL?
polt polt polt polt polt <3333
or bomber pleaseeeeee ;((
edit: sorry i looked at the bracket and saw leenock 1 - 0 polt. They continue the match today or polt already lose it ? I didn't have chance to watch those games ><
Did the match Polt vs Leenock took place yet`? Liquipedia says 1:0 for Leenock ?=! Please tell me!
Gogoo Bomber and HerO! You can get back from the loser's bracket !
On December 01 2012 18:46 TheR1pper wrote: Anyone knows where to find the Songlist of IPL 5? Intro, Map and so on music? Shouldn't it be in the GSL Music list on TL? I know that IPL has played music from Monstercat Media (music.monstercat.com), however I don't remember every single son that was played.
Rooting for Bomber, polt and thestc!!
IPL y u no update brackets T_T
LP has the same result brackets
On December 01 2012 18:02 Integra wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 11:53 Laryleprakon wrote:On December 01 2012 11:43 Acchernar wrote:On December 01 2012 11:39 sulit wrote: wow only players left are koreans. Man, we suck lol. Also why such low viewership?
Could be because it's also streamed on the IGN website, so twitch viewers are only part of the total. Well, that and the fact there's up to 8 channels of stuff going on, so any one channel getting massive numbers is less likely. [Edit] Forgot there's an IPL iOS app too now, so a good bit of viewers there too presumably. We are coming to the end of a crazy month of Sc2 as well, it's hard for people to watch all of it every weekend especially with a four day event. I'm sure the finals day will be much higher numbers. Seriously, the amount of tournaments has been insane O_o.
Yep, i am fucking tired of having to choose between having a life on weekends or not because of the tournaments.
Damn so many zergs... its getting boring even for zerg players :D
Here are the current standings after the top 12 have been established. (As well as one game of Polt vs Leenock and the whole match Violet vs Symbol.)
Most likely winners: Leenock: 51.31% viOLet: 33.04% Polt: 7.67% Creator: 2.20% Symbol: 1.81% DongRaeGu: 1.67% HerO: 0.92% Sniper: 0.65% Bomber: 0.56% TheStC: 0.07% Sleep: 0.05% BBoongBBoong: 0.04%
details, data source, code
+ Show Spoiler [Life expectancies] + Leenock: 11.09 rounds (top 2) viOLet: 11.03 rounds (top 2) Polt: 9.24 rounds (top 4) Symbol: 8.77 rounds (top 4) DongRaeGu: 7.39 rounds (top 8) Creator: 7.39 rounds (top 8) HerO: 7.22 rounds (top 8) Sniper: 7.06 rounds (top 8) Bomber: 6.79 rounds (top 8) Sleep: 6.78 rounds (top 8) BBoongBBoong: 6.71 rounds (top 8) TheStC: 6.53 rounds (top 8) HyuN: 5.00 rounds (top 16) HuK: 5.00 rounds (top 16) xigua: 5.00 rounds (top 16) Snute: 5.00 rounds (top 16) Squirtle: 4.00 rounds (top 24) YoDa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Life: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Scarlett: 4.00 rounds (top 24) TaeJa: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Crank: 4.00 rounds (top 24) aLive: 4.00 rounds (top 24) San: 4.00 rounds (top 24) Sea: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Vortix: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Ryung: 3.00 rounds (top 32) MC: 3.00 rounds (top 32) sculp: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Bogus: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Seed: 3.00 rounds (top 32) Stephano: 3.00 rounds (top 32) puCK: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ViBE: 2.00 rounds (top 40) goswser: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Naniwa: 2.00 rounds (top 40) MMA: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Shine: 2.00 rounds (top 40) ToD: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Heart: 2.00 rounds (top 40) Nerchio: 1.00 rounds (top 56) TubbyTheFat: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Byun: 1.00 rounds (top 56) CatZ: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Caliber: 1.00 rounds (top 56) HwangSin: 1.00 rounds (top 56) GanZi: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Golden: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Genius: 1.00 rounds (top 56) drewbie: 1.00 rounds (top 56) ByuL: 1.00 rounds (top 56) MaSsan: 1.00 rounds (top 56) luvsic: 1.00 rounds (top 56) LucifroN: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Sasquatch: 1.00 rounds (top 56) theognis: 1.00 rounds (top 56) Shuttle: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Glon: 0.00 rounds (top 72) sLivko: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Perfect: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Apocalypse: 0.00 rounds (top 72) Eifersuchtig: 0.00 rounds (top 72) TriMaster: 0.00 rounds (top 72) daisuki: 0.00 rounds (top 72) MajOr: 0.00 rounds (top 72) + Show Spoiler [Placements] + Top 72 Top 56 Top 40 Top 32 Top 24 Top 16 Top 12 Top 8 Top 6 Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Win HyuN: 100.00% BBoongBBoong: 51.66% 32.95% 10.27% 3.47% 1.17% 0.44% 0.04% Sea: 100.00% Nerchio: 100.00% puCK: 100.00% Creator: 40.31% 24.71% 13.43% 8.26% 5.83% 5.26% 2.20% Shuttle: 100.00% DongRaeGu: 33.72% 32.65% 13.97% 7.93% 5.44% 4.62% 1.67% TubbyTheFat: 100.00% Byun: 100.00% Squirtle: 100.00% CatZ: 100.00% YoDa: 100.00% Sniper: 52.38% 16.16% 15.80% 8.39% 4.03% 2.57% 0.65% Glon: 100.00% TheStC: 66.28% 22.28% 6.63% 2.90% 1.22% 0.63% 0.07% ViBE: 100.00% Vortix: 100.00% Caliber: 100.00% Bomber: 59.69% 20.36% 9.53% 5.07% 2.82% 1.96% 0.56% sLivko: 100.00% Life: 100.00% Perfect: 100.00% HwangSin: 100.00% HuK: 100.00% Leenock: 5.96% 4.50% 15.38% 22.84% 51.31% Apocalypse: 100.00% GanZi: 100.00% goswser: 100.00% Ryung: 100.00% Eifersuchtig: 100.00% Golden: 100.00% Genius: 100.00% Scarlett: 100.00% drewbie: 100.00% Naniwa: 100.00% TriMaster: 100.00% MC: 100.00% daisuki: 100.00% MMA: 100.00% Shine: 100.00% sculp: 100.00% Symbol: 56.45% 21.58% 11.94% 8.21% 1.81% ByuL: 100.00% Bogus: 100.00% MaSsan: 100.00% luvsic: 100.00% LucifroN: 100.00% viOLet: 29.92% 37.04% 33.04% ToD: 100.00% Seed: 100.00% Sasquatch: 100.00% Heart: 100.00% MajOr: 100.00% Stephano: 100.00% theognis: 100.00% HerO: 47.62% 16.68% 16.85% 9.55% 4.92% 3.46% 0.92% TaeJa: 100.00% Polt: 39.72% 24.19% 16.03% 12.39% 7.67% Crank: 100.00% xigua: 100.00% Sleep: 48.34% 34.21% 11.40% 4.15% 1.30% 0.55% 0.05% aLive: 100.00% Snute: 100.00% San: 100.00% + Show Spoiler [Most likely to be eliminated by...] + HyuN: DongRaeGu (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: Sleep (51.66%) HerO (17.48%) Sniper (15.47%) Sea: Life (100.00%) Nerchio: Naniwa (100.00%) puCK: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Creator: Bomber (40.31%) DongRaeGu (18.64%) Symbol (13.43%) Shuttle: Nerchio (100.00%) DongRaeGu: TheStC (33.72%) Creator (20.94%) Symbol (13.97%) TubbyTheFat: Shine (100.00%) Byun: MMA (100.00%) Squirtle: xigua (100.00%) CatZ: sculp (100.00%) YoDa: HuK (100.00%) Sniper: HerO (52.38%) Polt (12.95%) Sleep ( 8.56%) Glon: ViBE (100.00%) TheStC: DongRaeGu (66.28%) Creator (14.04%) Bomber ( 8.24%) ViBE: Vortix (100.00%) Vortix: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Caliber: ToD (100.00%) Bomber: Creator (59.69%) DongRaeGu (14.99%) Symbol ( 9.53%) sLivko: Vortix (100.00%) Life: Snute (100.00%) Perfect: HwangSin (100.00%) HwangSin: Heart (100.00%) HuK: Sniper (100.00%) Leenock: viOLet (18.68%) Polt ( 5.87%) Symbol ( 5.38%) Apocalypse: GanZi (100.00%) GanZi: Stephano (100.00%) goswser: HuK (100.00%) Ryung: HuK (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Golden (100.00%) Golden: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Genius: Sea (100.00%) Scarlett: DongRaeGu (100.00%) drewbie: puCK (100.00%) Naniwa: Sea (100.00%) TriMaster: drewbie (100.00%) MC: Sniper (100.00%) daisuki: MMA (100.00%) MMA: Squirtle (100.00%) Shine: sculp (100.00%) sculp: Bomber (100.00%) Symbol: Creator (21.56%) DongRaeGu (19.66%) Leenock (12.37%) ByuL: Squirtle (100.00%) Bogus: Squirtle (100.00%) MaSsan: Sniper (100.00%) luvsic: ViBE (100.00%) LucifroN: Vortix (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (31.27%) Polt ( 9.53%) Symbol ( 7.23%) ToD: Sniper (100.00%) Seed: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sasquatch: HuK (100.00%) Heart: Stephano (100.00%) MajOr: Sasquatch (100.00%) Stephano: HyuN (100.00%) theognis: goswser (100.00%) HerO: Sniper (47.62%) Polt (13.79%) Sleep ( 8.89%) TaeJa: Sniper (100.00%) Polt: HerO (16.81%) Sniper (13.94%) Leenock (12.35%) Crank: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) xigua: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Sleep: BBoongBBoo (48.34%) HerO (18.22%) Sniper (15.98%) aLive: HyuN (100.00%) Snute: Bomber (100.00%) San: Bomber (100.00%) + Show Spoiler [Most likely to be sent to the losers b…] + HyuN: Creator (100.00%) BBoongBBoong: HyuN (100.00%) Sea: BBoongBBoo (100.00%) Nerchio: puCK (100.00%) puCK: Creator (100.00%) Creator: Polt (100.00%) Shuttle: Creator (100.00%) DongRaeGu: YoDa (100.00%) TubbyTheFat: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Byun: DongRaeGu (100.00%) Squirtle: YoDa (100.00%) CatZ: Squirtle (100.00%) YoDa: Polt (100.00%) Sniper: TheStC (100.00%) Glon: Sniper (100.00%) TheStC: Leenock (100.00%) ViBE: TheStC (100.00%) Vortix: Caliber (100.00%) Caliber: Bomber (100.00%) Bomber: TheStC (100.00%) sLivko: Bomber (100.00%) Life: Leenock (100.00%) Perfect: Life (100.00%) HwangSin: HuK (100.00%) HuK: Life (100.00%) Leenock: viOLet (42.72%) Polt (18.80%) Symbol ( 2.07%) Apocalypse: Leenock (100.00%) GanZi: goswser (100.00%) goswser: Leenock (100.00%) Ryung: Scarlett (100.00%) Eifersuchtig: Ryung (100.00%) Golden: Genius (100.00%) Genius: Ryung (100.00%) Scarlett: Sleep (100.00%) drewbie: Scarlett (100.00%) Naniwa: Scarlett (100.00%) TriMaster: Naniwa (100.00%) MC: Symbol (100.00%) daisuki: MC (100.00%) MMA: Shine (100.00%) Shine: MC (100.00%) sculp: Symbol (100.00%) Symbol: viOLet (100.00%) ByuL: Symbol (100.00%) Bogus: viOLet (100.00%) MaSsan: Bogus (100.00%) luvsic: Bogus (100.00%) LucifroN: viOLet (100.00%) viOLet: Leenock (63.88%) Polt (11.12%) Symbol ( 1.75%) ToD: viOLet (100.00%) Seed: HerO (100.00%) Sasquatch: Seed (100.00%) Heart: Seed (100.00%) MajOr: Heart (100.00%) Stephano: HerO (100.00%) theognis: Stephano (100.00%) HerO: viOLet (100.00%) TaeJa: Creator (100.00%) Polt: Leenock (84.39%) viOLet (10.73%) Symbol ( 0.38%) Crank: TheStC (100.00%) xigua: Leenock (100.00%) Sleep: Symbol (100.00%) aLive: Symbol (100.00%) Snute: viOLet (100.00%) San: HerO (100.00%)
On December 01 2012 19:04 WerderBremen wrote: Did the match Polt vs Leenock took place yet`? Liquipedia says 1:0 for Leenock ?=! Please tell me! It's my understanding that the rest was postponed to today.
On December 01 2012 19:04 WerderBremen wrote: Did the match Polt vs Leenock took place yet`? Liquipedia says 1:0 for Leenock ?=! Please tell me!
the game lagged hard in game 1 and they stopped casting it, but they finished the game and leenock won and decided to finish series tomorrow
United Kingdom50293 Posts
I honestly forgot B4 and sleep were still in the tournament, they'd probably outdo alive for least wanted champion ever if they won.
On December 01 2012 20:05 Fusilero wrote: I honestly forgot B4 and sleep were still in the tournament, they'd probably outdo alive for least wanted champion ever if they won. Dude, BB is the shit. That'd be so awesome. Especially after going through from losers' bracket round 2, of all places.
United Kingdom50293 Posts
On December 01 2012 20:08 TheBB wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 20:05 Fusilero wrote: I honestly forgot B4 and sleep were still in the tournament, they'd probably outdo alive for least wanted champion ever if they won. Dude, BB is the shit. That'd be so awesome. Especially after going through from losers' bracket round 2, of all places. You're blatantly biased towards players with multiple Bs in their name though.
will polt vs. leenock be played today?
On December 01 2012 20:12 JimPanzer wrote: will polt vs. leenock be played today?
Look a few posts above, i asked the same question.
On December 01 2012 20:05 PviLLe3 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 01 2012 19:04 WerderBremen wrote: Did the match Polt vs Leenock took place yet`? Liquipedia says 1:0 for Leenock ?=! Please tell me! the game lagged hard in game 1 and they stopped casting it, but they finished the game and leenock won and decided to finish series tomorrow
Thanks for the answers!
So far, Huk and BBoong are the most surprising overperformers (they only get this far 4.5% of the time—Violet lagging bit behind yet at 6%) and Slivko is the most surprising underperformer (does this poorly only 7.7% of the time).
That is, disregarding Sea, who was so without data that he was vastly underrated. According to my numbers, Sea could only be expected to get this far 0.01% of the time, which is clearly wrong.